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Truth about PvP! Top 5 topics that you can stop posting about!


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Marauders/Sentinels tend to be a little like sex with a 98 year old...


Incredible, denture free beginning,

A Lackluster, disappointing middle...

But by the end you're killin' it!






That is the most horribly funny thing I have read in a long time. +5 internets to you.

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maybe they could do the bolster system to 10-24 24-32 32-45 45-50 well that would be easy and more balanced instead of about five lv 50 :p


Frankly, I've always said, Bolster has no place interfering with endgame.


I strongly support the bolster system, but after the first month, once everyone has done their grinding, and each server has enough 50's to support it, the tiers need broken up...


I disagree with the top tier being 45-50, cause every once in a while, a year down the road, 50's will be complaining about how they lose games because a random 45 got in.


Just give me 10-49 and a 50's tier... Especially if they bolster system normalizes everyone to 49 with a simple algorithm to enhance gear appropriately... That way, people are all equal statistically, but the people who have put in their grinding time (40-49) Still have an advantage because they've trained their higher level abilities.


Seems logical enough...

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Just give me 10-49 and a 50's tier... Especially if they bolster system normalizes everyone to 49 with a simple algorithm to enhance gear appropriately... That way, people are all equal statistically, but the people who have put in their grinding time (40-49) Still have an advantage because they've trained their higher level abilities.


Before it's even brought up, the bold section is just meant as an expression... SW:TOR's Leveling experience is IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER a grind.


/hattip to Bioware for it once again...


I think we can all agree on that!


And I know it has no place here, but I will point out a bug on the off chance a Moderator who talks to dev's is reading over this as a content review for sticky... But the rewards "accept" box sometimes can be closed by a simple hotkey click accidentally, and those items/credits/xp are lost (to my knowledge) forever... I only bring this up as a concern because when I was leveling in beta on my SI, I had this bug happen to me on the quest that rewards me with my lightsaber... How much suck is THAT filled with?


But yeah, Best leveling experience since I had to level as a human being... And that's taken YEARS!!!

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Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


Any Questions?

Emperor Punjab


Terentatek (PvP)


this needs to be stickied, or a pop up window when you try to make a new thread...its all true.

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I have some major issues with the pvp as it stands. You say sentinels have the most cc breaks, well 2 is all we have and you have to spec into them and they are deep in the tree. The 2 breaks we have are slow recharges and the consular/inquisitor cc refresh far faster i dont know bh/com but im certain they refresh theirs faster too from what I have observed.


The OP obviously hasnt played a sentinel very much. All our attacks require us to chase someone down and build the power up to be able to do more than just a few attacks. Whereas the casters start with full power and burn it off, so they are a loaded machine gun and we are black powder flintlock pos civil war guns.


CC in pvp is always a bad thing, most games make them eliminate or really nerf them in pvp because of how overpowering they are. especially when I have to run over to them, build power then drop bombs, i cant even get to them let alone build power. Saying pvp is supposed to balance out at 50 and the road there may have gaps, well the gaps between melee and casters atm is the grand canyon in size. When a lvl 16 can 3 shot a 47 and i only got close enough to get one energy building swing off there is something wrong.


If its so balanced then why are the top of the damage and healing lists all bh/comm and consular/inqusitor? You cant argue they are better players. Its a big coincidence how they are all so skilled. There may be a few others sneaking in there but normally the top10 are 90% those classes. BH/com spam rocket launcher with a few cc thrown here or there, why arent they using other attacks?

Edited by JediGuru
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i think a 50 bracket is the only thing i would change in a hurry, everything else is able to be tweaked at its own time.



Can't really see classes complaining too much about 1-49 pvp though, because no one in this bracket has expertise.

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Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


How about no.


How about we keep posting about it until BioWare pulls their head out of the sand and makes some fixes. Separate pre-mades and PUGs. Give us the option to queue for the Warzones we want to queue for.


As for Sorcerers, yes they are overpowered and they do need to be nerfed as do their counterparts. The only reason people don't complain about Sages is because Sages don't make up 80% of the Republic.


My class doesn't have X?


Sorry but you are wrong again... Not all classes have a lot of CC.


Combat specced Sentinels.


Providing the spent 4 talent points... Have the following:


1. Force Stasis (a channeled close/mid range 3 second stun)

2. Force Leap (a 2 second root.)

3. Crippling throw (if they specced for it) has a 3 second root.

4. Master Strike (if they specced for it) has a 3 second root that can be broken by any knock back, stun, interrupt, or mez even by the target.

5. Leg Slash (A melee range snare.)


That doesn't compare to the zillion stuns and mezzes possessed by the Operative, Scoundrel, Sorcerer, Assassin, Shadow, Sage, Vanguard, Commando, Mercenary, and Powertech... Heck even the Guardian has more CC.




The Sentinel and Marauder are the only class in the game without a pull or push ability which makes them suck a lot worse than they should in Huttball.

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Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


Any Questions?

