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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: I, for one, am glad that Theron isn't here any longer. He--

*terrified screaming from Copero*

Quinn: ...he looked into a mirror again, didn't he.

*Theron comes crashing into the thread in a full-blown panic*

Quinn: Shan. Did I not just say "I'm GLAD you AREN'T here"? Because it feels like I didn't say that.


Quinn: *blankly* Eyes?

Theron: *yanks Quinn right up close* LOOK.

Quinn: HANDS. OFF. I--*double-take* .....oh.

Theron: I'M NOT A SITH

Quinn: Stop talking in capital letters. ...and let me go.


Quinn: . . . Really. I couldn't tell. :mad:

Theron: *abruptly lets him go* Now what!? What are they going to screw up next!? Am I going to have cybernetics plastered across half my face!? Am I--*pff* ACK *falls over*

Quinn: *holsters blow-dart gun* Now calm down. It will be fixed. And then someone can get to fixing *my* eyes, which have gone from ice blue to...a jaundiced, misty, opaque blue. *sigh*

Theron: *paralyzed on the floor* ...ihh i aihh oayy, ah eahh? [is my hair okay, at least?]

Quinn: It looks like a dead womprat. It's fine.

Theron: eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh [screaming's hard when you can't move your mouth]


Quinn's bedside manners do not extend to a frazzled Theron. :D


He should really be more sympathetic though, I just found out this model is the inspiration for Quinn's new hairdo in the next patch... :p



No not really.

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I just ranted about that in another thread;


Quote: Originally Posted by JennyFlynn View Post

Her letter pissed me off, the way she speaks of Theron is uncalled for. And interrogating him? That's MY call to make, not hers. How far such interrogation goes, is MY call, not hers. Pretty sure *I* am still the Commander and that is MY boyfriend she's talking about. Her implication she was weak to trust him basically says I am weak too, because I trusted him so much I began a relationship with him so thanks for that Lana. Witch.


K, I feel better now.


Letter for those wondering;

Spoiler SHOW

Seriously, fu.ck her. No offense to the Lana-lovers here but that really vexed me.


my thoughts exactly. That was a bizarro letter. You would think there'd be another letter if you made the decision to offer him mercy on the broadcast. Maybe they forgot to put it in, because it doesn't make any sense for her to just announce that she's going to find and torture the person you've already forgiven and want back. :confused: That would earn her at least a punch in the face. SETTLE DOWN LANA

Edited by Ralei
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my thoughts exactly. That was a bizarro letter. You would think there'd be another letter if you made the decision to offer him mercy on the broadcast. Maybe they forgot to put it in, because it doesn't make any sense for her to just announce that she's going to find and torture the person you've already forgiven and want back. :confused: That would earn her at least a punch in the face. SETTLE DOWN LANA


I agree with you and Jenny. That letter was part of a long list of things that ticked me off about this whole experience. I wish I could tell Lana to just chill right out. Paws off m'man bish. Grrrrr. :eek:

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my thoughts exactly. That was a bizarro letter. You would think there'd be another letter if you made the decision to offer him mercy on the broadcast. Maybe they forgot to put it in, because it doesn't make any sense for her to just announce that she's going to find and torture the person you've already forgiven and want back. :confused: That would earn her at least a punch in the face. SETTLE DOWN LANA


Completely agree. This is very over the top (but fits some peoples reaction on this forum very well :p ) But I also think it reveals how vulnerable she truly is and how much she cared about him.


On another note (to those who are interested): I got the job.

So thank you Purple Quinn, Silver Theron and Green Vector for your advise :p


And no, neither the Empire or the Hive came up during the interview. Though for some reason we did talk about the Death Star :rolleyes:

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Completely agree. This is very over the top (but fits some peoples reaction on this forum very well :p ) But I also think it reveals how vulnerable she truly is and how much she cared about him.


On another note (to those who are interested): I got the job.

So thank you Purple Quinn, Silver Theron and Green Vector for your advise :p


And no, neither the Empire or the Hive came up during the interview. Though for some reason we did talk about the Death Star :rolleyes:


Congratulations to you Cowoline, that's worth celebrating :)


It's weird about the Lana thing. I didn't notice the inappropriateness of her behavior or letter because I was playing a character that put a bounty on Theron (and I only did that because my warrior is stuck in a relationship with him that I can't end.)


I didn't know she'd react the same if you were forgiving of Theron but it really shouldn't come as a surprise. Literally everything everyone said on Iokath rubbed me the wrong way including my own character. The devs have their own agenda, that's abundantly clear and it really doesn't matter in the end what we want or think or enjoy. It's "their" game. :(

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Quinn: I, for one, am glad that Theron isn't here any longer. He--

*terrified screaming from Copero*

Quinn: ...he looked into a mirror again, didn't he.

*Theron comes crashing into the thread in a full-blown panic*

Quinn: Shan. Did I not just say "I'm GLAD you AREN'T here"? Because it feels like I didn't say that.


Quinn: *blankly* Eyes?

