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What are your experiences for Pub PvP?


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I've started to play again a few months ago, and although anecdotal (key word), I've noticed I'd loose 9 times out of 10 on the republic side, but hop on the imperial side, and it's the exact opposite (non-ranked, solo que, and on Harbinger).


Sorry if this is another dead horse that's been beaten to death already, but I have to admit, I feel the frustration building inside when I have to spend x2 as much time to finish the dailies/weeklies on the side I really would like to play on.


Do I suck at PvP? Yes. I won't argue. But remember, I'm bringing that same "sucky-ness" to the Imp side and having tremendous success, lol.


I'm thinking reduce the amount to complete the dailies and weeklies by a third, but no longer have wins count as 2 (but still get more components, valor, exp, etc. for winning). I don't know. I'd like things to be more fair without sounding like some SJW, but I'm pretty sure I failed at that too, hahahaha.


Have you guys experienced the same?

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Typically you lose 9 out of 10 on pub (at level 70), but when you switch to imp you typically only get a little better than 50/50, perhaps 6 out of 10. That is because most pubs have already given up on 5.0 so you see a lot of imp versus imp battles. I strongly dislike imp v imp, when i'm on the imp side pvping i'm not there to kill only other imps. (But I do love the odessen war, all wars should be a mix).


You are correct about the issue, a many year long gear grind like 5.0 is the death of top level pvp, because one side quickly gets fully geared and the other side pretty much will just wait until 6.0 to revisit pvp, there is no catching up. And to make things worse, imagine in about 8 months when you are done gearing up your main, and decide to switch to a nice fresh level 70 alt with full 208's in PvP against almost entirely tier 4 geared imps. Yup, no chance.


I fully expect it to be dead until 6.0, however you made a good suggestion of removing the advantage of wins towards daily/weeklies (ONLY IF THEY REDUCE THE NUMBER REQUIRED IN HALF). This may help a tiny amount, but it may take very drastic things to save it. Maybe something like a 10% to all stats stackable buff everytime you lose a war only removes when you win a war. Or a pub only +25% to intelligence buff for players (yes to players, not their characters). ;-)

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its obviously server dependent, but on JC the average pub player pvp level is well below the average imp.


There are very few very good players, but even that average other imp that I have absolutely no problem in taking out 1vs1 will most likely turn around and similarly wipe the floor with your average pub.


There are a few pub that premade a lot, and when they are there, pub win a lot more, but if they get pitted against a similar premade of good imp players, they'll get beaten.


Maybe its a server thing, but it seems like pub are mostly sage healer, obviously FOTM re-rolled commandos (many I've actually globalled on my sin from bad cooldown use) and guardian tanks that religiously use force push on cooldown. Safe a few players, they noticeably lack dps, even with the high uptime they are suppose to have, and for a similar ammount of heal and protection, still suffer more death, which suggest a lack of focus fire, or lack of correct DCD use from the average player.



One mode where they seem to be much better tough are huttball and queshball, but that might be simply because its a mode that heavily favor heal backed guardian carriers.

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Typically you lose 9 out of 10 on pub (at level 70), but when you switch to imp you typically only get a little better than 50/50, perhaps 6 out of 10. That is because most pubs have already given up on 5.0 so you see a lot of imp versus imp battles. I strongly dislike imp v imp, when i'm on the imp side pvping i'm not there to kill only other imps. (But I do love the odessen war, all wars should be a mix).


You are correct about the issue, a many year long gear grind like 5.0 is the death of top level pvp, because one side quickly gets fully geared and the other side pretty much will just wait until 6.0 to revisit pvp, there is no catching up. And to make things worse, imagine in about 8 months when you are done gearing up your main, and decide to switch to a nice fresh level 70 alt with full 208's in PvP against almost entirely tier 4 geared imps. Yup, no chance.


I fully expect it to be dead until 6.0, however you made a good suggestion of removing the advantage of wins towards daily/weeklies (ONLY IF THEY REDUCE THE NUMBER REQUIRED IN HALF). This may help a tiny amount, but it may take very drastic things to save it. Maybe something like a 10% to all stats stackable buff everytime you lose a war only removes when you win a war. Or a pub only +25% to intelligence buff for players (yes to players, not their characters). ;-)


This. We need all matches to be cross faction. Ignoring the faction imbalance by not doing that is just dumb on BW's part.