Emperor Punjab


Terentatek (PvP)


Very well said.

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Having played a Sage/Sorc in action. Im going to disagree with you. I think it was point 4. They need to be nerfed for pvp. Its rediculous. No one can equal their DPS in PVP. No one can equal their healing in PVP. They are a heavily inbalanced class.


If you are healing your butt off in PVP and you are not a sorc/sage. There is always a sorc/sage that beats you out on healing. I even spent time talking with a sorc and they had less bass stats, power, and crit than I did and was one level below me as an agent operative.


Im not a slacker on heals either.


Most matches that I, as an agent, leads in heals, we win. All matches that a sorc leads we loose. I dont give up and give the same performance as I always have. The only issue is that the sorc always self heals and can keep themselves self healed even with 5 people wacking on them in PVP. I have seen a level 50 sorc sustain a fight against at least 4 other lvl 50s and a random assortment of other level for 3-4 minutes.


Sorcs are over powered for PVP. Enough said.

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If its so balanced then why are the top of the damage and healing lists all bh/comm and consular/inqusitor? You cant argue they are better players. Its a big coincidence how they are all so skilled. There may be a few others sneaking in there but normally the top10 are 90% those classes. BH/com spam rocket launcher with a few cc thrown here or there, why arent they using other attacks?


They are most often the top damage because they are played poorly...


Hear me out... (cause this is why the damage listing at the end of any instanced PvP infuriates me...)


Merc/Commando and Sorc/Sage have by far the most AoE abilities in this game that can be cast at range. That being said, it's no wonder they top damage charts every single game they're in. Here's a fun fact though... Most games where there are 3 or 4 of those classes on top from one team, that team LOSES! PvP isn't about "How much damage can I output," it's about "How can I output damage most efficiently to KILL someone."


I personally refuse to run with AoE spammers. My team most often when queuing for warzones is me (Sorc Healer), Assassin, Powertech (to guard and control) and either our Sniper or Marauder. With this single target dps setup, and my team focusing down whatever the Powertech pulls in, we win... a lot... And that's what pvp is all about...


So in closing, Say "NO" to AoE in PvP, you'll lead a happier life...



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So in closing, Say "NO" to AoE in PvP, you'll lead a happier life...


Gonna disagree with this, to a degree. AoE has its place in pvp, just not everywhere.


See a cluster of healers? AoE them. Your not gonna kill anyone(your right, aoe doesn't get kills) but your gonna panic at least one or two, especially if they can't tell where its coming from(AoE spells can be visually disorienting, especially ones like force storm that are very flashy). Same goes for clustered rdps.


Just don't be surprised when you lose if you AoE every time you turn around.

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How about no.


How about we keep posting about it until BioWare pulls their head out of the sand and makes some fixes. Separate pre-mades and PUGs. Give us the option to queue for the Warzones we want to queue for.


As for Sorcerers, yes they are overpowered and they do need to be nerfed as do their counterparts. The only reason people don't complain about Sages is because Sages don't make up 80% of the Republic.


I would be more than happy to debate this with you if you perhaps presented any logical argument past the point that was already refuted...


My class doesn't have X?


<Class X> Is a visual representation tool to denotate the idea of a random class, selected by the poster, for the purposes of complaining... You yourself did it down below by listing every class but yours...


Sorry but you are wrong again... Not all classes have a lot of CC.


Combat specced Sentinels.


Providing the spent 4 talent points... Have the following:


1. Force Stasis (a channeled close/mid range 3 second stun)

2. Force Leap (a 2 second root.)

3. Crippling throw (if they specced for it) has a 3 second root.

4. Master Strike (if they specced for it) has a 3 second root that can be broken by any knock back, stun, interrupt, or mez even by the target.

5. Leg Slash (A melee range snare.)


That doesn't compare to the zillion stuns and mezzes possessed by the Operative, Scoundrel, Sorcerer, Assassin, Shadow, Sage, Vanguard, Commando, Mercenary, and Powertech... Heck even the Guardian has more CC.




The Sentinel and Marauder are the only class in the game without a pull or push ability which makes them suck a lot worse than they should in Huttball.


Instead of going into this at GREAT length, I'll state simple facts and you can decide for yourself...


Sorcs have, as CC...


1 Electrocute - Instant cast 4 second stun

2 Whirlwind - Castable Mezz

3 Overload - PBAoE Knockback

4 Force Slow - Instant slow

5 Force Lightning (kinda) - 3 second Channeled Slow


And that's it... So Sorcs have 5, (operatives are the highest with 6 base I believe...) and I can barely call Force Lightning a CC...


You sir, as a sentinel/marauder, do not have a push/pull mechanic, and it's because you have the single greatest single target output of any of the classes, coupled with a Stealth mechanic, AND a Charge mechanic...


So right there, you're the ball carrier's biggest threat, you get stunned, slowed and knocked off the catwalk, and then you're right back in the fight with a full Resolve bar...


Any other questions?

