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Sith Inquisitor is canonically light side?


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If you skip the 1-60 level, the game will automatically call you Darth Imperius, meaning that his decisions are more light-sided.


All the time as a slave may mean the Inquisitor didn't want to enslave others and kill people all willy nilly which happens to slaves.


Now you're making me wonder what the Knight and Consular are. I'm willing to bet the Wrath is canonically dark side.

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All the time as a slave may mean the Inquisitor didn't want to enslave others and kill people all willy nilly which happens to slaves.


Now you're making me wonder what the Knight and Consular are. I'm willing to bet the Wrath is canonically dark side.


It does make sense if you go through his story. Ashara, who has a very black and white view of right and wrong, will more likely to join and side with you if your main reasoning is you want to change the Empire from within, not because of your lust for power. Sith Inquisitor would more more merciful when being betrayed by Lord Zash, Talos would pledge his loyalty toward a charismatic Inquisitor rather than a blood thirsty one. Your ancestor would be more incline to help you if you look for him for guidance as opposed to you keep on insulting him every turn you get, and you lost all the ghosts since you didn't bound them to you but release them, so the Sith Inquisitor doesn't have any ghosts by the time the DLC hits because he released all his ghosts.

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Default, perhaps.


But defaults aren't the same as canon.


The game seems to have a canonical storyline, similar to Revan being a male and certain canon decisions in it. It would actually explain why Inquisitor doesn't have any ghost in the DLC, the light side Inquisitor released his ghosts.

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Default, perhaps.


But defaults aren't the same as canon.


One could easily go with the idea they picked the defaults for the level 60 premades, based on how they saw that class.


I have no doubt some of the classes are meant to be played Dark Side, so this isn't a knock to the Dark Siders. It also doesn't mean the class took all dark/light side choices.


I can easily imagine the Knight sliding towards the dark side in Chapter 3. Mostly light side, until Emperor gets a hold of you, which changes you, but then after you go about trying to get back to the light after the slide into dark.


Trooper can easily be dark side too. Follow those orders!

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If you skip the 1-60 level, the game will automatically call you Darth Imperius, meaning that his decisions are more light-sided.


Even if you don't skip the 1-60 game, it still assumes that you've released all the ghosts. I noticed this on my play-through of KOTET, and it's really immersion breaking when something that dramatically different pops up.

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Even if you don't skip the 1-60 game, it still assumes that you've released all the ghosts. I noticed this on my play-through of KOTET, and it's really immersion breaking when something that dramatically different pops up.


Oh yeah, it sucks. Even yesterday that I was doing Imperial Agent storyline, I laughed in Saber's face and then murderized her and her droid, but spared Ardun Kothe, then on Corellia Saber and her droid were both alive and well.




I hate to hear that the Sith Inquisitor defaults to her letting all the ghosts go free, even if she kept them all. She was one of my top contenders for my "canon" Outlander, but not anymore lol. I guess that narrows it down to the Sith Warrior and Jedi Consular 'cause Blizzard couldn't have made a worse casting decision for both the Jedi Knight voices -_-

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Default, perhaps.


But defaults aren't the same as canon.


It might as well be.


They don't just choose random stuff as the default. They come up with the choices that are friendly for new players, that make sense, and that tie up loose ends going into the expansion. meaning, if they were to make a canon, that would probably be it. Just like in Origins, the default was a female Dalish warden that sacrificed herself, and that default was later used in the novels.

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It might as well be.


They don't just choose random stuff as the default. They come up with the choices that are friendly for new players, that make sense, and that tie up loose ends going into the expansion. meaning, if they were to make a canon, that would probably be it. Just like in Origins, the default was a female Dalish warden that sacrificed herself, and that default was later used in the novels.


My question is, why does it bother people that their choice isn't the canon one. :p I know my Miraluka Inquisitor is not the canon Inquisitor (because Miraluka wasn't an original option :p).


I have no doubt that Smuggler is supposed to be a Mirilian (sp?) male canon wise, doesn't mean I don't prefer my Cyborg female :p

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My question is, why does it bother people that their choice isn't the canon one. :p I know my Miraluka Inquisitor is not the canon Inquisitor (because Miraluka wasn't an original option :p).


I have no doubt that Smuggler is supposed to be a Mirilian (sp?) male canon wise, doesn't mean I don't prefer my Cyborg female :p


Only reason I care is because I don't want to spend hours upon hours playing a certain kind of character, only to have my immersion broken by being forced to do things my character would either not care about or not do period. it makes me not want to play that toon again.


