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Quality of gear in crates are the problem, not quantity.


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Absolutely agree with this but to add one more change to it. The crate should drop the unassembled token instead so that duplicates can actually be made useful and there is no reason to have to remember to switch disciplines just to make sure you are getting the gear you need. That way when you get a second set of boots you can trade them in for a piece of gear that supports either your second discipline or for use on an alt.


^^This right here!

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I'll restate what I think they should contain...

1-90 = all purple set piece gear WITH bonuses. (this is BASIC starter gear, you need to do this imo)

91-180 = 50% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic

181-300 = 25% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic


I get what you were going for here but I don't like the idea of diminishing returns the higher the level you get. Your rewards should be greater both in terms of gear stats and the opportunity to get more desirable cosmetic items the higher your command rank.


Simple solution for Crate quality is to just remove the blues and greens.


I agree with eliminating greens. I also don't like that the stats of some blue gear mods are identical to purple gear mods.


We should see more decorations, mounts, and other cosmetic items dropping from crates.


Still not a fan of RNG, but one good thing are the reputation tokens you can find in the boxes. I have increase the reputation on some factions just using the rep tokens.


I think if you want reputation with a particular faction you should go grind the dailies. It really doesn't take that long to reach legendary status with a particular faction. Now if you're referring to cartel market reputations, then sure, keep those in the command crates.

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I think if you want reputation with a particular faction you should go grind the dailies. It really doesn't take that long to reach legendary status with a particular faction. Now if you're referring to cartel market reputations, then sure, keep those in the command crates.


And that is why I'm very annoyed at getting reputation tokens in my command crates. I've already leveled all the reps I wanted up to Legendary, so every rep token I get is a slot in that RNG crate I would rather have gotten something I can actually USE rather than just disintegrate for 10 whole CXP.

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I'll restate what I think they should contain...


1-90 = all purple set piece gear WITH bonuses. (this is BASIC starter gear, you need to do this imo)

91-180 = 50% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic

181-300 = 25% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic


You have a game where it's very common for players to have 2-full sets of gear - tank/dps or heal/dps...the current gearing system prohibits players from switching roles with the ease the game seemingly intended. The GTN and CM are for cosmetics, not the gearing system. We had a plethora of ways to get cosmetic gear prior to 5.x, we didn't need another.


I actually like this idea as everyone would get starter gear for all aspects of the game, i think even i might be able to solo the heroic star fortresses in the starter gear and should also be sufficient for the higher difficulty chapters (maybe not master mode though), the starter gear at leasts get players on the gear market which would be a huge step up from what we currently get out of galactic command.

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I get what you were going for here but I don't like the idea of diminishing returns the higher the level you get. Your rewards should be greater both in terms of gear stats and the opportunity to get more desirable cosmetic items the higher your command rank.

Here's my reasoning for that diminishing return...


230 gear is the new starter gear. It is the minimum people are already asking for from PuG groups on Fleet. Without it, any new player is going to be screwed! I want players to be geared and on (semi)equal footing with bolster and set bonuses as quickly as possible, which is why I think the 230 gear needs to drop like candy.


The bigger rewards can still come from loot boxes, and at tier 2, it most likely would still, but tier 2 and tier 3 are best used to motivate and reward players for doing harder stuff than just reaching 70, which is why I think dropping the odds helps make sure players need to supplement the loot boxes with in game activities other than just grinding.

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And that is why I'm very annoyed at getting reputation tokens in my command crates. I've already leveled all the reps I wanted up to Legendary, so every rep token I get is a slot in that RNG crate I would rather have gotten something I can actually USE rather than just disintegrate for 10 whole CXP.


I wouldn't mind Rep tokens if all of the in-game Reps you can get doing missions were stricken from the loot table. Rep from embargoed/old Cartel packs would be great.

I can do Oricon, or CZ, or Section X or Black Hole, etc. and get those rep tokens if I wasn't maxed, but I can't get Binary Star Realty Rep anywhere at the moment.

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




Glad to here it.

Just some examples of what I've personally run into- Yesterday my marauder opened 2 boxes, both had set bracers in them, that I already have, he's only rank 28. 3 pairs of bracers in that time.

My main is rank 251 and has never seen a set chest piece, ever. But i've seen 3 or 4 pairs of gloves and 3? bracers in t2. I didn't get a focused retribution relic until rank 215, not one. I've gone 36 ish boxes without getting a pc, including left side, in t3. That's roughly 170k command points- equal to leveling from 1-62 without getting anything of value.

Feels like there should be some kind of weight against what you already have. I know we can pull the mods out, but I feel like the set armorings and left side is what we are mostly after.


Pvp coms (unassembled componenets) can help, but is there a reason they aren't legacy wide?

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Please remove all green and blue gear from the crates. Despite what was said on previous live streams, these are not upgrades over 224 purples. The fact that was even said in an official capacity is terrifying actually.


The whole system needs to go, but you seem intent on just changing the entire thing to avoid saying it was a mistake. The players already know, so it is just deteriorating trust every time someone from the studio says that the Galactic Command system is anything but a misguided idea that never should have gone live.


