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New mini map icons - once again, BW tries to "fix" something not broken


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Well, I already knew that no one on the dev team is an actual player of this game. I mean, they may move characters around while "testing" and stuff like that but no one there actually plays the game the way a paying customer does.


If there was any doubt they are clueless about things, the newest mini map icons just proves it.


They are so big, they cover the objectives and you don't know where anyone is. Look at a voidstar, its just a big blob no matter how far you zoom it out.


Why do you guys continually spend time doing things that are STUPID to even mess with, when you could have at least been working on fixing bugs, improving balance or creating new content. Or how about a training dummy for the guild ship? The ability to transfer a guild ship to a new server?I know, radical ideas aren't they? The ones that are actually useful.


Instead, you spend time on stupid things.


You guys are idiots and I'm even more glad my sub is up on 2/15.

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Actually the group members used to be purple, which was perfectly fine, until some genius decided they had to be the same shade of blue as the environment, in one of the 3.x patches.


Now, instead of simply making group members more visible again by drawing them in another color (like purple for example) they keep them blue and surround them with a purple circle filled with background color, so it covers everything...


Combined with the green circles for hostile AOE in PVP and even some PVE bosses (like the first boss in Korriban) these UI tweaks add a whole new kind of difficulty. We asked for it, didn't we? :p

Edited by Mubrak
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Oh my God. Why, EAWare, WHY in the world are you wasting your limited development funding (so limited that you allegedly can't find the time or the ability to change a few numbers on a loot drop table for the Command crates before APRIL somehow) on changing things in the game that NO ONE IS ASKING TO BE CHANGED and that MAKES THINGS WORSE?!


Pathetic, absolutely kriffing pathetic. Ben Irving strikes again. I guess he finds player markers that block out everything around them so enemy positions cannot be read properly as EXCITING!!!!! as well. Because he doesn't play this game, combined with his general incompetence.

Edited by AscendingSky
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BW, please change it back or just change the color of the icon and not the actual icon it's self. This was a terrible change and needs a hot fix right away.


Remove the circle and make the player purple and not blue. Easy fix. Oh wait, isnt that the way it used to be years ago when you changed it and it didn't need changing and every was annoyed at you for it.

If you are too blind to see it. Put some damn glasses on and stop breaking the game because you can't see.

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I posted this in another thread, but I'll repost here, as it still applies:


Has anyone really ever had an issue with finding a group member on the minimap in the past 5 years? No? You don't say...


I mean, what the ****? This really seems to be a theme lately: the inventing of problems that don't exist for the typical player just so that those problems can be subsequently fixed. I'm not only talking about the group member mini map "problem," but Ravage being a channel, the appearance of AoE telegraphs, the Dark and Light alignment bar, etc., for example. It's almost like the current team really can't figure out how to fix existing legitimate bugs so they invent new issues and then "fix" them to make it look like they're making progress in their patch notes.


It's like when your boss walks in the room and you try to "look busy." That's what this feels type of crap feels like to me.

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I don't know. It was that way when I logged on. It might have to do with my graphics? I have them all set on high.


Oops I lied. Looks like I have two set to medium. I don't remember doing that but maybe thats the key?


Edit: The two I had on medium were anti-aliasing and texture anisotropy. I'm putting them back to high now to see if that makes a difference.

Edited by Radzkie
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