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A plea to the devs- new player initial ships


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The current event is great. Double requisition helps everyone who plays, especially new players.



Here's my request:


Give everyone the type 1 gunship (quarrel/mangler) and type 1 bomber (rampart/razorwire) for free.


You could refund everyone who has these ships 5000 fleet req, or just 2500 if they got the gunship from the subscriber bonus. You could change the old subscriber bonus to a type 2 gunship instead. Whatever.



Players start with a strike and a scout, and are handed, for playing one game, a fleet token that can afford these two ships. The smart ones, or anyone who has read a guide, do exactly this. But those that don't often feel angry about it. They are very likely to be cross when they discover that the starting strike and scout cannot accomplish more than the dogfighting role, especially if they willingly but unwisely and unknowingly unlocked something not very initially helpful, like the Pike/Quell.



Remove this choice. Remove it with a simple buff. I know it shouldn't be needed, but the negative feelings are real in their own way. The current era of GSF sees many new players hopping in for the same reasons that they play any other section of the endgame, and many of them are very interested in being real pilots. A small initial boost, in addition to the large sustained boost that is currently live in the form of the requisition bonus, would probably help hook some more players into GSF.



Thanks for your consideration,


^ Verain

Edited by Verain
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Good post Verain +1




Agreed. I would say still leave the 5000 req reward for the intro to GSF mission in place as well, so that new players can buy the T2 scout and have the best of the competitive ships after only one match.


That was how I meant it, as a buff. I want the choice to NOT buy the two type 1 ships of the missing ship classes removed, not by the devs spending it for you, but just by unlocking those ships. Historically the devs have been a little conservative when it comes to GSF progression and items, which is smart, given that there is no gear treadmill in GSF, just a set of reasonably short paths with a defined end goal. I really think that giving away the type 1 bomber and type 1 gunship- which is ultimately what is happening today anyway- will do little to no harm, and a great deal of good.

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This really is such a great simple solution for getting new players to a better spot. Really great suggestion Verain!


If we were able to add a little more I'd love if all base components started unlocked so that right from the start you could begin experimenting with different components.

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IMHO it should stay roughly as it is. - To buy another ship with the initial fleet req from the intro quest is all that is required.

Maybe you should have a choice of any 2 or 3 from the whole hangar.

-But TBH a few games and spending the req wisely gets you a good headstart over the absolute novices. You only have to play a few matches and read the guides here on the forums to know where to start, what works and what isn't optimal.

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IMHO it should stay roughly as it is. - To buy another ship with the initial fleet req from the intro quest is all that is required.

Maybe you should have a choice of any 2 or 3 from the whole hangar.

-But TBH a few games and spending the req wisely gets you a good headstart over the absolute novices. You only have to play a few matches and read the guides here on the forums to know where to start, what works and what isn't optimal.


I agree with Verain to have the type one of each ship already unlocked with no need to spend the 5k on the GS/bomber. Also many new pilots are NOT aware of the guides. It's on our shoulders to draw attention to this section of the forum, the /gsf chat or even taking new pilots by the hand and making suggestions on how to improve. However, so many are just in for CXP that they have no real interest in improving the game for themselves and making it harder for those that play to do so. At the end of most matches, I post something in /ops or /gen if it's a wargame about the /gsf chat. What more can we do?

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Give everyone the type 1 gunship (quarrel/mangler) and type 1 bomber (rampart/razorwire) for free.


You could refund everyone who has these ships 5000 fleet req, or just 2500 if they got the gunship from the subscriber bonus. You could change the old subscriber bonus to a type 2 gunship instead. Whatever.

This seems like it would be very, very simple for them to implement and would offer a lot of benefits to starting players.


Don't even bother trying to differentiate who had what when, though, just give a flat 5000 fleet req to everyone, or increase the intro quest reward to 10k fleet req. That would involve changing one number in a file somewhere and would also benefit those who need it most tremendously.


If these changes were made, I wouldn't really care if the old subscriber bonus of getting a free gunship in addition to the scout and strike was not replaced with anything. I'd be surprised if anyone else who has been subbed long enough to get that bonus would be upset, either.


Donlan's probably right, though, that this should go in Suggestion Box as well as here, to get to the right eyes. We could get it some attention there, or at least keep it high on the list.


- Despon

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The problem with this, is the T1 GS was a promotion for subbing by a certain date, so if they did this it would open up pandora's box for any future sub rewards. I wouldn't mind giving everyone the t1 bomber, but the GS needs to stay as the sub reward it was meant as.
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The problem with this, is the T1 GS was a promotion for subbing by a certain date, so if they did this it would open up pandora's box for any future sub rewards. I wouldn't mind giving everyone the t1 bomber, but the GS needs to stay as the sub reward it was meant as.

