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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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nice try


but u can't play with just that, in your account "You have subscribed" will be inactive and grayed u MUST buy time-card


and u can buy wow on amazon form where i got number in $ becourse i play euro wersion and pay in euro


i even can play at russian version it's overal price like 40 $


I didn't have to buy a time card.

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Why is WoW beating the **** out of every other MMORPG right now?


"5.) Night elves could be seen coming over to Menethil by the boatload. They ran in packs across the swamp to make it to the Ironforge/Stormwind areas in safety. It was an epic journey for them. "



I remember doing that. Good times and that is already something TOR doesn't offer a variety of areas to level up in.

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I dunno, I really hope they don't start designing the game around addons and UI customizations. Having to download 30+ addons to play the game for me is not something I look forward to.


SO many addons in WoW that there's no way you can effectively watch them all, no way. Screen so cluttered you can't even see whats going on, and don't give me the "oh, well you didn't have them in the right place".


SO many addons the game is literally designed around them, mechanics put in the game so you have to go download another this or that mod. Keep it so you actually have to think about something before you do it, not think about what addon you need to download to counteract a counteracting of the counteract.


I really want to know how people come up with these misguided notions that wow is some sort of addons required to walk forward and chew gum at the same time kind of game.




I have 4 addons running there. One is a UI replacement called ElvUI, an addon called Cellular for whispers and Recount, and Auctioneer.


Above my player frame are buff/debuff indicators, along with above the target frame. Below the target frame are my cast bars. Between the two frames are the Target of Target and if need be, Pet frame.


The half circles around my character are built in to the UI.


I have three macros, one is to Counterspell either my target or focus target,

the other is to either spellsteal my harmfull target or decurse my friendly target.

the third is my polymorph macro, which sets my focus target, casts polymorph and future recasts of poly go to my focus target every time.



Blizzard has said if that they design a mechanic that would require an addon to sucessfully counter the mechanic, they will either change the mechanic or add functionality to the UI itself. The best example of them doing this is the threat indicators which are part of warcraft UI now.

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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.

Sorry sir, but people don't want a WoW clone. If you do, please GBTW and leave this game.

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Never played rift. Seems like i missed out on some hot MMO action.

You didn't miss much. Rift just proved that good graphics doesn't make a game good. The leveling experience was a grind and the end-game sucked more arse than a prostitute on a Friday night.

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Sorry sir, but people don't want a WoW clone. If you do, please GBTW and leave this game.


Bioware seems to that people do want a WoW clone, because they did their utmost to produce one. With the exception of replacing quest text with cinematic voiceovers - which are finite content that does not last forever - how does this game appreciably differ from / improve upon WoW?

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I really want to know how people come up with these misguided notions that wow is some sort of addons required to walk forward and chew gum at the same time kind of game.




I have three macros, one is to Counterspell either my target or focus target,

the other is to either spellsteal my harmfull target or decurse my friendly target.

the third is my polymorph macro, which sets my focus target, casts polymorph and future recasts of poly go to my focus target every time.



Blizzard has said if that they design a mechanic that would require an addon to sucessfully counter the mechanic, they will either change the mechanic or add functionality to the UI itself. The best example of them doing this is the threat indicators which are part of warcraft UI now.


The point I was tryign to make is, the game can still be good without tons of useless addons. I kinda went overboard a little, but I like playing the game with very minimal addons or mods. Yeah, simple stuff like having macros, or a UI to resize or move bars and chat windows. I remember when FL came out, everyone was rusing to get an addon that warned of a certain mechanic on one of the first bosses.


I also understand WoW doesn't allow cheating, or addons that let you get an advantage, but annotations popping up telling you so and so buff is coming "MOVE", I particularly don't like that and hope it's not coming here to make the player base lazy.


Also on the LFG, LFR and LFD; There has been a lot of talk that it's what killed the WoW community over time. I like the idea of having to have a good reputation on "your" server to be able to group, it makes people try harder and not be @ss hats towards other people that they know they'll never see again.

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Sorry sir, but people don't want a WoW clone. If you do, please GBTW and leave this game.


It is already, if you been playing WoW, you could recognize a lot of similarities. Standard approach from MMO developers, copy each other.

But no one is been more successful than WoW, that's a fact. I'm pretty sure, EA bosses would love to see 12 millions active subs. That was peak for any released MMO to date.

And peoples comparing only for 1 reason, this game has nothing else to offer that archaic outdated lame UI. Yeah, forgot, voice overs. But for how long you can watch them over and over?

Even lotro had 3 default bottom bars, instead of 2 and completely movable UI elements at launch.

