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100 new Galactic Command levels and exciting new gear rewards, on the way!


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This is interesting.


I wonder how people who already reached rank 300 feel about going to level 301 after repeating level 300 many times already. I suspect none of those repeated ranks will be added retroactively to the count above 300.


Yup, very true if you really had someone griding rank 300 for more 242s he must be really pissed now!


But i hope people just stopped there and went to grind alts to 300.

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you don't get components from PVE, only GSF and PVP. Ops you can roll for an unassembled token.


242 tokens come from NiM ops which aren't run by the majority. Some HM bosses have a chance to drop 242 tokens, but typically the more difficult HM bosses (or ones with high DPS checks). So its not a reliable way to 242 outside of GC


PVP and GSF is a path to 242, just really really long.


So unless you PVP/GSF and/or run NiM ops, your chances at 242 are relegated to the GC crates


so the only way to get top gear is to do group content and generally group content of the highest difficulty. That seems about right actually. The crates are just bonus here as i see it. Why would you need the best gear if you dont participate in the hardest content anyway? As far as i've seen they are increasing the rate of components you get so this should make it a bit faster... i just dont get what people expect. Im a casual player and i dont expect to be as geared as a hard-core player... like in WoW for instance back in the day i wasnt participating in the top end of PvP, i never did Onyxia etc. and i didnt expect to have access to the gear that people doing them had. How come folks are expecting to be on par for gear with the most dedicated players that put in 2-3 times as much time and effort into the game?! ... i dont get that.


also, as i havent really done much crafting im curious ... if 242 is the best you can get via GFS, PvP and Ops... what is the best you can craft? genuine question as ive yet to level my crafting since returning to the game 2 weeks ago.

Edited by Valceanu
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Shut this game down already. Let it die with some dignity, end this misery, I'm not having any fun here anymore, no-one's having any fun here anymore.

I'm sorry but this is just such utterly self-centered hogwash.


You don't like this game? That is perfectly valid - it's an entertainment product, you've got every right to enjoy or not enjoy it according to your own tastes and preferences. You want to give EA/BW feedback on what you'd personally like to see, that's great.


But saying the game should be shut down because you aren't enjoying it? That's just crap. Just stop playing it, you'll be in the exact same spot you'd be in if they shut it down - only difference is, the people who are enjoying the game can go on enjoying it.


I don't like Farmville at all, that game does absolutely nothing for me and I will never play it, that doesn't mean I think it should be shut down - because there are people who do like it, so I'm glad it's out there for them to enjoy even if I'm never going to play it. I don't like EVE Online and have no intention of playing it, but I'm glad it's out there for the people who do enjoy it. There is nothing wrong with games being available in the market that I don't personally enjoy - I'm happy that they're available for the people who do enjoy them.


Taking an "if I don't like it, it shouldn't be available for anyone" approach just seems really messed up.

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so the only way to get top gear is to do group content and generally group content of the highest difficulty. That seems about right actually. The crates are just bonus here as i see it. Why would you need the best gear if you dont participate in the hardest content anyway?


That is the one-million dollar question! Casuals say "it makes me do heroics faster" :D


Anyway yes, NiM drops 242 gear as before, BUT only last boss has 100% drop which means you get to do the HARDEST content in the game with 7 other people, waste time, credits for wiping etc and still you might only get 2 gear pieces! That is masochism!!

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IDK 100 new levels of GC..... I predict another 100 and another 10o after that. .... since BW are so out of touch and devoid of any fresh ideas.


I know twitter isn't exactly high-end journalism, but 100s of comments posted are a usually Bellwether for what they can expect if they pull this stunt.


I expect all the other MMOs are hoping this will come to pass, since it can only be good for them to poach the SWTOR quitters who care to sub and spend cash on a game.

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Most MMOs that I'm familiar with tend to put out a new tier of gear with each new raid / op / whatever. For example, in WoW, Tier 7 came out with the launch of Wrath of the Lich King in October 2008, then when they released Uldar in April 2009 (six months later) it included Tier 8, then Tier 9 came out four months later in August 2009 with the Crusaders Coliseum, and Tier 10 came out four months after that in December 2009 with the Icecrown raid.


First part of the new Op (which is being released piecemeal) is going to be in 5.2 and, sure enough, new tier of gear is coming out in 5.2 along with it.


I get what your saying here but WoW had a traditional gearing system then, do raids and get gear, six months was enough for a full set (or near enough a full set) of naxx25/10 gear.


With this gearing system people don't nearly have a full set of 242 unless your raiding NIM every few days.

Edited by benmas
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They're kidding, right? I mean, it's an April's Fool joke, a warm-up for it? So they want to add another set of annoying grinding levels to already existing extremely annoying system and think that it is a "happy news" in any way or form? Are they completely oblivious to the fact that pretty much everything about this system is already hated as it is and now they're only pouring more oil into the fire with this news?


