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Spoilers.. WHO IS THE BETRAYER? want your opinions.


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I highly doubt Jadus, would be too obvious.


I experienced a little bug at the end, when you sit on the throne and you see the traitor from behind. His dark robe glitxhed away on his lower bidy half. He wore a black robe bottom; which had kind of a golden decoration on it in a "v" shape. Kinda reminded me of the scions. But due to that golden decoration i highly doubt Jadus, he wouldn't wear something like that. And because of that I also exclude theron and lana. And how would it be Malgus? The traitor had body type 2, Malgus is 3.

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I highly doubt Jadus, would be too obvious.


I experienced a little bug at the end, when you sit on the throne and you see the traitor from behind. His dark robe glitxhed away on his lower bidy half. He wore a black robe bottom; which had kind of a golden decoration on it in a "v" shape. Kinda reminded me of the scions. But due to that golden decoration i highly doubt Jadus, he wouldn't wear something like that. And because of that I also exclude theron and lana. And how would it be Malgus? The traitor had body type 2, Malgus is 3.

That shadowy person could also just an agent of said traitor and not the person themselves, so the visual there doesnt really confirm or deny much either way.

Edited by thepilk
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It has to be someone that all player characters would feel betrayed by. It can't be Jadus because why would a JK (for instance) feel betrayed by him? Can't be Jace because it was a Body Type 2 person and Jace is Body Type 3.


It can't be Koth because some people killed him. Same goes for any companion who had an Alliance Alert because not everyone did all the Alliance Alerts. Also can't be Kaliyo/Jorgan/Vette/Torian because not everyone made the same choices.


Also, the frame looked male, had Body Type 2, and they had light brown hands or they were wearing brown gloves.


Off the top of my head I can think of a few unreturned companions who match the description: Andronikos Revel, Vector Hyllus, Corso Riggs (again, off the top of my head. There's probably more). But, as I pointed out with Jadus, why would any class not tied to those characters specifically feel betrayed? Why would my JK feel the ultimate betrayal over someone like Vector Hyllus betraying her? Not even getting into the fact that, in this instance, he's a bit more steady and calm; not someone who is feeling rage, betrayal, hurt, etc like Tyth said. But for this example, the ONLY character who would feel betrayal over Vector is my Imperial Agent.


It can't be Bey'wan Aygo because...really? What? Like, he's such a non-entity in the overall grand scheme of things that I couldn't even remember his name and had to Google it for this post.


No. It has to be somebody that EVERYONE has. Someone that all of our characters have trusted. Someone whose betrayal would REALLY hurt.


It's Theron Shan. I really, really, REALLY want to be wrong about this. I actually hope I am.


But think about it. He wasn't in the room with our characters when they sat on the throne. He, a friggin' SPY, got all fidgety over the thought of Lana monitoring the entire Alliance. Remember when the Alliance first formed and how in one of his letters he said that *HE* was monitoring everyone's comms and messages? Why is he suddenly against it? Also, in light of this possible suspicion, remember the look he had on his face the entire time he was on screen? He looked like someone who was going to be sick. I thought it was because he seemed real uncomfortable working with Jace. But maybe Jace gave a command to neutralize the Commander and Theron is reluctantly going through with it.


That's my guess at the very least. Again, I really hope I'm wrong because it would break my JK as a character (she's romancing him).


But if it IS him, well, remember I predicted it :D


ETA: Upon further thought, I suppose it could also be one of the scions. Basing this off someone's post above saying they saw a glitch with a golden V on the person's clothes. That's probably a better bet than Theron. And we are supposed to be seeing them again.


But, TBH, I really doubt anyone would feel super hurt and betrayed by a bunch of people who have already betrayed our "Outlanders." However, it's unoriginal enough that BW will probably do it, given their track record for blowing small, stupid story things that people don't really care about out of proportion. :rolleyes:

Edited by AngFour
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I doubt Theron is actually monitoring everyone's mail - or, if he tries, he's not doing it successfully. If an Outlander tries to kill Satele in KotFE ch. 12, Lana subsequently intercepts and edits mail to Theron from Satele.


Much ado about nothing, but I sort of resent both Lana and Theron being spies. She has the whole sithy thing going for her. His thing is spying. Grumble, mumble...

