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Everything posted by IveDefected

  1. i really have no idea what you are asking, i am sorry
  2. ive never been a massive consumer of the EU in general but what i have read ive enjoyed for the most part. But i cannot get behind the idea of the Vong, at all. It always reeked of overpowered god type high fantasy tropes. Count me among the +1 to NO VONG!
  3. lets go ahead and take off the tinfoil hat. They have made it perfectly clear in a majority of their patches that they do listen. I dont know how much experience you have with software development let alone MMO development but there is no magic fix. These things take time. You (everyone) just needs to relax and see where it goes. There are teams of people that have NOTHING to do with development reading the forums and answering questions. All the people who are fixing things are doing just that...fixing things. if this was a year out and the same issues were prevalent, then we (the playerbase) would have a reason for these tinfoil hats that some of you seem so insistent on wearing.
  4. id like to see this and a penalty for the people the leave mid WZ.
  5. now im not one to assume things about people on the internt, and perhaps i am a little more optimistic then i should be, but this HAS to be a troll...has to be. please?
  6. my fear is more that those with the loudest voices (read negative) might be heard by those who haven't played it yet. I am having a blast as are the members of my admittedly small guild. I can see myself playing for years, which is more then i could say a month into playing Rift. PS. Not that there was anything "Bad" with Rift, far from it...its a great game. Something about it just didnt quite sit right with me though.
  7. now im not a part of the dev team, and this may be something akin to the WoW devs saying (at one point) that flying would never happen in Old world but i seem to recall the Day/Night cycle being a design choice and will most likely never change due to how its "Baked" into each of the planets overall aesthetic scope. I do agree though, would be awesome.
  8. I have to agree. The Items you get for social ranks are generally cosmetic and offer no real "Benefit" to the individual outside of posterity. Adding more ways to earn Social points would only encourage more social interaction, which (imo) is the point.
  9. I LOVE these. i just wish there were a Tab in the in game email window where i could save them to reread later. Or a codex page or something that would allow me to keep them for nostalgia sake.
  10. Ill be honest, ive leveled from 1-46 exclusively in a guild group of 4 doing EVERY SINGLE QUEST and Flashpoint up to Voss and we are all just about to hit Social V. seems a bit out of whack.
  11. i sold my entire lvl for 40 pvp set in a spring cleaning frenzy while trying to pinch credits for my rank 2 speeder. Didnt realize it until the next morning when i hit 40 and went to equip it.
  12. i have to disagree with this on some level. If you, say, jump down to a lower level and for whatever reason your companion decides to take the scenic route...well i promise he/she will be bring friends to what would have otherwise been a boring party. Other then that though they really shouldnt be pulling to much unwanted aggro. Your character may just be packing some junk in the trunk
  13. oh understand that, i guess i wasnt clear. My question was basically, how much alacrity does one need to hit that 1.5sec threshold? If it doesn't really require that much (IE if you can hit that using the base ALA talents) then is it really necessary to prioritize it as a stat over say +crit or +surge?
  14. i have a question. Ive seen a few of you mention that youre dropping TP mid rotation. Is there a reason for this? The reason i ask (and maybe im just assuming youre not doing this) is that i pop it on my tank before he pulls and dont really consider it a part of my rotation as its refreshed based (for me) on priority or need (IE the tank has 1 tick left).
  15. im curious too (about the HS healing for 200-300). At 40 with about 810 aim i heal for about 125-85 on mos HS spams. it can crit for 140. also, as stated above, the "GOO" effect on the ground is purely aesthetic now, the buff persists for its full duration regardless of the players proximity to said "goo" effect. *edit* Also, i have a question on alacrity...has anyone worked out a conversion on the stat? is it +1 ALA = -0.05 ? I dont really see the major benefit of the stat over all once youve spec'd fully as going over the 1.5gcd doesnt really change anything. I may just be missing something however.
  16. My guild and i are running a group of 4 troops Bulkhead (Tank) Barricade (Van DPS) Mortar (Com DPS) and me Medpak (ComMed)
  17. Ive been running a group of 4 troops with my guild since EGA and We have done every FP so far at its appropriate level. While The Esseles/BT do set a very high bar for flashpoint story i do feel that they are getting better as we progress in levels. Currently, we are all 33 and having just completed Taral V i can say that the story aspect doesnt disappear completely. Hammer and Athiss are certainly story light but i thought that Allusis was story centric and Cadmimu was awesome. Not on par with Esseles/BT but they definitely had atmosphere. Taral V brings it back up to the Esseles/BT Style though and was incredible (IMO) from both a story standpoint as well as a mechanical perspective. Also, due to points brought up during Taral V i am seriously looking forward to Maelstrom Prison! My point is, i agree that it would have been awesome to maintain that high gloss feel that the Esseles/BT provided but i dont think its all lost.
  18. yeaaaaaaaah, this needs to be stickyed. Excellent post.
  19. One of the neat little features BW has implemented in the game is an Email sent from NPCs after finishing certain quests/Missions. I really enjoy these and have a small sentimental attachment to them. As such i find myself wanting to keep them. What i would like to see is a way to add them to a folder within the mail box or a way to add them to their own tab in the codex for rereading at some point. Otherwise they are going to stay in my mailbox FOREVER!!! /2:sy_auction:
  20. One of the neat little features BW has implemented in the game is an Email sent from NPCs after finishing certain quests/Missions. I really enjoy these and have a small sentimental attachment to them. As such i find myself wanting to keep them. What i would like to see is a way to add them to a folder within the mail box or a way to add them to their own tab in the codex for rereading at some point. Otherwise they are going to stay in my mailbox FOREVER!!! /2
  21. yeah we had a similar issue the first run through we had. We had pulled the group to an LOS spot just inside the door way into the room. The chest bugged and we figured it was due to pulling them where we did, so the next run we just fought them on the platform where they stand and that seemed to work. Can anyone else confirm a bugged chest if you dont move them?
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