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Please Buff Sorc/Sage DPS


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Sorcs have top class dcds. Even a sniper can't just appear else where on the map way out of range and sight of the enemy. God bubble and the after shield are the best defences in game, 0 damage from anything not just 98% reduction or only aoe. They have uninterruptible and cast on the move skills already. Force speed is the fastest instant run, (Mara needs stacks first). Multi target push with root not good enough as a dcd now? well throw in self healing, a mara does not have that without specing or a utility point wasted on a trash heal.


Their dps should fit their defences, ie not top class as well. Saying that snipers and merc DPS are way to high for their defences now. Snipers have the second best defenses to sorcs and get them all again. Mercs 3rd even with trauma regultors and adrenal boost just because of the long cooldowns and lack of mobility unless they take the sheild cooldown utility. Some people may readjust the order but even stealth doesn't compare to some of the things these classes can do.

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Sorcs have top class dcds. Even a sniper can't just appear else where on the map way out of range and sight of the enemy. God bubble and the after shield are the best defences in game, 0 damage from anything not just 98% reduction or only aoe. They have uninterruptible and cast on the move skills already. Force speed is the fastest instant run, (Mara needs stacks first). Multi target push with root not good enough as a dcd now? well throw in self healing, a mara does not have that without specing or a utility point wasted on a trash heal.


Their dps should fit their defences, ie not top class as well. Saying that snipers and merc DPS are way to high for their defences now. Snipers have the second best defenses to sorcs and get them all again. Mercs 3rd even with trauma regultors and adrenal boost just because of the long cooldowns and lack of mobility unless they take the sheild cooldown utility. Some people may readjust the order but even stealth doesn't compare to some of the things these classes can do.


Thanks for educating me, i knew none of the above. :mon_eek:


Comments like the above and biowares inability to differentiate between brickheads and players who actually have a clue are the biggest problem this games balance has. We definately need a platform where acknowledged good players can communicate with devs about balance without inteference of such brainless comments like the above. Still cant believe you actually voted sorcs defensive above sniper/merc while not even mentioning sentinel. How can a human beeing be that ignorant jeez

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Sorcs have top class dcds. Even a sniper can't just appear else where on the map way out of range and sight of the enemy. God bubble and the after shield are the best defences in game, 0 damage from anything not just 98% reduction or only aoe. They have uninterruptible and cast on the move skills already. Force speed is the fastest instant run, (Mara needs stacks first). Multi target push with root not good enough as a dcd now? well throw in self healing, a mara does not have that without specing or a utility point wasted on a trash heal.


Their dps should fit their defences, ie not top class as well. Saying that snipers and merc DPS are way to high for their defences now. Snipers have the second best defenses to sorcs and get them all again. Mercs 3rd even with trauma regultors and adrenal boost just because of the long cooldowns and lack of mobility unless they take the sheild cooldown utility. Some people may readjust the order but even stealth doesn't compare to some of the things these classes can do.

Most of your points are kinda moot.


"Not just 98%" do you realize 98% is pretty much 100% at that point? On top that 98% you're talking about, they can cast during the duration. The best thing about force barrier is the buff it gives not the fact it's 100% instead of 98%. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying your point is.. pointless. And really. Pretty much every class has a similar ability and most of them can cast during the duration. So I wouldn't give src a big point there.


And you have to realize every other point you make, almost every class have something similar. And really the whole point here, what is the point of DCD if you can't kill a damn thing if you survive. I pretty much end up healing for 1.5mil every match. Usually also high on the DMG chart if not first 90% of the matches. But somehow, barely manage to get a killing blow. Getting a single killing blow might be my rarest medal. Then, you have to consider, if you play competitively you ARE gonna get netted. Good luck.


It's quite rediculous that we have sub par sustained DMG and our biggest hit will Crit for 15k tops. I get killing blow on me of over 40k all the time.


If we are not gonna get a better burst, we need at very least a flat out 10% DMG increase access the board.


Remember, even if our survivabilty was nearly as good as you it is, it's pointless if you can't kill ****.

