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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing: Why it had to be nerfed.


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This is actually true, except lock picking required a tool, a very cheap tool at that.


but required effort... slicing you can either put the effort out and slice boxes to raise it up or spend a little money to do so. Like every other gather type class in this game.

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Think of slicing like lock picking in other games. That is what it is supposed to be.


Sweet! Change Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, and UWT to return "locked" boxes on missions and I'll gladly stand on top of mailboxes, dancing naked, spamming chat "Opening lockboxes 5k each!"


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Sweet! Change Treasure Hunting, Diplomacy, and UWT to return "locked" boxes on missions and I'll gladly stand on top of mailboxes, dancing naked, spamming chat "Opening lockboxes 5k each!"



The game has many locked boxes in it... that is one way I leveled my slicing so quickly. You go to Alderran "humonoid" camps and they have boxes all over the place.


It's also a ton of credits, but not as much as the missions were giving.

Edited by Arbaal
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but required effort... slicing you can either put the effort out and slice boxes to raise it up or spend a little money to do so. Like every other gather type class in this game.


This is fine, except you are missing the point. My missions LOSE me money, and I have NOTHING to show for you.


You can say "then don't do it qqq" all you want, but the fact is that the other gathering skills are only losing money because a select group of people complained it into oblivion.


If you let the market inflate, then you would have


been able to sell the things you get from gathering missions well above their vendoring price.


But instead the whiners crippled the growth of our economy to almost nothing.

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This is fine, except you are missing the point. My missions LOSE me money, and I have NOTHING to show for you.


You can say "then don't do it qqq" all you want, but the fact is that the other gathering skills are only losing money because a select group of people complained it into oblivion.


If you let the market inflate, then you would have


been able to sell the things you get from gathering missions well above their vendoring price.


But instead the whiners crippled the growth of our economy to almost nothing.


They all lose money... Lets look at bio for example. You get get an abundant amount of syringes but spend 500 credits... you end up getting 10 of them but you can buy them from a vendor for 10 each. The mission part of gathering isn't supposed to be lucrative. They ALL have the option to go out and do a little leg work to pick them up and max a profit.


I would bet a large portion of the people complaining about money in this game is BECAUSE they rely on missions to do the gathering for them. Running missions on any gather/crafter will drain your credits dry in no time.


Matter fact, the BIGGEST advantage of slicing is it's a no brainer to level. You actually level it without doing anything except hitting a few buttons. It costs very little, nothing or even gives a tiny profit to level. Unlike the other gathering classes that either takes a ton of leg work/time or a ton of credits/time.

Edited by Arbaal
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The ignorance regarding slicing has become stupidly ridiculous. Someone says the basic truth about slicing and all anyone wants to do is emo rage troll. How pathetic.


I have seen some outright LIES from HELL and back regarding slicing. Getting rich in one day using slicing? Yea right, try again emo troll. Ignoring how useless slicing has become because of emo ragers? That is, quite sadly, too much of what I have read regarding slicing.


I still say, lets make EVERY gathering skill LOSE 80% of the time. How about we make your archeology skill return with 1 rubat crystal, or treasure hunting return 1 single marilite. That would be the EXACT carry over of what was done to slicing.




Seriously, grow up. You want to see how your economics arguments apply to a game? Go look at eve online sometime, people.


Grow up a little people. Prove your point with real facts or go home and STOP TROLLING. The game hasn't even been out a month and the emo troll sharks are having a frenzy trying everything to work people up into a frenzy over NOTHING. Give SWTOR a chance to get off the ground before jumping in like an ignoramous and ruining a good thing. PERIOD.