Edited by Chaffery
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Bioware seems to that people do want a WoW clone, because they did their utmost to produce one. With the exception of replacing quest text with cinematic voiceovers - which are finite content that does not last forever - how does this game appreciably differ from / improve upon WoW?


Group instances while leveing that are not Dungeons/FP

Single Player instances - which is *********** amazing

Commendations for each planent, so that they don't fail like wow did and have to worry about converting them to a different type

Huttball - best PVP area ever, too bad Imp get it so often cuz no one plays Rep lol.


I could go on, but you get the idea. WoW failed in so many areas that SWTOR has excelled.

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If the WoW fanboys really thought that game was as good as they claim it is then they wouldn't be here playing SWTOR, they never would've left WoW in the first place.


That's why I won't bother arguing with them anymore.


WoW sucks, that's why they're here. At the end of the day they defeat their own "point" every single time.


Am I on the WoW forums telling them their game sucks? No, I'm here playing SWTOR and/or discussing SWTOR on the SWTOR forums.


They defeated themselves just by being here.


I like this guy too Dathron :)


This post should be on every page of this thread

Just admit it WoW people.....you've given into your lusts, wants, and desires and turned to the Dark Side!

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Sorry sir, but people don't want a WoW clone. If you do, please GBTW and leave this game.


This biodrone wants ToR to become the fanboi paradise of a few hundred drones who wear the magic underwear free to play the game they love in harmony with other drones. What they are too dim to realize is that EA/BioWare is in the MMO business to make money not provide a few drones their monotheistic utopia.


The multitude of normal gamers want populated servers with full queues, zones, GTN, and plenty of competent/geared players to run ops/HM/FP/etc. I am sorry to burst your bubble biodrone, EA/BioWare is siding with the millions of average gamers and not the few thousand "magic underpants." The only question is whether they get up to speed fast enough so we don't lose a bunch of good players in the interim.

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So I should wait 7 years before I judge SWTOR?



I guess I should go play WoW in the meantime... Is that what you're saying hmm?


You mean to tell me Bioware hsn't already released, what, five major expansions? Oh the humanity! How can they hope to be compared to the most tired game in Western Civilization?

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You mean to tell me Bioware hsn't already released, what, five major expansions? Oh the humanity! How can they hope to be compared to the most tired game in Western Civilization?


No, just compare the features WoW had 7 years ago without any xpac. We're not talking about content quantity here, but about quantity/quality of features.

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It is surely acceptable to compare SWTOR to WoW in terms of stability, lags, design and plot. However, some people think that WoW being the standard means that every single feature that WoW has belongs into any other MMO. This is wrong, imo.

I don't want to see things like gearscore, healers have to die etc. in this game. And all the addons that tell when the enemie's CDS are available again, are a pain for PvP balancing, cause you cannot expect every player to have 3d party stuff, but the ones who have have an advantage.

What Bioware is doing here is learning from a WoW mistake. Instead of allowing 3d party addons, they will implement the functionality themselves, but only if they think that it causes no damage to the game. This takes its time, of course, but the final result is a much more even and balanced game for everybody.

Edited by Cretinus
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Here's an outlandish thought. On that it seems very few people here can think of, and to which this post will be flamed for because its not the Ranting troll but written in a calm and Tempered manner which as everyone ca see just doesn't work on the Forums and is immediately over looked but i'm going to go with it anyway


WoW = successful, its a Carbon copy of every mmo before it (Don't believe me look it up for yourself) those previous ones are still running albeit in a reduced manner. EQ was out before WoW and if you've ever played it WoW is exactly like it in every way shape and form there is no denying it. How it's lived and thrived as long as it has i will never know


SW:TOR = successful, its been out a month and some change now. Bugs are being fixed though not as fast as the WoWers would like but as I've seen it pointed out before the game was designed on an engine that has never been used as an MMO engine before. Also by a company that has never produced an MMO before so there's bound to be bugs.


Solution, stop complaining on the forums, when you find a bug in the game report it and be polite, professional(as much as possible), and thorough. This will see more results than from what i can bet a large majority state something like:


"I Found a bug at point A that does C"


where as one that's more helpful in getting a faster fix is:


" I Found a bug at point A that does C when i'm doing B because of G"


This tells them whats happening how its happening and a possible cause of why its happening which narrows down what the programmers have to look for to a mere couple dozen lines of code to THOUSANDS of lines of code


the success of this game isn't over what Bioware is going to do for you to make your gaming experience easier. its going to be a combined effort of us working with bioware to fix some of the issues rather than flaming them for the problems and not offering plausible and possible solutions. the Quality of Life items are not a necessity to an MMO they will not make or break the game those are just what people "Think" are needed because another game had/has them what makes a game is the Story. If you look at the demographics of an MMO you will find that its less than half of a games population that ever touches PvP and Les than half of that again that is the Adamant PvPer's so you can understand why though fixing pvp and balancing it is a priority for the game it may not be on there game breakers list if not fixed quickly. Most of the issues that people are seeing and that i read about are coming from PvP, and i honestly have to say I've done far more PVP in this MMO than any other I've ever played and i don't see any of the problems people are reporting.


