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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 5.2: The War for Iokath Delay


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How about instead of complaining that they announced this delay really late. Be grateful that they are take time out of THEIR LIFES to make sure we have a great time with this expansion. The last big MMORPG, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, those people barely updated and only fixed minor glitches. Plus there was so much potential they could do with it. So what if it's another week? We've waited this long one more week is nothing! So I repeat be grateful these people give a damn about our opinions and want us to enjoy the game as much as physically and mentally possible.
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Hi Eric, the patch note didn not mention the case that one is at command rank 300 and has a bunch of T3 crates to open, in that case what would be the drop rate? (it only mentioned 90-299, not including 300?) :(


If you have crates now and saved them. Even when 5.2 drops, you will only get T3 items out of them even if you were at level 300.


BW mentioned this a number of posts ago. You could probably find it going back through dev posts. You wont get T4 by opening the Tier 3 crates you have. You should get better T3 gear than you have been though.


What you can do though is be rank 300 when 5.2 drops and then disintegrate everything in the Tier 3 crate as to push you farther into T4 hoping the RNG Gods bless you with better T4 gear.

Edited by Quraswren
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Are you even reading what some of you are writing ?

I am astounding to read so agressive posts !

We are players and some of us customers but it does not give us the right to say that the corporation is no worthy of the job !

There are people like you and me working in this corporation and probably Star Wars fans like a lot of us.

Think a bit before attaking them.


There's a delay. So we are disapointed. Yes that's true. But hey does SWTOR the meaning of our lives ? No. Not to me anyway, if it's yours, I feel sorry for you guys. The timetable is bad and the annoucement of the delay quite ******, yes that's true. But howling won't get things faster.


I am a recent player. Just 2 years and a half on SWTOR but I think there is a great job on it. So before screaming for nothin', why don't we just wait, enjoying what we already have and let's see if it was worth it a delay on the 18th ?


Come on and let's fight into game instead here ^^


Im sorry, but if I made earth shattering mistakes at work and caused people to get massive infections during surgery, every 2 months for 5 years straight, I would not be in the job anymore. Video game companies are the only companies out there that can get away with this kind of incompetence, and people actually DEFEND them for it.....

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How about instead of complaining that they announced this delay really late. Be grateful that they are take time out of THEIR LIFES to make sure we have a great time with this expansion. The last big MMORPG, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, those people barely updated and only fixed minor glitches. Plus there was so much potential they could do with it. So what if it's another week? We've waited this long one more week is nothing! So I repeat be grateful these people give a damn about our opinions and want us to enjoy the game as much as physically and mentally possible.

You have something VERY backwards here...


There's a BIG difference between being understanding and being grateful...I'm more than understanding of the delay and I have no issue with it at all, other than a bit of disappointment...but...I'm the one buying their product...THEY should be grateful to ME.

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If you have crates now and saved them. Even when 5.2 drops, you will only get T3 items out of them even if you were at level 300.


BW mentioned this a umber of posts ago. You could probably find it going back through dev posts. You wont get T4 buy opening the Tier 3 crates you have.


What you can do though is be rank 300 when 5.2 drops and then disintegrate everything in the Tier 3 crate as to push you farther into T4 hoping the RNG Gods bless you with better T4 gear.


Thanks Quraswren for the response! sorry my question is kinda of ambiguous, I meant to ask that what would be the drop rate for Artifact/Legendary gear for T3 crates at command rank 300... is it going to be increased dropping rate like say 280-299 ? (path notes didnt mention T3 legendary drop rate for 300 explicitly)

I m already command rank 300 a while back but I have very less 242 gear... would love to gear up with more 242 when 5.2 drops... but it would suck if rank 300 doesn't have higher dropping rate right?

Edited by royren
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Thanks Quraswren for the response! sorry my question is kinda of ambiguous, I meant to ask that what would be the drop rate for Artifact/Legendary gear for T3 crates at command rank 300... is it going to be increased dropping rate like say 280-299 ? (path notes didnt mention T3 legendary drop rate for 300 explicitly)

Because Tier 4 has an infinite grind to it (300 forever), I doubt we'll see the same type of increased drop rate like they have with the other tiers. They didn't explicitly state that, but I think it's a reasonable assumption.

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Because Tier 4 has an infinite grind to it (300 forever), I doubt we'll see the same type of increased drop rate like they have with the other tiers. They didn't explicitly state that, but I think it's a reasonable assumption.


WOW, that's gonna suck, I got only 1 242 gear in about 150 crates and then I started saving them till 5.2, hoping I would get higher dropping rate by then. But if it is really like your assumption, that would really suck and a big deal breaker for me for whether keep playing this game or not :(

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Thanks Quraswren for the response! sorry my question is kinda of ambiguous, I meant to ask that what would be the drop rate for Artifact/Legendary gear for T3 crates at command rank 300... is it going to be increased dropping rate like say 280-299 ? (path notes didnt mention T3 legendary drop rate for 300 explicitly)

I m already command rank 300 a while back but I have very less 242 gear... would love to gear up with more 242 when 5.2 drops... but it would suck if rank 300 doesn't have higher dropping rate right?