Edited by Daragoz
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I never chose slicing as a skill, because it doesn't realy match any crafting skill. U can choose 3 skills: one goes for crafting, another for the gathering skill for the crafting skill, and mission skill for mats required for purples. They should "pair" slicing with cyber as its gathering skill. It's not a suggestion, it's a must have that without it the crew skill system is just crazy. When they designed it, did they said: "let's have a gathering skil that doesn't gather anything?".
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Except you don't grind. You press a button and you get credits 30 minutes later. I jumped on the slicing band wagon a day before it was nerfed. I went from 4k credits to 250k in a single day. This isn't a lie or an attempt the slander slicing. I was disappointed that it was nerfed right after i picked it up myself, but I knew it was going to happen. This like this have to be kept on a tight leash. You cant allow credit inflation in the economy. If I hade 250k in one day just imagine what would happen in a week... a month.. a year.. 2 years... with thousands of people doing it.



okay I'm going to call shenanigans on your post right now, I too picked up slicing a day before it was nerfed and I didn't make nearly that many credits and even if I had at max level 250,000 credits is chump change. And this mythical inflation you guys keep talking about is utter BS in a game like this, see the thing is is demand will never quite reach supply because you don't lose gear when you die and when you reach max level you get the equipment you want and that's that and you get much better equipment from different vendors and mission rewards and commendations. Slicing is only really good for your leveling process. right now as it stands there is no point. Now ill be the first one to admit that it may have needed minor nerfing or some kind of level restriction to bring on par with what level you are, right now with slicing maxed out I am lucky to make 10-15,000 credits in four or five hours and the insanity of that is as I can make that doing war zones in one hour. sure this is an option for me to do if I wanted to but slicing was put in for the people who didn't want to have to do that, people who want to enjoy the game without having to grind all the time.

and from what I see some most the people who are responding to this and crying foul and saying that the people complaining about how slicing was nerfed are just lazy and so on and so forth, that's your point of view some people don't have four or five hours they can dedicate to playing a game they have these things called lives and jobs and family they have to spend time with, and for them they may only get an hour or two to play the game and slicing was an excellent option for them they could make a decent amount of credits and be able to afford the upkeep of playing the game itself as well as buy things such as your purple armor or mods and other gear and be able to pay for their speeders skill level 25. now I am a somewhat hardcore player myself and I sit here all the time and play for eight hours straight a session and even I am broke for example my level 15 Sith inquisitor rightat this moment who I've been playing with how I like to play in doing crafting and trying to keep it up to my level only has 765 credits that's ridiculous I have crafted probably about 10 or 15 items of blue quality one or two purple items and put them on the auction house they've been on the auction house for a day and have not one has sold and I put him up for decent prices I know some people are going to say that am doing it wrong but this is how I want to play the game and it should be a viable option but as of right now it's not because I have to hoard every single freaking credit I get and not craft anything and not buy anything nice in order to buy my speeder skill level 25 and it's not fun that is boring as hell and it almost makes me not want to play this game and it's not because I'm lazy, I myself played Eve online for 5+ years I've been in a 0.0 alliance I worked as an industrial player I did things as a PVPer so I'm no stranger to hard work and hard core gameplay, but it doesn't have a place in a game like the old Republic.

Now the simple solution to this would be if they change slicing to the point where you always at least broke even then there wouldnt be nearly as much ************, and I would go a bit further that if you succeeded in the mission that you at least make a 50% return on your investment then it might be worthwhile but as it stands right now it is a complete waste of time and credits, and at the moment almost all of the craft skills are pretty much useless and bio-ware needs to sit down and take a serious look at the crafting system in its entirety and it needs to be redone because right now it's useless.


also if this comes across to somewhat incoherent it's because I've been up for about 15 hours straight, So im going to go to bed now.

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For those of you that still don't get it. Here is proof BW is working to make the game fair. I agree with their actions. In fact, I would have done the same if I was on the BW payroll.



Our Terms of Service team recently took action against some accounts playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, and we wanted to give you some insight into what happened and why.


First, action was taken against a number of accounts for what's commonly known as 'gold farming' - or in our case, credit farming. These accounts were found to be exploiting the game in a variety of ways to maximize their credits in order to sell them to other players. Our Terms of Service team took action against these accounts and removed them permanently from the game.


Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced.


None of these accounts were banned for their actions and no accounts have been banned for travelling to Ilum while still relatively low level. By comparison, the number of accounts that were warned or temporarily suspended was considerably lower than the number of accounts banned for 'credit farming'.