Theron: *yanks Quinn right up close* LOOK.

Quinn: HANDS. OFF. I--*double-take* .....oh.

Theron: I'M NOT A SITH

Quinn: Stop talking in capital letters. ...and let me go.


Quinn: . . . Really. I couldn't tell. :mad:

Theron: *abruptly lets him go* Now what!? What are they going to screw up next!? Am I going to have cybernetics plastered across half my face!? Am I--*pff* ACK *falls over*

Quinn: *holsters blow-dart gun* Now calm down. It will be fixed. And then someone can get to fixing *my* eyes, which have gone from ice blue to...a jaundiced, misty, opaque blue. *sigh*

Theron: *paralyzed on the floor* ...ihh i aihh oayy, ah eahh? [is my hair okay, at least?]

Quinn: It looks like a dead womprat. It's fine.

Theron: eeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh [screaming's hard when you can't move your mouth]

See - told you Theron's eyes were altered - I like them :) On the other hand, W T F have they done to default Quinn's eyes? I need to check all my other Quinn customisations to see they haven't messed with those :mad: As if we didn't already have enough problems with Quinn and his customisation.


I don't think an eye colour fix is coming; I think the change of colour to eyes is an update similar to their idea for facial expressions which turned out to be screwed up wrinkles.


Theron's new hair is in the new customisation pack - it doesn't look that great on him, however it did look brilliant on my Sith Inq who has white eyes and white hair - I am tempted to switch.


On another note (to those who are interested): I got the job.

Congratulations :)

Edited by Sarova
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Completely agree. This is very over the top (but fits some peoples reaction on this forum very well :p ) But I also think it reveals how vulnerable she truly is and how much she cared about him.


On another note (to those who are interested): I got the job.

So thank you Purple Quinn, Silver Theron and Green Vector for your advise :p


And no, neither the Empire or the Hive came up during the interview. Though for some reason we did talk about the Death Star :rolleyes:


That's wonderful, congratulations on the new job!

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I know most people won't be bothered about this however brown-eyed Quinns are no more :mad:

eyes 1

eyes 2

eyes 3


Based on the lack of response in the brown eyes for characters thread I'm betting this is intended.


My brown-eyed Quinn now has this ugly greenish-gold color to his eyes. >_< I hate it! (And for the record, so's my brown-eyed twi'lek. His skin is supposed to be green, not his eyes! My brown-eyed zabrak, on the other hand, now has bright yellow Sith eyes. Uhh...what.)

This is insane and they had better change it soon. :mad: I want to enjoy Quinn's various customizations without eye glitches screwing everything up. First the shiny eye bug...now this crap. AAAGH!!


@Cowoline: Congratulations on the job! :)

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My brown-eyed Quinn now has this ugly greenish-gold color to his eyes. >_< I hate it! (And for the record, so's my brown-eyed twi'lek. His skin is supposed to be green, not his eyes! My brown-eyed zabrak, on the other hand, now has bright yellow Sith eyes. Uhh...what.)

This is insane and they had better change it soon. :mad: I want to enjoy Quinn's various customizations without eye glitches screwing everything up. First the shiny eye bug...now this crap. AAAGH!!


I'm so pissed off I sent a joint PM to Keith and Eric (I don't expect a response though). Lammia is going to go ballistic as Lammia Edition™ Quinn is affected.

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Completely agree. This is very over the top (but fits some peoples reaction on this forum very well :p ) But I also think it reveals how vulnerable she truly is and how much she cared about him.



That's how I'm going to imagine it. She really cares about him and he hurt her feelings. So she's just reacting like a Sith, getting all mad and stuff. Plus the fact that he knocked her out with that stun gun lolz. I'd be pissed, too. I'm going to pretend my warrior appreciates the sentiment and knows she's just blowing off steam.

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Just popping in to say that even though I was sorely disappointed by Copero as a whole...and was initially sad to see that the armor drops were BoP...I am pleased to find that Quinn looks super-spiffy in Chiss armor!



I agree. I hadn't tried it on him yet but the second I got them and looked to see what they're like, I imagined they'd look awesome on Quinn.

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Just popping in to say that even though I was sorely disappointed by Copero as a whole...and was initially sad to see that the armor drops were BoP...I am pleased to find that Quinn looks super-spiffy in Chiss armor!




...I...I need this armor... :eek: Holy crap.


Does anyone know if the Copero flashpoint is like Umbara? Cutscenes are edited to be spoiler-free if you haven't gone through it story-wise yet? If so, I am *definitely* running that flashpoint to get that armor for my chiss lady, because holy crud that is amazing.

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Haven't completed the new flashpoint yet as I got called away part way through and just haven't gotten the enthusiasm to have another go just yet and the thought of having to do it with a level one influence companion is not appealing.


What I have played of it I can say I'm not all that impressed as it seems a right mess insofar as layout and design go. No real thought has been put into it at all from what I see.


Is it me or is EAware not even trying anymore with the content?

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Completely agree. This is very over the top (but fits some peoples reaction on this forum very well :p ) But I also think it reveals how vulnerable she truly is and how much she cared about him.


