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Mercs may not be OP


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Was hoping for advice on what to do. Not mad actually. It gets boring in wz against hordes of Mercs and sorcs. Last wz they just wouldn't let me move anywhere so by the end of it (30sec left of hypergate) I just stood still one my health was below 20.


I pretty much solved this dilemma. I don't have fun on my sentinel against classes that are hybrid of dps and heals.


One thing I don't get. Sorc and Merc shields last how long? All of my hits are absorbed. Is there anyway to penetrate the shield or is it 100%? My jk has 2 shields. One let's well everything through. It's pointless. The other is a 99% shield but lasts like 3 secs so worthless.


Is this a fair match up? Is this an instance of me just sucking ? Any sentinels out there that can take on a Merc and win? That's more what I wanted the post to be about. I want to know if I totally suck as a sentinel or is it an uphill battle. Yes I know mechanics. Don't wail on a Merc with a yellow shield. As soon as I start to hit them hard that darn thing goes up so I move to someone else and they do the same. Moving constantly lowers dps output.


Also what movement breaking abilities do you use for when those nasty sorcs make it so you can't reach them? I use a few but found I couldn't use the spinning move out of it.


Meh. I'll probably just give up. I do well when there's a good team but if I don't have a healer on the team then I'm squished.repeatedly.

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Random possible reasons:


- the mercs were simple better than you. It happens. There is always a bigger fish

- mercs in general are quite OP with all their DCDs available

- perhaps the merc was guarded or had a healer close by

- perhaps you were taunted

- perhaps the merc had better gear

- perhaps you have a slow internet connection and/or computer


It could be many reasons, but if you always fail against mercs, well, then it's most likely lack of experience on your part :)

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Was hoping for advice on what to do. Not mad actually. It gets boring in wz against hordes of Mercs and sorcs. Last wz they just wouldn't let me move anywhere so by the end of it (30sec left of hypergate) I just stood still one my health was below 20.


I pretty much solved this dilemma. I don't have fun on my sentinel against classes that are hybrid of dps and heals.


One thing I don't get. Sorc and Merc shields last how long? All of my hits are absorbed. Is there anyway to penetrate the shield or is it 100%? My jk has 2 shields. One let's well everything through. It's pointless. The other is a 99% shield but lasts like 3 secs so worthless.


Is this a fair match up? Is this an instance of me just sucking ? Any sentinels out there that can take on a Merc and win? That's more what I wanted the post to be about. I want to know if I totally suck as a sentinel or is it an uphill battle. Yes I know mechanics. Don't wail on a Merc with a yellow shield. As soon as I start to hit them hard that darn thing goes up so I move to someone else and they do the same. Moving constantly lowers dps output.


Also what movement breaking abilities do you use for when those nasty sorcs make it so you can't reach them? I use a few but found I couldn't use the spinning move out of it.


Meh. I'll probably just give up. I do well when there's a good team but if I don't have a healer on the team then I'm squished.repeatedly.


As someone who plays sentinel as main lately First know your DCDs:


Rebuke, 20% damage reduction lasting 30 secs as long as you are being attacked. You can probably keep it up the whole fight.

Pacify, 90% miss chance for white damage and with the right utilities 75% chance to resist tech and force damage.

Cameo, 6 sec invis (with utility)

Saber ward, 12 sec + 50 defense and 25% less damage from tech and force.

Guarded by the force, 99% damage reduction.

Blade blitz, can avoid one hit.


Mobility, transcendence, which with utilities should break roots. Force leap and blade blitz.


Now merc:

Shield, 25% damage reduction for 12 sec + 5% heal for every time you get hit (1.5 or 1 sec rate limit?)

Electro net, I will assume you understand how it works.

Push (cannot remember the name) where it pushes away close by enemies.

Kolto overload, 70% heal over 10 secs.

Off heals.

8 sec mez.

And safe guards, which reflect all incoming damage and heal the merc for 5% of hp for every hit.


