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Game Update 5.2: The War for Iokath Delay


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Given the defects they ship with and have let remain over the years, if they think it is not acceptable to defer the currently known defects in 5.2, I'd very much want them to fix and retest them thoroughly; they must be really bad. Rather wait for a week than have the game start taking liberties with my currencies.


<< Edited to remove extended speculation. >>


I can understand why they waited till the last minute. Not shipping this on time would likely cause red faces and garner slaps on wrists for a few managers and there was an attempt to avoid that if at all possible.


Making CXP and UC legacy-wide should make up for this. :)

Edited by mike_carton
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This is complete and utter BS... they could've told us this last friday, I am sure they knew about the problems back then.


Compensation better be in order. And a continuation of the CXP/XP event is a must.


I agree. This is nuts, they could've been honest about it last week. They've had so much time. They pumped it up and promo'd it and then boom, let down. Really, given the history, I shouldn't be surprised. :(

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while this is disappointing, I'm gonna try and look on the bright side. in typical BW fashion they would have gone forward with the release anyway and we'd be looking at another couple of month of fixes due to buggy content. id rather the delay then that. so, assuming there's a good reason for the delay, im gonna call it a step in the right direction...
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The playerbase deserves a real apology and real signs of improvement from the development team, and subscribers deserve compensation for the shoddy way they're being treated. I know there are multiple people in my guild that we convinced to re-sub because of this patch, and I don't know if we're going to be able to retain them because of this. By this point, many people have locked in time off and otherwise made plans that they cannot change based on the assumption that when you guys gave us a date, you were going to follow through with it.


If you had any idea that you were not going to be able to make the date, you had a responsibility to let us know that well ahead of time, rather than 10 hours before the maintenance interval. I've been a subscriber since launch, but I took a couple months off from playing the game at the end of the year because it had grown stale. The Command system, uprisings, and the promise of new Operations content had me excited to get back in. Now I feel like I've been played for a fool. We deserve better than this. We deserve much better.


And if you're delaying the patch for another week, for the love of god put some class balancing in. Mercs/Commandos are far too difficult to kill.

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Hmmm seems I am unbanned from the forums again. (this won't last long since you always ban people who speak the truth)


Bioware and EA you are absolutely awful at customer service and the development of this MMO.


Your regular players want quality additions to PVP and Operations (that's real operations not just one stupid boss)


We don't want crappy box opening experiences, or some solo bore fest that takes the MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER out of MMO.


If you are going to consistently f*** up this game, can you please just stop, hand over the rights to a decent developer so STAR WARS gets the love it deserves and decent multiplayer content additions at regular intervals.


I honestly think the develop team smoke crack with the money gained from people's subscriptions, it's the only explanation for their moronic decisions. So out of touch with reality.


See you next tuesday bioware


while you do ofc have the right to your opinion, plase don't presume that you speak for all players. that is all...

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Holy crap this community sounds like a bunch of self-entitled children. Game devs, don't feel bad one bit about having to delay. You guys do excellent work and delaying because you found last minute problems is more than common, its absolutely expected in this day and age. Don't be swayed by the hordes of stupidity commenting in here with their idiocies. "Wah, how unexpected" "you should bend over and let us take you for all you're worth because of a week delay on a free update"


give me a break. Grown adults acting like they're 5.



Good work Bioware, thanks for the update, and we will patiently await it's release when it is ready. It will certainly be worth it. I appreciate you guys trying to push it out in time, and then I appreciate you admitting it's not ready, and taking the hit for it. When you're dealing with a bunch of cry babies, its lose-lose if you release or delay, and delaying it is the smarter move for certain.

Edited by Dhregin
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Well, disappointed about the delay, but the patch notes look good! :) Thanks for warning us about the delay instead of tomorrow arriving, and...no patch, cue a bunch of angry crybabies who stomp their widdle feet in anger. :p Anyway, I'm really curious about the updated introductory cinematics for class stories. I'd been meaning to start a new Knight here...good excuse to do so. XD


One thing I'll point out, though - please don't forget about the Female Cathar skin color bug and the Missing Skin Colors for Imperial Zabraks bug. :) If you could fix those in this patch, that would be wonderful.


Thanks again for the heads-up! :) More time to get the rest of my characters through KOTFE/KOTET...

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Communication needs to greatly improve. It is inexcusable that the player community was not given some sort of heads-up that 5.2 might be delayed. Surely a brief notice six days or a week before launch would prove sufficient. Additionally, if the Team manages to get everything straightened out and launch on schedule, imagine the PR boost you would have earned. Instead, you devs seem to constantly--and needlessly--shoot yourselves in the feet by being needlessly secretive. Edited by robwettengel
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So to be clear, the bag of Chimps Bioware calls a staff not only f'ed up another release last minute, but they chose to f up the one that actually was beta tested for once? And to just make it more comical, it's the release with one bogus raid boss after years of no new raids. Imagine if they tried to release a full raid lmao. You can't make this ***** up :D
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Updated Class Story Introductions: The introductory scenes for the original eight class storylines have been significantly updated and improved.