If you want to fix it, make Galactic Command purely a system for cosmetic gear, decorations, reputation, mounts, etc. and return all of the end-game gear to its previous sources. Not just sort of, but actually do it this time. And make the quality of the gear match the time investment and difficulty of the content. Let Veteran/Master chapters and uprisings drop the same gear as Ops and PVP, everyone's happy.

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Here's my reasoning for that diminishing return...


230 gear is the new starter gear. It is the minimum people are already asking for from PuG groups on Fleet. Without it, any new player is going to be screwed! I want players to be geared and on (semi)equal footing with bolster and set bonuses as quickly as possible, which is why I think the 230 gear needs to drop like candy.


230 gear does drop fairly frequently ( blue where iirc the mods are identical to the purple SB drops which are also 230 ) - I was fully 230 geared by level 50.


If you are talking set bonus then how can that be the new equivalent starter gear when previously you couldn't have had set bonus gear unless you had done the operations? They are bolstered for a reason - to give you that minimum starter gear.

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I wouldn't mind Rep tokens if all of the in-game Reps you can get doing missions were stricken from the loot table. Rep from embargoed/old Cartel packs would be great.

I can do Oricon, or CZ, or Section X or Black Hole, etc. and get those rep tokens if I wasn't maxed, but I can't get Binary Star Realty Rep anywhere at the moment.

I agree they should confine the drops to old CM reps, and I think they should make them tradeable for Cartel Certs once you hit max rep, since there is no current way to get the Certs.

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




Hi Eric.


I put an idea in another thread ( unfortunately ideas in that thread tend to get buried in the non-constructive outcry of some posters ).


To combine this and another idea jimmorrison posted here also:


*No green drops from GC.

*Give a chance of higher tier gear in the lower tiers. Once you reach a higher tier the lower tier gear drops out of the loot table.


For example in Tier 1 I might have a 1 in 100 ( since there are only 90 rolls in tier 1, seems fair ) of getting a 242 piece from Tier 3. Then you have slightly better chances of getting a less rated item depending on the rating.

Then you hit Tier 2 and it's now a 1 in 75 chance ( or whatever ) of getting that 242 piece and all other odds drop but you can't get any tier 1 gear in Tier 2 of course ( as it is now.


Having it this way means you remove that utterly despondant feeling of "irk I have to grind for 100-200 hours just to get to tier 3 just to get a chance to start getting that gear" which is incredibly defeating of wanting to even bother.

It means we now have a carrot to start getting other gear all the way through just as we were able to buy 220 gear with our Radiant Crystals straight away if we had them.


Instead of a tier being where you must be to get X item it becomes where you start getting better odds of getting better gear and a guaranteed increased minimum level of gear.

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




Would it not have been prudent, never mind professional, to have thought of this before inflicting it on paying customers.


And even then, do you really think waiting near on 3 months after inflicting it on paying customers to do anything about it is good customer service?


It is not as if you don't know whats coming out of these crates. You guys created the loot table assigned to them.

Edited by Voblat
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Would it not have been prudent, never mind professional, to have thought of this before inflicting it on paying customers.


And even then, do you really think waiting near on 3 months after inflicting it on paying customers to do anything about it is good customer service?


It is not as if you don't know whats coming out of these crates. You guys created the loot table assigned to them.


At least they are looking into fixing it ... is it really worth taking the time to complain about how long it's taken? You can't change that now.

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At least they are looking into fixing it ... is it really worth taking the time to complain about how long it's taken? You can't change that now.


They should have "looked into it" when the PTS players told them it was a bad idea. Why should we pay them for a product that sucks? Honestly, why? Do you go to dinner at a restaurant you know still makes terrible food after you complained? Do you buy cloths form somewhere you know doesn't stand behind them if they fall apart?

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The content of the Crates is something we are looking into as well. Keep the feedback coming.




No greens should drop.

No pointless empty shells should drop. If cosmetics can drop, at least make them worth it.

Purple gear should be a minimum 1 in every 3 boxes. You might do something like a guaranteed specific piece every 10 levels.

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They should have "looked into it" when the PTS players told them it was a bad idea. Why should we pay them for a product that sucks? Honestly, why? Do you go to dinner at a restaurant you know still makes terrible food after you complained? Do you buy cloths form somewhere you know doesn't stand behind them if they fall apart?


Exactly this. They were told months and months before GC ever went live that it was a bad idea. Kriff, from the day it was announced that all 5.0 gearing would be based on a completely RNG loot crate system, people were telling them "This is a bad idea, I don't want it and I will unsub". People in the closed beta told them the same thing. EAWare didn't listen and dropped it anyways. Then they acted surprised when people hated it... just like they had been repeatedly told they would.


Now they're facing a real crisis here, and yet they're still dragging their feet like they have another 5 years to make GC work somehow. They really, really don't. Not just because more people will leave as a result of said foot-dragging, but because EA has shown absolutely zero hesitation in the past with summarily shutting down game servers and firing entire studios they thought were underperforming. TOR definitely qualifies as 'underperforming' right now.

