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Updated Unassembled Component Rates - 5.1.2


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No, and it's not supposed to. This is how warzone comms worked pre 5.0, just that you get gear tokens for the PVE vendor instead of the gear itself.


Gearing IS much easier and less confusing than it was compared to crystals. Crystal gear had slot-bound armorings with no set bonus and the inferior lettered mods. You are guaranteed to get such a piece from every single command crate, and the armorings are not bound to a slot. You also have a chance to get a set bonus piece.


If you want to work for a certain set bonus piece you have to do PVP or ops just like before.


You are not guaranteed jack squat with RNG, especially not gear. You do know what random means, right? I've opened plenty of crates where I've received zero gear (green, blue, purple, or gold). Packs filled with garbage orange shells of ugly weapons/armor, Jawa Junk, pets, companion gifts, and reputation items for reputations I maxxed out 4 years ago.


Also, the blue and green gear? Has plenty of those 'inferior lettered mods' you're talking about... just like the old crystal gear.


You're running your mouth on a lie.

Edited by AscendingSky
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No hate! But apologies in advance because I am going to use your statement as a general example of people missing the point. It's fine to miss the point, as long as you're receptive to people pointing out why.


Yes, PvE heroes, what PvPers want is EXACTLY to have everyone "handed the best gear", in that in PvP *everyone* should be at the same gearing level, because gear is not what should decide PvP performance. You're fundamentally missing the point here and here's why:


PvP should be about a level playing field so that player skill is what matters, not gear grind. This is not an abstract fantasy; it was the actual situation in this game until last month. It was GREAT:


- In 4.x, since Expertise was a different main stat, it took a short amount of time to get in to a basic PvP gear set that bolstered to competitive levels, because BW did not have to balance it with PvE progression.

- in 5.0, Bolster was raised above the top tier gear. This was even better. In fact, despite bolster being odd, it was almost perfect.


Both of those systems were great. They both let you select your gear MIX, which made a difference, but did not require you to grind gear RATING. They let new players or alts jump right in to PvP and have a good time focusing on what really mattered.


5.1 destroyed this by dropping the bolster cap to where people simply needed to grind gear, especially for ranked. And since Expertise is gone, this means that the PvP grind had to be balanced with the CareBear grind, which is just dumb.


Understand this - this is a place where SWTOR went from being SUBSTANTIALLY BETTER than other MMO's, from being a truly innovative leader, to being a second rate grind fest at best. This is the saddest part - it's been like watching a smart person intentionally lobotomize themselves.


Anyone that thinks gear rating should matter in PvP is either a bad who depends on it, or is basically someone LARPing the "Filthy Casuals" meme. Both types of players should be ignored and maybe ridiculed.


I agree with Doc and Hottie. The fundamental fail here was tying PvP gearing to PvE progression. Which was a giant step backwards. Unless, of course, the tinfoil hat brigade is actually right and the entire point was a forced grind all around, because that's the only game BW's got left this far out in the long tail.


I missed that point indeed, because I'm a PvE and PvP player. Since both ways are my in favor.

Removing Expertise was a huge mistake, since this was the way of separating the PvE and PvP players. What I used to do in 4.x, I had my main character geared for both PvE and PvP, and the rest of my characters only for PvP.

But I can't agree with the bolster that came in 5.0, since even if you're based only on PvP, you still need to have a minimum of knowledge in the way you optimise your gear, based on Critical and Alacrity. The expertise gear had this minimum optimising required. But not only that, with a 250 gear rating bolster, the critical rating was huge, and this favorised the burst classes way too much, making the squishy classes really unplayable.


What I suggest about that it's what I think would be the best and I hope BW will see this

The bolster should remain to 232 gear rating but working on both ways.

For example:

*you have 208 gear -> you join wz -> your gear it's upscaled to 232

*you have 242 gear -> you join wz -> your gear it's downscaled to 232


If it will go that way, I also belive that the bolster should be even smaller, like 228

Edited by Tibi-Fit
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Not even remotely good enough boost.


Losses are still too low, with premades running rampant its ridiculously stupid to solo que now. Unless you land on a premade team, you won't win. Period. Some pvp matches drag on forever, and end up in a loss. 2 components for 12-15 min matches not worth it. Components would be better off granted by how much time spent in a WZ but I don't think you guys have that system in place. Premades get into a huttball match and just 6-0 in 5 min, and keep doing that over and over again. Losses need to be bumped up in order for this grind to be tolerable IMO. ...


First of all, a very good comment on this topic, thank you for that! As you rightly said, the audience for this boost are not those, who are in a premade team and/or are experienced pvp'ers. The audience is your average, casual-playing Joe Bloke who simply does not have the time to earn 500 or so Command Crates in order to have a decent chance for his set-bonus armor. So Joe Bloke has to throw himself into the unranked pvp and yes, most of the time he will loose, because pvp'ers do, what they always do - go the route of the least resistance and/or maximum gain. That's natural and no-one ist faulting them for doing so, but for Joe Bloke it means he won't get the armor he is after. Again. At least not before it's already outdated due to patch 5.2 (.3, .4 ... .x) coming along already having newer gear.