Wait, what? The fact that this bullet point got the top of the page makes me think this is more than a simple bug fix. What, did you add an extra scene where our character walks past Theron or Lana chilling on a random planet?

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Holy crap this community sounds like a bunch of self-entitled children. Game devs, don't feel bad one bit about having to delay. You guys do excellent work and delaying because you found last minute problems is more than common, its absolutely expected in this day and age. Don't be swayed by the hordes of stupidity commenting in here with their idiocies. "Wah, how unexpected" "you should bend over and let us take you for all you're worth because of a week delay on a free update"


give me a break. Grown adults acting like they're 5.



Good work Bioware, thanks for the update, and we will patiently await it's release when it is ready. It will certainly be worth it. I appreciate you guys trying to push it out in time, and then I appreciate you admitting it's not ready, and taking the hit for it. When you're dealing with a bunch of cry babies, its lose-lose if you release or delay, and delaying it is the smarter move for certain.


Quoted for truth....

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Please bioware, just don't do a remake of KOTOR, like i heard today.


Just go away from star wars game forever, pls seriously, just stop. you already destroy this game.


for this thread, who is really surprised? maybe the employee who is on vacation with his new born kid worked in this patch too? i hope he will return as soon as possible...


but really just go away from star wars universe forever.

Edited by Thaladan
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So to be clear, the bag of Chimps Bioware calls a staff not only f'ed up another release last minute, but they chose to f up the one that actually was beta tested for once?


Good point. I suspect the 5.2 patch will have "features" not included in the PTS build and those are the source of these defects.

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Holy crap this community sounds like a bunch of self-entitled children. Game devs, don't feel bad one bit about having to delay. You guys do excellent work and delaying because you found last minute problems is more than common, its absolutely expected in this day and age. Don't be swayed by the hordes of stupidity commenting in here with their idiocies. "Wah, how unexpected" "you should bend over and let us take you for all you're worth because of a week delay on a free update"


give me a break. Grown adults acting like they're 5.



Good work Bioware, thanks for the update, and we will patiently await it's release when it is ready. It will certainly be worth it. I appreciate you guys trying to push it out in time, and then I appreciate you admitting it's not ready, and taking the hit for it. When you're dealing with a bunch of cry babies, its lose-lose if you release or delay, and delaying it is the smarter move for certain.


What? People pay for this content, every single person on these boards is paying money for this service, they have every right to voice their opinion and let the developers know that should this continue, they will no longer be paying for said service. The majority of players have planned their gameplay for the last fortnight around 5.2 launching tomorrow. Many players have been hoarding Unassambled Components, planning special Tyth raid nights or weeks, saving their rank 300 command crates for disintegrations etc. These people have spent time in a service that they payed for doing certain things that they would only be doing if 5.2 would launch tomorrow.


They have a right, therefore, to know as soon as possible that this update won't launch on time. The fact of the matter is, Bioware will have known about these issues for a while. It is likely precisely why we didn't see in game footage of 5.2 during the last developer stream (which Musco admitted was due to technical issues). If they've known since then, the player base deserved a warning, and it received none. They were kept in the dark on the off chance that the Developer team could fix the problems in time and not have to deal with the backlash. Essentially, they did not trust the community to appreciate honesty, and a small "hey guys, this might not be going to plan but we're trying our best" warning.


So now they tell us 10 hours before release, when most of Europe are going to or have gone to bed. Fun fact, most Europeans won't realise the update has been delayed until the time the update was supposed to be taking place. That's how bad Bioware's communication has been on this issue. If you think that's excusable then good for you, I'm sure they're loving people like you down in their office right now, you who try to convince them that lying to your consumers to save face is a perfectly acceptable thing. Don't however think your understanding makes you a better person than the countless individuals who understand and are exercising their right to complain, or that they are children for understanding that they do indeed have a say in this and deserve to be heard.

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Lol. Y'all really raking them over the coals today. No f's are given. But seriously. This isn't really necessary. I think it's a good thing they were able to catch what was wrong last minute and delay for a fix. I think it's commendable. And this is from someone who is all about giving EAware the business when they screw up. This really isn't one of those times.
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  • Dev Post
Wait, what? The fact that this bullet point got the top of the page makes me think this is more than a simple bug fix. What, did you add an extra scene where our character walks past Theron or Lana chilling on a random planet?


Correct, this is not a bug fix. Think of the KOTFE/KOTET cutscenes with moving cameras, etc. We took some of that and applied it to the very opening cinematic for each Class.



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