Is it really a problem? People in that category have had that advantage, slight though it is (being worth precisely 2500 fleet req) for over two years now. I know there isn't a stated statute of limitations on that sort of thing, but it's not like 'losing' that edge two weeks or two months after its introduction. If future sub rewards carried a 'guaranteed to give you an advantage for two years but later we might be more inclusive' would they be less attractive? From my perspective, as someone who falls into the category of a subscriber that got that benefit, I feel I've got my money's worth from it and if it was altered or rendered meaningless by such a change, I wouldn't care.


It would be interesting to know the number of people subbed who both play GSF and were around to take advantage of that deal and still play.


Wasn't there also a time when the T1gs cost the full 5000 Fleet Req? Or am I imagining that?


- Despon

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The problem with this, is the T1 GS was a promotion for subbing by a certain date, ...

Oh noes! The unwashed masses will has my shiny! Do you care so little about GSF that you'd want to keep it away from new pilots out of spite? Or do you think those that qualify have such fragile egos that they'll be mortally insulted by such a handout?


I know! Let's give out a T2 Gunship instead. That'll larn 'em the worth of sub rewards :D


... so if they did this it would open up pandora's box for any future sub rewards.

Those horses have long escaped and the barn door slamming the walls in the wind.


Out of all the 4.0 sub awards I missed the one I really regretted missing out on was the Kakkran Daggerstar. Late in 2016 EA's Origin store included that exact speeder with their 60-day sub bundle. *adds a bit more polish to the wings*

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If future sub rewards carried a 'guaranteed to give you an advantage for two years but later we might be more inclusive' would they be less attractive? From my perspective, as someone who falls into the category of a subscriber that got that benefit, I feel I've got my money's worth from it and if it was altered or rendered meaningless by such a change, I wouldn't care.




Wasn't there also a time when the T1gs cost the full 5000 Fleet Req? Or am I imagining that?


- Despon


I think you're imagining that.


As another player, just like Despon, who benefits from the subscriber reward, I still say, I don't care. The parable of the workers who start working the fields at different times of the day but all receive the same wage at the end of the day comes to mind. What good is it to harbor resentment? Its no different than resenting the fact that new SWTOR subs today get all the previous expansions for free. FF14 doesn't do that. DCUO does somewhat, I think ... if you do their sub program you get all the DLCs while you are subbed, but you lose access to those DLCs if you go F2P. So really, our game is pretty unique in this respect. Nevertheless, am I really going to stomp my feet and pout because a new sub today gets Makeb for free and I had to pay for it? If it gets me more people to play with, potential friends, or red to shoot down, I'm not going to hold a grudge. Similarly, I won't react that way if they did this for the T1 gunship either. If this change let people feel more competitive in their first few matches because they have meta ships, so be it.



Now, if we are in the realm of speculation, why not also do the following?

1. Have every ship unlocked with what are considered meta components. No more RFLs unlocked by default on starter ships, switch to something else. Large Reactors on anything that has a reactor component. Distortion field on basically everything that normally has it (though you can certainly argue QCS can be a useful component in certain builds.) Hyperspace Beacon instead of Shield Power Converter on the T1 bomber. Change the active and passive abilities (bonuses) of the default four crew members to be more meta-consistent. Some of these may be up for debate but honestly unless they suddenly decide to revamp RFLs no starter ship should ever come with them. The basic philosophy here is that no player should ever be tricked or tempted into upgrading a component that is a trap.

2. I would consider the T2 bomber to be more new player friendly than the T1 bomber (possibly because of the current stock component choices on the T1.) Perhaps they should be swapped?


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I agree with Verain to have the type one of each ship already unlocked with no need to spend the 5k on the GS/bomber. Also many new pilots are NOT aware of the guides. It's on our shoulders to draw attention to this section of the forum, the /gsf chat or even taking new pilots by the hand and making suggestions on how to improve. However, so many are just in for CXP that they have no real interest in improving the game for themselves and making it harder for those that play to do so. At the end of most matches, I post something in /ops or /gen if it's a wargame about the /gsf chat. What more can we do?


Yes the dash for CXP isn't helping much. Quite a few times I've offered in general and GSF chat to help people starting out. - the normal reply is "I'm in it for the CXP so I'll suicide if I want to.....so... {insert abusive comment here} " If you politely point out how this is not helping the community or the other players you get more abuse. - So I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone starting out who can't be bothered to read the guides and join GSF chat- I just hope to farm them for kills before the asteroids and mesas do.


Bottom line is if you're serious about GSF they'll put in the work. -you only have to check the forum or type SWTOR GSF into a search engine..... But if they're in it simply for the CXP only then they are just Bantha fodder.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Yes the dash for CXP isn't helping much. Quite a few times I've offered in general and GSF chat to help people starting out. - the normal reply is "I'm in it for the CXP so I'll suicide if I want to.....so... {insert abusive comment here} " If you politely point out how this is not helping the community or the other players you get more abuse. - So I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone starting out who can't be bothered to read the guides and join GSF chat- I just hope to farm them for kills before the asteroids and mesas do.


