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Dear Eric, Devs, Bioware


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Actually, after someone mentioned GW2 in another thread.. I decided to download that again. See where it's at now.

It doesn't have gear for PvP. And it works. Your point is invalid, and thus your original post.


Anyway, I'm not angrily alt-f4ing to gw2. I wouldn't have thought, or bothered, to download the installer if Bioware had their **** right though.

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Because this is exactly what this system is, the ones that continually perform better, it be winning a high percentage of their games (higher cxp/competent gains) or just putting in more man hours than the competition should be rewarded with the extra stats, which lets not sugar coat are minimal at best.



This is exactly the problem a lot of people have with the current system, putting in more time doesn't get you better rewards at all, precisely because the system is completely based on random chance, all it gives one is a higher chance at better gear.


Indeed in 5.1 they did implement an alternative system of gearing, but it's a bit like putting a bandage on a severed limb if you can excuse the overdramatization. In fact a system wherein putting in more time or having a higher win percentage actually made one gear faster was in place in the game before they scrapped it with 5.0. Sure you can argue the gearing was too fast, but the way to solve that is to tweak drops and rewards, not scrap the system and replace it with randomly gotten gear.

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Most of you, and by most I'm referring to over 90% have never actually played an MMO where gear was merely cosmetic and it was skill vs. skill, yet they seem to be knowledgeable experts on how such a system is implemented and the pros/ cons.


Yesterday in reg Alderaan, enemy team was all pve grinders.


On average, we were dead within 10-30 seconds of each encounter and no heals on our side.


We won due to their skill level which was beyond description.


This new gearing system rewards a grind and makes pvp pointless - where is the skill here? The only thing we can expect is slow minded opponent as was the case in the match mentioned. In any case, win or lose, we are getting face rolled like there is no tomorrow.


I got no time, nor will to grind in a video game, I am not paying to waste my time by clicking crap and doing drone works.


Pve players play pvp only for the damn pve gains points - remove those damn points. Disassociate pvp from pve completely.


Return the normal gearing system and wz comms.

Edited by wababab
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Your game may not be perfect, but you're trying to create a product that rewards people who dedicate more time than others. I see absolutely no issue with this, but what really boggles my mind and makes me question the human race as a whole is the PvP community (atleast the vocal minority that post here 450x a day).




In proper pvp skill determines wins, and if there is gear involved it is a bonus to a pvp player.


And in pvp section pvp players complain about new grind monkey system, because it is a PVE type of activity. Get an upper hand, in pvp, as pve player by nothing but grind.


PVE grind - no skill - scripted opponents - predictable outcomes. Boring af.


There was a mass quit in 2012, and it is something it continues to happen, small waves or big waves since then. There are many other games out there to sub at. Hence swtor is as it is atm - I will say one last time, horrendous decisions for pvp with 5.0 onwards.



in my case I came back for kotfe as a 2 months sub after a long break. Then as soon as I saw waves of pve campers/pve afks/pve bots grinding pve points in pvp I chose not to sub for a full year. So again, it seems same will happen.

Edited by wababab
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Actually, after someone mentioned GW2 in another thread.. I decided to download that again. See where it's at now.

It doesn't have gear for PvP. And it works. Your point is invalid, and thus your original post.


Anyway, I'm not angrily alt-f4ing to gw2. I wouldn't have thought, or bothered, to download the installer if Bioware had their **** right though.


Yeah, I had taken a year off from swtor, and came back to see how it was going here. I was playing P99 EQ1 during that time and I guess I will head back.


This is not fun for me and I just can't get back into it. I just am not interested in starting from scratch through an extremely heavy grind on top ot it all.


Maybe they will make some changes, I will check occasionally but I won't hold my breath.


It's just ridiculous that modern MMOs are so unimaginative and bad nowadays.


I think modern MMO companies put so much effort into making money they have no soul left anymore. Sad days.

Edited by Lhancelot
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OP is right.


The difference of a full set to 230 after bolster is actually around 5%. Its less than certain raidbuffs. All those people claiming they get wrecked because of gear are just some bads who would get wrecked with full gear aswell.