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I win way more on pub then I do on imp side. I play most days and came back to game about 3 weeks ago. Though I play heals, and imp side has SOOOOOOOOO many healers, I don't play over there as often. One day I will level up a dps on imp side but not motivated just yet. Though I have always mained a healer, I find I gotta dps because games of 3-4 healers on each side is not fun for anyone.
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I used to play on Harbinger exclusively, mainly pub side. For many reasons, pub pvp has gotten really bad. I transferred most of my pub toons to the Ebon Hawk aboit a year ago, with no regrets. Now instead of winning only maybe 10% of the time, i'd say I win more than 50% of the time in warzones. Its more balanced, with a slight edge to pub side IMO. More relaxed, and friendlier server also.
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I've started to play again a few months ago, and although anecdotal (key word), I've noticed I'd loose 9 times out of 10 on the republic side, but hop on the imperial side, and it's the exact opposite (non-ranked, solo que, and on Harbinger).


Sorry if this is another dead horse that's been beaten to death already, but I have to admit, I feel the frustration building inside when I have to spend x2 as much time to finish the dailies/weeklies on the side I really would like to play on.


Do I suck at PvP? Yes. I won't argue. But remember, I'm bringing that same "sucky-ness" to the Imp side and having tremendous success, lol.


I'm thinking reduce the amount to complete the dailies and weeklies by a third, but no longer have wins count as 2 (but still get more components, valor, exp, etc. for winning). I don't know. I'd like things to be more fair without sounding like some SJW, but I'm pretty sure I failed at that too, hahahaha.


Have you guys experienced the same?


The bulk of the pvp population is made up of average pvpers, contrary to popular belief that 90% of the pvp population consist of awesome, never losing, Solo killing Team carriers.


The average pvp player, you know those who makes the regular pops possible in Regs, mind you I'm going out on a limb here, is dependant not only on decent gear(after 5.0), but among other things, healers and a good team composition. That's three(3) lets say, basic things, Gear, Healers, and a good team composition(as a couple of participants that actually know what they're doing), lacking one or two of these things and an average pvper instantly turns into a BaD one, OR in perfect environment actually looking like a decent pvper.

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This. We need to be carried because we can't win on our own.


It isnt even that. The numbers are so low on Pub side on TRE atm that you almost ALWAYS get 4v4s because the imbalance is JUST that bad. When I occasionally play imp side, which I hate to do, I almost always get instant pops and almost always have 8v8s and it is almost always imp v imp. this is a glaring problem atm, and honestly the reason they say they dont do that is because of RP. Well, they could spend a few hundred dollars, revoice the intros in each warzone so it is made out to be a battle simulation. Period. It is PvP, not RP. Seriously, what do you have to lose from cross faction? Nothing.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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It isnt even that. The numbers are so low on Pub side on TRE atm that you almost ALWAYS get 4v4s because the imbalance is JUST that bad. When I occasionally play imp side, which I hate to do, I almost always get instant pops and almost always have 8v8s and it is almost always imp v imp. this is a glaring problem atm, and honestly the reason they say they dont do that is because of RP. Well, they could spend a few hundred dollars, revoice the intros in each warzone so it is made out to be a battle simulation. Period. It is PvP, not RP. Seriously, what do you have to lose from cross faction? Nothing.


Exactly. All warzones being made cross faction would fix how 5.0 ruined faction balance. The only people who would dislike it are those who are wimps and switched to imp side to ride the gravy train for easier wins. But really, even those people shouldn't care because now that pubs have checked-out, most wars are just imp versus imp anyhow.

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I've been playing pub side on Harby lately. I was, previously, a big believer that the imbalance was always way over stated. I still find many fun, competitive matches, but what I find, just for the times I play lately, is the pub side seems to give up a lot easier. Or has more people who don't care to begin with.


In my experience, if my team doesn't throw in the towel after the first thing goes wrong, then we can pretty often make a good match out of it.


