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Keith - As the new producer........


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.....I'd like to congratulate you on the promotion! I'm glad to see a new face in such a pivotal role. I'm personally going to hold back my more recent vitriol and extend to you an olive branch in the form of the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping that you have a great deal of plans and ideas to execute in this new position, so that we can all start to enjoy and grow things together.


Also, I'd like for you to please keep the lines of communication open with us, and on a regular basis. Even if it is information that might make some mad at first, please, please keep the dialog open. And one more thing, losen up Musco's chains so the he can interact more with us. Especially in the event that you and your team are tied up.


I'm looking forward to this change, rebuilding trust, and hopefully the new direction you will bring to the game. Best of luck.

Edited by Darkside
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It does seem like this change has the potential for some new directions for the game...here's hoping!


In particular, as a player who values story and immersion, getting an option to turn off the DvL pop-ups would be a hopefully small change to implement, but one that would make a huge difference in my enjoyment of the game.

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I wish Keith good luck and much success in his new position!

(And just as well the same to Ben.)


@Keith: please bring back class and companion stories back!

I know it's a tall order, but that is what the original vision of this game is.

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LOL, we're all so happy that we tripped over each other to share the news :D


I was like wow! I figured I'd be waiting a while lol. I don't think even a minute passed lol. But you're right it's nice news and I hope everyone will be happy. :)

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Many of you may recognize me from our livestreams when Eric Musco gives me a shout out as, “my boss, Keith,” while others of you have met me at our Cantina Events, or on calls with players and our influencer programs. And, quite of few of you know me as a dedicated player, as I play on several different servers with multiple characters.


In my previous role as Director of Live Services for SWTOR, my primary responsibilities were to ensure the game servers were live, that player blocking issues were quickly identified and resolved, and to be the main interface between BioWare and our Customer Service organization. Essentially, anything impacting our players fell to me and my team to get resolved.


This Keith is a customer service person and appears not part of any development team.

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Ben Irving "moving on to another opportunity" is one of the best gifts EAWare could give to us, really. I'm so happy with that news that I'm thinking of throwing a party over it in real life!


Hi Keith, if you're reading this! I saw your letter on the website, and let me say it's really nice to know the new lead producer for this game is someone who actually plays this game and understands what players go through! I know you've just received a lot of problems dumped straight into your lap. I don't envy you your job right now, but I'm hoping your moving up into this position will be a turn-around point for the game and the company both!

Edited by AscendingSky
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Darn, I was going to make this thread, but then I got distracted and........uhh, didn't.

Welcome, Keith! I hope the job treats you well and I hope that your experience with TOR as a player will lead to many good things for us, and for you, now that you are in the Producers seat.

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@Keith: please bring back class and companion stories back!

I know it's a tall order, but that is what the original vision of this game is.


That unfortunately will never happen. Class stories died the moment the game started to go belly up in 2012, forcing the game to go free to play record time, and leading to a couple hundred devs getting laid off.


The people and resources just aren't there for large updates with eight separate class stories similar to the level 1 through 50 content.


The best you can hope for is a return to two separate faction stories, with maybe a single class quest similar to the content in Shadow of Revan.

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Congrats Keith. Something you might want to consider is merging a few servers, especially Jedi Covenant and Shadowlands, as well as whatever dead servers are left with the live ones. It's really hurting the game.


Let's be honest, the game has problems and it''s best to start solving them.

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