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Choosing a Faction on Iokath


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Hey folks,


As we mentioned in our PvP post last week, and on our original 5.2 livestream, when you arrive on Iokath you will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with in the War for Iokath. We know that there will be many questions coming off of this around what this actually impacts so we want to clear up exactly how this works, and exactly what it affects. First, to avoid any confusion: The faction you choose has no effect at all outside of Iokath. It only impacts story choices in the Iokath storyline (and future stories) and some gameplay impacts on Iokath.


Let’s start by talking about how the Faction choice works mechanically. You will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with initially during your character’s storyline on Iokath. Once you have completed the storyline and have access to the daily area, there is a terminal you can activate to switch sides once per day. Using this terminal does not override your story choice, but it does allow you to join your friends and play the opposite side’s daily missions if you so choose. Now that you know how you move between Factions, let’s talk about what you can do on each side:

  • The Faction choice you make during the storyline does have story consequences, so choose carefully! This is the choice that will be remembered in future storylines.
  • After the story, your current Faction will determine what base and Daily Missions you can access.
  • Completing a Daily Mission will award you with Reputation for your chosen Factions rep track on Iokath.
  • Killing enemies can drop Reputation consumables for your chosen Faction.
  • In open world PvP, players’ allies and enemies are determined by their currently selected Faction.
  • If you do anything off of Iokath such as Warzones, Operations, etc. your Class’s Faction is what will determine things as normal.


Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact.



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Wouldnt this be an excellent time to introduce cross faction Queue for warzones considering this is pretty much cross faction ALREADY in open world? We have it on OPG and now on Iokath, there really is no reason to keep warzone queues faction locked at this point. It will only benefit everyone at this point of low server population, if we do not get server merges.
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Wouldnt this be an excellent time to introduce cross faction Queue for warzones considering this is pretty much cross faction ALREADY in open world? We have it on OPG and now on Iokath, there really is no reason to keep warzone queues faction locked at this point. It will only benefit everyone at this point of low server population, if we do not get server merges.


My guess is that they are taking small steps toward that eventual goal. And this is a GOOD thing; better to take small steps and get it right, than jump off that cliff and mess it up royal.


The only issue I foresee is the commentary pre-combat:

ACW: the pub/imp general is talking...if you are a pub character and hear imp commentary that could be a problem

Edited by psandak
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How about the Iokath operation (Tyth and the rest, as it comes)? Does it count as Iokath, so chosen faction, or it counts as "outside operation", so class faction?


Tyth and the rest of the Operation are just a part of normal play, so your standard faction is what dictates your group as normal.



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Hey folks,


Let us know if you have any questions about Faction switching on Iokath or its impact.



How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath?


How will this impact a guildship summons?


How will this impact chat channels?


You say it won't have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact future story content...is that future content still restricted only to Iokath or could it spread beyond that?

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I guess thats a neat spin on it all but why isn't everyone under the outlanders banner?


Seems a bit odd.


Because if you remember from the story...



Once Iokath was discovered, all sides (pub, imp, and alliance) went there to investigate.



Now as the Outlander, you have the option to choose which side you want to align with

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Because if you remember from the story...



Once Iokath was discovered, all sides (pub, imp, and alliance) went there to investigate.



Now as the Outlander, you have the option to choose which side you want to align with


Seems like that would destroy the alliance. Seems pretty stupid you would choose one of the others sides instead of your own alliance. You've spent every waking moment creating your own team to just choose one of the old sides.


Like I said, Seems a bit odd.

Edited by Quraswren
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My guess is that they are taking small steps toward that eventual goal. And this is a GOOD thing; better to take small steps and get it right, than jump off that cliff and mess it up royal.


The only issue I foresee is the commentary pre-combat:

ACW: the pub/imp general is talking...if you are a pub character and hear imp commentary that could be a problem


They just need to use the training simulation voic overs. Problem solved. It isnt even a problem TO solve. They already have it in game, it just requires them to hit a button to unlock it. It was already in a PTS a few times and they conveniently got rid of it when the patch went live.

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Seems like that would destroy the alliance. Seems pretty stupid you would choose one of the others sides instead of your own alliance. You've spent every waking moment creating your own team to just choose one of the old sides.