It's important to remember that our Terms of Service team is extremely careful and thorough in their investigation of any potential exploit or unusual activity in-game. Working closely with the development team and using extensive metrics based on player activity, they are able to determine what is normal player activity, what is unusual and what is exploiting. Our goal is always to ensure a fair game experience for all players while also protecting the rights of individuals, and if people are disrupting the play experience for others action will be taken.


While we will not discuss the details of any individual action, whenever we take action against an account we believe they have clearly broken our Terms of Service. Any action taken against an account can be appealed and in some cases actions have been rescinded.


While we understand people's concern about actions taken against accounts, please remember the Terms of Service team exists to help ensure a balanced and fair game experience for all. When you see reports of actions taken against someone's account, remember they are choosing to tell their version of the story - and there are two sides to every story.


In summary, our Terms of Service team took action against a number of accounts that were 'credit farming' to remove them permanently from the game. They also warned and temporarily suspended - but did not ban - a smaller number of accounts for activities on Ilum that were decided to be game exploits.


Some adjustments will be made to Ilum in the near future to discourage future exploits. However, the planet is still open to anyone who wishes to travel there.


The goal of the Star Wars: The Old Republic team is to maintain a service for our customers that is fun to play and equitable for everyone. Critical to this goal is making sure that gameplay is fair and reasonable and we are constantly on the lookout for anything that would prove to be a detriment to your gameplay experiences.


Thanks for reading, and we hope this gave you some insights.


Unfortunately, not every part of a game's development is an equal sized task, and we must prioritize fixes as best we can.


To speak to your example, while you may have never seen someone ask for emoting from a mount, it may still have been asked for (either in threads you've not seen, or in bug reports, for example). It's also possible this was a fix that was being worked on before launch, and has only just now made it into the game, or that fixing this bug clears the way for other bugs to be fixed, or that adding it allows other features to be implemented. And sometimes, it's just something we wanted to fix.


While we cannot acknowledge every single post and every single request made on these Forums, we're reading and passing on the desires to the development team. Every major request that's been made by players since launch is being discussed and prioritized. That doesn't mean every feature requested will make it into the game - we'd end up developing a very schizophrenic game if we did that. However many requested features will ultimately end up in the game.


While I'd suggest everyone does check the Dev Tracker from time to time, you should also keep an eye on our new Community Blog, which has already hosted a post from James Ohlen about some future features, and will have more insights as we go forward into additions to the game.


The team is hard at work on improving and where required fixing the game. Not every fix is easy and not every feature can be added overnight, but we'll continue to work to make the game even better.




Further, If anyone has problems with my rather verbal and blunt views on the topic of slicing (regarding my posts on this forum), I appologize. However, I call it as I see it, and at times I do not moderate my... verbiage.. as I should.

Edited by Daragoz
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When you take slicing...that is pretty much it.


It doesn't support other skills directly. In fact it only indirectly supports other skills by giving you missions for gathering skills and schematics for Cybertech.


If they didn't mean it to earn credits, it would be a support skill like Archaeology.


Instead of nerfing the credit payout, the skill itself should have been redesigned to support ALL of the other skills through missions and schematic drops. I would have no problem at all only getting credits from "gathering nodes" if Slicing was the Jack of all Trades of crafting professions.


As it is now, augments are worthless and no one seems to want to buy the missions or Cybertech schematics.


Slicing is now flawed and it needs more of a fix than just reducing mission pay outs, especially considering how bloody expensive everything is. 12500 just to dress up your companion as a level 15-18 character just isn't going to happen and yet the planet those vendors are on is that level.


Prices for items bought from vendors aren't supposed to be a credit sink so large no one uses them, and yet its exactly that. The entire in game economy is suffering from this bad Bioware habit of overpricing.


At what point did it seem like a good idea to have people working towards 1.5 million credits for a VANITY ITEM? This kind of thing is just asking for hyperinflation.

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When you take slicing...that is pretty much it.


It doesn't support other skills directly. In fact it only indirectly supports other skills by giving you missions for gathering skills and schematics for Cybertech.


If they didn't mean it to earn credits, it would be a support skill like Archaeology.


