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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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Ow ow ow ow... hot coffee out the nose.


Go slap on some crafted 230's, do a few WZ's and tell us how "fun" and "exciting" the experience was.


I PVP everyday in ≤ 230s.


I can afford to do that because I know each WZ very well on all classes. Even though the gear gap is marginal.

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Just tie the Galactic command to legacy so that we can play our ALTs.


I am not a fan of the new system but its the fact that I am restricted to playing 1 character all the time which is the most disheartening.


The legacy system was a huge selling point from the beginning and this just takes the train in a much different direction.


There have been so many positive changes to the leveling experience and now Im stuck grinding out CxP levels on 1 of my oldest characters.


Being pigeon holed into just playing that one character is what has me logging in a great deal less than I used to. I was having so much fun before because I could buy stuff and give it to my alts,


I could level a new character and have a ton of basic comms and warzone comms and my mains could benefit from that.


Playing alts and rolling out new characters should still be a focus.


JUST MAKES CxP Legacy wide. Argh lol :cool:

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Remember when we first heard it would be 100 levels, and we all freaked out, so they made it 300...and a couple months later added another 100? It's kinda funny if you think about it...


Imagine you could get GC while leveling and tied it to legacy, bro.


Then i think I would enjoy it more. Replaying the first chapter of KOTFE over and over with one character , bleh.

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He's been around too long for that to have been the initial reason but it sure seems like it is the very reason he is around now.


Yea,. yea... I know it cant all fall on one person but someone is always the spearhead to terrible decisions getting pushed through like what 5.0 brought and Ole Ben seems to be that guy.

Once upon a time BWA really did know what they were doing (or at least were getting close to it) and actually did care. The downward spiral started with four significant leadership changes:

  • Dallas Dickinson and Daniel Erickson being sent packing because they disagreed with a change in focus away from content and toward the Cartel Market - and replaced by spineless yes men Ben Irving and Charles Boyd;
  • Lead Operations and Flashpoint Designers Jesse Sky, and then George Smith, being let go and replaced by, well ... nobody.


I saw this coming when the MMO part of this game went into maintenance mode following the Shadow of Revan expansion starting the game down its current single-player-only RPG path ... followed by the Rise of the Emperor patch and seeing how tiny and haphazardly thrown together the daily Ziost planet was ... which led to Fallen Empire's single-player-only leveling story experience combined with a total reliance on one-size-fits-all recycled content for anything associated with group play ... which brings us to our re-recycled current one-size-fits-all-on-steroids Galactic Command debacle.


Like every other loyal veteran hoping the turnover within BWA was just a phase and that they'd work it out, I was patient. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Unfortunately the internal explosion not only killed SWTOR's spirit, but 4.0's betrayal of the veteran MMO players that resulted from the makeover basically killed off the game's big spenders. Though I no longer pity BWA because it's their own damn fault, I do pity the people whose loyalty resides with them and not the game.


The other 28million+ traditional MMO veterans who reside outside of Bioware's purview and may be drawn to this game from the movies would be well served to know that the Star Wars IP no longer has a real MMO if that is what they were hoping for by coming here. But they can take solace in knowing that many of us who have been here from the beginning will be joining them in a search for one soon enough.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Ow ow ow ow... hot coffee out the nose.


Go slap on some crafted 230's, do a few WZ's and tell us how "fun" and "exciting" the experience was.


From 230's to 236's, I see almost no difference whatsoever.

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SWG made me feel like I was actually in a living, breathing, and vibrant Star Wars universe centered on community, and I don't know too many people at all who felt differently... Best gaming experience of my life, despite the bugs/flaws. This 100 extra "exciting" levels of GC just makes me wish this game would die already, so someone else can get a try at making a SW MMO (hopefully without EA screwing it up too) and hope that it doesn't end up like this. I was beyond hyped for this game... I was the 6389th registered user on the forums and have been here since the day they announced the game officially all the way to now, but I find myself wondering why I keep up my sub when I see announcements like this GC crap. It's like a slap in the face.


SWG reference and a slap in the face! Two drinks in one post, you're gonna get me drunk, fella.