Like I said, Seems a bit odd.


Yeah, I swear up and down i remember them saying taht you could also choose the alliance, but the twitter post with that seems to have vanished and now its only pub and imp, which is disappointing. Why would I fight my own interests?

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Seems like that would destroy the alliance. Seems pretty stupid you would choose one of the others sides instead of your own alliance. You've spent every waking moment creating your own team to just choose one of the old sides.


Like I said, Seems a bit odd.


Well again though, as part of the story...



Empress Acina actively seeks an alliance with the alliance you command. If your Outlander chose to forge that alliance (not to mention kill [former Chancellor] Saresh), then it makes perfect sense to align with the Empire. OTOH, if you refused Acina's offer (maybe because your character hates the Sith Empire), then it makes sense to align with the Republic.



Think of it more as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rather than abandoning the alliance for another government.

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Well again though, as part of the story...



Empress Acina actively seeks an alliance with the alliance you command. If your Outlander chose to forge that alliance (not to mention kill [former Chancellor] Saresh), then it makes perfect sense to align with the Empire. OTOH, if you refused Acina's offer (maybe because your character hates the Sith Empire), then it makes sense to align with the Republic.



Think of it more as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rather than abandoning the alliance for another government.


And if you chose the opposite choice from both of those you mentioned? You would have both of them on your side.

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And if you chose the opposite choice from both of those you mentioned? You would have both of them on your side.


Exactly, I would choose my alliance over either. I'm this great commander and now ruler of Zakuul and have both Empire and Sith with me.


There is no reason I would side with either one of them alone at this point. I got my own alliance to side with.

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  • [*]The Faction choice you make during the storyline does have story consequences, so choose carefully! This is the choice that will be remembered in future storylines.



So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story?

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As many others are saying, I'm disappointed as hell that you're forcing us to choose to support either the Empire or the Republic. My Alliance is now the strongest force in the galaxy - why would I bend the knee to these corrupt/inept/psychotic organisations?!
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lol, so PvP wise all the losers in the Republic will join Empire because they are sick of losing. Not realizing of course that they are the cause of their own loss.


I will be calling out locations of Republic traitors so that their people can come kill them :D

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How will this impact grouped players if they choose opposite factions upon arriving at Iokath?


How will this impact a guildship summons?


How will this impact chat channels?


You say it won't have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact future story content...is that future content still restricted only to Iokath or could it spread beyond that?


If you choose opposite Factions while grouped, it will allow you to make the choice and then remove you from the group.


Guildship summons will be based on your Class Faction, as per normal.


General chat channels are dictated by your normal Class Faction, you can however group with and chat with players based on your chosen Faction.


The future impact is story impact based on your story choices, not gameplay.



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Interesting... A few months ago the forum was full of posts that wanted to return to Pub vs. Imp stories. Some posters said they'd be unhappy being forced to re-join their old faction, because that's not what their characters would do.


Behold! You can choose a side. I thought "wow! that'll make some people happy".


Behold! The forum is now full of bi-tching that the story returns to Pub vs. Imp story, and you even can choose the side.


There's not satisfying you, people, is there? :rolleyes:


For my own toons: they just want to go home. They never wanted any stupid Zakuul or to form a new Empire.

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  • [*]The Faction choice you make during the storyline does have story consequences, so choose carefully! This is the choice that will be remembered in future storylines.



So I have a question, this here states during the Storyline, so this is a one time consequence thing right? Meaning if you choose Empire as a Republic Commando, once the story continues those choices carry over no matter how many times you switch back n forth after the story?

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But no option to choose my own alliance, the one I am leader of and have been building for 25 chapters?


Sounds like EAWare have decided they don't want you to have access to a third independent faction and awesome fleet after all, so now they're performing an ***-pull operation to push us back to the two faction story we had prior to the TWO YEARS of Keeping Up With The Valkorions.


Does no one else remember the dialogue and in-game mails you were sent stating both the Empire and Republic respected the Alliance's claims to territory, including Iokath?

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Does no one else remember the dialogue and in-game mails you were sent stating both the Empire and Republic respected the Alliance's claims to territory, including Iokath?


I remember but it seems the creators of the game have conveniently forgotten that.

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