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  1. I never thought of that. pretty cool considering i always pass those pre paid cards in my local grocery store. thanks for the tip!
  2. There was a fiasco recently? I was unaware of anything like that. That's too bad. It's still kind of interesting considering one would still need to shell out real money (how much of it? I dont know) to make these throwaway accounts, which baffles me, unless they have that much money to burn.
  3. For some odd reason, none of my credit/debt cards work on in this SWToR website. So, I have to resort to buying the codes off of Amazon and applying them. Now, Amazon has listed all of them "Unavailable" and was wondering if there was any information as to why.
  4. I'm going through my toons and so far, i haven't gotten the rewards either. Our guild took 1st place so I'm not sure what's going on.
  5. I really hope you are right. I'd enjoy this game 1000x fold even if I can even win 1/2 of my pvp (pub mtaches). thats not asking for too much, is it?
  6. Before you go, yes yes. I'm an idiot. It's still all on me. I take full responsibility. Because I am an idiot. So, I decided to bite, and use someone's referral link. He or she was paying 4 million (which I wasn't really expecting, let's be honest), and surprise surprise they didn't pay. But that's not what makes me upset. I then found out that the person gets 500CC and additional 100CC every month I subscribe. They can keep the 500, but I honestly do no want to feed someone else's dishonesty. Do I deserve this? Yes. But can I at least so something about it? I hope so.
  7. I've started to play again a few months ago, and although anecdotal (key word), I've noticed I'd loose 9 times out of 10 on the republic side, but hop on the imperial side, and it's the exact opposite (non-ranked, solo que, and on Harbinger). Sorry if this is another dead horse that's been beaten to death already, but I have to admit, I feel the frustration building inside when I have to spend x2 as much time to finish the dailies/weeklies on the side I really would like to play on. Do I suck at PvP? Yes. I won't argue. But remember, I'm bringing that same "sucky-ness" to the Imp side and having tremendous success, lol. I'm thinking reduce the amount to complete the dailies and weeklies by a third, but no longer have wins count as 2 (but still get more components, valor, exp, etc. for winning). I don't know. I'd like things to be more fair without sounding like some SJW, but I'm pretty sure I failed at that too, hahahaha. Have you guys experienced the same?
  8. Honestly (and admittedly, this is also me QQing), you should have rolled Imperial. I have a far easier and better time winning on the imperial side than republic (which is frustrating because all my mains are republic).
  9. Kaliyo is even worse! Hahaha. But if she is romanceable, then I would assume that's a strong indicator that BW will add more. Maybe even return the vanilla romances. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. Will BW add more later on? As a hetro male toon, Koth and Theron are off the table, and can't really get into Lana (no pun intended).
  11. I have 2 credit cards and 1 debit card, but none of them will work when trying to add a subscription plan. Keeps saying something about I cannot use the cards, so try adding another one. Instead of waiting on the phone for 2 or 3 hours, I found out that Amazon will directly link you a code after purchase (No, they will not mail you the physical time cards from the P2P days, although they DO have those too). But wait there's more! This also means I cannot buy Cartel Coins either, but Amazon also sells Cartel Coin codes that will be sent to you directly after you purchase it. I can't seem to give EA/BW my money, even if I tried. But at least, I still can and enjoy the game, indirectly.
  12. It's been about a month now (I came back from launch) and I have to admit, one of the frustrating factors (of a few) that lead to my decision to leave the game in the first place was Warzones. At best, out of 10 matches I would win half of them. Now that I am back, I'd be lucky enough to even win 2 or even 3. I feel like I'm feeding Imperial players their weeklies and dailies, pouring more time into completing the same PvP quests, but being punished because I didn't roll Imperial (wining half the matches don't seem so bad anymore - If anything, it's pretty reasonable now). How before you guys call me noob, whiner, and L2P you PvE carebare LOL, let me just agree with those statements from the get-go. I'm not the best player. I can always learn more ways to play. I don't have the best reflexes. I'm not going to argue with you. But I hear a lot on general chat and I just need some rational answers form people who actually take the the time to read understand the forum posts. So, do Imperials really "dominate" every server out there? I was thinking of moving to a server where it's more balanced than the one I am in (RP West Coast server, I'm blanking out on the name). Yes I know it's going to cost a lot of money to transfer all my toons, but the way I look it, every time I don't have to spend an extra match or extra 30 mins to an hour everyday, because the Republic gets face rolled, is a good investment for me. Second question - People tend to talk a lot about Sorcerers (good and bad). But no where near do i hear the same things being said about Jedi Sages (their opposite equivalent). Do Sorcerers have some advantage that Sages don't? (This was something the occurred a lot during launch. Seems like nothing has changed much). Note that I did use Google to try and find the answers for myself, but the vast majority of the posts I end up getting were form 2012. Needless to say, a lot has changed since then, and I need an updated perspective.
  13. No wonder people have been asking me where I got my gear. I thought it was weird because I didn't think It was a big deal, especially since The instance I got it from has been out for over a year. Ifyou have never told me that, I porbably would have sold it or something. THANKS FOR THAT!
  14. Goodness. Is BW paying you to help people? If not you should be! The internet *can* be a very offensive place so your helpfulness is making me speechless, lul. This is awesome. I can't thank you enough. It feels nice to be able to know what's going on now and in-the-loop more so than ever. Thanks again
  15. @ Essence_of_light and jedimasterjac Thank you so much. This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for. I'm actually really glad you mentioned about all the other miscellaneous things like the appearance designer. Thanks again! I actually had two more question that just dawned on me. 1) If I can't or don't have time to do the end-game instances, are there commendations and/or tokens I can farm to exchange for decent gear? (I assume by doing dailies?) 2) As for PvP, Just do the battleground dailies and weeklies to get PvP gear, right?
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