The difference is things like, an ACW, we take grass, they have taken mid and snow, and we are fighting at mid, but they have a lot of heals, and we are getting nowhere. Me and another stealth manage to take snow from them, with plenty of time to turn it around. And NO ONE comes snow to help defend. We hold it for 1.5 - 2 minutes total, before they end up finally killing us off and take it back. When we get back from respawn, we see that 3 of "us" are just standing around at grass.


Compare that to an AHG I was in recently. We were losing the most-kills part of it pretty bad. And they would pull back to double-guard towards the end of each round. So at the end of round 3 I ninja capped with about a minute left. Our team could very easily have just went, "meh, too early, why bother" (which is actually what I expected - I was just practicing my ninja capping). Instead they came in force, and kept both nodes for the entire match. The next round we sent a token to cap ours, and rushed theirs, and kept them from capping and took the win.


In the tough matches, it seems to me that if "we" keep trying, then we can still, more often than not, at least make it a competitive/fun game. But it also seems like the pub side gives up way to easy for my taste. So I still don't think the pub side is that much worse (if at all), but I do think they've bought into the "pub side sucks, why bother" mentality. So they give up easier. :(

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Pubside on the Begeren Colony seems to be winding down since 5.0. I used to get 5-6 matches early in the day (since I rarely get to play at evenings). Then the number of matches dwindled and now I'm lucky if I get just one. And the regular players I met in the morning are nowhere to be seen.


Now, that may be because of PST / PDT shift, or it might be that people are getting tired of the pvp grind. I don't know. And next week there's Mass Effect: Andromeda.

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I've been playing pub side on Harby lately. I was, previously, a big believer that the imbalance was always way over stated. I still find many fun, competitive matches, but what I find, just for the times I play lately, is the pub side seems to give up a lot easier. Or has more people who don't care to begin with.



The problem goes deeper than that. If pubs would win somewhere near half of the time most wouldn't mind sticking around and trying in the losses. But it has been so bad for so long the first sign of being stomped again they either quit or go for defender medals (stop trying). Imps score first hutball point, half pub side quits. Imps grab 2 of three nodes right away, half pub side quits. A pylon or a 4v4 wartype is selected, right away half the team quits and is replaced with even less interested/informed PUGS.


If we restored wins to be somewhere near 50/50 for awhile, then people would go back to trying again. Pubs are just too tired of seeing losses 99/100 wars (during prime-time)

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The RP. It makes the whole thing awesome. And probably one of the few things that still keep me playing.


Right. You are into RP. If you were into RP, you wouldnt be on TRE. Sorry, argument invalid. And even then they could fix that by calling it a combat simulation in so and so setting. Boom, there is your RP.

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Exactly. All warzones being made cross faction would fix how 5.0 ruined faction balance. The only people who would dislike it are those who are wimps and switched to imp side to ride the gravy train for easier wins. But really, even those people shouldn't care because now that pubs have checked-out, most wars are just imp versus imp anyhow.



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The RP. It makes the whole thing awesome. And probably one of the few things that still keep me playing.


What I find that is interesting with this tired argument is that it sure seems there are lots of RPers on non-RP servers that only play IMP. Hmm.....curious......


Tell you what, if you rock at, and frequent PvP, and only play pub side, then your point is accepted.


Otherwise lets just say the servers are now in the part of the timeline that most players are in, where the imps and pub sides are no longer distinct (welcome odessen war type reasoning for all wartypes). It doesn't make much sense story-wise to be fighting only pubs versus imps currently.

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I think the imps' overall superiority in W/Ls is largely related to Ilum wpvp back in the day when imps would spawn camp pubs. A LOT of ppl went imp during that time. And since it was a pvp event, that means it was pvpers who mostly hopped factions. So imps have had better pvpers for a long time. And then over time, more pubs get a little passed and roll imp. It's a slippery slope thing.


But that said, i played pub on pot5 for years (Fatman before that, and Jung Ma before that) and the pub pvp was fine. It was a little imp heavy (in terms of skilled players) but I won more than I lost for sure.


On Shadowlands, there are some nights where imp premades are making it hard for pugs, but in a decent premade, you can still win most of the time. I definitely win more than I lose even not in a pre-made. So I don't understand all the fuss.

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