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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I always loved Malavai and his romance progression. It was very disquieting when--after I had finished said romance progression and the characters became husband and wife--he then decided to betray my Warrior. The VA lines kept going back and forth between gloating on how awesome his droids were and how they were going to paste me, and expressing regret, it made no sense.


So I'm glad they're bringing him back, he's a good companion with an excellent VA and a nice backstory. Of course, my Warrior would go sleep with Pierce again and make Quinn watch this time, and then maybe carve him into pieces afterwards, but that's just that character! :D

Edited by AscendingSky
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Just got home from work and saw the news. :D My SW is going to be so happy to have her husband back.


How about Vector next? :i_angel:


Vector next would be heaven, but I somehow expect Iresso since he was mentioned a couple of times in the livestream. Maybe him and Jaesa or Ashara? Things are very lopsided now between the companions already back, and the factions so not sure how they are going to balance that.

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Vector next would be heaven, but I somehow expect Iresso since he was mentioned a couple of times in the livestream. Maybe him and Jaesa or Ashara? Things are very lopsided now between the companions already back, and the factions so not sure how they are going to balance that.


I want Doc back so bad, but no sign of him getting love so far. :(

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I think you missed the title of this thread. ;)


Anyway - that's what we have all kinds of headcanon for. To make up for some of the shortcomings of the game's cutscenes and dialogue.


On a side note, I notice that a lot of people gloss over/forget about/ignore Kaliyo's betrayal. Arguably, she's even worse - yet you didn't find a whole bunch of people STILL (it's been, in-game, at least EIGHT YEARS since it happened) clamoring for her death over it. Kaliyo, regardless of whether or not she was romanced,

betrays you, tries to kill you, sells out the Empire for YEARS, is utterly unrepentant about it, and only *doesn't* go through with killing you because she realizes that'd cut off her source of information/secrets to sell to the highest bidder.


......so, where are the "You Kaliyomancers are so weird, so you're okay with wanting to be in a relationship with someone who wanted to kill you" people? :p


Edit: ...Luna completely ninja'd me. I bow to the Queen of Really Fast Writing. *bows*


I've come to think that Kaliyo's death didn't become so big, because her betrayal was gated behind companion missions that at the time, many didn't really complete.


Quinn's betrayal was right there as part of the story.

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My happiness is clouded by worry that he'll get the same mean and hostile treatment Koth got in KOTET but my warrior is super happy to have her hubby back soon, so who am I to argue with a powerful Sith? Worst case scenario I turn it into a bad dream in my headcanon, if the dialogue is mean.


I'm also happy I'll be able to get him on my other toons :D

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You qinnmancers are so weird


you, again :|


So, here's my take. Quinn's is the most unique romance in the game. I think the only one that comes close might be.. Corso? in it's uniqueness. It's a relationship fraught with head games and punctuated with violence. This is what I'd expect from a sith "romance", it's the world they live in.


My reasons for forgiving him are really very simple. He's cute, his voice is dreamy (those mushy romance lines, omg). Don't even tell me you wouldn't forgive a beautiful woman with a sexy voice if she attacked you with some lame robots.


My next reason for forgiving him may be a somewhat unpopular interpretation of the story but I'm going to lay it out there anyway: It's my belief that the warrior loves Quinn more than he loves her. *shrug* No one else has to go along with this if it makes them unhappy, but it seems plainly obvious to me. And I'm cool with it, every romance should be different.


I mean, the warrior is a sith and he is not. Not only is she in a constant state of heightened emotion, but Quinn and everyone around around her must walk on eggshells at any given moment, being that she is a murder machine. Imagine how they might feel, given that she is the embodiment of the strength and cruelty of the Empire. She's a force of nature more than a regular person with thoughts and feelings.


Her crew probably feel love, respect, loyalty, fear.. resentment.. Now imagine Quinn's perspective - even if he wanted to leave the warrior's side, would he even dare to? Not without a plan, and how could I blame him for that?


One last point I could make, why wouldn't a sith who feeds off emotion keep around the one person who enrages and frustrates and empowers her the most?


But he's easily the most handsome and charming li we get as female characters, ok? We gotta head canon the **** out of this so just let us.


/giggle right on

Edited by grania
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At first I thought of the many ways I could kill him...then I really thought about it...he was always so cute. Theron or Quinn...hmm...my mara will have a big decision ahead. Each time I think about it I think oooh I wonder what they're reunion will be like. Oooh how can you resist him? As I was waiting at the eye doctors I thought more on it and visions of his cutscenes entered my mind.