The **** FPS all i can say to those is QQ. I spent good money upgrading to the alienware i have now just because of this game and how it played on my old laptop. when that old one would at best get 5 FPS, that was difficult to play it and yea i would notice problems (i had everything on low) to what I've got now at an average of 25 FPS with everything on high. I've seen the worst and its only better now because i know what it was like to try playing a game i enjoyed but just couldn't effectively play


Edit: And for those who don't realize SWTOR is most definitely nothing like wow, Show me where there is a defined Storyline in wow or the other MMO's its copied and show me the story line here, I've tried and played wow on several occasions. never have i come across a story line that i could tell (And if i have to look for it it isn't obvious) the game play doesnt remind me at all to wow and i feel while i'm playing this that TOR is carving its own place in the Genera, i believe that there's going to be a tier of the 3 great MMO's (yes i have to include wow into this) being WoW, GW, and SW:ToR

Edited by Alexia-Moi-Voss
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It is surely acceptable to compare SWTOR to WoW in terms of stability, lags, design and plot. However, some people think that WoW being the standard means that every single feature that WoW has belongs into any other MMO. This is wrong, imo. I don't want to see things like gearscore, healers have to die etc. in this game. And all the addons that tell when the enemie's CDS are available again are a pain for PvP balancing, cause you cannot expect every player to have 3d party stuff, but the ones who have have an advantage.

What Bioware is doing here is learning from a WoW mistake. Instead of allowing 3d party addons, they will implement the functionality themselves, when they think that it causes no damage to the game. This takes its time, of course, but the final result is a much more even game for everybody.


This game doesn't even have a combat log.


Which is an error log.


7 years behind! Maybe in 2013 we will see one!

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Group instances while leveing that are not Dungeons/FP

Single Player instances - which is *********** amazing

Commendations for each planent, so that they don't fail like wow did and have to worry about converting them to a different type


Of course, these points are entirely subjective and can be argued against.


Group Instances - Great idea if the content is actually being run. On the servers that I play on, the later planets are so deserted, these group quests are already dead content. I'll give you that WoW doesn't really have group content anymore, this is probably because group levelling content becomes dead content very quickly.


Single Player Instances - Probably one of the biggest contributors to the levelling planets feeling so empty.


Commendations - It's a currency. Before strange claims about 'so they don't fail like wow did...' are made, I'll simply point out that it would have been nice if so many of the commendations didn't end up in my bags.


Huttball - best PVP area ever, too bad Imp get it so often cuz no one plays Rep lol.

I'll give Bioware kudos for implementing a single warzone that has no analog in WoW.


I could go on, but you get the idea. WoW failed in so many areas that SWTOR has excelled.

No, I'm really not getting the idea.

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This game doesn't even have a combat log.


Which is an error log.


7 years behind! Maybe in 2013 we will see one!


The combat log has already been announced, don't remember exactly which post it was, you'll have to search. This is mainly backing up what I've said above. Important things will be implemented short term, but only if they fit Bioware's idea of the game. And it's Bioware implementing the stuff, not some 3d party Lua coders. And this is a very good approach to keep things even, imo.

Edited by Cretinus
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Group instances while leveing that are not Dungeons/FP

Single Player instances - which is *********** amazing

Commendations for each planent, so that they don't fail like wow did and have to worry about converting them to a different type

Huttball - best PVP area ever, too bad Imp get it so often cuz no one plays Rep lol.


I could go on, but you get the idea. WoW failed in so many areas that SWTOR has excelled.


If a picture is worth a thousand words here is an essay.





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I agree with you. I understand, SWTOR has to compete with WoW to be able to hold subscribers, otherwise people will go back to WoW. However, SWTOR has done a great thing making levleing enjoyable and less of a grind. They have the foundation and ability to make a great game, and they're working on doing just that. It's really hard, if not impossible, for an MMO to launch with the polish and content of WoW. However, SWTOR has launched much closer than any other game to date.


Give them time.


Problem is not comparing the amount of content its the features that should be in place.

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