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Thanks for educating me, i knew none of the above. :mon_eek:


Comments like the above and biowares inability to differentiate between brickheads and players who actually have a clue are the biggest problem this games balance has. We definately need a platform where acknowledged good players can communicate with devs about balance without inteference of such brainless comments like the above. Still cant believe you actually voted sorcs defensive above sniper/merc while not even mentioning sentinel. How can a human beeing be that ignorant jeez


Because while a mara has three shields only one of them has a major effect 1 is ok and the other has a short cooldown. The other defences like pacify need to be in range to be active. Knockbacks, and sprints are in abundance now. Please tell me how do you counter god bubble without a net? how do you gap close a sniper in cover? how do you build rage on a sniper without jump or using your root break stacks on resource points? A 20% damage reduction while stunned compared to reflect and heal shield of mercs or god bubble by sorcs or never even get stunned by snipers? Yes I don't think maras are in this league. They are ok, they are playable, and should be standard for melee, but ranged and better with higher dps output (except sorc and the reason why this thread exists)? please this is to much. Sorc dps fits it's dcds weak dps strong dcds. Mara good at each but not excellent at either. Snipers and merc excellent at both.


It's thanks to people like you that don't play all the classes and people who don't want to die but live forever has this game in this state. I loved swtor for years, I played so much more in versions 1 and 2. Since 3 this game has taken a huge down turn, and sadly continues.

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Most of your points are kinda moot.


"Not just 98%" do you realize 98% is pretty much 100% at that point? On top that 98% you're talking about, they can cast during the duration. The best thing about force barrier is the buff it gives not the fact it's 100% instead of 98%. I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying your point is.. pointless. And really. Pretty much every class has a similar ability and most of them can cast during the duration. So I wouldn't give src a big point there.


And you have to realize every other point you make, almost every class have something similar. And really the whole point here, what is the point of DCD if you can't kill a damn thing if you survive. I pretty much end up healing for 1.5mil every match. Usually also high on the DMG chart if not first 90% of the matches. But somehow, barely manage to get a killing blow. Getting a single killing blow might be my rarest medal. Then, you have to consider, if you play competitively you ARE gonna get netted. Good luck.


It's quite rediculous that we have sub par sustained DMG and our biggest hit will Crit for 15k tops. I get killing blow on me of over 40k all the time.


If we are not gonna get a better burst, we need at very least a flat out 10% DMG increase access the board.


Remember, even if our survivabilty was nearly as good as you it is, it's pointless if you can't kill ****.


Sorcs are a support role to dps. The have range and should be picking on targets with already low hp. The melee does the grunt work and rhe range provides the extra to tip over the edge. Sorcs certainly have the right dcds to make sure they are in the right place at the right time. PVP is a team game. Don't focus one target on your own and expect every class to kill every other outright. It's through the combination of different skills.


I completely agree with you on the lack of kills though. I have stated on different threads many times and even on this one kills are to rare. To many classes have to many dcds. When the level cap was 50 and 55 dcds were a thing to use wisely and tanks made the difference now they make the game boring and impossible with sorc heals. Since caps at 60 classes have too many dcds and they are far to strong, plus they are growing in number. I only stated in a previous post maras are about right because they are there for this meta. I would love to see those reduced IF everyone else was as well.

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Because while a mara has three shields only one of them has a major effect 1 is ok and the other has a short cooldown. The other defences like pacify need to be in range to be active. Knockbacks, and sprints are in abundance now. Please tell me how do you counter god bubble without a net? how do you gap close a sniper in cover? how do you build rage on a sniper without jump or using your root break stacks on resource points? A 20% damage reduction while stunned compared to reflect and heal shield of mercs or god bubble by sorcs or never even get stunned by snipers? Yes I don't think maras are in this league. They are ok, they are playable, and should be standard for melee, but ranged and better with higher dps output (except sorc and the reason why this thread exists)? please this is to much. Sorc dps fits it's dcds weak dps strong dcds. Mara good at each but not excellent at either. Snipers and merc excellent at both.


It's thanks to people like you that don't play all the classes and people who don't want to die but live forever has this game in this state. I loved swtor for years, I played so much more in versions 1 and 2. Since 3 this game has taken a huge down turn, and sadly continues.


I have no idea in what twisted reality you live, but im a sentinel main, not sage, and ive played hundreds of teamranked games with him. If you dont acknowledge that sentinel has toptier defenses i cant help you, because every skilled player acknowledges that fact. You sound to me like a keyboard turning clicking sentinel who has no clue about anything. Jesus christ, sorc top level defensives? Dude i can shred any sorc with ease on my sent and that is not because im uberpro3k its because class balance is out of touch. Go try and play sorc dps in teamranked against a good team and see what happens. On my server every team that played with sorc dps last season got steamrolled so bad they all rerolled. There is no way you can play sorc dps competetive right now, and if you think otherwise youre living in a bubble of ignorance.

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I am a Sniper, and to be honest, when I am guarding and I see a Lightning Sorc running my way, my reaction is "Meh, don't bother coming to help, I'll deal with it ...." I can hardly feel any damage .. and I can down him with Eng and MM easily, even if he bubbles up. Haven't tried on Virulence. However, if madness sorc comes my way, I am a little worried.


