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Merc/Mando Working As Intended


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Sorcs and sages are healing people to full while they take a nap, and your worried about merc heals? At least you can kill a merc or scoundrel without a ops group.


he is referring to the heal at the end of power shield from trauma regulators. Not the greatest of arguments though, as Supercharged Defense can turn you full dodge tank and evade about that much or more while increasing your health and the amount of healing you recieve while being uninterruptible.

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Another patch and no class changes. . . clearly BioWare is telling everyone that Merc's are working as intended.




If you want a big laugh look at the highest heal from a Merc/Mando in a WZ. I've seen up to 85K.


You know how long it took them to nerf sins and shadows? Years. So expect that same time frame.

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Bioware only does class balancing patches when releasing expansions not in between. however im sure it will happen with merc and snipers eventually.


This is scary very very scary.

for two reasons:


-it makes the game unbalanced for far too long.


-and even if they fix, there is no guarantee that the problem was really fixed or if they made the class useless, or whatever... we need pvp class balancing more often....

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the way they work is by big balancing patch. Typically you have the X.0 patch that bring a volley of changes, and you get your new FoTM and fallen kings from the previous ages. In this case, while you see a lot of sorc whining, PT is definitely the class that fell the hardest, at least pvp wise, but PvE as well. X.0 is mostly buffs, some nerf, and typically, the classes that end up trailing might not have been nerfed that much, but got less buffs often. Exemple here, juggernauts. weren't nerfed by say, but didnt get much new toys either. They are in a more or less good position in some game modes suddenly.


They'll sometimes fix utilities and some things not working as intended but they won't make any real balancing changes till normally X.2 or X.3


At that point, you have some slight buff to some classes, but its normally more of a giant nerfhammer, and its typically delivered in a fashion that strongly reminds people of the Elona Gay's leasure flight over Japan in '45.


The FoTM mostly drop (altough normally, its the boggeyman FoTM that takes the drop, the one that flew slightly under the radar remains untouched or nearly).


In our current case, you might see a gigantic nerf hammer for merc, and sniper remain relatively untouched (the issue with it are at their most glaring when being a melee that isnt a rage/fury warrior.)


Sorc dps might get a slight damage buff to some things, maybe a slight survivbility buff, but expect them to finish the 5.X era near the bottom, still.


They still haven't figured that when a class has an healing tree, the really good survival tools must be put directly into the dps tree, or have separate effects in a single utilty depending on spec (like some dps/tank, where the tank spec gets something else than the tankier effect for the dps trees for a same utility).



NERF X, BUFF Y thread dont change much into that MO they've been using since launch.

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This is scary very very scary.

for two reasons:


-it makes the game unbalanced for far too long.


-and even if they fix, there is no guarantee that the problem was really fixed or if they made the class useless, or whatever... we need pvp class balancing more often....


Like I said. Shadows and Sins were FOTM for over 2 years, do not expect anything from BW anytime soon on this subject.

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Like I said. Shadows and Sins were FOTM for over 2 years, do not expect anything from BW anytime soon on this subject.


How are Shadow's and Sin's FOTM? In this time we are melee, and very vulnerable to ranged attacks, I don't even play my sin these days because of it!

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Like I said. Shadows and Sins were FOTM for over 2 years, do not expect anything from BW anytime soon on this subject.


Infiltration\Deception was OP in 2. something, Serenity\Hatred was OP in 3.0 until Death Field dotspread and range nerf. And these OP periods did not extend over couple of months.


The later is struggling now, but can perform "numbers", Deception is fine.


Can't say much about tank because I respec to it only to troll with force pull.

Edited by zhezvya
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How are Shadow's and Sin's FOTM? In this time we are melee, and very vulnerable to ranged attacks, I don't even play my sin these days because of it!


Were, were. They were op for a veeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long time. And BW just ignored it. I fully expect the same treatment here. The thing I worry about is that Assault specialist / IO will suffer dramatically if they nerf our utilities too hard. And then we will be useless...again.

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Both sin specs were op at different times, but not to the extent that snipers, mercs and sorc heals are now. I've never seen balance this bad.


Yes, they were, their DCDs were ridiculous over the top compared to everyone elses, especially mandos and snipers, for the longest time. Sin was absolute EZ mode for years. If you get rid of mandos new dcds then the new utilities for other specs need to be taken away too, otherwise we will just be the punching bags -again-.

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Ok well I have been playing SWTOR for something like five years now and I want to keep playing for a lot longer but I'm not really optimistic about any kind of PvP class balance. Wz's are there. If you are on one of three servers you can do them. You get rewards. That's it. If you win it means nothing. If you lose it means nothing. If you live it means nothing. If you die it means nothing. You just take your rewards and move on. If you ran in a circle the whole match or tried your hardest it makes absolutely no difference. It's not a serious aspect of the game anymore. If it was a serious aspect of the game the devs would have fixed the DvL gear bug sooner. Why are you all discussing PvP class balance? If the classes work good for PvE the devs won't touch them. It's that simple.


You don't believe me? Well... you remember when there was some exploit with a chair in the Cartel Bazaar where you could sell it back to the vendor for more than it cost to buy it? People got their accounts banned for doing that. There was a warning that came up in the launcher that said "it's obviously not what we intended" or something like that and there was mention of disciplinary action and such. Well obviously the DvL gear wasn't intended to make people super OP but where was the mention of that in the launcher? Where was the mention of disciplinary action for people who used that in wz's? You are telling me that someone can get their account banned for selling a chair to a vendor but not for griefing actual people that play this game? Or what about hackers, exploiters, cue syncers, etc...