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Gonna disagree with this, to a degree. AoE has its place in pvp, just not everywhere.


See a cluster of healers? AoE them. Your not gonna kill anyone(your right, aoe doesn't get kills) but your gonna panic at least one or two, especially if they can't tell where its coming from(AoE spells can be visually disorienting, especially ones like force storm that are very flashy). Same goes for clustered rdps.


Just don't be surprised when you lose if you AoE every time you turn around.


I absolutely agree with all of this...


It's true, AoE does have its place in PvP, and it can in fact do a LOT to change the tide of a bleak looking game...


The people who were being referenced, though, were the ones that stand on the catwalk right about the center in Huttball spamming their AoE abilities... Of COURSE they'll be walking away with highest damage............ And highest deaths if someone wastes their time going up and ganking them...

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Ok, it has come to my attention that there are about 200 different threads about the following topics, so simply put, here's what's going on with them so that you can STOP POSTING ABOUT IT!!!


1. Empire/Republic wins every Warzone I'm in! It's so unfair!!!


This is a server issue, not something to bring up on the overall PvP forums... Right now, the harder core PvPers on your server are on the other faction and are queueing more regularly that the faction you chose to roll... I'm sure as the game progresses and servers balance out you'll notice that you're winning more and more as people on your side level up and become more competent. Quick fix for now? Get some buddies, queue as a group, and work as a team.


2. I'm so sick of Huttball! If I get Huttball one more time, I'm going to unsub and light myself on fire!


Also, a server imbalance issue. Did you notice that everytime you're in a Huttball game, you're facing your own faction? Huttball allows for this so that queue times are as low as possible for people wanting to PvP. Once again, as servers balance out and more people of the opposing faction queue up, you'll see less and less Huttball. If you can't comprehend this, I suggest you follow through with the lighting yourself on fire threat. Or, a better quick fix, spend your first hour in game on a lower level planet griefing the levelers so they want to quest less and queue more... Not a very kind suggestion, but I promise it'll get the job done.


3. Sorcs are imbalanced! I demand they be nerfed, scolded, taken out, or have a serious talking to!


Yup, this one's hilarious! Notice how you don't see "Sorcs AND Sages are OP," just hatred towards sorcs and that damn lightning. Sorcs are not imbalanced, sorry, and neither are sages, but the reason you think they are is because you have a lot of ranged assist trains happening in Warzones from 1/2 premade teams and all you see is lightning. LIGHTNING IS THE ANIMATION FOR EVERY SORC DPS ABILITY! (or damn close to it) So when you die horribly in the face, you immediately believe that the lightning is what killed you. Fun fact, when you're getting assist trained, and you drop from 30% to dead, Sorc's aren't the ones with the "execute" type abilities, and most of your damage is coming from elsewhere. Stop blaming sorcerers for having the most recognizable ability animation in the game.


4. I don't have any CC abilities and <Class X> Has 40!


Every class has a good amount of different CC abilities (5-8) ranging from Stuns, to Slows, to Blinds, to Knockbacks, to Pulls, to Peels. The fact of the matter is that most people complaining about this are in their 20's - early 30's and are playing a class that blooms later than others (read: Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight). Not every class is balanced the whole time as they level, but believe me, once you're at 50, the class balance is suprisingly good! In fact, it's one of the major hat tips in need to give to Bioware beyond the feel of the game when questing and leveling...


5. 50's are ruining pvp! I can't touch them and they eat my face!!!


A couple problems with this one... First, PvP is never developed around people leveling... it's developed around 50's, sorry but that's the truth. Secondly, the bolster system is working exactly as intended, you're not going to be the top of the food chain, but you aren't going to get rolled as easy as your level dictates. Next, the reason you die so quickly to 50's is because they have expertise gear. Expertise as a stat dictates your effectiveness both damaging and surviving other players... If I have 200 expertise and you have 200 expertise, we effect each other as normal. If I have 400 expertise and you have none, not only am I doing more than 10% more damage to you, you're doing 10% less to me. It's a system that will balance itself out once there are more people in pvp gear, and its intention is to differentiate PvP gear from PvE gear. Lastly, while I do support a split in tiers (50's tier, non 50's tier) it's to protect the endgame players from the rest of the population. Let's face it, you'll be whining about the same things from the other side of the fence once you're in a Warzone where you're all level 50 but 2 members of your team are level 16 in greens. This system is in place right now as an "out of town preview" or "soft-opening" for pvp. Let everybody see the ideas that are in place, then filter them into their appropriate sections of that idea after the first major patch.


So there it is! the top 5 things I see as hate threads on here explained away! I'm not naive enough to believe that you'll all stop posting about them once you read this, but a boy can dream, can't he? I had about 10 things I wanted to address, systemic problems, UI mechanics glitches and the like, but in the interest of not building the "Great Wall of Text" I went with the ones above...


Any Questions?

Emperor Punjab


Terentatek (PvP)



LEIK OMGZ Wall of text that makes sense


Vote for stickie NOW

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