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SWG made me feel like I was actually in a living, breathing, and vibrant Star Wars universe centered on community, and I don't know too many people at all who felt differently... Best gaming experience of my life, despite the bugs/flaws. This 100 extra "exciting" levels of GC just makes me wish this game would die already, so someone else can get a try at making a SW MMO (hopefully without EA screwing it up too) and hope that it doesn't end up like this. I was beyond hyped for this game... I was the 6389th registered user on the forums and have been here since the day they announced the game officially all the way to now, but I find myself wondering why I keep up my sub when I see announcements like this GC crap. It's like a slap in the face.


If you miss SWG there are emulators that you can play right now. There is one that I am playing on that it fairly good, it even has space but it is the NGE. But I play this and SWG as they are both very differently and like them both.


The community can be nice but it can also be a problem as it depends on the people playing. I have found some nice people that I play with here so for me the community is the same. You will always have idiots no matter where you play.

Edited by casirabit
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Once upon a time BWA really did know what they were doing (or at least were getting close to it) and actually did care. The downward spiral started with four significant leadership changes:

  • Dallas Dickinson and Daniel Erickson being sent packing because they disagreed with a change in focus away from content and toward the Cartel Market - and replaced by spineless yes men Ben Irving and Charles Boyd;
  • Lead Operations and Flashpoint Designers Jesse Sky, and then George Smith, being let go and replaced by, well ... nobody.


I saw this coming when the MMO part of this game went into maintenance mode following the Shadow of Revan expansion starting the game down its current single-player-only RPG path ... followed by the Rise of the Emperor patch and seeing how tiny and haphazardly thrown together the daily Ziost planet was ... which led to Fallen Empire's single-player-only leveling story experience combined with a total reliance on one-size-fits-all recycled content for anything associated with group play ... which brings us to our re-recycled current one-size-fits-all-on-steroids Galactic Command debacle.


Like every other loyal veteran hoping the turnover within BWA was just a phase and that they'd work it out, I was patient. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Unfortunately the internal explosion not only killed SWTOR's spirit, but 4.0's betrayal of the veteran MMO players that resulted from the makeover basically killed off the game's big spenders. Though I no longer pity BWA because it's their own damn fault, I do pity the people whose loyalty resides with them and not the game.


The other 28million+ traditional MMO veterans who reside outside of Bioware's purview and are being drawn to this game from the movies would be well served to know that the Star Wars IP no longer has a real MMO if that is what they were hoping for by coming here. But they can take solace in knowing that many of us who have been here from the beginning will be joining them in a search for one soon enough.


We'll said.

At the moment I no longer pity them either. The problems with the game is bw themselves due to incompetence, inability and just bad management. (Might even be all the above).


In the end as swtor declines it will be interesting to see how bw designs just another grind or way to get it's limited gamers to run the same old content another time. I have no doubt they are working on that right now. Be it another DVL type event or just adding another 100 levels pushing people to Tier 5.


As swtor continues to decline it will be more interesting seeing how bw scrambles than actually playing the old or limited content worth replaying.

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We don't need 100 new levels, we need more playable content.


True but if we get anything it will be very sparse. Just look at whats coming.

Come April you'll get one boss with a terrible gear drop rate just like all first OPs bosses, resulting in little reason to run it or repeat it when other things give better CXP.


Come April you'll get a rather meaningless daily area that will give you some trinkets but ultimately will result in an exalted status for some deco and a just another mount.


And there is your new content for the coming months.


OH and I forgot. June might bring another new boss since bw can only seem to muster the resources to do one every two months but the real kicker is, we will probably see Tier 5 added in just before summer and another 100 levels to grind (400-500) of the same boring content we have had for the past 2-5 years.


swtor - clearly not on any cutting edge content production. There focus is how to get gamers to run the same old stale content again and again and again and again.......etc

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Come April you'll get a rather meaningless daily area that will give you some trinkets but ultimately will result in an exalted status for some deco and a just another mount.

What is the criteria you're using for a "meaningless" as opposed to meaningful Daily Area?