The point is if you are the mood to do a wz then do a wz. It's not a flashpoint or an operation or an RP event or some other serious aspect of the game. If you win it doesn't mean you are good and if you lose it doesn't mean you are bad, whether you are talking about the overall match or an individual fight. It COULD mean one of those two things but it could also mean a lot of other things.

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I wouldn't be opposed to something along these lines


Take Trauma Regulators and give to PT.

Make HO 10 second baseline

Replace missing utility points with mobility related ones, Imo, rootbreaker/slow cleansers.


this helps both classes with their issues, PT gets a lot more durable while mercs catch up a bit (hah, puns) to the other classes in the CC removal and other things. currently every class has many more abilities to maneuver/avoid/remove, shown below.



PT has a leap, Hydraulic Overrides, and things like Adaptable Assailant (team utility), Pneumatic Boots, Efficient Suit, Battering Ram, And of course, Overdrive (I'm also still a bit salty about them having things like Energy Rebounder and Automated Defenses built into their trees).


Juggernaut gets Multiple leaps (force leap, intercede, and depending on spec, obliterate), Warmonger, Unshackling Rage, Unstoppable, Through Power, Piercing Chill, and Through Victory (Vengeance also get Shien Form for 15% baseline and Brawn)


Mara gets Phantom, Subjugation, Expunging Camouflage, Unbound, Ruthless Aggressor, Blood Ward, Interloper and Through Victory (Fury also has Gravity Vortex)


Assassin has Force Speed, Phantom Stride, Avoidance, Fade, Obfuscation, Shroud of Madness, Dark Stability, Phasing Phantasm, Disjunction, and of course Renewing Darkness.


Sorcs have Force Speed, Phase Walk, Dark Speed, Emersion, and Surging Speed. This may not sound like as much, but with 2.5s force speed every 12.5 seconds and double speed boost on polarity shift Sorcs have immense high speed options and usually have little to no trouble with anything less than multiple hard CC's


Operatives get Evasion, Holo-Traverse, Double Roll (immunity on roll in concealment) Hit and Run, Infiltrator, Advanced Cloaking, Evasive Imperative, Evasive Screen, Cunning Competencies, and Circumvention


Snipers Don't need to be listed. We all know Entrench is a "you can't touch me" for just about everything CC related and coupled with rotating knockbacks, roll, imperial preparation and other things, snipers have nothing to worry about.


Mercs on the other hand have just Hydraulic Overrides and Jet Out with 1 underwhelming utility each that you can't really even afford to take for the most part. Torque boosters and Smokescreen. (jet escape has a slight CD reduction on Jet Out)



I understand that Melees being right up in peoples faces they need ways of disengaging and breaking through all the crazy amounts of cc, but it's not just one class and its not just melee, its literally every class. If your HO is down, you are not going anywhere with the amount of low CD high duration slows and CC's. either give us some root/slow removal and/or make Cure actually worthwhile again.

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OH! After I posted this I remembered another one. I was watching a youtube vid where the narrator mentioned that the CXP reward for killing certain NPC's was nerfed because people were farming them and that was considered an exploit. In other words that was a bigger deal to the devs than the DvL gear in wz's. It's just an example of how low on the list of priorities wz's are at the moment. Granted, anyone could have done the DvL event and got the gear but... anyone could kill those NPC's too. I mean at least in terms of the NPC's people were killing that could have been done by anyone at any time. For the people who didn't get the DvL gear there was no going back and doing that so... why wouldn't they fix that first? Because wz's are basically only there so that SWTOR can say it has PvP.


Possible future player: "Hey SWTOR, do you have PvP?"


SWTOR: "Oh yeah! I have PvP!"


This is why wz's exist basically. Does it keep people who are PvP focused in the game? I don't see any evidence of that. I tried to stay optimistic for awhile but when you combine a toxic community with a system that seems to benefit the most toxic people it's hard to keep that "glass half full" mentality.


Don't get me wrong wz's are fun I did them non stop for years and I'll probably still do them sometimes but I just can't take them seriously anymore. Generally speaking when I do them the only thing I take seriously is when I have to tell that guy who feels it's his responsibility to let our team know in the most insulting possible way how bad they are to shut their disgusting face hole.

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Yes, they were, their DCDs were ridiculous over the top compared to everyone elses, especially mandos and snipers, for the longest time. Sin was absolute EZ mode for years. If you get rid of mandos new dcds then the new utilities for other specs need to be taken away too, otherwise we will just be the punching bags -again-.


Not sure what period and what specs you are talking about for sins. At no point dec was over performing. They surely were powerful in most 2.0 era and currently. In 1.0, 3.0 and 4.0 they were under performing.


Hatred was very strong in the end of 2.0. Ridiculously OP in 3.0, but that was short lived. They were nerfed in 3-4 patches over six month to the point were the became meh, and have been ever since.


Tank was never really OP except in 1.0 era.


As for DCDs, I do not recall sin dps was considered highly survivable class. They were always okay in the survivability department, never too powerful.

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Remove Responsible Safeguards and give it to Powertech on a 2min cooldown, PT balanced again.

Reduce the healing of Kolto Overload back to 30%.

Change Trauma Regulators to a maximum of 6 stacks. It's a 40% heal.


Merc balanced, then the stupid FOTM rollers will roll sniper.

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