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They should have


Yes they should have, they didn't. Have they learned from this mistake? Well they are changing things for the better so it's a start. Keep dwelling on the past though if it makes you feel better.


Why should we pay them for a product that sucks?


You shouldn't yet you are here aren't you? Oh but "I have X time left on my sub" - time is money and all this time you post this negative attitude on these forums non stop is time you could be doing something actually fun and enjoyable as opposed to wasting time posting about a "product that sucks".


Do you go to dinner at a restaurant you know still makes terrible food after you complained?


Nope but do I waste my time driving to their restaurant every day to tell them that their food still sucks? No I go somewhere else and do something better with my time.


Do you buy cloths form somewhere you know doesn't stand behind them if they fall apart?


Same point as above.


Point is whilst you've had the odd piece of reasonable constructive criticism you've slong since reached that point of being negative just for the sake of being negative. It's like you are actually trying to convince other people they aren't having fun now and should also get on your bandwagon or go play some other game.


Seriously take your own advice and move on already. You'll still be able to read if/when it gets better enough for you to return.

Otherwise this whole act of yours is getting a tad tiresome if I were to be perfectly honest.


Or not - just keep posting. Trolls get fun out of trolling I guess and a lot of your methodology in posting on these forums isn't very far removed from that so maybe you do get enjoyment from it, heck maybe you could resub just to keep complaining ... who knows *shrug*.

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Exactly this. They were told months and months before GC ever went live that it was a bad idea. Kriff, from the day it was announced that all 5.0 gearing would be based on a completely RNG loot crate system, people were telling them "This is a bad idea, I don't want it and I will unsub". People in the closed beta told them the same thing. EAWare didn't listen and dropped it anyways. Then they acted surprised when people hated it... just like they had been repeatedly told they would.


Now they're facing a real crisis here, and yet they're still dragging their feet like they have another 5 years to make GC work somehow. They really, really don't. Not just because more people will leave as a result of said foot-dragging,.


This sums it up. They had an easy win that would've had soaring approval if they had actually listened to the players and fixed the BS system in 5.1, then in the live stream dropped the OPs announcement.


Instead they have just pushed players further over the edge and caused more angst among players.


Now Eric is out here offering lip service to distract players and make them think they actually truly care about our feedback when it is evident by their actions they do not. Toss in that they have made no fixes this week its clear they are dragging this out.


No one should have any faith in that they actually listen to players or have any intention of actually giving the players the fixes they've asked for. They will just increase CXP gain, "help alts" in their mind, and double the 3% useful gear drop rate to 6% and say "see we heard you". Still screwing anyone that doesnt have a prior set bonus and millions of credits to be behind in a gear gap that grows larger by the day.


Seriously how can anyone have any faith in BW to actually remedy this mess at this point? At the rate they are actually doing anything it will be July before this system is tolerable. I'd love to eat crow on this but its hard to believe they actually get it.

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I'll restate what I think they should contain...


1-90 = all purple set piece gear WITH bonuses. (this is BASIC starter gear, you need to do this imo)

91-180 = 50% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic

181-300 = 25% chance for legendary item, no green, no cosmetic


You have a game where it's very common for players to have 2-full sets of gear - tank/dps or heal/dps...the current gearing system prohibits players from switching roles with the ease the game seemingly intended. The GTN and CM are for cosmetics, not the gearing system. We had a plethora of ways to get cosmetic gear prior to 5.x, we didn't need another.


This, plus:


Absolutely agree with this but to add one more change to it. The crate should drop the unassembled token instead so that duplicates can actually be made useful and there is no reason to have to remember to switch disciplines just to make sure you are getting the gear you need. That way when you get a second set of boots you can trade them in for a piece of gear that supports either your second discipline or for use on an alt.


are pure gold. Please listen to this suggestion, Eric. Coupled with the increased drop rate you'd be looking at a much more viable system.

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This, plus:




are pure gold. Please listen to this suggestion, Eric. Coupled with the increased drop rate you'd be looking at a much more viable system.


If 1-90 is all set bonus why don't they just mail us a set of set bonus gear and be done with it? Ideally we'd be set bonus geared after a day or so anyway.


Funny though ... many people keep agreeing 4.x was too fast and I don't recall getting set bonus as fast as what is being proposed here.

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Their product doesn't suck - it is a lot of fun to play. That's why I pay for it.


Agreed except for when I get a bit burned out in which case I take a break for a while, catch up on some other games. I may or may not pay during this period ( I like to keep up on my daily GTN stuff either way ) but point is a lot of people sound like they could do with a break from the game or they're just going to get angrier and angrier...

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If 1-90 is all set bonus why don't they just mail us a set of set bonus gear and be done with it? Ideally we'd be set bonus geared after a day or so anyway.


People can argue the actual rate I suppose but after reading his posts in the PvP bolster discussion I completely agree with Snave that the real problem is that the set bonus gear is back-loaded in the current system, in that you may not even end up with a full set by 300.


It makes much more sense to me to front-load the sets so you get the complete set relatively quickly and then the rest of CXP is improving the sets. TUXs' suggestion handles that nicely.

Edited by stoopicus
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