BEFORE (ie. 4,0-times) one could get the entry-level set-gear relatively easy. NOW it is next to impossible. I am NOT talking about the high-end setgear - that is supposed to be hard to acquire and I am fine with that. Although 236 or even 242 are still way too hard, imho, due to RNG, but that's all been said before.


...This grind is horrible, and its not helping alt players at all. If you guys are deadest on these UC gains then consider reducing tier 1 gear (the 230s) they are way to expensive for "entry" level gear.


Not impressed. I appreciate BW trying, but making UC only obtainable through pvp then having to sludge through premade after premade after premade, its tiring. Sucked all the fun out of pvp this xpac tbh.


Right to the point. Even non-casual players who have the time and will to gear out several alts ("twinks") cannot do this anymore within a reasonable timeframe. After all, once you got the gear, you would like to play with it, right? Now you are only gear-grinding and that deletes all the fun out of it.


Thank you again DenariusJay - well said and I hope, some people in BW take this to heart!




EDIT: PS: They don't, here's the latest tweet Command Rank 400 is coming - even though all forums are overflowing with negative remarks about the gear grinding, they actually plan to make it even more so...

Edited by realArkira
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What I suggest about that it's what I think would be the best and I hope BW will see this

The bolster should remain to 232 gear rating but working on both ways.

For example:

*you have 208 gear -> you join wz -> your gear it's upscaled to 232

*you have 242 gear -> you join wz -> your gear it's downscaled to 232


If it will go that way, I also belive that the bolster should be even smaller, like 228


I like this idea a lot!


Also to be clear, in case I wasn't - when I quoted your sentence my reply was to the general misunderstanding I have seen from PvE players in this discussion, not to you specifically. I'm sorry if I did not make that clear enough.

Edited by stoopicus
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An increase is better than nothing. Still, I would like to see the GSF daily and weekly missions reward components as well. That would be reasonable if the ground PvP missions will reward components. Additionally I agree with everyone who has suggested the components, like command tokens, be legacy bound.
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The rates need to be doubled for everything, or the prices in unassembled components to obtain stuff needs to be drastically reduced. After opening hundreds of these crap crates, including about 25 this past weekend, I'm beyond disgusted with the state of gearing in this game right now. So sick and tired of getting nothing in these crates. The person who thought it would be viable to have a system where gearing would be completely up the RNG gods should be fired. Or better yet, forced to work and how much they were paid would be tied to the same idiotic probability variables tied to crap crates now. Maybe if they worked their butts off for a pay period only to receive a pittance of salary, well that might make them see how we feel and then they might do something.


No offense to the Devs, but you couldn't do more damage to the game if you tried. Ruined it for casuals. Frustrated your hardcore players. You've lost so many players, pissed off the majority of ones who've stayed, and now will continue to slap us in the face by increasing GC levels and gear levels. It shows a tone deafness that's hard to fathom.


I sincerely hope another star wars MMO is in development, because I love star wars. I love the concept of a star wars MMO. I want this game to be successful and last, but I can't see how that happens with such horrific decisions being made. And that's a real shame. A successful star wars MMO should be a slam dunk given the rabidity of the fan base, plus free publicity all the time with new movies coming out.


Stop screwing around and give us the fixes we want. Not piece meal. Not trying to fit the square peg of common sense into the round hole that is your idiotic RNG GC system... Undo all the damage you've caused and do all the steps you need to have a fully developed, viable, sensible solution before it's too late.

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Sadly so true, but hey they will claim to have been listening.....to what we have no idea.


To themselves telling eachother over and over that RNG is EXCITING!!!!! Ben Irving admitted as much in an interview. They decided to keep GC despite the huge negative feedback and massive amount of dropped subs because they 'brainstormed' amongst themselves and decided GC was what was best for the game, and obviously all the people unhappy about GC just weren't playing the game correctly.


Ironic for a system they claimed would let you "play the game the way you want!", right?

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The best change you could make would be this.

Convert unassembled components to command tokens, and remove unassembled components.

Then have it so command tokens are used to buy gear pieces with.

With this, you have a legacy currency that people can use to help gear their alts. And then command tokens are not useless over a certain amout (like they are now).

Agreed, well put.

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Not even remotely good enough boost.


Losses are still too low, with premades running rampant its ridiculously stupid to solo que now. Unless you land on a premade team, you won't win. Period. Some pvp matches drag on forever, and end up in a loss. 2 components for 12-15 min matches not worth it. Components would be better off granted by how much time spent in a WZ but I don't think you guys have that system in place. Premades get into a huttball match and just 6-0 in 5 min, and keep doing that over and over again. Losses need to be bumped up in order for this grind to be tolerable IMO.


