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Most active servers?


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I can echo that Ebon Hawk is good. While not the most active, it's still a good server: people on fleet, queues pop, etc.


I will be honest and suggest avoiding Allies channel if you did hop over, as it's basically devolved from a group finding chat to a war between a guild leader (who likes to spam guild recruitment messages in Allies) and his guildmates vs a group of other people that..I honestly have no clue what all happened. I ended up leaving that channel tonight :(


But besides that, EH is quite nice and friendly, from what I've experienced


I know exactly what guild leader you're talking about... and oh, could I tell you stories! Stay away from that one and his cronies, bad news. Avoiding the Allies chat is definitely good advice as well.


Outside of outliers like that guy, though, EH is fairly mellow. I mean, no server is going to ever be completely free of jerks or toxic people, but most people I've run into in pugs and group finder queues are nice enough. There's a good number of friendly guilds people can join. Not much in the way of hardcore endgame guilds anymore, as they either moved servers or left the game during the 2 year drought, but there's still a few groups plugging away at it. And of course there's RP guilds as well if you're into that.


EH is definitely not hopping as much as it used to, but you can at least still get pops in prime time, and that's more than a number of servers can say these days.

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Ebon Hawk is not a Utopia full of people bending over backwards to accommodate others, by any means. No server will be.


That said, Ebon Hawk does have a much more pleasant community overall than Harbinger.


No disagreement from me. Although, I will say that i have encountered some really awesome people that have bent over backwards helping me get my footing when I started playing full time... and with that, I have been paying it forward ever since. I would like to think I am a positive member of the server, doing what I can, in ensuring that newcomers are not discouraged.

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The Harbinger ( US ) The Red Eclipse ( EU ) are the best servers in the galaxy now depending on the location of the player times will be horrible on other US servers due to East vs West time zones and places like The Ebon Hawk are ghost towns for anyone that is from Oceanic region so stay very clear of East coast servers.
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You say that Harbinger is not a cesspool, but in the same breath say that you tend to sit in your stronghold, which begs the question "if Harbinger is not a cesspool, why sit in your stronghold avoiding most of the server?"
I'm on Harbinger and I do spend the bulk of my time on Fleet (if I'm not in an instance) - Fleet is where the action is.


General chat is most certainly NOT a cesspool. The control of chat is 100% in your hands. If you see something you dislike, /ignore and go about your business. Once you have someone on ignore, they can no longer bother you. Fleet chat is no different than any other server. That being said, I don't have any real players on /ignore, only credit spammers. Being the only "healthy" server, it's well worth a players time to take the 5min and ignore anyone they disagree with...the alternative is playing on a soon to die server.

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I have characters on all three English-language European servers, but I primarily play on Progenitor these days.

Population waxes and wanes. Sometimes I get multiple quick pops for TFPs, HFPs, and warzones... sometimes I get left waiting for ages. Depends on the time of day.

Haven't properly been back to Red Eclipse since before KotFE, except for very early in the DvL Event before KotET - made a couple more characters for that but didn't do much with them.

That's also when I started on Tomb of Freedon Nadd but only really properly played one of the six event characters I made there.

Progenitor is the one I like these days :)

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Lmao. You know people go to work and that bs. You can't judge numbers at 730am from fleet. Omg the game is dying because there's hardly anyone on fleet 7am on a weekday! :eek: show of hands? How many of you aren't online at 7am?


While it is true that it won't be peak numbers you are going by, you can still deduce a servers health from off times. IF you have observed it long enough.


For example, on Shadowlands there use to be about ~100 people on the fleet during any off times. Weekdays, weeknights, early morning etc. Now since 5.0 that number has dropped to roughly 30-60 people on average. The same with the stronghold planets. They use to have 40-60 each everyday. Now they typically sit in the 20-30 range. So the population drop is really felt more on servers that are not Harbinger or the EU equivalent, and something has certainly happened to the populations, so it would be folly to ignore it.

Edited by Darkside
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I'm on Harbinger and I do spend the bulk of my time on Fleet (if I'm not in an instance) - Fleet is where the action is.