The key thing here is you do not want to hit merc when safe guards are active. What you do is either cameo or CC. I would try as well not to hit merc while shield is active, but that can be difficult cuz it lasts quite long. Just remember while shield is active every hit heals them for 5% of their HP, so if it does not deal at least 12K damage it is a dps waste here. Only big hits will deal more damage after shield than how much heal they can get out of it. Surely no fillers here.


Generally, you start off with leap then pacify. 90% of the merc will respond with electron net or CC. If they do, while you have 75% tech resist and electro net is resisted, you won the battle right there. After the 6 secs run off I would use rebuke right away and I use force statis as early as possible. Usually they will use CC break, which means you can get the full 6 secs on awe. That alone nullifies safe guards.


I would then use 15% reduced damage consumable. If they open a gap use transcendence. Once at 50% HP use healing consumable and pop saber ward. I would use guarded by the force only once saber ward is over. Also do not use cameo while guarded by the force is active.


When to use CC break is debatable. If I resisted electro net, I would not use it on the 4 sec CD, but on the 8 sec mez. I would not use CC break on electro net if transcendence is available. Just pop transcendence.


At the ceiling of skill level, merc fully loaded with DCDs should win due to the off healing, though that is typically a minute long battle. Absent safe guards and kolto overload, you can easily win just by rebuke, pacify, transcendence and cameo. These have 45 secs or less CD. If we have two battles back to back, sentinel should win the second round.


Reminder, use interrupt on CD.

Edited by Ottoattack
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The game isn't balanced for 1v1 play. It's hardly balanced for 8v8 play. Yeah, you can make any class work in 8v8 but there is a reason they removed 8v8 ranked; certain group comps can't be beat unless replicated. So, that said, forget beating a good merc with certain classes. I can't beat a decent one on my VG, yet alone a good one. A scoundrel can, it'll just take forever, and they'll need LoS.


But I agree with above comment: it's likely a combination of several factors.


But to rewind, my first question should be this: do you know anything about merc/Mando? Do you know their dcd's? Do you know their rotation, and what abilities need to be interrupted? Do you know their net mechanics (for instance, most use breaker on net, which is key, but beware that it still damages even if u break cc aspect).


If the answers above are mostly No, then you need to l2p the class u want to beat. It baffles me that ppl will come here and inquire about beating a certain class they know nothing about. People come complain on a forum before logging into a Mando/merc and reading the skill trees and ability writeups for themselves.


Other than learning their class, duel a friend. I've learned most 1v1 tactics dueling a buddy.

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As someone who plays sentinel as main lately First know your DCDs:




You forgot the mercs 15% and uninterruptable shield. And if you use a concentration sent it is better against mercs because you get concentrated slash. Just make sure they haven't popped the reflect shield first and use the shorter leap to charge the aoe for when they do.

Edited by Purgamentorum
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Was hoping for advice on what to do. Not mad actually. It gets boring in wz against hordes of Mercs and sorcs. Last wz they just wouldn't let me move anywhere so by the end of it (30sec left of hypergate) I just stood still one my health was below 20.


I pretty much solved this dilemma. I don't have fun on my sentinel against classes that are hybrid of dps and heals.


One thing I don't get. Sorc and Merc shields last how long? All of my hits are absorbed. Is there anyway to penetrate the shield or is it 100%? My jk has 2 shields. One let's well everything through. It's pointless. The other is a 99% shield but lasts like 3 secs so worthless.


Is this a fair match up? Is this an instance of me just sucking ? Any sentinels out there that can take on a Merc and win? That's more what I wanted the post to be about. I want to know if I totally suck as a sentinel or is it an uphill battle. Yes I know mechanics. Don't wail on a Merc with a yellow shield. As soon as I start to hit them hard that darn thing goes up so I move to someone else and they do the same. Moving constantly lowers dps output.


Also what movement breaking abilities do you use for when those nasty sorcs make it so you can't reach them? I use a few but found I couldn't use the spinning move out of it.


Meh. I'll probably just give up. I do well when there's a good team but if I don't have a healer on the team then I'm squished.repeatedly.


Roll a jugg... I eat mercs for breakfast 1 vs 1. Once you figure out when to stun them on their reflect bubble... it is game over.