I like Theron, but I love Quinn. If Quinn walked in on me and Theron and was like "Who's that?!" I'd snap Theron's neck and reply "Oh, no one."

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I'm glad to see Quinn's return too, he's one of my favorites! I don't play my Warrior much anymore (not my best playstyle), but I am really looking forward to getting Quinn on a character that I actually use. :) I seem to be the odd one out in that I haven't done Quinn's romance, but I really liked him anyway.


I am a bit worried how the "choose a side" thing will affect future companion recruitment, but in the stream they made it seem like it would only be the more faction-dedicated/diehard companions, so I'm not too concerned.


Quinn is on my short list of favorites yet to return though, so aside from Lord Scourge being Republic-affiliated only (which I don't see happening, it would make no sense), there really isn't any other companion that I'd prioritize over him, at least on the character I want him on. Gotta get Elara too, but that's what alts are for! <3

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Their statement in the stream was something like: while we don't have specific plans yet, you should expect that some companions in the future will care who you sided with on this choice. They did make it sound like it would mainly be around "die hard" (they used this word, and specifically named Iresso as an example) personalities where the companion had a strong loyalty to their faction.


So, understanding that all we have is some general statements about what they think they'll do in the future, the crystal ball would seem to say: "some but not all."


Thanks. I had the feeling that the notes weren't able to convey every little thing that was said in the stream. I wonder though if this will mark a greater trend towards limiting some companions by faction rather than just dumping everyone onto everybody.


And I think, for many of us, we're worried about how our choice will impact future companions. They used the example of a Jedi could choose to support the Empire if they wanted to...but will that gate future republic companions behind that choice? This would be a disaster honestly. We should be able to choose companions based on our preference at that moment, rather than by what we decided before. Like if, say, as Jedi, we choose to support the Empire and get Quinn...what will happen in the future? Does that mean Scourge is cut off from us? Or Zenith or others? We don't know. It may be a nonissue, but they left us dangling and now we're wondering...it would be super nice if Eric or someone in the know would clarify this for us. I know I'd appreciate knowing that in advance.


I hope that what they meant was that they would be doing this on a case by case basis. So, the decisions you made in the story right before you met the companion - story that probably pertained to them and their interests in some way already - would be a deciding factor in whether they would join you. Gating some remaining companions on a choice you could have made weeks even months (real time) before their return doesn't seem fair. If they did decide to go this route I hope it would be with fanatically faction-loyal companions only.


My fear has been that some day they'll take our alignment into consideration for returning companions. Hopefully they won't ever do that either. I like having a varied crew that doesn't always agree with me. :o

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you, again :|


So, here's my take. Quinn's is the most unique romance in the game. I think the only one that comes close might be.. Corso? in it's uniqueness. It's a relationship fraught with head games and punctuated with violence. This is what I'd expect from a sith "romance", it's the world they live in.


My reasons for forgiving him are really very simple. He's cute, his voice is dreamy (those mushy romance lines, omg). Don't even tell me you wouldn't forgive a beautiful woman with a sexy voice if she attacked you with some lame robots.


My next reason for forgiving him may be a somewhat unpopular interpretation of the story but I'm going to lay it out there anyway: It's my belief that the warrior loves Quinn more than he loves her. *shrug* No one else has to go along with this if it makes them unhappy, but it seems plainly obvious to me. And I'm cool with it, every romance should be different.


I mean, the warrior is a sith and he is not. Not only is she in a constant state of heightened emotion, but Quinn and everyone around around her must walk on eggshells at any given moment, being that she is a murder machine. Imagine how they might feel, given that she is the embodiment of the strength and cruelty of the Empire. She's a force of nature more than a regular person with thoughts and feelings.


Her crew probably feel love, respect, loyalty, fear.. resentment.. Now imagine Quinn's perspective - even if he wanted to leave the warrior's side, would he even dare to? Not without a plan, and how could I blame him for that?


One last point I could make, why wouldn't a sith who feeds off emotion keep around the one person who enrages and frustrates and empowers her the most?




/giggle right on


I absolutely agree. Especially if you keep in mind when you first meet Quinn on Balmorra how freaked out he was when you started flirting with him. You were a cat playing with a tiny mouse from the beginning. The dialog there makes me laugh and feel sad all at once. Poor guy, his story is a total tragedy and the fact that he's so hot makes it even more believable. Sometimes I wonder if Baras set you up with him haha


The only other romance you can compare it with is the Inquisitor. Andronikos is set up as someone who would love to get fried by lightning just to be mad about it. He's crazy and would probably love to go out in a blaze of glory during angry sex :D

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I resubscribed just for Quinn and I’m not ashamed to admit it! Class and Companion stories have always been my favorite part of the game, just as they were in KOTOR and KOTOR 2, and Malavai Quinn is my favorite Companion. I'll go ahead and add how I've always tried (and failed for the most part, especially with the husband) to justify continuing the relationship:


(Spoilers, obv.)