IIRC T4 is going to have a better chance at better gear. I'm sure I'm not going to get this right and someone might have to correct me.


T4 is going to drop nothing but set gear. There is no green garbage. Blue, purple and gold only.


While we will never know drop rates one can only hope blue gear isn't weighted so high and purple drops a bit more with gold (248) dropping better than what we saw previously as well. One can only hope its not as bad as what it was but again, we will never know drop rates.

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WOW, that's gonna suck, I got only 1 242 gear in about 150 crates and then I started saving them till 5.2, hoping I would get higher dropping rate by then. But if it is really like your assumption, that would really suck and a big deal breaker for me for whether keep playing this game or not :(

I'm in the same boat as you...at least 300 crates into tier 3 now and I have only three set pieces...but...5.2 is better. Let me just urge patience here. I didn't test any of the drop rates myself, but I have heard, from a very reliable source, that the rates are substantially better.

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Seriously, stop wining people, do any of you know how the game industry works internally? Probably not, so you guys know that the games industry is one of the biggest industries of entertainment that has the most brutal work hours and deadlines right (If you don't think this is true google it and read the dozens of articles written by designers who leave AAA game companies because they've "had enough").


Now lets put what I just said into context, some of you might already see where this is going.

Bioware doesnt exist anymore it is a brand name owned by electronic arts, so for one, all you shouting Bioware this Bioware that are pretty much shouting at a brick wall, the real people you should be shouting at are the EA top hats the ones that are constantly pushing their developers to meet unrealistic dead lines.


So who actually gets the flak, hmm the developers cause its obviously there fault for not being able to super saiyan and finish an impossible amount of work within some stupid deadline, you know how many lines of code make up an mmo as intricate and complex as swtor? 1 million? 2 million? probably a lot more than you can actually comprehend.


So instead of ************ on some forum at developers who are constantly overworked and pressured to do the impossible (deliver patches and content on time to appease some ungrateful **** wits) maybe turn your ire to the fat cats sitting behind 5 meter wide desks, petition and fight for the developers so they can do their job better and stop getting ****ed from both sides.


That being said, I love swtor and love what the developers have created, I can wait, I'm an adult, i have patience, although I will say companions are way overpowered, the dev's need to sort that **** out!


Thanks for listening community!

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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I'm in the same boat as you...at least 300 crates into tier 3 now and I have only three set pieces...but...5.2 is better. Let me just urge patience here. I didn't test any of the drop rates myself, but I have heard, from a very reliable source, that the rates are substantially better.


I can't complain as my sage (rank 40) (dps) is only missing 3 set pieces (230) and her weapon in purple 230 but my healer is another story......................... and she is the one I play the most.....................

Edited by casirabit
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I just gotta lols at this farcical mess tbh.


Seems other MMO's are also laughing now.. ESO just emailed out free unlimited access from today until ...YEP you guessed it, the 18th of April (COINCIDENCE YA THINK : ) )


How could something that had so much promise, with a huge IP to count on, be handled so poorly and with such disregard for its loyal paying customers who have supported this game through sooo many issues in such a relatively short space of MMO time.

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a comment about this patch note: Added more Cyber Mercenaries to the “Abandoned Bunker” Heroic Mission on Voss so that the Bonus Mission is now possible to complete



There are enough of the cyber mercenaries to complete the bonus mission, if you kill the 2 captains. That area is bad enough and full enough with npc without adding more.


My thoughts exactly. We don't need more trash mobs there. Typical: they don't do this where it is required, but add more trash mobs where there are already enough.


Where are more mobs required?

- In that Coruscant Heroic related (non-instanced) area where you need 15 kills, there are not enough and there are always players waiting in line.

- In the Taris Heroic related (non-instanced) area where you need more irradiated rakghouls. Again players waiting in line there always.

Edited by mike_carton
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I'm in the same boat as you...at least 300 crates into tier 3 now and I have only three set pieces...but...5.2 is better. Let me just urge patience here. I didn't test any of the drop rates myself, but I have heard, from a very reliable source, that the rates are substantially better.


Damn, I guess I am lucky. In about 180-200 boxes, 242s, I had 4 set pieces (one duplicate though), OH, 2 ear pieces and 1 implant. I can probably become almost full 242s if I cash in all the UC that I have as well, but I am saving them till 5.2 is out.

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Seriously, stop *********** wining people, do any of you know how the game industry works internally? Probably not, so you guys know that the games industry is one of the biggest industries of entertainment that has the most brutal work hours and deadlines right (If you don't think this is true google it and read the dozens of articles written by designers who leave AAA game companies because they've "had enough").


Now lets put what I just said into context, some of you pea brains might already see where this is going.

Bioware doesnt exist anymore it is a brand name owned by electronic arts, so for one, all you pip squeeks shouting Bioware this Bioware that are pretty much shouting at a brick wall, the real people you should be shouting at are the EA top hats the ones that are constantly pushing their developers to meet unrealistic dead lines.


So who actually gets the flak, hmm the developers cause its obviously there fault for not being able to super saiyan and finish an impossible amount of work within some stupid deadline, you know how many lines of code make up an mmo as intricate and complex as swtor? 1 million? 2 million? probably a lot more than you can actually comprehend.