I've been a subscriber since the early launch of this game, but honestly, I am questioning this more and more with all of these new "features". I hate frikkin' grinding with passion and all they do is add more of it. With each bits of news and changes like this they're adding to the game the whole thing is more and more looking like it's not really worth it..

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That is the one-million dollar question! Casuals say "it makes me do heroics faster" :D


Anyway yes, NiM drops 242 gear as before, BUT only last boss has 100% drop which means you get to do the HARDEST content in the game with 7 other people, waste time, credits for wiping etc and still you might only get 2 gear pieces! That is masochism!!


so basically what you're telling me is that all this stems from casuals wanting to be on par gear wise with the hard core raiders/PvP-ers?! ... well thats just silly. If we're arguing that they should increase the drop rate from raid bossess (to what degree is still up for debate) and also incrase the rate at which a player gets components (which they are doing in the next update i believe) then yeah, i agree. The boxes are still just a bonus on top of that is what im saying... and personally i dont have a problem with them... i would prefer if they would make it so you dont get duplicates and maybe slightly adjust the drop rates for top items but again that is a balancing act in itself. It should NOT be easy to gear a toon in top of the line gear... much less so all of your alts. Seems people have been spoilt due to other iterations of the game making it too easy...

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[...] Just stop playing it, you'll be in the exact same spot you'd be in if they shut it down - only difference is, the people who are enjoying the game can go on enjoying it.



Already done, bru, thank you: In 40-ish days, this second-rate company's bloatware will never pollute my SSD again.


Yeah, I got a little emotional there --something I usually take pains to avoid doing-- but if I may say so myself, that's a point in my favour:


It means I actually still give a ****.


And who is this nebulous mass of people "enjoying the game"? And what is left of it that they are enjoying, exactly?


I freely grant that this is anecdotal, but no-one --no-one-- I've talked to in-game (see, I actually spend more time playing than I do forum-PvPing, and despite a large-part "lone-wolf" playstyle exacerbated by RL misanthropy, I'm actually not socially-retareded--I even like challenging group-content, if you can imagine that! You know, like we're supposed to have in an MMORPG?) has anything good to say about this piece of **** system or the 2 years long content drought.




Casual/semi-casual/NiM raider, PvPer, PvEer GSF pilot (yes, there are still a few of those!).




And the Austin Incompetents' Club has just proven more conclusively than ever that they openly ignore customer feedback.


This is going no-where good, and at this rate, this game will die within a year, maximum. It seems like they're Hell-bent on this, even at that cost, so why not let it go out on a relative high note?


Oh, and I got news for you defenders:


They don't give a crap about your feedback either. Please grow a pair and salvage your dignity again, the white-knighting has just gotten so gratingly stale and pathetic.

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Already done, bru, thank you: In 40-ish days, this second-rate company's bloatware will never pollute my SSD again.


Yeah, I got a little emotional there --something I usually take pains to avoid doing-- but if I may say so myself, that's a point in my favour:


It means I actually still give a ****.


And who is this nebulous mass of people "enjoying the game"? And what is left of it that they are enjoying, exactly?


I freely grant that this is anecdotal, but no-one --no-one-- I've talked to in-game (see, I actually spend more time playing than I do forum-PvPing, and despite a large-part "lone-wolf" playstyle exacerbated by RL misanthropy, I'm actually not socially-retareded--I even like challenging group-content, if you can imagine that! You know, like we're supposed to have in an MMORPG?) has anything good to say about this piece of **** system or the 2 years long content drought.




Casual/semi-casual/NiM raider, PvPer, PvEer GSF pilot (yes, there are still a few of those!).




And the Austin Incompetents' Club has just proven more conclusively than ever that they openly ignore customer feedback.


This is going no-where good, and at this rate, this game will die within a year, maximum. It seems like they're Hell-bent on this, even at that cost, so why not let it go out on a relative high note?


Oh, and I got news for you defenders:


They don't give a crap about your feedback either. Please grow a pair and salvage your dignity again, the white-knighting has just gotten so gratingly stale and pathetic.


sorry mate but i really dont know where you're coming from... as someone who has returned to the game having missed the last couple of major patches (like, 2 years worth or so) ... i am enjoying the game much more then i did back then. I engage in all types of content i can and am relatively unconcerned about gear... i do GSF, PvP, the story chapters, dailies and weeklies ... Ops not so much yet first cause i dont have the gear yet and secondly cause i dont know the boss mechanics yet... but i dont expect to be given the best gear in the game... it comes as i play. I have yet to reach GC rank 100 on my sniper and have 3 or 4 (cant remember exactly) Tier 1 230 set pieces on me... and i think that is ok. Got a couple from crates, bought one from components... and this is only unrakend PvP and not much PvE group content im doing. I remember the grind from WoW back in the day... it would take months to gear my MAIN alone, not to mention alts... and i dont expect SWTOR to be any different. Like i said, yes, they maybe need to adjust component gain and parts drops to be higher... but they shouldnt be ridiculously easy to get... and from what people are saying it seems that in 4.0 it was. Also, i think they should up the quality of craftable gear to be close to the one you can get from drops etc but without the set bonuses... so that you can still qualify for top end content with minimal drawback... but other then that... i dont think its ok to have 3-4 toons geared out in a couple of months unless you play non-stop. Bottom line is that gear should be a byproduct of playing the game... at least that is how i see it... rather then the end goal...

