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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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This is the problem with gamers now. They get a new MMO like this and expect it to have everything others had and a ton more on initial launch. Dont forget games like WOW had 7 years to get content right. If gamers where actually about for the 1st year or 2 of WOW and games like that they would actually understand THEY SUCKED.


Also SWTOR isnt copying WOW. Not every game copies that otherwise I for one wouldnt touch them. I broaden my horizons playing different MMO like FFXI, FFXIV, WOW, Aion, Rift and WOW. Out of all of them only 2 are sticking FFXI and SWTOR.

WOW would if it wasnt built for a 4 year old lol.

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To put it simply OP


People compare this game to wow because wow has been out for so long that it has alot of features they like.


With this in mind, people EXPECT SWTOR to have every single feature wow has taken 7 years to put into there game, not to mention the development time.


So people want swtor to have 12 years worth of features and content in a game that has been out for a month and was in development for I would say around 3-5 years MAX.


Its a stupid expectation and when they realize the game is NOT going to have 12 years worth if crap in it, they will leave, and leave the rest of us people with actual possible expectations alone :).

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They went after the Heroengine back in 2005, after seeing it at E3 '05, to get the engine for their new project: http://www.heroengine.com/2011/11/heroengine-meets-starwars/


They "officially" announced the license for Heroengine on Aug 9th, 2006: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Bio-Ware-licenses-Hero-Engine-for-MMO-32429.shtml


So they were in development for at least 5 years, not 3.


Second, they had over 800 developers. 800 developers. Let that sink in. No other mmo, including WoW, has ever had anywhere close to 800 freakin' developers on their project.


Third, they spent nearly $200 million. $200 million. Let that sink in. No other mmo, including WoW, has ever had a $200 million budget.




And yet, they barely managed to make an mmo on par with WoW 2004. Oh, with some bad actors reading the quest text to you, of course.


I'm sorry, you can "White Knight" for them all you want. EAware fumbled the ball.


LOL. JUST LOL. You say this isnt even on par with 2004 WOW. Was you even playing WOW in 2004? probably not. WOW was riddled with mass problems like most MMO at the time.

Its even been said that WOW didnt really get GOOD until the 1st add on came out. You know The Burning Crusade lol.


Stop talking crap you dont know

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To put it simply OP


People compare this game to wow because wow has been out for so long that it has alot of features they like.


With this in mind, people EXPECT SWTOR to have every single feature wow has taken 7 years to put into there game, not to mention the development time.


So people want swtor to have 12 years worth of features and content in a game that has been out for a month and was in development for I would say around 3-5 years MAX.


Its a stupid expectation and when they realize the game is NOT going to have 12 years worth if crap in it, they will leave, and leave the rest of us people with actual possible expectations alone :).


It doesn't take 12 years to reinvent the wheel, if you know what I mean. The features have already been created, thinking of them is what took WoW so long, not development.

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LOL. JUST LOL. You say this isnt even on par with 2004 WOW. Was you even playing WOW in 2004? probably not. WOW was riddled with mass problems like most MMO at the time.

Its even been said that WOW didnt really get GOOD until the 1st add on came out. You know The Burning Crusade lol.


Stop talking crap you dont know


We're talking about features and gameplay, you're talking about the bugs at WoW release.


And WoW didn't get good until Burning Crusade?


Stop talking about what YOU don't know, junior.

Edited by Zorvan
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Expecting a game to have the amount of features it has taken anoter game years to implement is unrealistic simply from a financial point of view. Features do not simply magically appear, they have to be coded into the game. SWTOR would still be in development, not being released in the near future, had they decided to implement all the features/content some people expected it to have. That would be a huge risk to continue development for years and years with no assurance that it would still prove profitable. In other words you HAVE to release the game at some point and then improve upon it. Edited by ChipHazard
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funny arguments on this page... "i hope people leave the game so i can get on with it"... so you like playing a mmo without other people around? weird argument


also to those saying wow had less at release... yes, true - but wow was playing against EQ2 and comfortably blown it out of the water. has swtor blown any mmo out of the water? errr no, not by a long shot


i know alot of people who re-subbed back to SWG after WoWs release because they preferred the sandbox feeling... then they tried to turn it into a wow clone.... when will devs realise you cant beat wow at there own game, innovate a bit

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Because they are charging the same amount for their products and competing for customers?


I doubt it. Anyone still playing WoW has too much time an money invested to change unless they have to. People coming to SWTOR either didn't care for WoW, were interested in Star Wars and have little or nothing to compare it to, or if they were WoW players they are here because they are tired of WoW.


