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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Just wrapped up chapter 1 of the SW story :) One thing I've noticed this play through is that Nat is making dark side choices more often this time around. She's still overwhelmingly light though. She really enjoyed killing that moron Duke Kendoh, that never gets old :D Speaking of Kendoh after you off him one of his Sith guards says they'll be heading back to Drommand Kass to their master on the Dark Council. Who do you think their master is? My pick is ether Darth Vowrawn or Darth Marr. Thoughts?


For obvious reasons pertaining to my own story, I pick Marr :D

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Theron: Kri'gee...bleh.

Quinn: I suppose ne'tra gal* is better?

Theron: You know that stuff can knock out a rancor.

Quinn: ...as we are not rancors, I will abstain.

Theron: Now, about this poker--

Quinn: *deadpan* Strip poker.

Theron: --suggestion, uhhhhhh, how about...no? The last time I accepted an offer like that, I wound up naked in a ditch behind the Senate Building. *notices Quinn's strange look* It is a very, VERY long story.

Quinn: I don't want to know.


*yet another Mandalorian drink - ne'tra gal means "black ale."

Somehow, I wound up writing both Quinn and Theron. How'd that happen? :p Somebody yell at me if I'm being annoying...I don't want to irritate anybody. XD




Theron: Asylum? Only a matter of time before someone makes a "who's being committed?" joke. Anyway, thanks. :) And thanks for...uh, not making me clean the floors. Maintenance, yaaay! o_O


Heheh, welcome. XD That was fun...a welcome diversion from final exams. e_e



It's brilliant, Grand Admiral!!! I love it and you do it so well. You always bring a smile to my face. :p

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Funny you should ask that, because I was pondering that very question for my fanfic since FimmRess has a slightly more expanded role in my SW's visit to Alderaan. My theory was Ravage, since he is the over the Sphere of Diplomacy and Expansion, it would make sense that he would have people stationed at House Thul to keep an eye on how things develop there in the Empire's bid to take Alderaan.


Ravage is the head of the pyramid of Diplomacy (and Expansion)?! That explains a lot ...

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It's brilliant, Grand Admiral!!! I love it and you do it so well. You always bring a smile to my face. :p


Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!

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Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!


It is not strange to have an identical copy, can go get screenshots or videos of the story that you may have missed the first time. Can explore things you may have sped through and you will be amazed at the new stuff you find.

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It is not strange to have an identical copy, can go get screenshots or videos of the story that you may have missed the first time. Can explore things you may have sped through and you will be amazed at the new stuff you find.


True...which reminds me - again - I need a better screenshot program than the snip tool I have on my computer by default. :/ Attempting to hit it at the EXACT moment I want a screenshot (and there's always a tiny delay)...then click and drag around a paused screen...then by the time I get back to the game, I'll have missed a lot and usually just exit out to watch the cutscene all over again.

Which gets difficult when the cutscene immediately goes into a fight or something. (Like in the middle of KOTFE chapter five - I wanted a shot of my knight, Senya, and Lana all standing in a row, lightsabers ignited, looking suitably heroic...and. Senya. BLINKED. Cue immediate fight, and I had to replay the chapter all over again to get back to the cutscene. Luckily, the second time, I got it. :D)

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True...which reminds me - again - I need a better screenshot program than the snip tool I have on my computer by default. :/ Attempting to hit it at the EXACT moment I want a screenshot (and there's always a tiny delay)...then click and drag around a paused screen...then by the time I get back to the game, I'll have missed a lot and usually just exit out to watch the cutscene all over again.

Which gets difficult when the cutscene immediately goes into a fight or something. (Like in the middle of KOTFE chapter five - I wanted a shot of my knight, Senya, and Lana all standing in a row, lightsabers ignited, looking suitably heroic...and. Senya. BLINKED. Cue immediate fight, and I had to replay the chapter all over again to get back to the cutscene. Luckily, the second time, I got it. :D)


Video your cut scene and then pause the video and print screen to get a screen shot, then edit it down to be what you want it to be ;)

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Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!


You're very welcome!


Clone her on the same server if you want. I have various incarnations of my favorites. I'm rather tempted to make another myself lol. Nothing wrong with cloning and reliving what you love. Or cloning to try something different. I say go for it!

Edited by Lunafox
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*sits here in her corner with 6 clones of one character (Sith Warrior <3 ), 3 of another and doubles of at least 3 more*


What? with the way the story's going I take my clones through the new stuff , my story mains haven't even hit KotFE yet. It's a great thing, and so easy.

I also record a ton of cutscenes, with my clones, trying out different dialogue branches and end results. took a few tries through the class stories to get ones I'm happy with. OBS and FRAPS are commonly used programs for recording and screenshots.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Thank you... :) That really means a lot to me.


Gah, everything is making me want to clone my lady warrior on another server and go through her story again. But then...what happens afterward? o_O It'll be...awkward...if I just leave her at level 50 or so after she's done with her story, and I am *so* not going through KOTFE/KOTET all over again. XD Sigh...I don't know...indecision...help me... :p

Points against it: it's just strange to have an identical copy of my character. That and I'm already (sloooooowly) going through the warrior's story, albeit with a guy that time through (incidentally, he's my lady warrior's little brother).

