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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

State of the game: Maintenance-mode and milking whales?


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i was used to it from when it was similar in WoW... but personally im not a fan of a PvP specific stat. Like i said, i despair to having to switch between PvP and PvE gear. Also, personally i do all forms of content as i personally think thats the way to go in an MMO... it also maximizes the chance of gear overall...


You have to switch between gear ANYWAY now, if you use the same stat build for pvp as you do for pve you will be at a massive disadvantage and will be just gimping yourself.

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yeah i could certainly get behind something like that if we absolutely had to have it. I still prefer 1 set of gear cause i do all types of content (PvP, Ops and everything in between) which would allow me to get BiS faster overall. If i had 2 sets of gear id have to grind out both. Imho the more forms of content you engage in the faster it should go. It's a conscious choice to not engage in one form or another... the game should be designed as a whole not seperate for PvP or PvE etc. Besides that it makes no sense flavour wise and there is an RP component to MMORPG... My character should change armor cause blaster fire and lightsaber cuts are somehow different coming from players then NPC's?! For my character they are all "the enemy"...


Ofc, either way i'd adapt and still play the game rather then start flooding the forums with rage-quit threads...


I do all content too, but seriously, spending 10 seconds to change gear , how is that even a problem? And again, if you are using your pve stat gear for pvp, you are just hurting your team.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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I do all content too, but seriously, spending 10 seconds to change gear , how is that even a problem? And again, if you are using your pve stat gear for pvp, you are just hurting your team.


its not the act of changing itself...its the space it takes up and/or fact that i have to carry it with me since i que up for PvP as im doing dailies for instance or whatever else. As for hurting myself... havent had much trouble so far though ofc i dont really play super-competitively to be fair. You havent adressed the RP issue though which for me is an important one... and the changing of gear makes very little sense...

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No clue if the game is dying or not. I'm not going to waste time guessing about it.


Here is what I do know:


On Harbinger, it feels like 90% of the people online are on the fleet , the origin planet, or the capital. However, since Command ranks have been introduced, the origin planets seem to of taken a hit, but they still have more people on them than any other planet. Game feels alive as long as you don't leave the origin, capital, or the fleet. When you venture off though, it feels like no one plays the game anymore.


Here are some stats for you: https://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


Overall ranked PvP participation is slightly down, but server-specific participation is at an all-time high.

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That idea isn't easy to implement at all.
It might not be. The game knows when you are in a PvP zone. So who knows, it might be relatively simple. Or it might be, because things were never designed with that in mind. Heck, it might not be feasible at all. Only a dev can say for sure.


That doesn't change though that such a system would be nice from a player standpoint to let them avoid the hassles of manually having to swap gear and to have the other set clogging up one's inventory. Nor does it change that the distinct needs of PvP gear and PvE gear are different, and they don't play nice together. PvE needs more scaling, while PvP needs to avoid it as much as possible. PvP needs to gear people quickly, while PvE uses gearing to slow people down. All because PvP should be a mostly level playing field, so player skill matters, while PvE is about progression.

Edited by Battilea
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Here are some stats for you: https://torcommunity.com/database/arena-stats


Overall ranked PvP participation is slightly down, but server-specific participation is at an all-time high.


Interesting data, and a lot can be gleaned from it in the context of reading PvPers complaints about "this", "that", or "the other thing".


Most telling to me here is that PvPers working the Ranked play format ----> mostly solo ranked. It is also clear that most solo ranked play takes place now on TRE and to a lessor extent Harbinger.. with the others much lower play levels, and lend to a narrative that solo ranked players are completely reliant on queues and fast pops in said queues. Which explains a lot of the complaints on the forum about "server activity levels" and more acutely....class balance (or lack of). You can't really balance a theme park MMO around solo PvP... but that does appear to be what some people use as their bias point. And clearly for the ranked solo player.. a server is "dead" to them if it does not server their particular narrow niche of play.

Edited by Andryah
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Ok so normally try to avoid commenting on posts like this as they tend to be flame threads rather than constructive but this line has so far been constructive so going to comments.


