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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Basic Mistakes Have You Made Recently?


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None of the marauder's resist last more than 6 seconds, so since the node take 6 s to cap, he'd have needed to have JUST applied it when you stealthed. If it was Gravity vortex you'd have been popped out of stealth right away from the DoT component of force crush, so I expect he hit you with obfjuscate just as you stealthed out and you tried to mez him toward the end of it, IF its effectively the marauder's resisting.


My personnal opinion is : Force cloak is sometime iffy and doesnt correctly drop combat, and thus your stealth mez doesnt work instantly. Its important to confirm you did drop combat upon stealthing out in this case where you want to mez.


My sap icon was lit, so we were out of combat. It just didn't apply. It consumed a gcd, made a noise n all. So he resisted it somehow. I still am not 100% sure why. I assumed it was the immunity granted by camo. So when I stealthed out, i believe Nomulas, the mara, immediately applied camo and began activating the node in unison. So with him and I each out of combat, I can mez (or at least i can activate the ability) and his camo immunity is still up (requires him to be out of combat too). Obviously, if I saw the buff (and knew what it entailed) I woulda just attacked him normally.


Now all that said, he may have applied the reduce accuracy debuff on me (obfuscate) and my mez may have just 'missed'. Tho I'm not really sure if that dcd works on my sap..

Edited by AndriusAjax
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Didn't notice my 65 PT had no gear on since I had sent it to my 70's PT. That was some fun times.


You ain't beating the naked operative in solo ranked that forgot to grab his gear from mailbox xD


Ask Wise, we managed to win no idea how.


Sorc dps carry ftw. (the darn operative did decently for a naked guy tough)

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My sap icon was lit, so we were out of combat. It just didn't apply. It consumed a gcd, made a noise n all. So he resisted it somehow. I still am not 100% sure why. I assumed it was the immunity granted by camo. So when I stealthed out, i believe Nomulas, the mara, immediately applied camo and began activating the node in unison. So with him and I each out of combat, I can mez (or at least i can activate the ability) and his camo immunity is still up (requires him to be out of combat too). Obviously, if I saw the buff (and knew what it entailed) I woulda just attacked him normally.


Now all that said, he may have applied the reduce accuracy debuff on me (obfuscate) and my mez may have just 'missed'. Tho I'm not really sure if that dcd works on my sap..


Force Camo breaks out as soon as you make an action, unless I'm really mistaken, and if it doesnt its darn game breaking. As said of the 2 CC immunity mara has, 1 is in fact a 75% force/tech resist, and the other is an actual cc immunity, but both require an effect to be offensively applied to your target to be effective. I did just think tough, if he had his Saber Ward up, this can be specced to give a stun/mez immunity for 6 second as well.

Edited by verfallen
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I queued without a full premade and/or trusted vital roles (like guarding) on pugs.


Other than that?

  • Double-tapped Force Storm, AoE'ing myself instead of the objective.
  • "Ah, they don't have enough burst, there's no need to use defensives just yet."
  • "The tank is good, he will guardswap before they burst me down."
  • Forgetting to place Phase Walk even when I had it off cooldown for long.
  • Falling for Ruthless Agressor. Every single time.
  • "Brawn must have expired by now."
  • Using breaker as a stun breaker when against Mercs.
  • Tunnel vision going forward in Huttball.
  • Trying to carry the ball as a Sorc.
  • Trying to Phase Walk while netted.

Edited by Schoock
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I queued without a full premade and/or trusted vital roles (like guarding) on pugs.


Other than that?

  • Double-tapped Force Storm, AoE'ing myself instead of the objective.
  • "Ah, they don't have enough burst, there's no need to use defensives just yet."
  • "The tank is good, he will guardswap before they burst me down."
  • Forgetting to place Phase Walk even when I had it off cooldown for long.
  • Falling for Ruthless Agressor. Every single time.
  • "Brawn must have expired by now."
  • Using breaker as a stun breaker when against Mercs.
  • Tunnel vision going forward in Huttball.
  • Trying to carry the ball as a Sorc.
  • Trying to Phase Walk while netted.


It's worse when you use phase walk just before being netted because you know it's coming, only to find you lag and phase walk activates but you get pulled back to that spot or you don't go anywhere 😢

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What mistakes i've made?

Played as operative when half the enemy team has net. (on every single match)

Also, timing roll just right for Commando net, but getting cucked by bw bcos why fix bugs that doesn't affect cm.


And trying to stall enemy node with 2k ms, only to end up sapping too late NotLikeThis


Edit: oh, and being Sniper in sr and deciding i can sit through one stun vs 2 maras and 2 sins. (Spoiler alert: i got globaled)

Edited by Kirpputori
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Held ball too long instead of passing to teammate on other side of fire. Got pulled into fire above in a 5-5 huttball match. Lost since we didn't have mid and they scored on a whitebar on the ramp.


Should have made the pass for the win

Edited by Liquor
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Held ball too long instead of passing to teammate on other side of fire. Got pulled into fire above in a 5-5 huttball match. Lost since we didn't have mid and they scored on a whitebar on the ramp.


Should have made the pass for the win


Don't worry. That's standard practise for most people.


Why pass when you can just die in a fire carrying the ball right?

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I am sharing a 7 piece 234 gear with a few of my alts ( its sent/mara set bonus lol but wth) so, i took it offm y commando and put in legacy. When i re-logged that toon, days later, I queued group and pvp, pvp popped and it was a death match. I did the match in no gear ( we lost). Was wondering why my damage was so little. Didn't realize until i completed a FP and went to drop the cxp packs in the legacy cargo hold. So, I pvp and did the Fp in no gear. Edited by Yezzan
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Don't worry. That's standard practise for most people.


Why pass when you can just die in a fire carrying the ball right?


Don't forget the other side of that though. When 4 of your team mates are standing right behind you at the fire, "helping" by DPSing the enemy,and none of them will go across the fire for the pass.

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quesh huttball, 1-1, i have the ball, i am at top left stage waiting the acid stops or an ennemy to leap on.


i see one, i leap but i accidentally change to "next target" before and i leap on an ennemy below in the ground floor




hopefully i didn't miss the pass and we scored.

Edited by Thaladan
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As a sage healer, during a voidstar with at least 4 mercs on the other team, I consistently used my stun break to keep teammates from dying because their health bars were giving me anxiety lol. On the bright side, 6 of my teammates died only once or twice in a game with insane dps being thrown out and we won on kills. Buuuuut I died at least 4 times, twice because I was netted and didn't have my stun break up. :o Edited by Teahat
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Made a good one yesterday. Upgraded main and off-hand on my operative and planned on giving the hand-me-down mods to my scoundrel. Ended up putting both sets of mods in the off-hand (breaking one lot in the process). So scoundrel still has a 236 main instead of 242. Pretty smart.
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