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OH and I forgot. June might bring another new boss since bw can only seem to muster the resources to do one every two months but the real kicker is, we will probably see Tier 5 added in just before summer and another 100 levels to grind (400-500) of the same boring content we have had for the past 2-5 years.

Just a bit of speculation but I think that's pretty much this year's plan (raid boss every other month) but I think they're also going to release additional companion reunions along the way.


But what makes the GC joke even more hysterical is that I would have been perfectly fine with that schedule had they not transformed this MMO's end-game gearing into a system you'd see in the worst of the worst predatory mobile games.

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Just a bit of speculation but I think that's pretty much this year's plan (raid boss every other month) but I think they're also going to release additional companion reunions along the way.


They did talk about that and there are companions many want back for given I have 30'ish companions and leveled up a couple to max. For me, I'd never level up another companion on my main. I know some will but I find companions nothing more than another tool. There are just to many to be interesting anymore. Even the old flames. If I had gotten back the love interest long ago and had leveled them up first I might feel different but companions are so generic now I don't care about them at all. Their cannon fodder as far as I'm concerned.


Getting more back is a mixed bag but yes, it would be content I didn't mention.


But what makes the GC joke even more hysterical is that I would have been perfectly fine with that schedule had they not transformed this MMO's end-game gearing into a system you'd see in the worst of the worst predatory mobile games.


True. Thats just one of the GC problems to date.


What is the criteria you're using for a "meaningless" as opposed to meaningful Daily Area?


Given I find all daily areas rather meaningless so there isn't anything to list. Forthe most part, daily areas for swtor don't pack a punch or enough interesting content to be called meaningful. There busy work that leads to fluff only and no real progression of characters. Meaningful would really at this point have to be something that advanced my main. Otherwise it's just fluff and pretty much meaningless.


In saying that are least some had a OPS or PVP to accomplish something other than a rep grind but thats about the only positive I can give them.


Do I expect a great story. Not even a little. I'd almost wager no matter if you killed scorpio or let her live. The story and area is the same. That choice meaning little to nothing. The best a story person might get is a slight bit of dialogue and thats all.

Edited by Quraswren
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True but if we get anything it will be very sparse. Just look at whats coming.

Come April you'll get one boss with a terrible gear drop rate just like all first OPs bosses, resulting in little reason to run it or repeat it when other things give better CXP.


Come April you'll get a rather meaningless daily area that will give you some trinkets but ultimately will result in an exalted status for some deco and a just another mount.


And there is your new content for the coming months.


OH and I forgot. June might bring another new boss since bw can only seem to muster the resources to do one every two months but the real kicker is, we will probably see Tier 5 added in just before summer and another 100 levels to grind (400-500) of the same boring content we have had for the past 2-5 years.


swtor - clearly not on any cutting edge content production. There focus is how to get gamers to run the same old stale content again and again and again and again.......etc


This game is very obviously in maintenance mode, just enough going to keep milking cash out of whales and keep subs signed on hoping for something, anything to improve.


But more and more people --whales not least of all, like they actually mean anything long-term-- see the reality and leave.


I'm almost certain by now that this is intentional. Otherwise, the level of sheer incompetence it shows surely wouldn't have gone un-punished for long. Even by a joke like EA...I hope?




SW: tOR is basically a joke now.

Edited by midianlord
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This game is very obviously in maintenance mode, just enough going to keep milking cash out of whales and keep subs signed on hoping for something, anything to improve.


But more and more people --whales not least of all, like they actually mean anything long-term-- see the reality and leave.


I'm almost certain by now that this is intentional. Otherwise, the level of sheer incompetence it shows surely wouldn't have gone un-punished for long. Even by a joke like EA...I hope?




SW: tOR is basically a joke now.

By whales do you mean this?


Date Description Amount Balance

02/11/2017 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1035

02/06/2017 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins 525 935

... SNIP ...

01/12/2017 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 547

... SNIP ...

01/07/2017 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins 525 797

... SNIP ...

12/13/2016 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 514

... SNIP ...

12/08/2016 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 500 Cartel Coins 500 1414

... SNIP ...