But its so much easier to just blame bioware than actually start using your mind. Thats why there will be never anything that bioware could do to please player. Depressive players like Lhancelot will always cry and moarn, no matter what you do

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This new "Gearing system" isn't about "Gearing" There was nothing wrong with 4.0 gearing. It simply comes down to the fact Bioware doesn't make new content. The new gearing system IS the content. We're supposed to grind out gear for 6months and then be happy with that for another 6months until 6.0.


I was told an Operation was announced for 5.2 that is only going to have 1 boss and they'll add a new boss every patch after or w/e. That's a joke lol. Why release an unfinished Operation. I went a watched the dev stream after i heard that and they were talking about how it's "hard" and we all know the quality of the dev team. In no way will that 1 boss be any challenge to any competent raid group, they'll down it in a night.


Bioware came out and said they didn't want gearing to be a tireless grind and they made pvp gearing so fast and let us save up 200k wz comms ect ect. Then they come out with this garbage expansion that threw it all away. You people just need to realise that the 5.0 gearing is the content for this expansion that's why pvpers still need to play 1k+ games for full 242 gear just to get debolstered in Warzones. Lol.

Edited by Gabzizzle
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OP is right.


The difference of a full set to 230 after bolster is actually around 5%. Its less than certain raidbuffs. All those people claiming they get wrecked because of gear are just some bads who would get wrecked with full gear aswell.


But its so much easier to just blame bioware than actually start using your mind. Thats why there will be never anything that bioware could do to please player. Depressive players like Lhancelot will always cry and moarn, no matter what you do


You MUST BE factually clueless. we care about the fact gear is way to damn expensive and grindy to get. we care about being able to play our alts we may or may not have spent cash on to have started at 60 or 65 in past game designs. we feel we are factually being screwed and well warrented no one should ever be forced to focus on only one toon. when you people see there be alot less people on the servers to pve with then maybe you will figure it out.


and i can guarantee pretty much that those saying other wise are kids that dont have a job with there mommy and daddies credit card next to them. people have lives and spend money to play this or any other game the way they please they should not be penialized for it. period

Edited by falkron-kerupt
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Yesterday in reg Alderaan, enemy team was all pve grinders.


On average, we were dead within 10-30 seconds of each encounter and no heals on our side.


We won due to their skill level which was beyond description.


This new gearing system rewards a grind and makes pvp pointless - where is the skill here? The only thing we can expect is slow minded opponent as was the case in the match mentioned. In any case, win or lose, we are getting face rolled like there is no tomorrow.


I got no time, nor will to grind in a video game, I am not paying to waste my time by clicking crap and doing drone works.


Pve players play pvp only for the damn pve gains points - remove those damn points. Disassociate pvp from pve completely.


Return the normal gearing system and wz comms.


Pardon me but I don't comprehend what you are saying. You where defeated within 30 seconds because you're opponents had great gear and still you won because you're superior skills?

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Pardon me but I don't comprehend what you are saying. You where defeated within 30 seconds because you're opponents had great gear and still you won because you're superior skills?


Dead does not equal defeated in ACW. I read that as they were up against bads that were geared to kill but ignoring the objectives.

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Pardon me but I don't comprehend what you are saying. You where defeated within 30 seconds because you're opponents had great gear and still you won because you're superior skills?


Literally yes, they did not know how to hold a cap, just running as a group and playing a death match.


Now your 'great gear' and 'superior skills' sarcasm aside, you do not see the change of dmg and kdr ratio atm in certain matches?

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I had a great response to the OPs post that was nice and eloquently worded, but then my iPad battery went flat.


Let me sum up my response to the OPs insulting post.


1. OP, you made huge sweeping statements about the players and forum posters. You should tone that down because you have no clue and zero way of know anything about people's experiences.

2. People are unsubbing for a reason and actually telling people on the forums why and also to see how many others might feel the same way.