Instead of nerfing the credit payout, the skill itself should have been redesigned to support ALL of the other skills through missions and schematic drops. I would have no problem at all only getting credits from "gathering nodes" if Slicing was the Jack of all Trades of crafting professions.


As it is now, augments are worthless and no one seems to want to buy the missions or Cybertech schematics.


Slicing is now flawed and it needs more of a fix than just reducing mission pay outs, especially considering how bloody expensive everything is. 12500 just to dress up your companion as a level 15-18 character just isn't going to happen and yet the planet those vendors are on is that level.


Prices for items bought from vendors aren't supposed to be a credit sink so large no one uses them, and yet its exactly that. The entire in game economy is suffering from this bad Bioware habit of overpricing.


At what point did it seem like a good idea to have people working towards 1.5 million credits for a VANITY ITEM? This kind of thing is just asking for hyperinflation.


While I may agree with the basis of your argument, and the facts herein. Let's just say I know they are working on the issue. What would help is having someone redesign slicing so it works for everyone and submit to BW. Makes sense, doesn't it?:p

Edited by Daragoz
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I don't think you thought this through before you spoke. Saying nodes are ment to be what makes money is *** backwards. Missions are what generates money. Yea it costs to send pet out but you are almost always getting higher level mats than you can gather from nodes. Friend sold 3 purps from one mission for 10k a pop. Far exceeding cost.... Cross craft goods I gather from missions grade 1 sell for 2.5k stk of 5. But node mats sell for crap cause they are common and usually low demand. If some nubby wants to spend his time switching between toons and only slicing like one guy I read about I don't care if he has 15 mil. It's his choice to waste his time doing so. And now that it's nerfed he prob found another way to make just as much.... And there are numerous reasons BW did it this way people who only pvp can still craft and not have to node hunt. People that didn't want to craft could make money from slicing. Sorry it's jumbled and such posted from iPhone...
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The ignorance regarding slicing has become stupidly ridiculous. Someone says the basic truth about slicing and all anyone wants to do is emo rage troll. How pathetic.


I have seen some outright LIES from HELL and back regarding slicing. Getting rich in one day using slicing? Yea right, try again emo troll. Ignoring how useless slicing has become because of emo ragers? That is, quite sadly, too much of what I have read regarding slicing.


I still say, lets make EVERY gathering skill LOSE 80% of the time. How about we make your archeology skill return with 1 rubat crystal, or treasure hunting return 1 single marilite. That would be the EXACT carry over of what was done to slicing.




Seriously, grow up. You want to see how your economics arguments apply to a game? Go look at eve online sometime, people.


Grow up a little people. Prove your point with real facts or go home and STOP TROLLING. The game hasn't even been out a month and the emo troll sharks are having a frenzy trying everything to work people up into a frenzy over NOTHING. Give SWTOR a chance to get off the ground before jumping in like an ignoramous and ruining a good thing. PERIOD.


^ that's some of the best QQ I've read yet. You basically come right out and say "dang guys why did you break this incredibly overpowered skill for me? GOSH!"

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^ that's some of the best QQ I've read yet. You basically come right out and say "dang guys why did you break this incredibly overpowered skill for me? GOSH!"



Could you provide a coherent and numerically backed reason why it was overpowered?

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Could you provide a coherent and numerically backed reason why it was overpowered?


Why certainly, and you know exactly what I'm going to say.


Slicers were running missions only, and rolling alts to run missions only, because mere missions were so profitable that nothing else was necessary. You see slicers STILL whining right now that "slicing isn't profitable!" and those are the people who want to spam missions. Still. Because it's all they did before the nerf.


It was easy to see it happening, folks talked freely about it in /general, I had guildies who did it. So don't play stupid.


Bioware has the numbers, ask them if you want to hear stats, or else ditch slicing and take up something else. Or cancel your sub. But don't act all wide-eyed and innocent like there wasn't an obvious exploit system going on with slicing that NEEDED to be nerfed.


EDIT: hey, tell me again about how you think a level 15 with 500k credits is "nothing". :p

Edited by The_Archon
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I think the OP put way too much thought into this.