So instead of ************ on some forum at developers who are constantly overworked and pressured to do the impossible (deliver patches and content on time to appease some ungrateful **** wits) maybe turn your ire to the fat cats sitting behind 5 meter wide desks, petition and fight for the developers so they can do their job better and stop getting ****ed from both sides.


That being said, I love swtor and love what the developers have created, I can wait, I'm an adult, i have patience, although I will say companions are way overpowered, the dev's need to sort that **** out!


Thanks for listening community!


They wouldn't have jobs if it were not for the consumers. Nobody is saying it is a pleasant industry or an easy job. The market is what it is, and they have competitors and a demanding and often unreasonable market (really, what industry doesn't deal with the later two?).


They built hype around yet another grand fix to the worst gearing system created (conceptually, it has merits and it is moving closer to being an asset than a giant burden, but that is another thread), more content to try and appease players tired of running the same ops, flashpoints and dailies over the past two years. They built the hype and failed to deliver on a schedule they themselves chose. Not us, they chose that date.

Edited by LordDelectus
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IIRC T4 is going to have a better chance at better gear. I'm sure I'm not going to get this right and someone might have to correct me.


T4 is going to drop nothing but set gear. There is no green garbage. Blue, purple and gold only.


While we will never know drop rates one can only hope blue gear isn't weighted so high and purple drops a bit more with gold (248) dropping better than what we saw previously as well. One can only hope its not as bad as what it was but again, we will never know drop rates.


All T4 gear will be better than any T1, T2 or T3 gear. Which means the lowest T4 gear will be better than Gold (Legendary) 242s. All T4 gear will also have set bonus. Nothing was said about the drop rate of blue or purple T4 gear either in absolute terms or compared to drop rates of T1, T2, T3 gear. Nothing was said about drop rates of T4 gear improving as you open more and more T4 crates. What was said was that 248 gear drops from T4 crates will be "fairly rare" (actual quote) which I take to mean "in your dreams."

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All T4 gear will be better than any T1, T2 or T3 gear. Which means the lowest T4 gear will be better than Gold (Legendary) 242s. All T4 gear will also have set bonus. Nothing was said about the drop rate of blue or purple T4 gear either in absolute terms or compared to drop rates of T1, T2, T3 gear. Nothing was said about drop rates of T4 gear improving as you open more and more T4 crates. What was said was that 248 gear drops from T4 crates will be "fairly rare" (actual quote) which I take to mean "in your dreams."


Are you certain about that? I swear I thought Eric posted about how there is a curve, as you progress through the forth tier, the drop rates actually adjust, favoring the higher quality gear, meaning if you are having a much better chance for a gold or purple at 390 as opposed to 310.

Edited by LordDelectus
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This is complete and utter BS... they could've told us this last friday, I am sure they knew about the problems back then.


Compensation better be in order. And a continuation of the CXP/XP event is a must.


wow, compensation? Are you serious, it's a game and this is just an update, it's not even an expansion.


I'd rather they delay it and get it right, even if it's a month. When they release stuff and it's not ready we have bugs, server restarts, people exploiting, more bots and pvp hackers.


Then they have to do a patch every few days, people lose things or time and nothing actually gets fixed properly. So instead of having all of those problems it is better to wait. It's only a week, it's not even a months, it's certainly not the end of the world and compensation isn't required or needed.


The only thing needed is for them to get it right when they launch it.

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Annnd of course my subscription is scheduled to stop on the 17th....


I'm the luckiest person alive!


Meaning the 17th was the last time you were ever going to resub? Were you going to play for 6 days and then go F2P on the 17th? Maybe this is a good thing that they didn't release it with all the bugs and then you couldn't play at all? I'd rather wait a few days more to get the bugs ironed out.

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Are you certain about that? I swear I thought Eric posted about how there is a curve, as you progress through the forth tier, the drop rates actually adjust, favoring the higher quality gear, meaning if you are having a much better chance for a gold or purple at 390 as opposed to 310.


Does that really work for T4 given you will never reach 310 technically.


You are capped at 300 and for the recent future, you will repeat 299-300 over and over never going above 300 for T4 gear. So, how would it work if what you say is true? IT works for T1-3 but but not so sure about T4.


You think they are keep some internal count we cannot see?

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I'm in the same boat as you...at least 300 crates into tier 3 now and I have only three set pieces...but...5.2 is better. Let me just urge patience here. I didn't test any of the drop rates myself, but I have heard, from a very reliable source, that the rates are substantially better.


I feel you man, I afked for a month and resub again because they announced 5.2 and I was hoping to get full 242 soon after 5.2 launch...

even though we get 248 prototype / artifact gear from T4 crates, we would not be able to upgrade to T4 Legendary, I would imagine we still need 242 gear to upgrade to legendary gear in T4 (250 maybe?), which would be again a new level of pain for me because I've done pvp for a while and still only got 5 pieces of 242 as of now (I have only 1 236 piece from all my T2 crates), I still have to grind for 242 :(

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