This grind is horrible, and its not helping alt players at all. If you guys are deadest on these UC gains then consider reducing tier 1 gear (the 230s) they are way to expensive for "entry" level gear.


Not impressed. I appreciate BW trying, but making UC only obtainable through pvp then having to sludge through premade after premade after premade, its tiring. Sucked all the fun out of pvp this xpac tbh.



This is so TRUE anyone who actively pvp daily can confirm this. Premades now more then ever destory regs. To make such a huge difference in winning and loosing 8 for winning and 3 for loosing is going to give rise to even more premades.


I have been playing daily for a few hours the last 2 weeks: 7-8/10 matches are losses. I consider myself a pretty decent player. Lets say for once you end up in a decent even game.. suddenly you loose snow, someone plants a bomb or loose mid..immediatly you see experienced players leave the game and the tide turns and the loss is confirmed. The moment your side seem to loose advantage people leave because they dont want to waste their time grinding through to the bitter end - this increase difference in Unassembled Component will encourage this even more.


Devs needs to understand: the more difference their is between winning and loosing: the more players will find ways honest/dishonest ways to winning. This increase in winning/loosing will just suck the the life of fair matches and enjoyment.


A better way to reward Unassembled Component: should be a combination of objectives: if your a DPS how much damage you have done, if your a tank how much protection and if your a healer how much you have healed: in combination with the amount of valor and time spent. Simple FORMULA devs...


Ofcourse on top of that should be a difference between winning and loosing but not a difference of 265% like it is currently 3 vs 8...


This is what happens when you have devs they dont actively play the game.

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The best change you could make would be this.

Convert unassembled components to command tokens, and remove unassembled components.

Then have it so command tokens are used to buy gear pieces with.

With this, you have a legacy currency that people can use to help gear their alts. And then command tokens are not useless over a certain amout (like they are now).

If BioWare would convert unassembled components into command tokens, giving them away as a PVP reward would create new inbalances (i.e. CXP boosts). So they would have to remove them and adjust both the CXP gain per fight and the tokens-per-crate ratio instead. But this will probably create new issues of course...

Edited by realleaftea
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[*]GSF Win: 8 (stays the same)

[*]GSF Loss: 3 (stays the same)



I'd like to see more incentive to run GSF. Why didn't GSF dailies and weeklies get unassembled components, as well? Why did the win/loss for GSF remain the same? More people run ground PvP than they do GSF, which makes for difficult times when you run more GSF than ground PvP.

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I'd like to see more incentive to run GSF. Why didn't GSF dailies and weeklies get unassembled components, as well? Why did the win/loss for GSF remain the same? More people run ground PvP than they do GSF, which makes for difficult times when you run more GSF than ground PvP.


1. GSF UC gain actually got stealth-buffed apparently.


2. GSF daily+weekly CXP got a big buff.


3. GSF requisition gain got buffed


4. You can run GSF while being queued for Ranked, the only UC-gaining activity that lets you do so.

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  • 2 months later...
Who's Idea on the devs side was it to make gearing rediculously long and not worth it. Man the old way was so much better. I come back in the game just to find out I have to grind 10 X as long just to get one piece of gear like it used too in pvp.
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So, let's get this straight. This RNG/CXP system isn't bad. MMO's are about grinding and this gives a perfect balance to grinding. If you think this is hard go check out ESO and it's leveling system 1-50 and their gear grinding. It's 10x as worse than TOR. You should be grateful. It was about time they implemented something like this.It was a way to easy to grind gear in 3.0 and 4.0. In some certain ways, this is way easier than 2.0. You guys expect gear to be spoonfed to you. MMO's don't work like that. Now stop complaining take the grinding and sit down. If you don't like grinding you shouldn't be playing MMO's in the first place. Let's get this straight I don't fully support the RNG/CXP system they need to still fix certain elements but this encourages people to play certain content in the game. This system is giving us something to grind, which like I stated above is what an MMO is about. If you think that MMO's are about grinding look around you and check out ESO. ESO has a way bigger player base than TOR but their grinding is 10x worse than this new RNG/CXP system. Now, stop making your RNG/CXP complaints because this game shouldn't be easy for people to grind gear and in some certain areas like I said this is better than the 2.0 gear grind. 2.0 wasn't a big *** grind but you needed to have 2,000 coms for just one piece of gear. Getting coms back then was difficult unless you played ranked otherwise it was easy. In certain RP/PvE servers ranked didn't pop as much. You should be glad that they didn't decide to make PvP/PvE armor grinding separate instead of combining both of them into one gear needed to grind. k now I am done with my rant. Stop with your constant *********** complaining and whining about *********** the grind.
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The problem I have is for my alts, I have 16x L70 with a total ranking of ca 1000, and I have maybe 4-5 item level 236 pieces per character, this is the part which is messed up, make UC legacy
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