04/17/2016 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 934

... SNIP ...

02/17/2016 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1709

... SNIP ...

01/29/2016 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1669

... SNIP ...

12/19/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2124

... SNIP ...


11/29/2016 Game Update 5.0: Knights of the Eternal Throne Early Access


... SNIP ...

11/26/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6733

... SNIP ...

11/25/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7618

... SNIP ...

11/24/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 3288

... SNIP ...

11/24/2015 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2748

... SNIP ...

11/19/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1798

... SNIP ...

11/17/2015 Friends Referral Subscriber Grant 100 4383

11/17/2015 Friends Referral Grant 500 4883

... SNIP ...

11/11/2015 Refund Transaction 2600 4463

... SNIP ...

11/11/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7703

... SNIP ...

10/31/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7133

... SNIP ...

10/22/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4238

... SNIP ...

10/21/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6398

... SNIP ...


10/20/2015 Game Update 4.0: Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access


... SNIP ...

10/06/2015 Purchase: 14500 Cartel Coins 14500 15588

... SNIP ...

09/20/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 3408

09/19/2015 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3308

... SNIP ...

09/19/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 6308

... SNIP ...

09/18/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6458

... SNIP ...

09/07/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6588

... SNIP ...

08/28/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6868

08/21/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1368

... SNIP ...

08/17/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2498

... SNIP ...

08/09/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6418

... SNIP ...

08/06/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7288

... SNIP ...

08/03/2015 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3528

... SNIP ...

07/21/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 8880

... SNIP ...

07/20/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 10145

... SNIP ...

07/18/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 6145

... SNIP ...

07/08/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7405

... SNIP ...

07/04/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6750

... SNIP ...

06/26/2015 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2492

... SNIP ...

06/18/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 7364

06/16/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 7264

... SNIP ...

06/13/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7324

... SNIP ...

05/25/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7039

... SNIP ...

05/16/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2259

05/16/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1659

... SNIP ...

05/07/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6479

... SNIP ...

04/25/2015 Purchase: 14500 Cartel Coins 14500 15029

... SNIP ...

04/14/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 5679

... SNIP ...

04/13/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 5179

... SNIP ...

03/27/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6379

... SNIP ...

03/15/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4756

... SNIP ...

03/11/2015 Purchase: 14500 Cartel Coins 14500 15185

03/10/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 685

... SNIP ...

02/14/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7275

... SNIP ...

02/13/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4605

02/08/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 4005

... SNIP ...

01/17/2015 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7855

01/14/2015 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2355

... SNIP ...

01/09/2015 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2355

... SNIP ...

12/15/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4045

... SNIP ...

12/13/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7345

12/10/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1845

... SNIP ...


12/02/2014 Game Update 3.0: Shadow of Revan Early Access


... SNIP ..

11/30/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6870

... SNIP ...

11/15/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 5320

... SNIP ...

11/14/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6817

11/10/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1317

... SNIP ...

10/16/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1682

... SNIP ...

09/28/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6957

... SNIP ...

09/16/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1667

09/11/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1067

... SNIP ...

08/30/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7792

... SNIP ...

08/17/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2622

... SNIP ...

08/12/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2442

... SNIP ...

07/20/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 5867

... SNIP ...

07/18/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 3997

07/13/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 3397

... SNIP ...

06/21/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5672

... SNIP ...

06/18/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1367

... SNIP ...

06/17/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 4207

06/13/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1807

... SNIP ...

05/21/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5799

... SNIP ...

05/19/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2339

05/14/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1739

... SNIP ...

05/07/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3879

... SNIP ...

04/30/2014 Purchase: 1050 Cartel Coins 1050 1439

... SNIP ...

04/30/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5989

... SNIP ...

04/19/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 3629

04/14/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 3029

... SNIP ...

04/13/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7929

... SNIP ...

04/04/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6437

... SNIP ...

03/16/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2147

03/10/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1547

... SNIP ...

02/22/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3192

... SNIP ...

02/14/2014 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 6246

... SNIP ...

02/13/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6326

... SNIP ...

02/09/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2746

... SNIP ...