Now you're making me wonder what the Knight and Consular are. I'm willing to bet the Wrath is canonically dark side.


I played KOTFE with a SW. The default is darkside, and I believe Bioware was aiming for kotfe to be about the Sw's redemption. Like, they were once this bad guy/gal, but after the man they were taught to idolize since birth betrayed him/her, the SW began rethinking what they believe.

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i thought Darth Nox was just the name given to you, didn't know you could get a different name based off making LS decisions.


I sometimes forget swtor is still a bioware game.

If you're Light something at the end of Chapter 3, you're Darth Imperius.

If you're Dark something, you're Darth Nox.

If you're neither one nor the other, you're Darth Oculus (?sp).

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What I personally have problem with is how light side leaning the entire game is. The agent can turn light, and I probably think that it's the canon choice. The Inquisitor is light. I don't know if any of the light side character turn dark canonically. Most of the characters are light side leaning, so it's not really light vs dark when they have a biased toward the light side.
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What I personally have problem with is how light side leaning the entire game is. The agent can turn light, and I probably think that it's the canon choice. The Inquisitor is light. I don't know if any of the light side character turn dark canonically. Most of the characters are light side leaning, so it's not really light vs dark when they have a biased toward the light side.


There is no canon.


All eight of the player characters are what you make them. That could always change down the line, if SWTOR has a sequel (similar to how Revan later became canonically male and the Jedi Exile female), but for right now there is no official canon.


Defaults are not the same thing as canon.

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My question is, why does it bother people that their choice isn't the canon one. :p I know my Miraluka Inquisitor is not the canon Inquisitor (because Miraluka wasn't an original option :p).


I have no doubt that Smuggler is supposed to be a Mirilian (sp?) male canon wise, doesn't mean I don't prefer my Cyborg female :p


Although most of them would either die or disappear anyway by the time the expansion hit, so there could only be one canon outlander. It shouldn't bother people too much because only 1 out of 8 classes is the canon outlander, which I'm highly suspect to be Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. Since the game is a kind of sequel to Knights of the Old Republic and the light leaning storyline, I'm guessing it's likely to be Jedi knight.

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These kind of arguments remind me of male Shepard vs female Shepard. Who's the canon Shepard?

Well I have to say they both are.


In books, films and linear games without role playing options canon is much more clear cut. With games giving emphasise on player choice (succeed or not) . One player choice is part of that canon as much as another player's choice is.

Bioware bothers to have your saves carry over into sequels. Why waste the time and money if it didn't matter. If each playthrough from each player is not it's own unique canon. And if the developers are giving you those choices as you play the game it is pretty official to me.

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These kind of arguments remind me of male Shepard vs female Shepard. Who's the canon Shepard?

Well I have to say they both are.


In books, films and linear games without role playing options canon is much more clear cut. With games giving emphasise on player choice (succeed or not) . One player choice is part of that canon as much as another player's choice is.

Bioware bothers to have your saves carry over into sequels. Why waste the time and money if it didn't matter. If each playthrough from each player is not it's own unique canon. And if the developers are giving you those choices as you play the game it is pretty official to me.


This isn't Mass Effect. This is Star Wars, which we know has a future beyond TOR. So we know story wise, only one is right on all choices.

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These kind of arguments remind me of male Shepard vs female Shepard. Who's the canon Shepard?

Well I have to say they both are.


In books, films and linear games without role playing options canon is much more clear cut. With games giving emphasis on player choice (succeed or not) . One player choice is part of that canon as much as another player's choice is.

Bioware bothers to have your saves carry over into sequels. Why waste the time and money if it didn't matter. If each play-through from each player is not it's own unique canon. And if the developers are giving you those choices as you play the game it is pretty official to me.


The person or persons writing the story always have a certain vision for the kind of character or characters going through the story they are writing. Whether this be in a movie, book,or video game. Publicly, there is no set canon in a game like swtor, for the sake of replay value and advertising, but there really is, and you can see it as you play the game.


Take for example, the Jedi Knight class story. if you are just plain evil, the writing of the story falls apart completely. The Jedi Knight story only allows for a certain kind of character. Considering Drew Karpyshyn wrote the story, and in his revan novel, a Jedi on the side of light would be the savior of the galaxy and eventually rule it, you can see the influence of that idea in both the class story and kotfe expansions.