  1. First off, in my first play-through, their relationship had gotten to the point where they'd only kissed once or twice before the betrayal. I didn’t feel it was by any means a deep relationship at that point, just a testing the waters sort of thing. My Wrath gave Quinn the cold shoulder for awhile and ultimately started speaking to him on a personal level after Baras' death, which is when he finally stopped suppressing his feelings and revealed them to her. Had they been married and discussing kids before the betrayal like other players’ play-throughs, I bet I might have an entirely different perspective!
  2. Quinn was absolutely loyal, which is a great quality, but... he was loyal to a fault. He'd pledged his loyalty to Baras a decade before Quinn even met the Wrath. Because Quinn developed feelings for her during the roughly two years before the Transponder Station, during the betrayal, he expressed being conflicted with what he was tasked by Baras to do, saying things like he didn't want it to come to this and Baras had forced his hand, yet he still maintained his original loyalty to Baras and carried out the attack. I say, "loyal to a fault" because Quinn let his loyalty blind him to what was really going on with the Emperor's Hand, the Wrath and Baras’ illegitimate claim to be the Emperor’s Voice.
  3. My Wrath had always teetered around grey and Dark I (before this DvL nonsense), so I could say she let her passion/attachment, which are still Dark side traits, towards Quinn cloud her judgement in doing what needed to be done in offing a traitor – we all know the Wrath has killed for less. Instead, she allows Quinn to try to earn back her trust and eventually forgive him, which are actions closer to grey or Light alignment. This is in addition to the pragmatic choice of not wasting a valuable asset that she believes could be salvaged, which is Quinn's expertise in military tactics and strategy, in addition to piloting the ship and running the crew. For about two years, he's been her right-hand man.
  4. It’s been mentioned before, but this is just how things really goes down in the Empire, especially when scheming Sith are involved. Lowly Imperials, like Quinn, tend to end up as nothing more than mere pawns to play in a much larger scheme. It’s my belief that Sith, especially, are used to this way of life – I just think back on how many times my Wrath had to kill other Sith and Imperials throughout the story. Heck, that way of life begins right off the bat in the Sith Academy with Vemrin and his posse.


Anyway, both my husband and I are exited to get Quinn back, but for entirely different reasons… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard him say, “Get that [expletive] traitor out of my Stronghold.” On that note, I would love to see the metrics on female vs. male players and their general feelings towards Quinn… I bet it isn’t very surprising. :cool:

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You qinnmancers are so weird


So your ok with wanting to be in a relationship with some who tryed to kill you?


There is no way you can rationalize that unless you have some bizzare case of Stockholm syndrome, the only reason anyone should be reasonably excited about this is if you are looking forward to rectifying the original class stories mistake of not being able to kill him


In a game with weak female romances quinn is still one of the worsts, picking his job over his feelings for you, i actully felt pity for the female SW when she says "but i thought you loved me".


So im happy too that he's back, so i can finally put that traitor where he belongs, 6 feet under.


Given that the one that gives him orders is the craziest, most paranoid sith...one who you spend nearly all game killing off his loyal agents because of his own sick twisted mind. Not to mention Quinn is a loyal officer who due to Baras' manipulations, owes him his career, not to mention he is just a mere mortal, it can be understood why he did what he did.


I am so looking forward to getting him back, my jugger has missed him terribly.

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Quinn and Elara are some of my favorite companions, even when I play as the same gender and there are no romance overtones. I really hope we don't have to choose between them but I bet we will. Quinn is an extremely loyal Imperial who would never support the Republic over the Empire and Elara the same for the Republic. :(


Can I also just say that I love how Quinn is all hesitant at first but ends up getting really into it and even uses the male aggressive kissing animation where he grabs her by the waist and forcefully pulls her to him. You gotta have guts to do that to a sith (though Vette is the same way, hm..maybe the SW just gives off an "I secretly want to be dominated" vibe lol). Also that email he sends you, the "infant contingency report" :D

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Can I also just say that I love how Quinn is all hesitant at first but ends up getting really into it and even uses the male aggressive kissing animation where he grabs her by the waist and forcefully pulls her to him.