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I doubt Theron is actually monitoring everyone's mail - or, if he tries, he's not doing it successfully. If an Outlander tries to kill Satele in KotFE ch. 12, Lana subsequently intercepts and edits mail to Theron from Satele.


Much ado about nothing, but I sort of resent both Lana and Theron being spies. She has the whole sithy thing going for her. His thing is spying. Grumble, mumble...


Well seeing as Theron can't find the guy who is connected to a million other minds (Vector), I'm really starting to doubt how effective Theron is in the grand scheme of things :p

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I doubt Theron is actually monitoring everyone's mail - or, if he tries, he's not doing it successfully. If an Outlander tries to kill Satele in KotFE ch. 12, Lana subsequently intercepts and edits mail to Theron from Satele.


Much ado about nothing, but I sort of resent both Lana and Theron being spies. She has the whole sithy thing going for her. His thing is spying. Grumble, mumble...


You resent characters in a video game?

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It isn't Theron.


Did you not see the arms of the person in the black robe? Notice anything unusual about them?


Last time I checked, Theron doesn't have tattoos, bud.


I didn't see tattoos, so I'll take your word for it.


However last I checked, we can't even SEE Theron's arms because they're covered by an unremovable red jacket that's 2 sizes too small.


Gotta wonder what the guy might be hiding :p

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I would say it's Theron for sure if there was only Empire storyline available. He's a perfect candidate for one with his loyalty to the Republic and family history. But if you go with the Republic, it makes no sense whatsoever. Still, to be a "traitor", it must be someone both unkillable and close to the Alliance, so the list isn't that huge.
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YI don't know why, but if someone would say to me now: Give me a name: I would say Lana. Why? Nobody expects this kinda thing from her. Even though though Theron and Lana kinda have the same position I always felt like Lana supports me 100%, probably due to the fact that she was the one saving the outlander, not theron! Also she is a very intelligent person and even though she's a sith I don't feel like she is as much dedicated to the empire as theron is to the republic, so her betrayal would probably also fit (depends on the reason) if you side with the empire.
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Lol. Well okay. Maybe I didn't see it properly, but there was something odd about the arms of the cloaked figure.


In the long-run, it wouldn't really matter. If you're playing a LS character, you'll simply redeem them, they'll get all weepy, you'll welcome them back, blah blah blah.


By the by, does anyone know if this 'expansion' is complete? Or is it going to be a WOP? Meaning do we know who the Traitor is in this expansion volume?

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Lol. Well okay. Maybe I didn't see it properly, but there was something odd about the arms of the cloaked figure.


In the long-run, it wouldn't really matter. If you're playing a LS character, you'll simply redeem them, they'll get all weepy, you'll welcome them back, blah blah blah.


By the by, does anyone know if this 'expansion' is complete? Or is it going to be a WOP? Meaning do we know who the Traitor is in this expansion volume?

As far as I know this gets continued in a future Umbara flashpoint. At least that's what I've heard

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I got the glitch where the robe kinda freaked out, and somebody in the general chat on Iokath mentioned seein black finger nails, which leads me to think Vaylin, but we put a lightsaber through her a while back so that kind of complicates things, unless she's channeling her inner Maul.


I also thought the Scions, but they haven't really been relevant in a long time. SCORPIO somehow getting herself a body to roam around with is plausible but kinda predictable. I also thought it could be Valkorion, Vitiate, whatever we're calling him. He did technically split himself in two to be Valkorion, so did the other half which was the Sith Emperor just disappear or is he still out there?


Can't see it being Lana or Theron, it doesn't make much sense. The only Alliance companions left that were never killable are T7 and Gault, and they're not really worth even considering

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I would say it's Theron for sure if there was only Empire storyline available. He's a perfect candidate for one with his loyalty to the Republic and family history. But if you go with the Republic, it makes no sense whatsoever. Still, to be a "traitor", it must be someone both unkillable and close to the Alliance, so the list isn't that huge.


Thing is, it doesn't matter which side you choose. The "Commander" is in control of a massive fleet that basically destroyed both the Republic and the Empire. Imperial or Republic leaning, it doesn't matter, the Alliance is in control of it and is, therefore, a possible threat. Yeah our character might side with the Republic in everything they do, but in someone like Jace's mind it's, "Yeah. For now. Until they don't, then we're boned." And he's absolutely right. So it doesn't matter how goody-two-shoes Light 5 my Jedi Knight is, it just takes one order. Just one. And that one order is one order too many.