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The person or persons writing the story always have a certain vision for the kind of character or characters going through the story they are writing. Whether this be in a movie, book,or video game. Publicly, there is no set canon in a game like swtor, for the sake of replay value and advertising, but there really is, and you can see it as you play the game.


Take for example, the Jedi Knight class story. if you are just plain evil, the writing of the story falls apart completely. The Jedi Knight story only allows for a certain kind of character. Considering Drew Karpyshyn wrote the story, and in his revan novel, a Jedi on the side of light would be the savior of the galaxy and eventually rule it, you can see the influence of that idea in both the class story and kotfe expansions.


Not to be forgotten, the smuggler was already said to be written for a male in mind and the female was just an after thought of "The player can play male or female" :p

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The person or persons writing the story always have a certain vision for the kind of character or characters going through the story they are writing. Whether this be in a movie, book,or video game. Publicly, there is no set canon in a game like swtor, for the sake of replay value and advertising, but there really is, and you can see it as you play the game.


Take for example, the Jedi Knight class story. if you are just plain evil, the writing of the story falls apart completely. The Jedi Knight story only allows for a certain kind of character. Considering Drew Karpyshyn wrote the story, and in his revan novel, a Jedi on the side of light would be the savior of the galaxy and eventually rule it, you can see the influence of that idea in both the class story and kotfe expansions.


With films, books etc what is canon and seeing the vision creators want to convey is more clear cut (and even still people argue over what is canon in these cases) than with media where audiences determine story direction such as multiple endings, player choices and so on.


Personally I think saying there is no set canon for the sake of replay value and advertising is a little cynical. What people think suits each class story will differ. What we think is "canon" simply is dependent on what each of us interpret is the authors intent or what some people subjectively believe is the best canon.


No one can really say interpretation is wrong if it is backed up by the narrative and that is the joy of storytelling:)


What is not subjective is the actual option to play the game and be darkside or lightside in any class, regardless of people's own personal subjective view if it suits it or not or what the authors intent is for that class. Both are officially ways the story can go.


I know everything is not going to fit perfectly in and so on but that is the downfall of these types of games.

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With films, books etc what is canon and seeing the vision creators want to convey is more clear cut (and even still people argue over what is canon in these cases) than with media where audiences determine story direction such as multiple endings, player choices and so on.


Personally I think saying there is no set canon for the sake of replay value and advertising is a little cynical. What people think suits each class story will differ. What we think is "canon" simply is dependent on what each of us interpret is the authors intent or what some people subjectively believe is the best canon.


No one can really say interpretation is wrong if it is backed up by the narrative and that is the joy of storytelling:)


What is not subjective is the actual option to play the game and be darkside or lightside in any class and story adepts (however slightly) regardless of people's own personal subjective view if it suits it or not or what the authors intent is for that class. Both are officially ways the story can go.


I know everything is not going to fit perfectly in and so on but that is the downfall of these types of games.


We all know the timeline can only go one way in a story universe, that doesn't mean, the game play can't allow for options.


Yes...the Knight story would go step to step to step for the sake of a canon storyline. Since this is a game, that means, we can step it out of line for a bit.


Knight is a male human! That could be canon! Doesn't mean the game can't allow you to go, let's make a change to the canon by going female pureblood! :p


I believe the only class we know anything about from writing is smuggler and male. Maybe the agent too, but I don't recall any of the other classes really being said what was what when making the story.

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We all know the timeline can only go one way in a story universe, that doesn't mean, the game play can't allow for options.


Yes...the Knight story would go step to step to step for the sake of a canon storyline. Since this is a game, that means, we can step it out of line for a bit.


Knight is a male human! That could be canon! Doesn't mean the game can't allow you to go, let's make a change to the canon by going female pureblood! :p


I believe the only class we know anything about from writing is smuggler and male. Maybe the agent too, but I don't recall any of the other classes really being said what was what when making the story.


I guess I'm not bother by what Bioware makes as the timeline because they have already given storywise that it can go either way in swtor and I just disagree with this being simply for game play mechanics.


Even if swtor goes the way of one set canon like with Revan I don't think it null and voids anything that came before or suddenly makes it any less official. Which I think is part of the reason people got so upset with Revan. They felt "their" Revan didn't matter. But it still does. You can play kotor and it doesn't change what was yours. It can stand alone from the book Revan just fine.Only there are two official versions. One that stops at kotor and one that continues on into swtor.

But to me that doesn't mean kotor version is suddenly not canon.


I just think people get caught up on only one canon, there has to be one version, when we are being give more than one way it can go.

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