3. There are other people like me who have unsubbed and have also PM'd Eric and Tait. (I would urge others to do the same if you unsub)

4. The OPs first ever post was the beginning of 2016 and there is a massive gap from when the 4.0 expansion was launched till now. This leads me to believe they only play during expansion launch and then unsub and probably didn't start playing till 4:0

5. Not realising or knowing that we've already had an RNG gearing system in the game before. So they don't know that it was a major failure and people hated it. This is why they previously dumped the RNG gearing.

6; Assuming everyone is a millennial or has a trust fund because they hate the grind for over 500 hours to fully gear is laughable. Some of us have jobs and can't play those sort of hours to gear up.

7. Has no real grasp on if something is OP or not, especially when they are only referencing regs

8. Assuming everyone is getting the gear as fast as they are in crates or even gear they need.

9. Assuming they know about how Bolster is supposed to work or what its importance/relevance is in PvP to allow new players not to have to play with an unfair gear gap.

10. Not realising that pvp is supposed to be skill vs skill, not gear vs gear.

11. Assuming that WoW didn't have PvP gear that was actually better in pvp than pve gear was. Sorry but WoW used to have a proper pvp gearing system that was better for you than pve gear.

12. Assuming people who are unsubbing are the same ones saying Mercs are OP.

13. Saying there isn't a problem with the game and saying the people unsubbing are the ones with the problem. When the game obviously has a multitude or problems, most pvpers can name at least one, but most can list them all. Even the newest players can quickly identify some of these problems. I guess this is more white knighting with that statement.

14. Saying people who are passionate about the game and post often about problems or participate in discussions are toxic.

15. If you don't like reading our posts that much and you feel the need to tell us enough is enough, then don't read them :rolleyes: Use the ignore feature and you'll never need to see them again.

16. The fact that you felt the need to make a post and complain about people complaining makes you a hypercrite,

17. Hoping people who unsub don't come back is completely detrimental to the health of pvp in this game. The pvp population is already dangerously low and bleeding players like a stuck pig. But you "hoping" people who leave don't come back is the most nonsensical thing in the whole post. You seem to have only posted to complain about people who have posted ledgitmately about their concerns and you have tried to disguise the post with your white knighting of Bioware.

18. Lastly if this was an attempted troll you get 0/10.

19. If it's not, then it's a big QQ about people complaining and once again, you are should put yourself in that list of people you think are QQing, in fact you are even worse because you are QQing for no reason except to QQ and are massive hypocrite


Guys if I missed anything, let me know and I'll edit the list. :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It doesn't have gear for PvP. And it works.


Only in SPVP, in WvWvW gear still matters. + life in SPVP becomes bland as hell after a while, nothing to work towards. Feels like a console third person action, but then again, the whole game has that vibe.

+ GW2 has many other bad aspects, but it's too offtopic.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I had a great response to the OPs post that was nice and eloquently worded, but then my iPad battery went flat.



Guys if I missed anything, let me know and I'll edit the list. :rolleyes:


You got them all and it was well said.


Damn, when game came out I have been on forums handful of times, since I was busy playing and enjoying Swtor quite much.


And same when I came back for Kotfe, although I heard much criticism, I thought Bioaware has done a great job with the new story and heroics and all these new little things they have done to improve the game. Was pleased by Kotfe, except for linking pve to pvp via those certain pve points players gain by participating in wzs - there were 'half a team quits before the match starts' quite often. And bots in stealth or afk on sides.


Now I came back for this new story which was good work by devs btw, last week or so, as a 2 months sub again. Galactic command would not bother me much if it was not connected to pvp. No point to it.


If player like me is posting on forums saying, hey certain part of the game is messed up - pvp in this case, maybe there is some truth to it....


Anyways I do not expect what is done to pvp to change, so again same thing for me here - after 2 months sub runs out, another long break from swtor:cool:

Edited by wababab
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Actually, after someone mentioned GW2 in another thread.. I decided to download that again. See where it's at now.

It doesn't have gear for PvP. And it works. Your point is invalid, and thus your original post.


Anyway, I'm not angrily alt-f4ing to gw2. I wouldn't have thought, or bothered, to download the installer if Bioware had their **** right though.


Overwatch doesn't have gear and it is pure pvp.

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