Lighting could use a buff

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Because while a mara has three shields only one of them has a major effect 1 is ok and the other has a short cooldown. The other defences like pacify need to be in range to be active. Knockbacks, and sprints are in abundance now. Please tell me how do you counter god bubble without a net? how do you gap close a sniper in cover? how do you build rage on a sniper without jump or using your root break stacks on resource points? A 20% damage reduction while stunned compared to reflect and heal shield of mercs or god bubble by sorcs or never even get stunned by snipers? Yes I don't think maras are in this league. They are ok, they are playable, and should be standard for melee, but ranged and better with higher dps output (except sorc and the reason why this thread exists)? please this is to much. Sorc dps fits it's dcds weak dps strong dcds. Mara good at each but not excellent at either. Snipers and merc excellent at both.


It's thanks to people like you that don't play all the classes and people who don't want to die but live forever has this game in this state. I loved swtor for years, I played so much more in versions 1 and 2. Since 3 this game has taken a huge down turn, and sadly continues.


No disrespect, but almost all this post is incorrect. Yes, your average Joe on mara tend to suck, but that has more to do with class learn ability floor and nothing to do with ceiling. Sorc floor is low. Dot and DF. If you are about to die bubble. This has nothing to do with efficiency of the class.


Sorc dps suck. And the margin between them and other classes is substantial.

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I have no idea in what twisted reality you live, but im a sentinel main, not sage, and ive played hundreds of teamranked games with him. If you dont acknowledge that sentinel has toptier defenses i cant help you, because every skilled player acknowledges that fact. You sound to me like a keyboard turning clicking sentinel who has no clue about anything. Jesus christ, sorc top level defensives? Dude i can shred any sorc with ease on my sent and that is not because im uberpro3k its because class balance is out of touch. Go try and play sorc dps in teamranked against a good team and see what happens. On my server every team that played with sorc dps last season got steamrolled so bad they all rerolled. There is no way you can play sorc dps competetive right now, and if you think otherwise youre living in a bubble of ignorance.


In ranked ok. Every team needs a mara for the buffs and they perform excellently as a dps. Yes I agree with you. But let's be honest who cares about ranked anymore? I have the deadly contender tag from when ranked was 8v8. I have plaed the first few seasons of arenas and I did quite well if I remember. But this season and the grind to win, cxp hunters, no rewards worth playing for, who cares? I play casually now and I am only 135cxp rank on my highest character. I am talking regs, where most people pvp.

Edited by Purgamentorum
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In ranked ok. Every team needs a mara for the buffs and they perform excellently as a dps. Yes I agree with you. But let's be honest who cares about ranked anymore? I have the deadly contender tag from when ranked was 8v8. I have plaed the first few seasons of arenas and I did quite well if I remember. But this season and the grind to win, cxp hunters, no rewards worth playing for, who cares? I play casually now and I am only 135cxp rank on my highest character. I am talking regs, where most people pvp.


Who cares about balance in regs? Class balance is not an important factor when determining the outcome of regs, because matchmaking (skilllevel, premade) is way more important

You can even dominate regs with lethality operative if you know what youre doing. You can make dps jugg work. You can be successfull in regs with literally everything because matchmaking (teamcomposition, skillevel) matters much more.


If you want to balance classes you need to look at how they perform at comparable skillevel.


Ofc in regs sorc can perform very good. The reason is how defensives work. Basically in swtor there are two forms of defensives:

1. Damage mitigation

2. Selfheal


While selfheal works very good in 1vs1 encounters, or when theres little damage incoming, it doesnt scale with multiple persons attacking you. For example: if some guy is hitting you for 30k, about the half will be absorbed from static barrier. But If theres 3 guys hitting you for 30k each, only 1/6 of the damge will be absorbed.


So basically, the lower the incoming damage, the better sorcs defensives. So on a very low skillevel, where people do around 2k dps, sorcs defensive may feel balanced or even superior.

However, the more damage incoming, the better damage mitigation skills become. 25% damage reduction will stay 25% no matter if you get 1k damage incoming or 1000k. That is why on higher skillevels, sentinel is toptier defensive wise, because the higher the skillevel, the more damage flies around.


Btw. this is true for all speccs that rely on selfheals. Lethality operative or jugg dps are other examples. Their selfheal may seem appropriate in lowever skilllevels, but in games with higher skilllevel, and that is true for ranked AND REGS, their selfheal is meaningless.


btw2. this is also the reason why merc and sniper are currently so strong, because they have the best of both worlds. They have very strong damage mitigation skills AND ludicrous selfhealing.