Having been around back when the game was only rumors and the website was only a place to register your forum name, I had high hopes for this game. I wanted something that would fill the Star Wars fix that the NGE ruined. When it first came out, it wasn't ready but that is not BW fault per say. I ended up leaving once legacy came out then came back six months later to see if they had addressed many of the issues that were present. Not really but you could tell they were trying. When the game went free to play I knew it was going to go down hill with micro transactions and that they would eventually go the route they have. I'm betting it was more EA than BW who made those decisions. So now I resub every six months for a month, play the story and quit again due to lack of content that keeps me here. Not like FFXIV does. That is the model they should have pushed as well as content cycles. Is this game salvageable? Not while it is published by EA. I give it two more years at most. Minimum a year. This next update will either make or break it.

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Hahaha I was literally in the middle of posting this exact thing.

Geezus...the updates other games get makes me drool with envy :( I just wish EA had seen the value of this IP...they'd have made 100x's what they have with very little extra investment.

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Geezus...the updates other games get makes me drool with envy :( I just wish EA had seen the value of this IP...they'd have made 100x's what they have with very little extra investment.


It's why I only give this game two more years. The competition only gets more advanced and the only thing this game currently has going for it is the Star Wars name. I don't think it is BW fault per say (yet they do share the blame) but EA sticking their nose in things as usual. BW is more for the gamer and EA Is for the dollar. Sadly since EA holds the purse strings.....you know which one will win out.

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Geezus...the updates other games get makes me drool with envy :( I just wish EA had seen the value of this IP...they'd have made 100x's what they have with very little extra investment.


I mean, I know EA is the easy villain to attack here, but they did invest a ton of money in the game and it's hard to really justify them spending tons more now. It's also on Bioware to execute and they've made multiple mistakes along the way that helped lead the game to where it is today - you can't really expect EA to keep throwing large amounts of money at Bioware hoping they'll figure out a way to turn things around.

Edited by RarePorcupine
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I mean, I know EA is the easy villain to attack here, but they did invest a ton of money in the game and it's hard to really justify them spending tons more now. It's also on Bioware to execute and they've made multiple mistakes along the way that helped lead the game to where it is today - you can't really expect EA to keep throwing large amounts of money at Bioware hoping they'll figure out a way to turn things around.


I agree with you to a point. EA was the reason this game was published before it was ready. Cash shop is their idea and continues to be their idea. NOW the balance issues and ignored bugs or the ones they fix and keep bringing back...well that is BW. THe lack of content....I think is a shared blame. Lack of vision for one (BW) and wrong direction for focus for the other (EA)

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Will it last until the end of summer? Yes, absolutely. Has much of it died? Yes, absolutely. PVP has become a joke, OPs aren't being produced, the new stories are all completely railed, and the individuality of each character is pretty much nonexistent. They are coming out with direct sales of ultra rare items on the CM for obscene prices (60 bucks dammit), and reducing the amount of things you can do as a PS player. They stole our companions and are slowly giving them back, BUT WAIT OH NO you have to be a sub to get em back, and you get one a month. Are they milking the whales? Yes.


As far as the "maintenance-mode" question goes, I don't think they are in that stage. They are coming out with new uprisings, they are (slowly and painfully) returning companions, and adding a fair amount of single player things so far. So is the game in "maintenance-mode"? No.


Just my two cents

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Geezus...the updates other games get makes me drool with envy :( I just wish EA had seen the value of this IP...they'd have made 100x's what they have with very little extra investment.
Wow ... someone was embarrassed enough to have that whole discussion censored. It was factual and perfectly on topic too. Guess they just don't want people to know. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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Wow ... someone was embarrassed enough to have that whole discussion censored. It was factual and perfectly on topic too. Guess they just don't want people to know. :(


Tech it is talking about another game which can be against forum rules for some companies. NCwest is notorious for it. But I agree, it was on topic and had a valid point.

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Wow ... someone was embarrassed enough to have that whole discussion censored. It was factual and perfectly on topic too. Guess they just don't want people to know. :(

I'm shocked. I know it was talking about a different game, but it was in the form of a compare and contrast to another MMO, which this game once was, comparisons with other MMOs have got to be expected...it's 100% natural.

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Ya ... maybe I should have just stuck with a link instead of spelling it out. My bad. Sorry about that.


^^ I agree. Lesson learned, right? :)


It's fine in most forums to offer links to information about other games. On the other hand, cutting and pasting and entire set of patch notes from another game to promote a negative narrative about this game ---> really is spamming and way off topic of SWTOR. It's on topic about MMOs in general, but this is not a general MMO forum... there are other forums on the net for that. Heck, even cutting and pasting the entire patch notes for this game would be considered by some to be spamming as well.

Edited by Andryah
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