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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP On Iokath


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[*]On Iokath you can spend that currency to do special things such as piloting a walker. You will be able to pilot the walker in the same area as other players and use said walker for murderous intent against enemy players.

If walker-piloting is as much of a chore as it is in the storyline, I'm not sure that's something that feels like a reward. But at least this makes it sound like we won't be forced into any more of those segments.

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Eric, does picking a faction to fight for impact your dark or light choice in any way? Let's say I'm a lightside Vanguard, I'm fighting for the lightside in the DvL as well...can I still choose to fight with the Imperial faction just on Iokath?


It has no impact at all. Your dark/lightside choices are not tied to your Faction.



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Many questions/comments:


The objective is to kill enemy players? Which basically means no objectives? We tried this with Ilum and Outlaws Den. Neither does it work nor what the player base wants.


How will the game engine handle. It is not the bleak old days of 1.0 era, but the game engine will struggle to handle 3-4 dozen players in a small area.


For the faction side, so lets say I play a rep toon and join imp side. Another guildy/friend rep joins rep. Now we cannot group together. The issue here is self explanatory. What will happen is I will have to completely disregard the story and comp and just join whatever side my guild decides to join, or I cannot group with them.


As for the rewards. I will be honest with you, if they are not Unassembled Components or CXP (if not both), I will try once. Play maybe a couple of times. Then never do it again. Cosmetics are not enough. And surely whatever Lokath PvP is, it will not be sophisticated enough to be its own game (like using a walker or so only in Lokath).


This has bad old Ilum days written all over it. Clearly much more detail is required. The one thing for certain is that mindlessly killing enemy players without an objective with no gear rewards, will not work.


Are you surprised? Hell they scrapped a perfectly fine gearing system which noone had complaints about to bring about this monstrosity that is the current system. It seems that NEW CONTENT will simply be rehashing failed things that didn't work and calling it new. Painfully evident by the fact he never responded to first post which is right now the primary concern for all pvpers what about class balance!

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Its time to talk about class balance now eric. It is time.




I just wanted to drop in and let you know that we're aware of your issues with class balance and you want us to respond. At this moment we don't have anything to share, and even if we did, knowing how awfully incompetent our combat team is, you probably wouldn't like it anyway.


Keep the questions coming.



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Seriously, this sounds great, seems everyone finds something to complain about, yet it sounds fun, new and interesting to me :)


Problem is its been tried before and was an epic fail. I'm for open world pvp seeing as i run around all the time overt and never get attacked. But i have more pressing concerns such as balance the ^@^$% classes. If they aren't balanced then there's no point in even doing the open world pvp just be giving your opponents free stuff without them having to actually earn it due to their I WIN classes!

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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If we want to do the Iokath storyline, or to complete a weekly for Iokath dailies, will we be forced to engage in this PVP? Please say no!


Thanks :)


I recall this in very early days of TOR and i wasn't a fan then and i will not be a fan now, nor will i be aggravated to try and do story line or finish dailies and cant get anything done cause of prepubescent punks or Punks in general want to stop you from your accomplishments. Especially when you have a set time to do things in, and if some one or ones are messing with ya you just wont get any thing done be for you have to quit for the day.


So Please Say No!

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As someone who runs a regular PvP tournament for my guild I am very excited about the potential for this new high level PvP openworld area. I would like to run a server event in the new PvP area when it launches so I was hoping you could answer a few questions:



  • Can you have 24 person ops groups in the area?
  • Can you enter the area with a group?
  • In any size group, what happens when you have people of a different faction alignment with you?
  • I am 100% certain some people will try and respawn before you can loot their corpse, is there a short delay so you have time to loot but not enough time to drive them crazy waiting for you to loot?
  • Will there be a cross-faction (in both senses of the word) shared chat channel or is it just local area with /say?
  • Will there be a scoreboard or some form of in-game tracking?


I am anticipating lots of tea-bag screenshots :w_embarrass:

Edited by UlaVii
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Really don't care about open world pvp if you morons haven't addressed the issue of class imbalance! OR do you really think participating in crap matches like these are fun? http://s202.photobucket.com/user/kazzdevlin/slideshow/ all to common place now because you have no concept of the trinity that makes this work! If not corrected there's no point in doing open world pvp it will simply be dominated by mercs, snipers and sorc heals! Lets just say I'm not holding my breath that you understand any of this and expect this next roll-out to be my last! Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Hey folks,


[*]On Iokath you can spend that currency to do special things such as piloting a walker. You will be able to pilot the walker in the same area as other players and use said walker for murderous intent against enemy players.





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Don't worry. Given the way people felt about them in the story mode, I doubt you'll see them much unless they are literally the only thing to buy, or are just devastating :)


Not worried, and can't speak to others experience but I had a blast piloting them. Hence :jawa_evil:

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I actually liked them too! They seemed pretty widely hated though.


they were rather one dimensional and didnt do all than amazing for all their potential



vortex pull into AoE missiles


overcharge weapons vs other walkers


stomp occasionally

Edited by Udoroththefinal
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If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me!

Please Eric make it totally clear what kind of impact your PvP Visions for Ioktah have to all the PvE Players! For me, I can say, I would not survive a single minute on Iokath! Please Eric, don't break my heart!

If I'm not able to get my hubby back bc of those PvP actions I would hate you so much ...and I don't want to hate you at all. But this would be a Gamebreaker for me and, like I did in WoW, I would draw consequences!

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If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me!

Please Eric make it totally clear what kind of impact your PvP Visions for Ioktah have to all the PvE Players! For me, I can say, I would not survive a single minute on Iokath! Please Eric, don't break my heart!

If I'm not able to get my hubby back bc of those PvP actions I would hate you so much ...and I don't want to hate you at all. But this would be a Gamebreaker for me and, like I did in WoW, I would draw consequences!


Welcome to our world. We are forced to do ops if we dont want to spend half our lifetime gearing up now.

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Seriously? You're releasing an open world PvP zone with the way classes are balanced right now? Not only that but are offering zero insight ON class balance?


Well done.


If you think WZ balance applies to Open World PvP balance then you're gonna have a bad time.

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i don't think, that it takes long, until they forbid open pvp in pve-phase.

it is the same with ilum. there are always players who will cry that much,

that their tears will slow the servers.


but server are a point. if ilum is well populated (i mean 8vs8), the

server crushes. so will this be a special phase, you need to enter?

or how you wanna guarantee, that you can play open pvp. on every

planet it is just impossible, if you have more than 5 players, to play

without lags.

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