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please let us have our game back


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Let me start by declaring I like this game. I like pvp the most but I also like the pve.


I don't mind the merc cancer. I dealt with the sorc wars (lets not forget that was 2 years), I dealt with smash monkeys and the operatives knock downs. These things didn't much bother me (although they weren't great). I have pvp'd mostly but I also raided during the great content drought of 4.0. Still I kept my sub.


What has finally brought me to the end of my sub (it ends in two days) is the gear grind. 5 or more years I've paid $15 a month and for that I got: pve tanking, pve dps, pvp tanking and pvp dps all in one toon. If that wasn't enough I was able to switch. The amount of time I can spend playing has yielded command level 87 on my main character, and one incomplete dps set. Out of 87 command levels (which has taken since december for me) I've been able to use 9 pieces of gear.


87 drops, 9 usable. How am I suppose to get a pvp tank set, a pvp dps set, a pve tank set and a pve dps? I have had to choose one roll for one character to play. I don't care how many bags or crates or whatever they're called I get. I don't look forward to opening them when I can't choose the pieces I want and around 90% of them will be completely disintegrated anyways.


Now in a few days another tier will be introduced and I've yet to even get to bolster. It won't be long before the only play style I am grinding will be as obsolete as my old 208 tank set.


I want to play this game. I cannot justify spending the money when the new system has restricted how I've played for years.

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87 drops, 9 usable. ...

On an alt rank 86 i have

0 armor items

0 relicts

Implants and earrings 230 on mass.


I have never seen so a stupid random loot/item system.

I will never again buy a game by Bioware / EA.

Edited by Opaknack
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U like pvp and raiding, on mostly 1 char? And since december u are rank 87..... Someone is hacking u bro


I don't quite get this remark, so I write it of as ordinary QQing.


But what is the message from the devs!? I my self landed on pvp cos it was made accessible gearwise, the max gear with expertise was the closest we did get for an chance of equal prerequisites, If you were going from average to great you had to study your class, do your homework and test, test, test; I never minded really at the end of the old system 'cos I knew being a ****** pvper meant you had mastered a craftsmanship of min/maxing gear, rotations and chain working abilities. Now you just need to spend more time and the average player gets a headstart on the one not being able to put in the Grinding hours.


It would seem that the casual paying subs no longer are welcome to this game . . .

Edited by t-darko
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I have been thinking about unsubbing as well. The gear disparity is huge at the moment. You see people in ranked with 10k less than maximum health because they want to play the game.


I have ground out so many full sets of pvp and pve gear in the past. It was bad enough using comms. I do not want to do it again. I have some 242 gear but as you say that will be second rate stuff in weeks, still waiting for any for wrist protection to drop.


RNG killed the game 5 years ago and to celebrate swtors 5 year anniversary they brought it back but this time they removed the cap. Now you will never get the best gear, forever trapped in gear v gear pvp or story mode ops. It is sad and maybe this response seems a little dysfunctional but as I have written it all I have thought about is do I really want to keep playing this game? My answer to myself is not really, my sub goes past 5.2 so they have a chance to change my mind, but no class balance and even less gear balance is not the way to do it

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In a few days new tier will come out, and iam still 236/234 geared sentinel with one piece of 242. Although, i wasn't playing much during last month, however, it is disgusting. I played so much during september-may, yet my gear sucks pretty much. Biofail killed this game... especially pvp. I also forgot how it is to play alts lol.
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I think that the drop in server populations and subs will hit the issue home more than any post will, however, if you want it read you should post in General as your best chance. I am pretty sure no one from BW reads the PvP forum, probably why they have screwed up on such an epic scale.


PvP players only want a level playing field and are not so focussed on the better gear shinies that PvE,ers want. The current situation makes gearing to maximum faster for PvE which allows PvE players to enter with less experience but a massive gear advantage thus distorting the level playing field.


Add to that the design of some wz,s to favour specific classes and it is easy to see why PvP players morale is lowering , leading to cancellation of subs.


New update in 11th April, lets hope we see some action to turn things around, and not make them worse with the new cxp cap.

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i understand your feeling mate..and i share it.


this system forces you to play only one character, in order to grind your rank and drop these stupids crates which give you only garbage 90% of the time ! :mad:


since i am in tier 3 i just drop nothing , but nothing ! and i didn't drop any belt, any offhand since rank 1 just one relic etc...it's the worst thing i ever seen ! and you can drop the same slot..it's ridiculous.


and they added the unassembled system ...and it's a 250% event...


The crafting helped me more than these crates.


And i don't speak about all my toons i just can't play decently now.

Edited by Thaladan
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I have been thinking about unsubbing as well. The gear disparity is huge at the moment.


I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about, and I"ll explain why:


Full augmented 230's, I had around 115k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Full augmented 236, I had around 117k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Now i'm in half augmented 236, and half augmented 242, I have 120k hp, my average damage is around 1-1.5 million, biggest hits range from 12-18k, and I die very fast to pretty much everyone.


This coming from the perspective of a Pyrotech, which is a admittedly is a 'bottom of the barrel' class- and yet I have literally seen zero difference from going up in gear ranks in my character's performance. I've gained about 5k hp, and that's it. Damage, survivability, everything else hasn't changed at all.