This game has to appeal to players for being SWTOR. It can eventually become the best SWTOR possible, but it will take time. But just as a banana can never be a better orange than an orange can, so too can SWTOR never be better than WoW because WoW is already WoW.


WoW isn't all that good anyway.


SWTOR doesn't have to compete with WoW: It has to become the best SWTOR it can. It may very well be that it will be a better game without all those WoW features you imgine are so wonderful. If they are all that great what the heck are you here for?

Edited by Gleneagle
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People say wow has so many fetures and swtor is bad because it does not have them... wow has had 7 years to improve upon its self. Give Swtor a chance and time to put in the things your ******* complaining about.... ¬.¬


WoW was not the first MMO nore was it original all WoW did was take the MMO template and improve upon it by removing things that were annoying (e.g crafting had a chance to fail) it did this with games Such as Ever Quest and so on.


SWTOR has done the same it has take the MMO TEMPLATE not copyed wow but taken the MMO TEMPLATE Which all MMO's use and removed useless stuff, ADDED its own stuff and improved upon existing stuff.


People need to remember WoW its self is a quoat un quoat "Clone" of the MMO's that came before it.


My final point. Who cares if it borrowed things from other games, it happens all the time in everything. just shut up, get on with the game and stop comparing it to WoW; an MMO thats long out lived its greatness WoW "died" along time ago and is just clinging onto life and dragging its self out to long. Its 7 gosh darn years old, its had its time at the top and has set a good standard for MMO's to go by and people should accept the fact its long out lived its awesomenes.


The real question here is, why do we care about a comparison of WOW and SWTOR? They are 2 entirely different entities.

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Yes why DO people compare the game to wow and continuously say its okay for it to be in the same state wow was in 2004.


This isnt 2004.


And there is no excuse to be on the same page a game was in 2004.

Does this mean it needs all the functions and addons etc of a game 7 years later?



But it should definitly strive to rival it.

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So far we have determined that you know how to use pretty colours in your posts.


Now... do you actually have something to say?


Because it is completely possible to take this game apart without mentioning the word WoW even once. This game isn't bad because it didn't live up to the standards WoW set. This game isn't bad because it has copied WoW in some aspects.


This game is bad because it lacks substance. It's nothing more than a movie set. The buildings are there, but they're all facades, nothing behind them but props. The people are there but they are mere actors, playing a role.


This game is bad merely because it feels empty beyond words.


And this game is bad because it had the chance to be ground-breaking and because it failed miserably to set even one new standard. It failed because there isn't even one original thought in it.


And lastly it failed because it's offering people a medal for subscribing.


Refund please!

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It gets compared to WoW simply because EAware honchos like Greg Zeschuk constantly used WoW as their "model" mmo. http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/02/10/bioware-wow-is-the-touchstone-for-the-old-republic/


Don't want it compared to WoW, complain to the game devs who made the connection themselves.

As you were kind enough to repeat your own post from 7 pages ago I shall be kind enough to quote the same response to it.


Publicly buttering 600lb gorillas is a common PR tactic. "Bigger does work. Big has worked and frankly, WoW is the biggest. On a pure revenue basis it's probably the biggest game ever by a country mile. It generates so much revenue it's an incredible international business unto itself."


Okay, so they've established that WoW is big, bigger and biggest with as much drool as they could muster without laughing themselves unconscious - funny stuff. Killing with kindness can be an effective method for buying time to establish a market presence while minimizing pushback interruptions. It was fluff, not a mission statement.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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People compare because they want SWTOR to be the best game it can be, and SWTOR is competing against 2011 WoW, not 2004 Wow.


because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.


The no picture guys some it up exactly how it is.



I mean... imagine a brand new shooter trying to compete with the popularity of MW. Do you make it a copy of the first MW ever released?

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because it had 7 years to do research and development. A game released after it, should have an idea based on whats already done of what should be included an a next gen mmo.


As it stands, swtor is like WoW when it launched. Not how WoW is today. Which is the problem.


^Actually, I'm no BW fanboi, but this is kinda the problem.


"it had 7 years to do research and development[, and these things] should be included an a next gen mmo".


Sorry, it simply doesn't work that way. Your perception that this is a next-gen MMO is faulty. There is no such thing as a next-gen MMO.


MMOs are built and polished over time.


Sorry if you were expecting the second coming.

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if you buy a new car do you expect it to have all the features or more of older cars?


That depends on how long the older car took to make compared to a new one.


If an older car had every feature imaginable but took 10 years from start to finish to make, and the car i was purchasing took 6 months, I would never expect it to have as much detail and features as the older one.