Another note: Theron isn't entirely loyal to the Republic. Not anymore. The newest lore entry mentioned that he and Jace had a huge falling out when Theron walked away. Even Theron himself mentioned that he got tired of how the Republic was dealing with things so he left.


Hurt. Betrayal. Pain. I can see Theron feeling this way. Not at the Commander, not directly at least. But at everything that's gone wrong in his life. Mother abandoned him. He's not Force Sensitive (which makes him feel like a failure-or at the very least inadequate. This is gathered from the comics as well as his book), the Republic is corrupt. Everything is falling apart. I can almost see it, can't you?


I cannot stress how much I really hope I'm wrong though.


However, I'm happy that something interesting is happening and worth talking about and speculating over for the next few months :D

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You resent characters in a video game?

If "resenting characters in a video game" is shorthand for resenting bad writing in a video game, or particularly irksome qualities that characters are given, then yes. If you're (somewhat insultingly?) asking me if I'm failing to separate fictional characters from real people, then no.


We know more about almost every other companion compared with Lana, yet she's very central. We know some things that are important to her (mainly the PC; she seems to be willing to sacrifice almost anything else), but not how she came to have this personality. She comes relatively out of nowhere, compared with Theron, who has a lot of extra material and more setup in the prior story (with his family). In terms of her role as a spy, I find it particularly annoying that she's chosen to head sith intelligence even if your character is an imperial agent. In that situation, I appreciate Marr's rather defensive response that it's sith intelligence, and I guess it makes an amount of sense considering that the previous model of imperial intelligence has been swept aside, but I still find it bothersome. To me, Lana is another one of Bioware's "writer's pet" characters like Liara or Leliana (what's with the similar names anyway?) who's given a very central story role in spite of most other characters being written better.


But, honestly, if I'm going to talk about bad writing in the context of the present material, then Lana seems amazing by comparison. Iokath was a disappointment to me in writing terms. Our character has been with the Alliance for a while now and may have become quite invested in this whole "working together" business. My main character certainly is. Yet we don't seem to have any option to express such a view - we just have to accept being told that we need to side with one or the other faction. Acina acts stupidly by comparison with her previous appearances, and Jace is far less nuanced here than, for example, his characterization in the Annihilation novel.


At least in the case of my consular, there's been no interaction between Aric Jorgan and Elara Dorne, no welcome back for the last lost member of Havoc Squad. Having already not had the option to ask Jorgan (who used to know Felix Iresso) if he'd seen my consular's companion and husband during the interim, I was not hugely surprised at also not being able to ask Dorne, but to not even get to ask the supreme commander of the Republic military is sad. Plus there was pretty much no interaction between my consular and Dorne, only her introductory scene. I notice her in my companion list a while later, but she has nothing to say to me.


Then having everything in the story just stop at an ops gate... I was hoping for something more like the approach taken on Yavin. :/ I had plenty of issues with the writing throughout the Zakuul arc, but maybe we were actually spoiled all along.

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At this point I have no idea who this mysterious betrayer might be, and I like it that way. Let's see where we are going to go with this story line in the future. I will say this though: I am intrigued. I am interested and I am wondering. I hope that whoever it is, that the story of their betrayal is handled well (none of the awkward, bungled handling of the Sith Emperor post-Ziost).


We'd better hang on because we may have a bumpy ride ahead. There are traitors among us!

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My game was glitching out massively during that scene, I got to see a little more of the traitor than I should have. No names, but a lot of narrowing down:



They were wearing scion robes under the black robe, the robe itself was flapping in every direction,

and I'm pretty sure that while doing so I could make out the shape of breasts. I'm fairly sure it was a female in zakuulan-esque robes, though I may be wrong.


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Funny thing, I didn't realise my game glitched until I saw other's gameplay. My traitor walked in topless. Female, red skin, I think she might be a pureblood.


There's also the possibility that the person here is simply a placeholder model until they have the reveal.


She could be an agent of the betrayer. Which makes me suspect Malgus as 'The Betrayer' is LITERALLY his title.

Edited by Codedrago
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