Bottom line is if you're serious about GSF they'll put in the work. -you only have to check the forum or type SWTOR GSF into a search engine..... But if they're in it simply for the CXP only then they are just Bantha fodder.


Did you try pointing out to them that the more medals they earn the more CXP they get and that wins give twice the components that loses do? Gotta speak their language.

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For what it is worth, losing the perk of the subscriber bones would actually annoy me, which is why I suggested the Type 2 gunship be given to those accounts instead (with the type 3 gunship or the type 2 scout obviously being even more desirable). That's why I put that part in the initial post- to address those concerns. But, the bigger thing is what I followed that with- whatever. It would be better if the devs just did the change, than if they did not do the change. If they also transmuted the minor perk of starting with an extra gunship for people subscribed at GSF launch into something else, hey, even better. But that shouldn't be a dealbreaker. It matters, but only a tiny bit, and it's not worth worrying about, and definitely not worth raising as a concern.
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its stupid why wouldnt they give u 1 scout 1 gs and 1 bomber to try everything good???? we dont need a damn starguard or ricer roni


early subscribers i care not about your crocodile's tears. if ur that upset we can give you a broken cartel T1 GS that u can flaunt around with while accidentally shooting a hull target for 100 ion damage and seeing him limp away. then we'll see who's crying TBQH


where your wrong vain verain and what u hadnt thought of ; TBH; u need to be an expert to use the T2 GS properly so u should get even early subscriber to use noob ships just like yourself. never seen u use a T2 GS properly not even once TBH. but other than a crtical oversight great ideas I think

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If they also transmuted the minor perk of starting with an extra gunship for people subscribed at GSF launch into something else, hey, even better.

I think an appropriate replacement-reward would be a unique cosmetic paintjob (I know, that would require a new asset be made, and drawing some stripes on a texture is hard). I suspect that would also appeal to you, particularly!


- Despon

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I think an appropriate replacement-reward would be a unique cosmetic paintjob (I know, that would require a new asset be made, and drawing some stripes on a texture is hard). I suspect that would also appeal to you, particularly!


- Despon


Pink sparkle engine reactant for early access players. ;)


Other sparkle colors available on hangar cosmetics tab for 250 CC each.




At this point I don't really see that it would harm GSF in any way to make all ships, all component unlocks, all crew unlocks, and all component upgrades be reduced from their current requisition prices down to 100 requisition each.


I mean, how long have most of the early access players had multiple alts on multiple severs where there's really nothing worth spending req on anymore?


We've hit the req ceiling already, and any player that sticks with GSF is inevitably going to hit the req ceiling as well. There's not really a point to dragging that process out unless Bioware is secretly raking in big bucks on requisition conversion.


Free gear doesn't automatically benefit a new player. If you have a battlescout that you fly in straight lines in the open without using abilities you're still going to eat the vet's thermite torpedo. However, once you've figured out that you should be using distortion field to break locks, there's no important purpose served by forcing you to fly a bunch of games without distortion while earning req.


Gear grind is important in a single player computer RPGs, and that's basically where all the GSF gearing is inherited from. In terms of the game though, GSF is in a lot of ways more like a SWTOR spaceship MOBA, and for that style of game the feel of gameplay is important, the balance of playing pieces is important, but gear grind doesn't really serve much of a useful purpose.


So unless there's a real prospect of single player PvE GSF campaigns, I don't see any reason not to ditch the gear grind, and several good ones to ditch it.


The loot chase in GSF to the extent that it has useful functions is in social prestige, aesthetics, and developer income. Cosmetics (GSF ship cosmetics, decorations, gear, pets) can all serve that just as well as gear grind. Based on the Cartel Market's degree of presence in the game possibly even better.


At the end of the day, all of my GSF alts already have the gunship, and on all the servers I play on regularly they have all of the meta ships. It doesn't take anything away from me if they give access to all that to everyone else. Indeed, if it gets even a handful of people to stick with GSF who otherwise wouldn't have, then I come out ahead.

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I think an appropriate replacement-reward would be a unique cosmetic paintjob (I know, that would require a new asset be made, and drawing some stripes on a texture is hard). I suspect that would also appeal to you, particularly!


- Despon


We subs from that time already have one, the Daring Gunship paint job

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~ Eudoxia


No, no. This is for soothing Verain for the loss of gunship exclusivity. It has to be pink, or perhaps a very light magenta or purple. Light red won't do at all.


Though I have to say it has been too long and I don't remember what the context of the thread was where Verain was endorsing the pink/purple color scheme in GSF. It may have been to do with the palette of colors for the cosmetic GSF components for each faction?

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