A 1990 Lamborghini Diablo can outrun a 2011 toyota carolla. Does that mean that the carolla sucks? No, it means that it being a newer car still does not have the added feature of a V12 engine with almost 500HP, and to expect it to have it is an unrealistic and stupid expectation.


Just as expecting this game to have every feature that wow has when this game has only had a fraction of TIME worked on it.


To expect TOR to have 12 years worth of features in it is a stupid and impossible expectation as things take time.


More over alot of things come into play. This is a completely different engine then the one wow has. Things are coded differently and could take longer to add things into it then wow takes. No one knows if this is the case and I will not sit here and try to look like I do know.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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The no picture guys some it up exactly how it is.



I mean... imagine a brand new shooter trying to compete with the popularity of MW. Do you make it a copy of the first MW ever released?


The MW series hasn't changed much. Also you can't really compare genres as I would most certainly claim that RPG's generally have more content than pure FPS'.


And that is why they all fail in comparison to WoW. They need to change how they are produced.


Won't happen as you wouldn't be able to actually release the game in any financially acceptable time frame.


Again, it is not 12 years worth of features anymore. They've already been 'invented', it would never take them 12 years to add them in again. That's just not how it works.


Still takes time to actually code into the game. It's not magic.

Edited by ChipHazard
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That depends on how long the older car took to make compared to a new one.


If an older car had every feature imaginable but took 10 years from start to finish to make, and the car i was purchasing took 6 months, I would never expect it to have as much detail and features as the older one.


A 1990 Lamborghini Diablo can outrun a 2011 toyota carolla. Does that mean that the carolla sucks? No, it means that it being a newer car still does not have the added feature of a V12 engine with almost 500HP, and to expect it to have it is an unrealistic and stupid expectation.


Just as expecting this game to have every feature that wow has when this game has only had a fraction of TIME worked on it.


To expect TOR to have 12 years worth of features in it is a stupid and impossible expectation as things take time.


Again, it is not 12 years worth of features anymore. They've already been 'invented', it would never take them 12 years to add them in again. That's just not how it works.

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This game is bad because it lacks substance. It's nothing more than a movie set. The buildings are there, but they're all facades, nothing behind them but props. The people are there but they are mere actors, playing a role.


This game is bad merely because it feels empty beyond words.


This appears to be blaming Bioware for your own failings. Transferance: You don't bother to imagine the story your character is engaged in, so you call it all empty, a facade.


Bioware cannot be expected to supply you with imagination if you refuse to recognize it.


Recommend trying to not avoid responsibility for the quality of your play: If you aren't enjoying it, you are doing something wrong.

Edited by Gleneagle
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Again, it is not 12 years worth of features anymore. They've already been 'invented', it would never take them 12 years to add them in again. That's just not how it works.


Your claim is thinking that this enging, the very code in the game its self is EXACTLY THE SAME as world of warcrafts. Im no coder but I can garentee you that this game is far different when it comes to its coding then world of warcraft.


As such, different codes adn such take time to impliment. Your saying that it wouldnt take 12 years to add in eveything when in reality it could take over 12 years to impliment due to the code being complex. Just as it could take one week to add in everything. Frankly you dont know what you are saying as I also dont know how long it would take.


Your expecting this game to have everything in itwhen you really dont know how much work needs to go into coding it all in.

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if you buy a new car do you expect it to have all the features or more of older cars?


So you want an Edsel? More Chrome? Two tons of metal and eight miles to the gallon? A faux Landau roof? What are you actually suggesting here?

Edited by Gleneagle
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Your claim is thinking that this enging, the very code in the game its self is EXACTLY THE SAME as world of warcrafts. Im no coder but I can garentee you that this game is far different when it comes to its coding then world of warcraft.


As such, different codes adn such take time to impliment. Your saying that it wouldnt take 12 years to add in eveything when in reality it could take over 12 years to impliment due to the code being complex. Just as it could take one week to add in everything. Frankly you dont know what you are saying as I also dont know how long it would take.


Your expecting this game to have everything in itwhen you really dont know how much work needs to go into coding it all in.


Again, that's not how it works. The code will not be entirely different at all. Hell, look at what happened when WAR came out. A few weeks later, WoW added in some of it's battleground que features. Don't even call that a coincidence, this type of things have happened time and time again.


Your expecting this game NOT to have everything in it when you really dont know how little work goes into re-using and pasting code.


Hell, lets say your right. And that in no way could SWTOR have all these features.


So what?


WoW still wins in the end, regardless of WHY SWTOR didn't have these features.

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