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sorry mate but i really dont know where you're coming from... as someone who has returned to the game having missed the last couple of major patches (like, 2 years worth or so) ... i am enjoying the game much more then i did back then. I engage in all types of content i can and am relatively unconcerned about gear... i do GSF, PvP, the story chapters, dailies and weeklies ... Ops not so much yet first cause i dont have the gear yet and secondly cause i dont know the boss mechanics yet... but i dont expect to be given the best gear in the game... it comes as i play. I have yet to reach GC rank 100 on my sniper and have 3 or 4 (cant remember exactly) Tier 1 230 set pieces on me... and i think that is ok. Got a couple from crates, bought one from components... and this is only unrakend PvP and not much PvE group content im doing. I remember the grind from WoW back in the day... it would take months to gear my MAIN alone, not to mention alts... and i dont expect SWTOR to be any different. Like i said, yes, they maybe need to adjust component gain and parts drops to be higher... but they shouldnt be ridiculously easy to get... and from what people are saying it seems that in 4.0 it was. Also, i think they should up the quality of craftable gear to be close to the one you can get from drops etc but without the set bonuses... so that you can still qualify for top end content with minimal drawback... but other then that... i dont think its ok to have 3-4 toons geared out in a couple of months unless you play non-stop. Bottom line is that gear should be a byproduct of playing the game... at least that is how i see it... rather then the end goal...


Some of us have played since launch, have spent a lot of money on the game and were happy with how it played.

In return for our repeat business over the last 5 years we've had no new content for several years and the content we have left and want to do has now been locked behind a grind wall.


Every attempt at feeding this back has been ignored. On the rare occasion it's even acknowledged we get bad PR speak from a marketing team who thinks that fluffing up the language and using positive words will win is over (EXCITING!).

This is insulting and shows nothing but contempt for the customer.

We're computer game playing Star Wars nerds.

That's a fairly intelligent demographic. And to be treated like an idiot is disgusting


Then when they make changes, it's changes to suit them, not to suit us.

They're completely out of touch, too stubborn to admit it's a mistake or just plain incompetent.

People who've spend the amount of money I have (and there's a lot of us) deserve better than this.


With each update to 5.0 I've promised to give it one more sub then see how it pans out.


I've not played for 2 weeks as I'm currently in Tasmania. And I don't miss playing it.


The subs up in 4 days. I doubt I'll renew


I love Star Wars

I love mmo's

I should love this game

I did before 4.0

5.0 killed it.


I feel ripped off

Edited by ScottishDrunk
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Some of us have played since launch, have spent a lot of money on the game and were happy with how it played.

In return for our repeat business over the last 5 years we've had no new content for several years and the content we have left and want to do has now been locked behind a grind wall.


Every attempt at feeding this back has been ignored. On the rare occasion it's even acknowledged we get bad PR speak from a marketing team who thinks that fluffing up the language and using positive words will win is over (EXCITING!).

This is insulting and shows nothing but contempt for the customer.

We're computer game playing Star Wars nerds.

That's a fairly intelligent demographic. And to be treated like an idiot is disgusting


Then when they make changes, it's changes to suit them, not to suit us.

They're completely out of touch, too stubborn to admit it's a mistake or just plain incompetent.

People who've spend the amount of money I have (and there's a lot of us) deserve better than this.


With each update to 5.0 I've promised to give it one more sub then see how it pans out.


I've not played for 2 weeks as I'm currently in Tasmania. And I don't miss playing it.


The subs up in 4 days. I doubt I'll renew


I love Star Wars

I love mmo's

I should love this game

I did before 4.0

5.0 killed it.


I feel ripped off


so because youve been puting money into the game (i am a founder too just stopped playing at one point and returned) you expect to have access to the best gear possible without going through the game's mechanics? ... like pay to win? i get the need for content dont get me wrong, and they should focus on that (new content) for sure... but im talking about how gear progression should work... and for me it should take a long-ish time to gear up a toon in top end gear and do top end content like its been in every MMO... getting X nr. of alts maxed out (and ive heard folks that literally have dozens) should really take a hell of a long time. You can still experience most content in "lesser" difficulties... so its not that you're locked out for the most part.

