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Legacy wide components?


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So first you ignore my argument and then you come up with an unsubstantiated red herring (of course he's talking about legacy UC) followed by an insult. I'm not gonna bother continuing this discussion.



That's an assumption. He could be talking about making the tokens that you buy gear with legacy (as in the generic token that you get when you use your Unassembled components), so you could transfer the piece itself to the character you want it on. His statement does not in any way say that they are going to make specifically UC's Legacy, just that they are looking to help us make gearing our legacy easier.


PS: this is just one option listed that they may be thinking of. This is just one way they don't need to make UC"s Legacy wide.

Edited by Toraak
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If we equate UC to WZ comms, since they are rewards from PvP to buy gear. WZ comms could be transferred to alts. WZ comms had high limits that you do not over accrue them.


I do not understand people who oppose legacy wide or low cap. We have already been through this before and we know that they should be legacy wide and with high cap. BW and some posters make the same mistakes over and over again and never learn.


Well, people like Ratajack like having an unfair advantage over people, and they don't want that advantage to be eliminated. So of course they want to make it nigh impossible for people to gear their alts efficiently.

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That's an assumption. He could be talking about making the tokens that you buy gear with legacy (as in the generic token that you get when you use your Unassembled components), so you could transfer the piece itself to the character you want it on. His statement does not in any way say that they are going to make specifically UC's Legacy, just that they are looking to help us make gearing our legacy easier.


PS: this is just one option listed that they may be thinking of. This is just one way they don't need to make UC"s Legacy wide.


He specifically states "Unassembled Components and Legacy", not "Unassembled Gear Tokens and Legacy" which would affect Operations just as much as PvP and would merit clarification.

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He specifically states "Unassembled Components and Legacy", not "Unassembled Gear Tokens and Legacy" which would affect Operations just as much as PvP and would merit clarification.


Again just because he uses the term of "Unassembled Components and Legacy", does not mean whatsoever that they are making them Legacy wide. He is just informing us that they are looking into it as 1 possibility, but they are looking at our Legacies as a whole, and how they can improve the gearing system for it. This can be done through UC's becoming Legacy wide, or in other ways.

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Again just because he uses the term of "Unassembled Components and Legacy", does not mean whatsoever that they are making them Legacy wide. He is just informing us that they are looking into it as 1 possibility, but they are looking at our Legacies as a whole, and how they can improve the gearing system for it. This can be done through UC's becoming Legacy wide, or in other ways.


Oh ffs.


Not with 5.1.2. We know Components being available to your Legacy is something that is highly desired. We are still looking at how to address that and when we would be able to do so. I will pass on updates as I have them.




So yes, he did not commit to that being the specific solution, but it is pretty disingenuous to claim that is not what he was referring to.

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Oh ffs.




So yes, he did not commit to that being the specific solution, but it is pretty disingenuous to claim that is not what he was referring to.



Again they are being non specific even in that comment. They say it's DESIRABLE, and they are looking into it. However looking into it doesn't mean they'll give it to you in the way you want. They could Look into it, and decide oh it's good how it is, or change it so it helps people in unexpected ways.


Your reading 2 sentences out of multiple paragraphs, and seeing what you want. At the same time there is more meaning in the rest that your either skipping for your own purposes, or ignoring because you see what you want.

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So you don't have a real reason other than "OMG it wouldn't be fair to let people be able to play the characters they actually want to play and still gear other toons!" because you're an elitist who already has tier 3 and just wants to keep having easy pickings from people playing alts. And you make personal attacks and insults on anyone who disagrees with you. So you're not worth anyone's time and belong on my ignore list. Got it. :rak_03:


First, I don't PVP, so there are no "easy pickings" to be had, even if I had tier 3 gear.


Second, I do not have tier 3 gear.


Third, unlike some people, I am not averse to the effort required to fill 5 gear slots by playing the specific character that needs gear for those 5 slots.

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How are people still missing the point that they can't make UC legacy wide unless the same option is granted to UP drops from PvE... I don't believe they would allow for such discrepancy. The difference from before is that now the gear for PvP and the one from PvE is the same so now one affects the other whereas before it didn't. Secondly, i feel quite the opposite...as it is you have a reason to play alts in that you want to gear them... If UC were legacy wide most players would just play the FotM class to gear out all their toons... The reality is that most players will look for the path of least resistance every time. Thirdly, like I've said this is an RPG, so it's about the character you are role playing in the role-playing game's world not about the convenience of the player behind the keyboard... That's what having character development in an RPG is about.
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First, I don't PVP, so there are no "easy pickings" to be had, even if I had tier 3 gear.


Second, I do not have tier 3 gear.


Third, unlike some people, I am not averse to the effort required to fill 5 gear slots by playing the specific character that needs gear for those 5 slots.


I have had some truly bad luck. My smuggler has received 30 implants/ear pieces out of 33 crates. My days spent earning those crates have accounted for zero. The republic constantly loses so I'm stuck getting 2-3 components a loss (or whatever). I also only get arena matches. So I'll need to go lose 75 wz roughly 900 mins (figuring AVG wz is 12 min) to get ONE TIER 1 PIECE.


Yes missions do give 40 for the week and a few for the daily which is helpful. But this way the undergeared in PvP remain so as they will gear up at a snail's pace compared to those who are already geared. Not to mention there's fewer cxp involved in arena.


I'm wondering if they've tweaked the system to make arena pop more often to give less reward and other matches have a low chance. Ok. I know that's just paranoia right? But Quesh huttball 4 times in a row. Followed by 2 reg huttball then 3 arena 4v4 and then one voidstar has me wondering. I figured it was my bad luck. Or low pubside numbers. Switched to imperial side. 2 odessen. 2 arenas. 1 Quesh huttball. All give less cxp.


Edit to add: my sorc has started doing ops. I received the same darn belt 7 times in a row. It does suck. PS: I have no tier 3 toons either. I've geared my sorc slowly via the gtn.

Edited by americanaussie
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Oh ffs.




So yes, he did not commit to that being the specific solution, but it is pretty disingenuous to claim that is not what he was referring to.


If the "how" to meet players wanting components to be available to their legacy was to make them legacy wide, no "looking at how to address that" would be required. They could just make them legacy wide which thay can easily already do. Instead, even though that would accomplish it, they clearly don't want to (or maybe even plan) to make them legacy wide and are thus "looking at how to address" the players wanting "components being available to your legacy".


They may address it by saying we've decided to leave them as they are and not do what some players want. It wouldn't be the first time this is how they addressed something players want.

Edited by Inspirator
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Again they are being non specific even in that comment. They say it's DESIRABLE, and they are looking into it. However looking into it doesn't mean they'll give it to you in the way you want. They could Look into it, and decide oh it's good how it is, or change it so it helps people in unexpected ways.


Hey, just wanted to chime in, you were totally right. I should know by now not to take what they say at face value.

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