02/08/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2566

... SNIP ...

02/08/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2946

... SNIP ...

01/30/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7233

... SNIP ...

01/26/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 8648

... SNIP ...

01/16/2014 Purchase: 14500 Cartel Coins 14500 16638

... SNIP ...

01/15/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7138

... SNIP ...

01/09/2014 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2428

... SNIP ...

01/09/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2880

... SNIP ...

01/07/2014 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3000

... SNIP ...

01/01/2014 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 8303

... SNIP ...

12/20/2013 Purchase: 14500 Cartel Coins 14500 15253

12/16/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 753

... SNIP ...

12/15/2013 Purchase: 1050 Cartel Coins 1050 1333

... SNIP ...

12/14/2013 Purchase: 1050 Cartel Coins 1050 1508

... SNIP ...

12/10/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 7110

12/09/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7010

... SNIP ...

11/30/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5750

... SNIP ...

11/30/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 8310

... SNIP ...

11/28/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 8810

... SNIP ...

11/16/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 5630

... SNIP ...

11/16/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6030

... SNIP ...

11/10/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 5870

... SNIP ...

11/06/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7370

... SNIP ...

10/17/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1720

10/11/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1120

... SNIP ...

10/05/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6300

... SNIP ...

09/20/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6068

... SNIP ...

09/17/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1623

09/11/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1023

... SNIP ...

09/07/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6888

... SNIP ...

09/05/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6688

... SNIP ...

08/24/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7118

... SNIP ...

08/18/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4358

... SNIP ...

08/17/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5858

... SNIP ...

08/12/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1948

... SNIP ...

07/27/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5569

... SNIP ...

07/23/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6244

... SNIP ...

07/19/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 6283

... SNIP ...

07/18/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 7411

... SNIP ...

07/18/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5631

... SNIP ...

07/13/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 371

... SNIP ...

06/19/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 4791

06/13/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 4191

... SNIP ...

05/31/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6654

... SNIP ...

05/28/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3114

... SNIP ...

05/20/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1454

... SNIP ...

05/16/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2746

... SNIP ...

05/14/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1586

... SNIP ...

04/22/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2721

... SNIP ...

04/20/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 3811

... SNIP ...

04/14/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 3771

... SNIP ...

04/10/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6111

... SNIP ...


04/09/2013 Game Update 2.0: Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Scum and Villainy


03/23/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2541

... SNIP ...

03/21/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 2391

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1916

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1816

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1716

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1416

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1616

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1516

03/15/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 1516

... SNIP ...

03/09/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 3236

... SNIP ...

03/02/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2656

... SNIP ...

02/17/2013 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1036

... SNIP ...

02/14/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 8176

02/14/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5776

02/13/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 276

02/13/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 176

... SNIP ...

01/30/2013 Customer Service Grant 600 2101

... SNIP ...

01/27/2013 Purchase: 2400 Cartel Coins 2400 2546

... SNIP ...

01/21/2013 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 5576

... SNIP ...

01/14/2013 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 436

... SNIP ...

12/21/2012 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 11760

12/21/2012 Purchase: 5500 Cartel Coins 5500 6260

12/21/2012 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 760

12/15/2012 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 160

... SNIP ...

11/21/2012 Subscriber Monthly Grant: 600 Cartel Coins 600 1620

... SNIP ...

11/15/2012 Security Key Monthly Grant 100 2850

11/15/2012 Free-to-Play Launch Reward: 250 Cartel Coins 250 2750

11/15/2012 Transfer from Rewards Tab 2500 2500


I took out pretty much everything except Cartel Coin purchases and monthly Subscriber & Security Key grants because of a "The text that you have entered is too long (80527 characters). Please shorten it to 50000 characters long" error. Hence all the snips. :o


The vast majority of purchases were in support of myriad aspects of the game that were either put into maintenance mode or removed entirely when 4.0 released. To highlight this I added the dates and names of each expansion to the timeline. I'm wondering if my contributions that diminished beginning with 3.0, then fell off a cliff with 4.0, reflects the game's decline in microcosm.