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Then when they make changes, it's changes to suit them, not to suit us.


Crates are better change for many, including me, who would've never got better gear in old system. It would have stopped in 230 item rating or below that for some. Why? Because of really weird requirements some players set for content (50k hp for SM EV in 3.0 etc.). I still haven't done TFB, DP and Rav because of the requirements in place set by players.

Edited by Halinalle
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At no point did I say it should be pay to win, you're jumping to your own conclusions to validate your own point.

It should be difficult to gear up, but CXP isn't the answer.


before you could hit 65 and have enough tokens to buy a base level raiding set (208's)


Next stage should be FP's and story mode ops to get set piece 208's

Then you can move up HM and then NIM

All with new content to support this


What you don't want to do is be doing NIM one day, then have to grinding out 300 levels of the same sh*t in order to be even close to doing the same thing again.


That's how things worked in 2.0 and 3.0, even 4.0 to an extent.


Now..... it's a mess

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OMG the posts are like a bunch of angry farmers catching a witch back in the days ready to burn her but the twitter post didn't say anything about what has changed within the system and don't get me wrong the raiding loot is in a bad way but this GC was more for the casual player to get the chance at gear and other items that drop in them and in my eyes it should stay as it is even pushing the rank to 400 I have no issues with it at all and if they fix the way raids give gear then it's all good. PvP maybe needs some improvement again but not by much you can't compare raiding to pvp.


My thoughts on how gearing should be looked at by the developers


1. Master mode - there is no doubt that this mode should drop the guaranteed item per boss like the raids used to because this is the highest in game difficulty and should reward the players with the best of the best due to being locked out of the instance or boss once killed.


2. Raids excluding EV/KP in Veteran Mode should have a random guaranteed drop per boss and the last boss has the current system.


3. EV/KP Veteran - these should drop like a tier below other HM's and just above the SM tier.


4. SM - now the current system is perfect for these why because it has a bolster and these raids are actually designed to be beaten by most pugs well that's what Bioware intended even though some are a bit rough for some people that don't know how to play yet.


So will I keep my sub going of course I will, does bioware need to do changes to certain game content of course they do and lets hope it's done soon but galactic command is here to stay and so it should.

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At no point did I say it should be pay to win, you're jumping to your own conclusions to validate your own point.

It should be difficult to gear up, but CXP isn't the answer.


before you could hit 65 and have enough tokens to buy a base level raiding set (208's)


Next stage should be FP's and story mode ops to get set piece 208's

Then you can move up HM and then NIM

All with new content to support this


What you don't want to do is be doing NIM one day, then have to grinding out 300 levels of the same sh*t in order to be even close to doing the same thing again.


That's how things worked in 2.0 and 3.0, even 4.0 to an extent.


Now..... it's a mess


well i still havent hit 100 GC rank and im in full 230 basically... cant i do uprisings with that or some other group content? (im asking cause i havent really done much outside of PvP). If i can then great, i can do Uprisings, Tacticals (or whatever they are called now) or whatever else else. I dunno if those currently give components but if not they probably should similar to PvP and GSF (not parts like in Ops). Am i locked out of any content aside from Ops? ... im asking cause maybe im missing something. But the only restrictions ive seen are player enforced ones (like you cant be in our group unless you have this much HP or do this much DPS etc.) and the crate system can only help those that want to get there and also the solo player who otherwise would have never gotten the gear. Also, like i said i think high end crafting (with difficult to get/expensive mats) should give the equivalent of Tier 2 (without the set bonus) at least... i dunno if this is currently the case mind you...


So basically i think its the rates in general that need adjusting and maybe a buff to crafting needed ... the GC boxes are and should remain a bonus... a crutch to help people get their desired item slightly faster... ive got no real problem with it per say. I think it will take a while to get the ballance right but its doable imho...

Edited by Valceanu
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Another 100+ runs of chapter 2 master mode, sooo exiting.


100 runs of chapter 2 is like what, 12 hours? Surely you could do less efficient but more fun forms of CXP gain (they're buffing flashpoints and operation CXP tomorrow) and spread it around the one/two months we have to go in order to reach 300 before 5.2 hits.

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100 runs of chapter 2 is like what, 12 hours? Surely you could do less efficient but more fun forms of CXP gain (they're buffing flashpoints and operation CXP tomorrow) and spread it around the one/two months we have to go in order to reach 300 before 5.2 hits.


I think you missed the point, this thread was about the new 100 cxp levels. Someone who is not 300 already can ofc get there with what ever way they want but that was not what this was about.

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I think you missed the point, this thread was about the new 100 cxp levels. Someone who is not 300 already can ofc get there with what ever way they want but that was not what this was about.


Well if you're already 300 you'd be getting T4 gear on day one so there's no need to grind.

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