Points for it: . . . does this need to be said? QUINN!!


I currently have three clones of my fanfic Sith Warrior all on the same server. The first was the one that inspired me to write the fanfic in the first place, the second is the one I made after I started writing so I could go back and capture more cutscenes and brush up on exact events and environments....the third is a Jedi Knight that I have as a "what if" version (since she was originally a Jedi who was captured by Sith).

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Lana doesn't have a breakup scene if you take Quinn back on Iokath so the game thinks your romance with her is still active


It's the same with Theron tbh. Telling him I love him while being with Quinn??? You don't get a breakup for either like you did with the other romances returning. I hope they remedy that.

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Clone her on the same server if you want. I have various incarnations of my favorites. I'm rather tempted to make another myself lol. Nothing wrong with cloning and reliving what you love. Or cloning to try something different. I say go for it!


I do have a clone of one character - my consular. (Amazing how just changing the complexion on a character can make their entire face look radically different!) He's got a mirror self as an Imperial agent, a "what if?" alternate-universe for him. Since, when his parents (he was born in the Chiss Ascendancy) found out he's Force-sensitive, their options were

a) give him to the Sith, who would twist and corrupt him into a monster

b) hide him deep within the Ascendancy and hope nobody ever finds him, constantly risking death because the Sith just might find him one day

c) ...? They didn't have a third option.

His mother decided to take a third option anyways: she brought him to the Jedi.

So the "what if?" universe is "what if they just hid him within the Ascendancy? ...later on, he became the Imperial agent." Which had some really interesting implications on the agent's story, since he's still powerfully Force-sensitive, he just hides it reeeeally well. Like his last line to Keeper...


"You still don't know who I am. What I'm capable of."


Keeper didn't like that. I on the other hand got chills up and down my spine. o_O


But as for replaying the same story on the "same" character...ooooooogh, I don't know. XD Leaning towards doing it just for funsies. I've got three weeks of free time coming up, after all, in between classes of the copyediting course I'm taking. :D

I've heard of FRAPS, but I've also heard it's a) not free, b) can seriously bog down your computer, and c) ...contains viruses?? O_o Wha?


It's the same with Theron tbh. Telling him I love him while being with Quinn??? You don't get a breakup for either like you did with the other romances returning. I hope they remedy that.


...BioWare does love their *cough* "diverse" romance options. O_O

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But as for replaying the same story on the "same" character...ooooooogh, I don't know. XD Leaning towards doing it just for funsies. I've got three weeks of free time coming up, after all, in between classes of the copyediting course I'm taking. :D

I've heard of FRAPS, but I've also heard it's a) not free, b) can seriously bog down your computer, and c) ...contains viruses?? O_o Wha?


I use fraps. there's free version (mainly screenshots only using that) but yeah a purchase program. I do need to stay on top of the large recorded file sizes, I have never had a virus or any issues with that program.


I also have OBS studio, because one cannot compare programs if one does not use all programs for a bit. I'd suggest it over fraps, I just use fraps as my preference. OBS is a free and decent video capture/recording program, and one can easily snag specific scenes in screenshots off the videos.

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Been using shadowplay myself, but it does make huge files.


This is going to be painful, doing the story for umbara on my male trooper just for the Done letter... who I is a healer who I don't know how to play well... this is going to take a bit lol.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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As far as recording cutscenes, I just use the built-in NVida GeForce Experience in-game video recorder that's part of my video card software. Just click Alt-F9 to start recording then again to end it. Then, if I want screenshots, I can just play the video and pause, grab a screenshot from there.

I still need to find a good free video editor, though. I have a couple that I need to do some clipping on (like the one I did last night on Corellia where I thought I had ended the recording, but didn't....and didn't realize until I'd recorded 10 minutes of my character standing in one spot because I'd gone AFK to make dinner :o)

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I also have OBS studio, because one cannot compare programs if one does not use all programs for a bit. I'd suggest it over fraps, I just use fraps as my preference. OBS is a free and decent video capture/recording program, and one can easily snag specific scenes in screenshots off the videos.


Looking at OBS Studio now... ooh. This looks good. o_o Thanks so much for suggesting that - I might just download it, because this seems really nice. :D


One thing I noticed about the story that's different now - as we've all been talking about, the "I love you" / "Marry me" conversations are now switched around the Quinncident. o_e Weeeeell that'll make things awkward - though I suppose if I'm just taking screenshots/videos, I can put them in any order I please, so it's not like I'll look back at that and have it conflict wildly with my "canon" playthrough (where Quinn proposed *before* the Quinncident). Huh.


For years, meeting Quinn on Balmorra has been one of my favourite parts of the class story <3

Yes I just got there, again. <3


The first time I got there, I was all curious about who this Quinn guy was. Then I saw his masterful introduction scene - him threatening that poor soldier - and pretty much instantly got wingding hearts in my eyes. :D

Favorite part...Oh. Yes. How could anybody not sit up straight and pay attention, at least, at that scene?


Been using shadowplay myself, but it does make huge files.


This is going to be painful, doing the story for umbara on my male trooper just for the Done letter... who I is a healer who I don't know how to play well... this is going to take a bit lol.


Oooooh o_o Good luck!

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