General chat is most certainly NOT a cesspool. The control of chat is 100% in your hands. If you see something you dislike, /ignore and go about your business. Once you have someone on ignore, they can no longer bother you. Fleet chat is no different than any other server. That being said, I don't have any real players on /ignore, only credit spammers. Being the only "healthy" server, it's well worth a players time to take the 5min and ignore anyone they disagree with...the alternative is playing on a soon to die server.


It would appear that either your definition of cesspool is different than that of many others.


Either that or you are being less than completely honest, possibly due to your apparent desire to see server merges, preferably with those servers being merged INTO Harbinger (which would coincidentally just happen to allow you to likely avoid all the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause for players on the other servers).


You must be perfectly OK with racial slurs, personal attacks, players telling other players that they should just go kill themselves and overall general immature, rude and obnoxious chat and behavior if you truly believe that Harbinger is not a cesspool, even if you limit that to general chat not being a cesspool.


Even one of the biggest proponents of server merges acknowledges that Harbinger is toxic. That says a lot.

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When you get sick of the churlish and unnecessarily rude community on Harbinger, consider moving to a pleasanter place like Shadowlands.


Exactly and Shadowlands is active. Don't let the RE and Harbinger comments fool you into thinking that those are the only two worthy servers. Far from it.

Edited by Lunafox
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Exactly and Shadowlands is active. Don't let the RE and Harbinger comments fool you into thinking that those are the only two worthy servers. Far from it.


Except it runs at low population LIGHT 24/7 now and is a shadow of it's former self. Again the title of the thread is Most Active Servers. Now maybe if the title was 'Looking for a Server where nobody ever says anything mean safe space server' then yes by all means take your pick from the 15 other servers that don't ever hit Standard in a day. ;)

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It would appear that either your definition of cesspool is different than that of many others.


Either that or you are being less than completely honest, possibly due to your apparent desire to see server merges, preferably with those servers being merged INTO Harbinger (which would coincidentally just happen to allow you to likely avoid all the headaches and nightmares that server merges would cause for players on the other servers).


You must be perfectly OK with racial slurs, personal attacks, players telling other players that they should just go kill themselves and overall general immature, rude and obnoxious chat and behavior if you truly believe that Harbinger is not a cesspool, even if you limit that to general chat not being a cesspool.


Even one of the biggest proponents of server merges acknowledges that Harbinger is toxic. That says a lot.


Ok to be fair, I haven't seen ANY of that. I have seen Trump insults. And a few trolls that said a sexist remark so I ignored them. I have been told I suck at PvP a handful of times with the worst actually not being an insult. One whispered with some great advice. No one has told me to kill myself.

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Ok to be fair, I haven't seen ANY of that. I have seen Trump insults. And a few trolls that said a sexist remark so I ignored them. I have been told I suck at PvP a handful of times with the worst actually not being an insult. One whispered with some great advice. No one has told me to kill myself.


Then you have been luckier than I, so far.


While such comments have not been directed at me, I have seen them many times on Harbinger, usually either on fleet, one of the starter planets or one of the capitol worlds.

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Ok to be fair, I haven't seen ANY of that. I have seen Trump insults. And a few trolls that said a sexist remark so I ignored them. I have been told I suck at PvP a handful of times with the worst actually not being an insult. One whispered with some great advice. No one has told me to kill myself.

Nor have I. Don't misunderstand, I have seen some terrible things said, but it's without doubt an oddity, not at all the norm. Some people just like to exaggerate things.

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Nor have I. Don't misunderstand, I have seen some terrible things said, but it's without doubt an oddity, not at all the norm. Some people just like to exaggerate things.


Some people like to ignore and downplay things, especially if admitting the truth might have an adverse affect on their agenda. Your point?

Edited by Ratajack
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Some people like to ignore and downplay things, especially if admitting the truth might have an adverse affect on their agenda. Your point?

And others love drama and to exaggerate things to create false points. Your point?

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What does it say when one of the biggest proponents of server merges admits that Harbinger is toxic?

I don't know, what?


I don't think any server is toxic...there are toxic players, but they exist everywhere and they're extremely easy to identify and /ignore.

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Nor have I. Don't misunderstand, I have seen some terrible things said, but it's without doubt an oddity, not at all the norm. Some people just like to exaggerate things.