BWA has zero loyalty to their player base and I feel sorry for those who believe otherwise. No PR stunt, no amount of damage control livestreams and no increase in staff coming out into the forums and rubbing elbows with select groupies on inconsequential and cherry picked topics will change that. So the lessons in all this are simple:

  • Bioware can no longer be trusted ... for anything;
  • if you enjoy the game then find the cheapest way to play it ... because they will fleece you without remorse if you don't;
  • if you once enjoyed the game but no longer do because of changes that were made, then you owe it to the game, yourself and others in your same situation to be not just heard but acknowledged and fully understood.


They really don't get it.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Damn!!! They miss you.
They don't miss me or anyone like me. If they did then Shadow of Revan would have been a full-blown continuation of the Hutt Cartel Expansion ... Fallen Empire would have been a full-blown P2P MMO continuation of Shadow of Revan ... followed by another full-blown P2P MMO continuation with Eternal Throne ... and they would have released a separate KOTOR III single player RPG for timid loners who are uncomfortable playing with other people. They didn't have to destroy our SWTOR MMO for it. What BWA did to this game is embarrassing, but not nearly as embarrassing as the degree to which I trusted them with my money.

You're right...they do not get it.
No ... no they don't. Ben and his loyal entourage needs to get fired ASAP and real MMO developers brought in or this game will dissolve into a 'GDC Postmortem: How Bioware single-handedly destroyed the most revered IP in history' headline before shareholders can dump their equity. Edited by GalacticKegger
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No ... no they don't. Ben and his loyal entourage needs to get fired ASAP and real MMO developers brought in or this game will dissolve into a 'GDC Postmortem: How Bioware single-handedly destroyed the most revered IP in history' headline before shareholders can dump their equity.

I could not agree more Kegger. It's shocking that EA has allowed this mismanagement to continue for so long, especially in a market that has the attention span of a week. They should have stepped in 2-years ago.

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The vast majority of purchases were in support of myriad aspects of the game that were either put into maintenance mode or removed entirely when 4.0 released. To highlight this I added the dates and names of each expansion to the timeline. I'm wondering if my contributions that diminished beginning with 3.0, then fell off a cliff with 4.0, reflects the game's decline in microcosm.


BWA has zero loyalty to their player base and I feel sorry for those who believe otherwise. No PR stunt, no amount of damage control livestreams and no increase in staff coming out into the forums and rubbing elbows with select groupies on inconsequential and cherry picked topics will change that. So the lessons in all this are simple:

  • Bioware can no longer be trusted ... for anything;
  • if you enjoy the game then find the cheapest way to play it ... because they will fleece you without remorse if you don't;
  • if you once enjoyed the game but no longer do because of changes that were made, then you owe it to the game, yourself and others in your same situation to be not just heard but acknowledged and fully understood.


They really don't get it.


Well said. I used to spend money to buy hypercrates every now and then, until the whole Contraband Slot Machine fiasco in 3.x. That remains, to this day, the most blatant bait-and-switch maneuver I've ever seen in the gaming industry. BW lost every trace of my respect that day, and since then have continued to prove that they want nothing more than to run this game in maintenance mode and bleed the players dry with minimal content and more and more cash shop updates.


They don't miss me or anyone like me. If they did then Shadow of Revan would have been a full-blown continuation of the Hutt Cartel Expansion ... Fallen Empire would have been a full-blown P2P MMO continuation of Shadow of Revan ... followed by another full-blown P2P MMO continuation with Eternal Throne ... and they would have released a separate KOTOR III single player RPG for timid loners who are uncomfortable playing with other people. They didn't have to destroy our SWTOR MMO for it. What BWA did to this game is embarrassing, but not nearly as embarrassing as the degree to which I trusted them with my money.


No ... no they don't. Ben and his loyal entourage needs to get fired ASAP and real MMO developers brought in or this game will dissolve into a 'GDC Postmortem: How Bioware single-handedly destroyed the most revered IP in history' headline before shareholders can dump their equity.