Slicing was nerfed simply because it was so profitable that only a fool would choose any other profession over Slicing. When one profession offers rewards in such a way that it is unquestionably better than any other profession you have a huge balance problem because many players will feel obligated to choose Slicing as one of their professions in order to keep up with the other players who have it.


And the nerf wasn't that bad. I'm still making money hand over foot with Slicing. I'm just not making as much as before. All the nerf did was bring the rewards in line with other professions. But if you are careful about which missions you send your companions on you can still make a profit from doing the missions.


Since the nerf though, I've seen about a 10% loss on missions with Moderate or Abundant yield, but the ones that have Rich yield are still netting me several thousand credits, which works out to anywhere from a 50-200% return on the cost of the mission.


I think the people who are the most upset are the ones that were down-leveling missions to get the 3-10 minute missions. Before the nerf a skill level 400 Slicer could run the low level missions that only take 3-10 minutes to complete and get a 100% or greater return on the cost of the mission. Now they are losing credits more often than not when they do that. If you have some patience with the longer missions at higher skill levels you can still make money with the missions, you just have to be willing to take a loss on 2 or 3 missions before you get the one that returns a crit case with a good profit margin. A string of bad luck can be a loss for the day overall, but I have far more good days than bad with my luck on Slicing missions since the nerf.

Edited by NaciremaDiputs
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^ that's some of the best QQ I've read yet. You basically come right out and say "dang guys why did you break this incredibly overpowered skill for me? GOSH!"


HAHAHAHA!!! Your funny archon, wayyyyyy to troll! :)


LMAO... oh god.. I just can't stop laughing at your short sightedness... hahahaha...



OK, serious.. wait.. nope.. gotta laugh some more at you...


Does anyone have a non troll comment, or a comment that applies coherently to the issue without "QQ" ???? no?? yes? maybe?

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Guaranteed credit profit on slicing missions is spectacularly broken. Not sure why people are having trouble understanding this.


You could easily have seven alt accounts with 3 companions each in a week or two of dedicated play if you were a gold-farming pro without a spouse or kids or life outside of the game. How long does it take to initiate 21 400-level slicing missions and log in/out of 7 toons? Not long enough to keep you from adding more toons to more servers as you make more and more gold, and RL money for alt accounts if they ever actually manage to close you down, that's for sure.


Crafted items and mats take up space, limiting them to hudreds per toon and can therefore be tracked back to their origin as they are sold to vendors by farming operations in the rare case that you can net a decent profit selling them that way. It is simply not feasible to track credits in a similar fashion. Mats and items will also decrease in value as they become more common. Since they take up space it definitely becomes a pain to have too much useless junk sitting around waiting for some new crafting option to make them worth something again. Credits on the other hand take up no space and regardless of inflation there will always be demand for more.


Inflation is bad enough in MMOs. We definitely do not need easy money that you can basically acquire on demand without any significant time invested. Honestly, I'm a little surprised they let this get through the door in the first place. It's not like this is a new issue.

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Could you provide a coherent and numerically backed reason why it was overpowered?


The math isn't hard. For one server:


Max companions * 8 toons * profit/minute for lengthy 400 level slicing quests.


The only real question for a gold farmer is how much downtime s/he has to spread like a virus to other servers and tend to the credit card offerings of tools with more RL money than sense. How long would it take to log in/out of 8 toons start 3-4 quests and mail all your gold to toon #1 for distribution? 5-10 minutes? How long are 400-level slicing missions? 30 minutes? An hour?


It's kind of an astonishing oversight that they allowed slicing to make any kind of profit on missions alone. Safes as you go are fine. You have to actually spend time playing the game for that.


Edit: Seriously though, if I didn't like my day job and didn't mind feeling slimy inside, I would quit my day job if they left slicing as-is. I had no idea you could do this or I probably would have credit-spammed for the first couple weeks for some nice heaps of starting cash because I knew there would be an inevitable nerf. I was just too interested in making neat stuff to worry about searching for exploits at this point.