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OP 160 and SCDRL 120 -- between the two I've never gotten main hand, bracers, chest piece, head piece or a relic other than devastating vengeance. I've had to use unassembled. They share gear, including the barrel, mod, enh in their mainhand weapon. I'm pretty sick of it too.
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I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about, and I"ll explain why:


It does make difference especially for new players who arrive in 190 gear with no set bonus and have to RNG a set. It may not be a huge difference,I estimate slightly less than 10%, but I think everyone who plays PVP would rather see an equal table. If they don't care then why are so many forum posts about balance?

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123k on dps specs and 129k on tanks i think. It is basically what the DVL gear gave you.


But that's just HP (which you can get with HP augments I guess).


I meant like the whole sheet: Bonus Damage, Crit chance, Crit multiplier, alacrity %, etc...


Like with all the calculations and DRs.

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But that's just HP (which you can get with HP augments I guess).


I meant like the whole sheet: Bonus Damage, Crit chance, Crit multiplier, alacrity %, etc...


Like with all the calculations and DRs.


Depends what mods you use. I have seen merc healers have a biggest single target heal of +50k, so they'll be stacking crit more than alacrity.

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It does make difference especially for new players who arrive in 190 gear with no set bonus and have to RNG a set. It may not be a huge difference,I estimate slightly less than 10%, but I think everyone who plays PVP would rather see an equal table. If they don't care then why are so many forum posts about balance?


Well that's my point, 242 seems to offer next to nothing over 230. Other than an increase in HP, i've seen no discernible change as I've progressed through the tiers. My damage hasn't increased, nor my survivability, which is why I question this constant complaint about GC that's tied to BIS and how much of a grind it is. I know my chosen class is **** tier, but if the gear disparity were as great as everyone claims, you would think I'd see some noticeable improvements as I gear up, but I have not.


As for fresh 70's, I had more hp and mastery as a fresh 70 in crap leveling gear than I did when I was wearing a full set of augmented 230's, so there can't be any complaint for new people.

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Depends what mods you use. I have seen merc healers have a biggest single target heal of +50k, so they'll be stacking crit more than alacrity.


Ah... yeah I guess it depends on your build.


I just wanted to know what a BiS character looked like to compare with mine.

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I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about


You're looking at it the wrong way. It is way easier to say "the enemy team is in full BiS augmented 242 and we have no chance because of gear" than "we suck at PvP". Now, there might be some very close games where gear does matter (in ranked, obviously, because regs are lol), but in general, this is just an excuse made up by people for underperforming.

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Well that's my point, 242 seems to offer next to nothing over 230. Other than an increase in HP, i've seen no discernible change as I've progressed through the tiers. My damage hasn't increased, nor my survivability, which is why I question this constant complaint about GC that's tied to BIS and how much of a grind it is. I know my chosen class is **** tier, but if the gear disparity were as great as everyone claims, you would think I'd see some noticeable improvements as I gear up, but I have not.


As for fresh 70's, I had more hp and mastery as a fresh 70 in crap leveling gear than I did when I was wearing a full set of augmented 230's, so there can't be any complaint for new people.


I had 98k hp with a freshly levelled toon and no set bonus. You should haven't written down your gear so people could graph bolster with hp that high.


Before you mention that is 20% not 10% I was talking 230 to 242 before. 10% makes a big difference in pvp. It's that last 10% that gets the kill.

Edited by Purgamentorum
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I had 98k hp with a freshly levelled toon and no set bonus. You should haven't written down your gear so people could graph bolster with hp that high.


In a warzone? How is that even possible? As a brand new 70 I had mob drop gear and H2 crate gear only, and bolstered to almost 117k hp, which is roughly 2k more than I had as in full 230. With each piece of 230 I added, i watched my stats and health deteriorate. Does wonders for your confidence :)

Edited by Vember
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In a warzone? How is that even possible? As a brand new 70 I had mob drop gear and H2 crate gear only, and bolstered to almost 117k hp.


just mob drop gear I used. maybe the H2 makes a difference but I'm not doing it again to find out. I'll leave that to someone who enjoys looking into bolster patterns.

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I don't really understand this 'gear disparity' people keep talking about, and I"ll explain why:


Full augmented 230's, I had around 115k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Full augmented 236, I had around 117k hp, my average damage was 1-1.5 million, biggest hits ranged from 12k to 18k, died very fast to pretty much everyone.


Now i'm in half augmented 236, and half augmented 242, I have 120k hp, my average damage is around 1-1.5 million, biggest hits range from 12-18k, and I die very fast to pretty much everyone.


This coming from the perspective of a Pyrotech, which is a admittedly is a 'bottom of the barrel' class- and yet I have literally seen zero difference from going up in gear ranks in my character's performance. I've gained about 5k hp, and that's it. Damage, survivability, everything else hasn't changed at all.


I dunno how full 230s got you 115K more like 113K. But when the full 242s is around 124K HP, that's about 8% less HP. The difference is much larger in other stats. If you sum all the variance in the stats up 230 is 20-25% less effective than full 242s. It will be interesting when 248s are out.


That is not the only issue though. I am GC 300 on my main, and has been for a while. I gained at least 30 levels since. So in 150 boxes, I got 5 242 pieces including a duplicate piece. 2 pieces with enh I had no need for. No MH or OH so far.


This is the definition of gear system fail.

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It's not about HP (endurance), it's about the Mastery, Power, and Force/Tech/Weapon damage. If you say you see an 8% difference in HP, imagine 8% across each of these. That's not a mathematical answer, but I think it shows how far you are off by comparing HP.


HP is meaningless with BiS gear because BiS gear has LESS endurance. Remember mk-4 gear vs mk-1 gear in 4.x? Same thing.

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