To be fair, as much as I think EH has a decent community, I rarely pay attention to Fleet General chat for a reason. That seems to be where all the worst people on any server hang out! So I keep General in a separate tab and only look at it when I have some reason to. Easiest way to avoid toxicity no matter where you play in this game.

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To be fair, as much as I think EH has a decent community, I rarely pay attention to Fleet General chat for a reason. That seems to be where all the worst people on any server hang out! So I keep General in a separate tab and only look at it when I have some reason to. Easiest way to avoid toxicity no matter where you play in this game.


Turning off chat is an option, but one cannot "turn off" the players around you in the open world or their behavior, which is often as toxic as general chat.


Harbinger IS the most populated US server, but that population comes at a cost. Some are willing to pay that cost and put up with a toxic community in favor of the higher population. Some will choose the better community, accepting the lower population server.

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Turning off chat is an option, but one cannot "turn off" the players around you in the open world or their behavior, which is often as toxic as general chat.


Harbinger IS the most populated US server, but that population comes at a cost. Some are willing to pay that cost and put up with a toxic community in favor of the higher population. Some will choose the better community, accepting the lower population server.


i had someone sit on my character's face about a dozen times after losing an arena fight last weekend. Is that what you're talking about? But that was on TEH so maybe not. Your position sounds a lot like that of a hypersensitive fanatic - my played time on Harb is more than that on TEH and no one ever sat on my face there.

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i had someone sit on my character's face about a dozen times after losing an arena fight last weekend. Is that what you're talking about? But that was on TEH so maybe not. Your position sounds a lot like that of a hypersensitive fanatic - my played time on Harb is more than that on TEH and no one ever sat on my face there.


It has already been noted that no server will be a Utopia and all servers have will have toxic players.


IMO, Harbinger not only has the most toxic players, but also the highest percentage of toxic players, by far.

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Except it runs at low population LIGHT 24/7 now and is a shadow of it's former self. Again the title of the thread is Most Active Servers. Now maybe if the title was 'Looking for a Server where nobody ever says anything mean safe space server' then yes by all means take your pick from the 15 other servers that don't ever hit Standard in a day. ;)


There are plenty of people and at least they're decent. You might throw the 'safe space' thing out there like it's an insult or a bad thing, but you know what? It's not. I like being on a nice server with nice people. You want to go play with toxic jerks, choose the most populated one. I don't have to name names.

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't know, what?


I don't think any server is toxic...there are toxic players, but they exist everywhere and they're extremely easy to identify and /ignore.


Except for one thing Roleplay. Ebon Hawk is a roleplay server, always has been, so roleplay is expected and accepted there.


Harbinger is not a roleplay server. It is a pve server and from my experience these type of servers do not accept people that roleplay very well. 85% of the time if a person is roleplaying in a cantina, open world, etc, they are told to stop as this server does not accept that kind of playstyle. Sure not everyone will do that but there are many that do and why would a roleplayer, like myself and our guild want to go to a server like that. We roleplay with each other and even in flashpoints, etc and even if the person that is in the flashpoint with us doesn't roleplay they don't make a big deal out of it as long as we get the objective accomplish. I can't see people on Harbinger accepting that.

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Except for one thing Roleplay. Ebon Hawk is a roleplay server, always has been, so roleplay is expected and accepted there.


Harbinger is not a roleplay server. It is a pve server and from my experience these type of servers do not accept people that roleplay very well. 85% of the time if a person is roleplaying in a cantina, open world, etc, they are told to stop as this server does not accept that kind of playstyle. Sure not everyone will do that but there are many that do and why would a roleplayer, like myself and our guild want to go to a server like that. We roleplay with each other and even in flashpoints, etc and even if the person that is in the flashpoint with us doesn't roleplay they don't make a big deal out of it as long as we get the objective accomplish. I can't see people on Harbinger accepting that.

I understand your concern, and I do think it's justified. I will defend your right to RP (without harassment) every bit as much as I would defend a players right to PvP. I'm not asking for EH to be merged with Harbinger at all...even though it very easily could be. For the health of this game, I believe most of our servers (half at least) should be eliminated. I'm not asking to eliminate RP servers at all...just eliminate the dead ones because what we currently have is simply unhealthy for a game in this state of decline.

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