Edited by Pherdnut
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You are losing money running missions. You were never intended to make money running missions. You make money harvesting nodes.


So, let me see if I have this right.


1. The lockbox missions were never actually intended to make the player money.


2. The player is meant to make money by harvesting the semi-rare slicing nodes.


3. The only other use for slicing are the augment missions which take an inordinate amount of time and credits to complete and may or may not even give you an augment fit for your character.


So, that leaves me with a few questions.


1. IF the player was never intended to make money from lockbox missions, why were the lockbox missions included in the first place? Was that BW's form of a joke?


2. If the only way for a slicer to make money is by harvesting the slicing nodes, what happens when the level 50 planets are full of players? Will the never ending hunt for that next star on the mini-map add or detract from game play and story?


3. When players get their endgame gear will slicing lose what little is left of its worth as a skill? With no augments left to wait hours for the only use it could even possess is that semi-rare lock box with a pittance of credits inside. How is this fair to the player who used 33% of his crew skills on this and now has nothing to show for it?


What I'm trying to say is, in it's current state, does slicing help or hinder player experience? Is it ok for the player to feel like he/she has been cheated because he keeps losing money on missions that tell him he will only gain money?

Edited by TheAmishGangsta
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Caveats: I'm not a game designer. I'm not an economics professor. I didn't play the Beta, and I have no characters higher than 25th level at this time. I have slicing on both my higher level characters. I have no crafting skills yet, since I was planning on doing a lot of gathering and then get into crafting later. I have 2 mission skills, UT, and Diplomacy... So my experiences so far are limited.


That said - here are my thoughts.


Every Crew Skill Mission costs something, and generates something else. (Duh). The two may not be of parity in credits, although you might find the benefits worth the cost for other reasons.


Every time you send a companion on a mission, that activity costs the companions time (which is only relevant in that you can't send the companion on a separate mission at the same time), and some credits.


Every mission for every skill generates a skill point (or sometimes two?) and the possibility of something else, whether it be a material useful for crafting or selling, or a schematic, or some credits.


Most missions don't make money reliably (for any skill except pre-nerf slicing). You might make a profit on the materials you got, or you might not. But you do get a skill up. That skill point is benefit that must be accounted for, because it opens you up to higher level missions, with correspondingly better rewards. I therefore regard the Lockbox missions as skill-up missions. They sometimes generate a positive cashflow, but more often, they allow me to spend credits to skill up my character (and therefore allow me to harvest higher level nodes in the field).


IME Slicing is still the pre-eminent gathering skill for casual players. As I quest around the place, slicing is the only skill that generates money directly from harvesting. Every other skill requires more effort to generate cash - either by using the output as an input to a crafting skill (and trying to sell or use those items), or by trying to vendor or trade the materials gathered from nodes.

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The fact is the BW has went too far. You are wrong in saying that Slicing is a 100% gathering professions. have you tried slicing. Not all the time people are ready to buy the junk that you get from low level missions.


But in actual gathering professions you can sell pretty much what you gather. Whether you gather from nodes or send you companions. We are actually losing money right now from slicing because the nerf has been huge.


That statement is patently false. Slicing lockbox missions (above Rank 1) are profitable over time. They may not be as profitable as they were pre-adjustment, but they are still profitable.


Slicing is a gathering profession. Gathering professions can harvest resource nodes in the world. Slicing can harvest resource nodes in the world. It is a gathering profession.


The beauty of slicing is that you don't have to bother selling what you gather. With slicing, you slice a node, you right-click the box, and you get credits. Your reward is immediate and hassle- and thought-free.


With other gathering professions like Biochem or Scavenging, you slice a node and give up inventory space until you can get to the GTN. Then you browse GTN to figure out what your resource is selling for and decide whether or not to list it. If you list it, you decide on a price. If you don't list it, you keep storing it. If you do list it, you give up 15% of the listing price as a deposit while the item is listed. Then you wait. The item may or may not sell. If it sells, you get money an hour later. If it doesn't sell, you collect it from your mailbox and start the GTN process all over again.


Do you see why gathering skills other than Slicing should have a better return than Slicing?

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