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Roll a jugg... I eat mercs for breakfast 1 vs 1. Once you figure out when to stun them on their reflect bubble... it is game over.


Yea, that's why every time there is a jug in solo ranked they get focused first, because everyone is trying to keep up the conspiracy that mercs are op so we can't have the jug soloing all the mercs on the opposite team, RIGHTTTTTTTTTT?



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Yea, that's why every time there is a jug in solo ranked they get focused first, because everyone is trying to keep up the conspiracy that mercs are op so we can't have the jug soloing all the mercs on the opposite team, RIGHTTTTTTTTTT?




Ahhh so that's why we even focus on them in regs. Jug ftw. Lol. I have one level 65. I've not used him in PvP though. I'll have to look up the best discipline/rotation sometime.


Thanks for the helpful advice and yeah it could be my internet. Being in Australia even little fluctuations are noticeable with people flying across the screen super fast on occasion. I think someone called it the rubber band effect.


I've found that there are clever souls out there, when it comes to force camouflage or stealth, laying down aoe in the direction you fled. I've practiced avoiding it on my operative so I only get caught out occasionally now.


There are some great points on dealing with Merc shields so I thank you. I will make sure to save my stuns for when their shield goes up. I'll take another look at my rotation and learn more about the abilities mentioned so I can utilise them at the best time. It's been awhile since I was familiar with my sent as I was cxp leveling other toons. Thanks guys.

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Ahhh so that's why we even focus on them in regs. Jug ftw. Lol. I have one level 65. I've not used him in PvP though. I'll have to look up the best discipline/rotation sometime.


Thanks for the helpful advice and yeah it could be my internet. Being in Australia even little fluctuations are noticeable with people flying across the screen super fast on occasion. I think someone called it the rubber band effect.


I've found that there are clever souls out there, when it comes to force camouflage or stealth, laying down aoe in the direction you fled. I've practiced avoiding it on my operative so I only get caught out occasionally now.


There are some great points on dealing with Merc shields so I thank you. I will make sure to save my stuns for when their shield goes up. I'll take another look at my rotation and learn more about the abilities mentioned so I can utilise them at the best time. It's been awhile since I was familiar with my sent as I was cxp leveling other toons. Thanks guys.


Actually you can AoE right through their reflect, but it's a little pointless as they can heal extremely easily.

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Which class would you say has a chance?


Well I can say my operative stands a better chance than my sent but usually ends in a stalemate since her damage output is lower than merc heal threshold but using well timed stuns and the like my operative is definitely strong enough to be annoying to a Merc. So a class with survivability and higher dps may be able to take on a Merc easily.


After reviewing some of my recorded PvP of last night i noticed the battles had about 2-3 sorcs with the Merc. I should have noped right out of that. :p

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Yea, that's why every time there is a jug in solo ranked they get focused first, because everyone is trying to keep up the conspiracy that mercs are op so we can't have the jug soloing all the mercs on the opposite team, RIGHTTTTTTTTTT?




Are we talking solo ranked or 1 vs 1? Because I said 1 vs 1 and for some reason you mention ranked.

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But I'm no match against them on my sentinel. No match. Maybe it's gear. But I can't do much damage 1v1. In fact my sentinel is pretty squishy without a healer. I prefer my operative or smuggler. Maybe I should level my Merc ha


Sents are probably one of the best and easiest classes to take a Merc down. Why? Because of their massive burst potential and also good survivability.

Even if the Merc heals to full because you miss the buff, you have enough burst potential to finish them off before it's back up again.

I will say if you are having a survivability issue on your Sent, then that is probably the main reason you are having problems with most Mercs (exceptional players on any class can seem OP). Sents require a bit of finesse, they aren't like a Guardian where you can jump into 4 guys and expect to survive. Using the Sents speed, camo and even LoS (I know that seems funny for a melee) at the right times are essential to staying alive, sometimes the best tactic is for a Sent to disengage and wait for the right moment.

A Sent is first and foremost a hit and run class. If you stand in the middle of a "combat melee", you will die without a healer.

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