On another note (to those who are interested): I got the job.

So thank you Purple Quinn, Silver Theron and Green Vector for your advise :p


And no, neither the Empire or the Hive came up during the interview. Though for some reason we did talk about the Death Star :rolleyes:


Congrats! I'm so happy for you on the new job! :)

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...I...I need this armor... :eek: Holy crap.


Does anyone know if the Copero flashpoint is like Umbara? Cutscenes are edited to be spoiler-free if you haven't gone through it story-wise yet? If so, I am *definitely* running that flashpoint to get that armor for my chiss lady, because holy crud that is amazing.


[sTORY] mode Flashpoint is free of cutscenes so that one shouldn't spoil things for you.

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Just popping in to say that even though I was sorely disappointed by Copero as a whole...and was initially sad to see that the armor drops were BoP...I am pleased to find that Quinn looks super-spiffy in Chiss armor!



Great minds think alike! I am doing the exact same thing, though I only got three pieces during my two runs.


Haven't completed the new flashpoint yet as I got called away part way through and just haven't gotten the enthusiasm to have another go just yet and the thought of having to do it with a level one influence companion is not appealing.


What I have played of it I can say I'm not all that impressed as it seems a right mess insofar as layout and design go. No real thought has been put into it at all from what I see.


Is it me or is EAware not even trying anymore with the content?

Long time no see!! /wave

I post elsewhere that the whole flashpoint is a jumbled mess and very annoying to navigate. It's also too long and you cannot access any other companion during the solo one to send them on missions during the 90 or so minutes you will waste in there. I took a stealther through tonight - still takes ages due to the layout. Skip the bonuses and it will go faster (the supplies are in places that aren't obvious).


It's like someone had an idea and wanted to put it in the game with no thought to lore, previous story history, the fact that we can create force using Chiss or player enjoyment. The entire thing seemed to have been designed by someone who probably convinced people with money that Sharknado was a good idea :rolleyes:


Did anyone else notice that they made Theron a little fatter & altered his face (in addition to his eyes we mentioned earlier & lets not mention that hair..)? The designer seems intent on forcing a new Theron on us no matter what. Purple Quinn is going to need to keep that dart gun handy. Silver Theron is going to go nuts.

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Did anyone else notice that they made Theron a little fatter & altered his face (in addition to his eyes we mentioned earlier & lets not mention that hair..)? The designer seems intent on forcing a new Theron on us no matter what. Purple Quinn is going to need to keep that dart gun handy. Silver Theron is going to go nuts.


They did...what now??? o_o Could I see a picture?

Theron: . . . ?

Quinn: *frantically loading dart gun*

Theron: ...

Quinn: *aims dart gun*

Theron: ...

Quinn: ...no explosion of angst this time around?

Theron: Xibu?

Quinn: I...beg your pardon?

Theron: Xiz?

Quinn: -_- Behold, the baby Shan-bird makes a return. This time he's devolved to gibberish.

Theron: J epo'u voefsuboe.

Quinn: I swear you're trying to communicate. This is getting annoying, Shan. Make sense.

Theron: XIZZZZZZZZ!?!?!

Quinn: *fires dart gun...and actually catches Theron on the way down this time, easing the twitching agent down to the floor* You were becoming...unnerving... what, did Copero break you?

Theron: eehh [yes]

Quinn: o_o

...this is a problem.

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Did anyone else notice that they made Theron a little fatter & altered his face (in addition to his eyes we mentioned earlier & lets not mention that hair..)? The designer seems intent on forcing a new Theron on us no matter what. Purple Quinn is going to need to keep that dart gun handy. Silver Theron is going to go nuts.


Theron does not look fatter to me at all. The face might look different as a result of the haircut though, optical illusion since it's such a drastic change.


Not the best comparison perhaps but I think nothing, besides the eyes and haircut, was changed. Well, save for the more defined scarring if you meant that, which I assume was the person who fudged his hair thinking "hey while I'm at it..." ... I kinda like the more defined scars though. :o

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Long time no see!! /wave

I post elsewhere that the whole flashpoint is a jumbled mess and very annoying to navigate. It's also too long and you cannot access any other companion during the solo one to send them on missions during the 90 or so minutes you will waste in there. I took a stealther through tonight - still takes ages due to the layout. Skip the bonuses and it will go faster (the supplies are in places that aren't obvious).


It's like someone had an idea and wanted to put it in the game with no thought to lore, previous story history, the fact that we can create force using Chiss or player enjoyment. The entire thing seemed to have been designed by someone who probably convinced people with money that Sharknado was a good idea :rolleyes:


/waves back! I'm a terrible lurker and I haven't even been in game much either. Shocking it is. Just haven't been in the right fame of mind I guess.


Oh good I'm glad it's just not me thinking that the new flashpoint is a bit of a mess. I found 6 of the 9 supply crates you're meant to destroy and you hit all 6 comm relays naturally enough. Still I found it a bit of a slog.

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