Sorc dps needs some of his selfhealing changed to damage mitigation skills, so people dont just tunnel sorcs, because thats what people currently do. Just dps the sorc with multiple people until either he or the tank dies.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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Who cares about balance in regs? Class balance is not an important factor when determining the outcome of regs, because matchmaking (skilllevel, premade) is way more important

You can even dominate regs with lethality operative if you know what youre doing. You can make dps jugg work. You can be successfull in regs with literally everything because matchmaking (teamcomposition, skillevel) matters much more.


If you want to balance classes you need to look at how they perform at comparable skillevel.


Ofc in regs sorc can perform very good. The reason is how defensives work. Basically in swtor there are two forms of defensives:

1. Damage mitigation

2. Selfheal


While selfheal works very good in 1vs1 encounters, or when theres little damage incoming, it doesnt scale with multiple persons attacking you. For example: if some guy is hitting you for 30k, about the half will be absorbed from static barrier. But If theres 3 guys hitting you for 30k each, only 1/6 of the damge will be absorbed.


So basically, the lower the incoming damage, the better sorcs defensives. So on a very low skillevel, where people do around 2k dps, sorcs defensive may feel balanced or even superior.

However, the more damage incoming, the better damage mitigation skills become. 25% damage reduction will stay 25% no matter if you get 1k damage incoming or 1000k. That is why on higher skillevels, sentinel is toptier defensive wise, because the higher the skillevel, the more damage flies around.


Btw. this is true for all speccs that rely on selfheals. Lethality operative or jugg dps are other examples. Their selfheal may seem appropriate in lowever skilllevels, but in games with higher skilllevel, and that is true for ranked AND REGS, their selfheal is meaningless.


btw2. this is also the reason why merc and sniper are currently so strong, because they have the best of both worlds. They have very strong damage mitigation skills AND ludicrous selfhealing.



Sorc dps needs some of his selfhealing changed to damage mitigation skills, so people dont just tunnel sorcs, because thats what people currently do. Just dps the sorc with multiple people until either he or the tank dies.


This is a great description of how DCDs work. The heal 2 full DCDs derail the game play in absence of competition and do not do much in it is presence. This creates q highly polarized experience that reduces the game play quality in all forms of PvP. I really wish devs take that in consideration for balancing survivability for Sorc, ops and jug. This would make a huge difference for these classes effectiveness to remove some of healing in favor of damage mitigation (wither reduction or avoidance).

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i'm playing a tk sage in pvp. there you have a nice burst, if you do it right. you have great defense skills and many possibilities to disturb the enemy team. but of course, you need to know what you are doing. also the different kind of attacks will make you a nice mando-hunter.


so in pvp this class is really nice to play.


but it is the opposite in pve. there a dps sage is nearly useless for higher contents. the only usefull master mode sage would be the healing one. (exaggeration). there we need a bigger boost for dps. not for pvp. maybe it is possible you could add mechanics from a shadow, that you need to charge stacks for your blast. this could be a ways working in pvp and pve

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i'm playing a tk sage in pvp. there you have a nice burst, if you do it right. you have great defense skills and many possibilities to disturb the enemy team. but of course, you need to know what you are doing. also the different kind of attacks will make you a nice mando-hunter.


so in pvp this class is really nice to play.


but it is the opposite in pve. there a dps sage is nearly useless for higher contents. the only usefull master mode sage would be the healing one. (exaggeration). there we need a bigger boost for dps. not for pvp. maybe it is possible you could add mechanics from a shadow, that you need to charge stacks for your blast. this could be a ways working in pvp and pve


tk sage being a mando killer?


Wut? If there is one class that can thrash a sorc while barely taking any damage right now its a gunnery mando.


They chaff flare and absorb the next up to 5 force attacks in the next up to 10 seconds, and electro-net prevents your 2 best DCDs from being used. Also even TK has a good part of its damage on Dot (Mind crush and weaken mind) which if the correct utility is chosen, can be subject to a permanent 30% DR. The rest has to go through the heavy armor, and the DCD.


Meanwhile, the kinetic attacks of the merc won't lose much against your light armor.


Sure, if you get the drop on one while its busy, doesnt realize you are there and attacking him (altough being under attack from a TK sage is kinda obvious from the flying bubbles) with Mental Alacrity and force potency powered opening you'll take a good chunk of health off, but you'll still get handed your butt rather fast if the mando is half competent at its class.


Currenty DPS sorc/Sage can sometime look good on scoreboard from the rotationnal AoE/DoT spread, but avoid being dragged into a 1vs1 with any competent player. You'll never come out on top.