Also very well said. Unfortunately, I feel like we're already well on our way down that road. They need to make major changes if they want this game to survive beyond another year. Not just to the game itself, but to the entire dev team and the way they approach making content updates and communicating with their playerbase. The whole situation is in shambles right now.

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Unfortunately, I feel like we're already well on our way down that road. They need to make major changes if they want this game to survive beyond another year. Not just to the game itself, but to the entire dev team and the way they approach making content updates and communicating with their playerbase. The whole situation is in shambles right now.


I believe so too. The entire management team - Olsen on down - needs to be removed from this IP. They need to bring in people who can upwardly sell the value of investment into this game in order to make effective change possible, then bring in MMO-minded leadership to make this title into an actual game again, instead of this crap microtransaction platform. A team that understands that they actually have a responsibility to grow the community by releasing content encouraging growth. A team that understands that instead of the nickle-and-dime "Look at our new pack!" business plan, a real stream of varied, quality content at a sensible cadence would net them far more millions than they have now.


And even then, it's probably too late.


Is there anyone out there that truly does not believe this game could/should have had millions of subscribers right now? Is there anyone out there that truly feels this game lived up to its initial $200M cost?


Every year it's gotten worse. As an actual game, this title is a running joke. For the last couple years, I've wrestled with loving aspects of the gameplay while hating what was happening to its direction. The balance has shifted too far for me, and I lasted far longer - years longer in most cases - than most of my friends.


I do hope things change for the rest of you that opt to remain here. Personally, I am happy to have finally cut the cord and have no intention of even considering coming back. I've been looking at other games and it's sad to see the contrast in quality between them and this title.

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I believe so too. The entire management team - Olsen on down - needs to be removed from this IP. They need to bring in people who can upwardly sell the value of investment into this game in order to make effective change possible, then bring in MMO-minded leadership to make this title into an actual game again, instead of this crap microtransaction platform. A team that understands that they actually have a responsibility to grow the community by releasing content encouraging growth. A team that understands that instead of the nickle-and-dime "Look at our new pack!" business plan, a real stream of varied, quality content at a sensible cadence would net them far more millions than they have now.


And even then, it's probably too late.


Is there anyone out there that truly does not believe this game could/should have had millions of subscribers right now? Is there anyone out there that truly feels this game lived up to its initial $200M cost?


Every year it's gotten worse. As an actual game, this title is a running joke. For the last couple years, I've wrestled with loving aspects of the gameplay while hating what was happening to its direction. The balance has shifted too far for me, and I lasted far longer - years longer in most cases - than most of my friends.


I do hope things change for the rest of you that opt to remain here. Personally, I am happy to have finally cut the cord and have no intention of even considering coming back. I've been looking at other games and it's sad to see the contrast in quality between them and this title.

If your take on a game is that everything about it is wrong and everyone making it should be fired, then chances are the issue is that it's just not a game that's made for you. At some point you are just the guy complaining that FarmVille doesn't have enough twitch combat or that Final Fantasy has too much talking.


It is okay for entertainment products to be designed for a different audience. I have no interest whatsoever in playing a Halo game, watching an episode of Flip This House, or reading a Harlequin romance novel, but I'm glad all of those things are out there for people who do like them to enjoy.

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It is okay for entertainment products to be designed for a different audience. I have no interest whatsoever in playing a Halo game, watching an episode of Flip This House, or reading a Harlequin romance novel, but I'm glad all of those things are out there for people who do like them to enjoy.


When entertainment changes from what it started, complaints are warranted from customers. When Halo turns into a generic army game, when Flip This house turns into How to shape shrubs around the house and Harlequin romance novels turns into a how to build a real relationship then it no wonder people would complain.


swtor is very similar. It changed to drastically in 5.0 with little to no new content to support the grind and an RNG crates system that is so bad it makes you wonder how any game designer could push it though.


That is complaint worthy to the highest degree for paying customers (If there still around at all).

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The main problem as a returning player I see if that most of the time when I gain a command level its not during a time of control, its a time we're either getting it or other side has it. So I do not get D/L tokens. How do you time it to get them - not play once you are about to get a level until your side controls? What a crock of shat. Basically, go play your alt until its time to log in and get that level.
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