"We've said it, later, we'll show it."


Do you guys remember that line?! I had to throw my headphones off I was swooning so hard. :D


I know it's idiotic, but I'm pretty sure my Empire/Republic decision will come down to this.


Did you make this? Awesome :D

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I resubscribed just for Quinn and I’m not ashamed to admit it! Class and Companion stories have always been my favorite part of the game, just as they were in KOTOR and KOTOR 2, and Malavai Quinn is my favorite Companion. I'll go ahead and add how I've always tried (and failed for the most part, especially with the husband) to justify continuing the relationship:


(Spoilers, obv.)


  1. First off, in my first play-through, their relationship had gotten to the point where they'd only kissed once or twice before the betrayal. I didn’t feel it was by any means a deep relationship at that point, just a testing the waters sort of thing. My Wrath gave Quinn the cold shoulder for awhile and ultimately started speaking to him on a personal level after Baras' death, which is when he finally stopped suppressing his feelings and revealed them to her. Had they been married and discussing kids before the betrayal like other players’ play-throughs, I bet I might have an entirely different perspective!
  2. Quinn was absolutely loyal, which is a great quality, but... he was loyal to a fault. He'd pledged his loyalty to Baras a decade before Quinn even met the Wrath. Because Quinn developed feelings for her during the roughly two years before the Transponder Station, during the betrayal, he expressed being conflicted with what he was tasked by Baras to do, saying things like he didn't want it to come to this and Baras had forced his hand, yet he still maintained his original loyalty to Baras and carried out the attack. I say, "loyal to a fault" because Quinn let his loyalty blind him to what was really going on with the Emperor's Hand, the Wrath and Baras’ illegitimate claim to be the Emperor’s Voice.
  3. My Wrath had always teetered around grey and Dark I (before this DvL nonsense), so I could say she let her passion/attachment, which are still Dark side traits, towards Quinn cloud her judgement in doing what needed to be done in offing a traitor – we all know the Wrath has killed for less. Instead, she allows Quinn to try to earn back her trust and eventually forgive him, which are actions closer to grey or Light alignment. This is in addition to the pragmatic choice of not wasting a valuable asset that she believes could be salvaged, which is Quinn's expertise in military tactics and strategy, in addition to piloting the ship and running the crew. For about two years, he's been her right-hand man.
  4. It’s been mentioned before, but this is just how things really goes down in the Empire, especially when scheming Sith are involved. Lowly Imperials, like Quinn, tend to end up as nothing more than mere pawns to play in a much larger scheme. It’s my belief that Sith, especially, are used to this way of life – I just think back on how many times my Wrath had to kill other Sith and Imperials throughout the story. Heck, that way of life begins right off the bat in the Sith Academy with Vemrin and his posse.


Anyway, both my husband and I are exited to get Quinn back, but for entirely different reasons… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard him say, “Get that [expletive] traitor out of my Stronghold.” On that note, I would love to see the metrics on female vs. male players and their general feelings towards Quinn… I bet it isn’t very surprising. :cool:


I'm glad to hear Malavai got you to resub! :)


I can relate, especially about the husband issue. Mine started playing the game with me, and SW was my first toon through the experience. And I think the hubby was jealous, cause suddenly for me, it was all about Quinn. I would literally fawn over his pixels, cause he's my brand of hawtness. I would give him presents and be all *squee* whenever he'd say anything to me. I'd click him just to make him talk...*swoon* that voice! Loved the cutscenes with him. It was so much fun, best game experience I'd ever had. Then...as things go in a game, spoilers leak out and I heard at some point he betrays you. And it genuinely upset me...'But I've been so good to him.'


Of course the husband hears this and shakes his head. Then I say to the husband..."Do you suppose, if I gave him more presents, he'd like me more? Maybe he wouldn't betray me then? (Yah, I was naive on my first play through :p)


Husband is all like...'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about what you do with your pixels.'


So I gave Malavai the world and we got married and it was wonderful, but it would have been more so if we'd gotten a ceremony. Then came the betrayal. We were married, talked about offspring and bam, betrayed! Omg. I cried, I was miserable...inconsolable.


The husband comes over and says, "I really hate that guy. I want to kill that fn traitor."


I'm like...why?


He's like...'Cause he made you unhappy and he's an fn traitor. I'm going to kill him.'


And then he saw me forgive him and be all happy two minutes after his betrayal.


And then he says, which I acknowledge as a universal truth.


"Woman...there is no hope for you." :mad:



So that...was my very first experience with my beloved Captain. :D

Edited by Lunafox
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