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New mini map icons for people....


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Why the hell? those new icons now COVER other players ICONS in the mini map that with in the radious of the "circle" that was not NEEDED.


those circles now cover objections shown on the map, orbs and the hut ball carrier I really wonder if BW thinks or even play this game

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This so much. Please remove this horrible change or at least make it a choice to add or remove it. If people are clustered I can't even tell how many people are there. The circles cover up enemies, icons, other players, and anything else on the map. This removes half the use of the map.
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This so much. Please remove this horrible change or at least make it a choice to add or remove it. If people are clustered I can't even tell how many people are there. The circles cover up enemies, icons, other players, and anything else on the map. This removes half the use of the map.


See i am not alone in this I really wana know if BW thinks things threw


the whole changing purple icon for our team to blue which matchs with mini map icon was stupid enough but do able, now this add circle around them that actual blocks things?


Undo this or LET use setup the color for team member on the mini map. and if we want a circle around team members that block other members and objectives

Edited by Kyuuu
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Yeah, this is not a welcome change at all... Please revert this.


If this was even necessary at all, it was overdone. It covers up too much of the map and the other things you need to see on the map.


If people have trouble seeing group members on the minimap, a color change could work and not cover up anything on the map... Or add a toggle so people with this (apparently rare, but important enough to be addressed?) issue can turn on this mode. (I can't recall a single person ever saying they had trouble finding group members on their minimap in the years I've played this game.)

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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.
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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


Can you tell us how you see when nodes change colour and things that get covered up? because if it's something we can fix ourselves, i'd very much like to know. The colour purple isnt the source for the discontent here :p

Edited by Algaria
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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


For whom? The color blind? Purple doesn't help on a blue back ground. If people really had that hard of a time seeing the icons then change the player icon to a different color not make it so big that it covers up other icons.

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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


this wasn't an much issue till the changed it from purple (which alot easier to see) to blue on blue mini back ground which alot hard to see then there is people with color blind issue...

Edited by Kyuuu
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Finding the dumbest solution to something that isn't a problem since 2011: Bioware Austin.


Instead of changing the colour of the icons, so it's not BLUE ON BLUE, they increase it's size like madmen so you can't see spawning adds, enemy players in PvP or even vondors on fleet.:rolleyes:

Edited by Torvai
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Finding the dumbest solution to something that isn't a problem since 2011: Bioware Austin.


Instead of changing the colour of the icons, so it's not BLUE ON BLUE, they increase it's size like madmen so you can't see spawning adds, enemy players in PvP or even vondors on fleet.:rolleyes:


yeah, for me its the size rather than the color.

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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


What game are you playing? You think it's okay for there to be a huge circle around the player icon, which is NOT transparent, which hides EVERYTHING ELSE behind it? Enemies, nodes, quest markers, other players... EVERYTHING! You can't even see other players! So how is that making other players more visible?!

Edited by AscendingSky
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yeah, for me its the size rather than the color.


All they needed to do was change the colour back to what it used to be before they changed it to blue.

Everyone was annoyed when they did that too because the blue on blue was harder to see. Now they go back to the purple, but add some stupid circle thing they covers everything.

The first time they did it years ago it didn't need fixing. There were no threads asking for it either. But apparently we'd all asked for it because it was hard to see.

Why do they always make stupid changes to things that don't need fixing. They always F it up and they don't fix things that do need changing.

Incompetence is being too polite.

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What game are you playing? You think it's okay for there to be a huge circle around the player icon, which is NOT transparent, which hides EVERYTHING ELSE behind it? Enemies, nodes, quest markers, other players... EVERYTHING! You can't even see other players! So how is that making other players more visible?!



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Has anyone really ever had an issue with finding a group member on the minimap in the past 5 years? No? You don't say...


I mean, what the ****? This really seems to be a theme lately: the inventing of problems that don't exist for the typical player just so that those problems can be subsequently fixed. I'm not only talking about the group member mini map "problem," but Ravage being a channel, the appearance of AoE telegraphs, the Dark and Light alignment bar, etc., for example. It's almost like the current team really can't figure out how to fix existing legitimate bugs so they invent new issues and then "fix" them to make it look like they're making progress in their patch notes.


It's like when your boss walks in the room and you try to "look busy." That's what this feels type of crap feels like to me.

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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


Now a two year old can see them but hell hath we see enemies on our teammates in a PvP match? Devs, come play with us in PvP- on the other team of course, I want to enjoy my free kills or my free cast heals because you lack the requisite skills to play properly. Even in PvE this is an annoying change, because we need to clearly see the little red dots in trash mobs that are still up.



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I'm sorry you dislike the fact they made it easier for people to see where group mates are, however Not everyone hates this change. I really like it. The blue player color, on a blue map was hard to see. This is a much needed change.


Disagree, if I wanted to count up my groupmates, I'd now be staring at the mini map for a long time to see how many giant circles there actually are.

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Yeah. Original purples were fine. Blue was nearly invisible. The new ones are extremely visible, which is great....but they can be problematic due to their enormous size. There are times where you can't see your own mini-map arrow due to blobs of purple spheres, so you can't tell which direction you are facing relative to the mini-map NSEW. Edited by teclado
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