Edited by verfallen
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Who cares about balance in regs? Class balance is not an important factor when determining the outcome of regs, because matchmaking (skilllevel, premade) is way more important

You can even dominate regs with lethality operative if you know what youre doing. You can make dps jugg work. You can be successfull in regs with literally everything because matchmaking (teamcomposition, skillevel) matters much more.


If you want to balance classes you need to look at how they perform at comparable skillevel.


Ofc in regs sorc can perform very good. The reason is how defensives work. Basically in swtor there are two forms of defensives:

1. Damage mitigation

2. Selfheal


While selfheal works very good in 1vs1 encounters, or when theres little damage incoming, it doesnt scale with multiple persons attacking you. For example: if some guy is hitting you for 30k, about the half will be absorbed from static barrier. But If theres 3 guys hitting you for 30k each, only 1/6 of the damge will be absorbed.


So basically, the lower the incoming damage, the better sorcs defensives. So on a very low skillevel, where people do around 2k dps, sorcs defensive may feel balanced or even superior.

However, the more damage incoming, the better damage mitigation skills become. 25% damage reduction will stay 25% no matter if you get 1k damage incoming or 1000k. That is why on higher skillevels, sentinel is toptier defensive wise, because the higher the skillevel, the more damage flies around.


Btw. this is true for all speccs that rely on selfheals. Lethality operative or jugg dps are other examples. Their selfheal may seem appropriate in lowever skilllevels, but in games with higher skilllevel, and that is true for ranked AND REGS, their selfheal is meaningless.


btw2. this is also the reason why merc and sniper are currently so strong, because they have the best of both worlds. They have very strong damage mitigation skills AND ludicrous selfhealing.



Sorc dps needs some of his selfhealing changed to damage mitigation skills, so people dont just tunnel sorcs, because thats what people currently do. Just dps the sorc with multiple people until either he or the tank dies.


What utter tat. You think the self heal is the sorcs biggest dcd? And you think there will ever be class balance in ranked pvp? The sniper and merc are strong not because there dcd's are so strong but because the attacks as well. Snipers perma slow and incredible damage and it's huge amount of dcd and you get them twice and no leap to cover make it strong.


In ranked, if you all want to go on about that, every team takes a sorc for heals mara for buffs, sniper pure damage and a sin tank. You may get 3 dps teams you might even see an operative if they desperately want stealth. Why? Because sorc heals make dcds less of a thing in ranked and sorcs/snipers are hard to kill in stunlock while maras make stunlock kills more obtainable. And when it comes to dcds in an open how fast can you dps smash fest phase walk is a major dcd, and the shield after god bubble is the best dcd. And every game you see played unless the opposition is completely uselss is going to acid. Sorc god bubble wins the game best dcds. Please ranked is boring. Que for that? why?


In team pvp or regs as it gets called by the ranked community to try and lessen it's value, these dcd's make the ttk impossible to create enough kills to get the objectives. I played a game the other night where the stalemate in mid was bad people just gave up. They left the winning team. Sat and watched. Went looking at the scenery. Stalemate games used to be a hard fought rarity and a good game, but now they are easy to achieve.


Ranked and peoples lack of willingness to die in it is killing this game. Ranked is only the rank out of a small handful of players who are just after a duck shoot. Every ranked game in the history of gaming has had 1 or 2 class options to win it. That advantage 1 certain class brings makes the tiny differences a player makes feel like top dog. Even when it was 8v8 here it was smash monkeys.


PS phase walk is 100% damage mitigation, 100% heal to full, stealth and disengage?

Edited by Purgamentorum
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tk sage being a mando killer?


Wut? If there is one class that can thrash a sorc while barely taking any damage right now its a gunnery mando.


They chaff flare and absorb the next up to 5 force attacks in the next up to 10 seconds, and electro-net prevents your 2 best DCDs from being used. Also even TK has a good part of its damage on Dot (Mind crush and weaken mind) which if the correct utility is chosen, can be subject to a permanent 30% DR. The rest has to go through the heavy armor, and the DCD.


Meanwhile, the kinetic attacks of the merc won't lose much against your light armor.


Sure, if you get the drop on one while its busy, doesnt realize you are there and attacking him (altough being under attack from a TK sage is kinda obvious from the flying bubbles) with Mental Alacrity and force potency powered opening you'll take a good chunk of health off, but you'll still get handed your butt rather fast if the mando is half competent at its class.


Currenty DPS sorc/Sage can sometime look good on scoreboard from the rotationnal AoE/DoT spread, but avoid being dragged into a 1vs1 with any competent player. You'll never come out on top.


L2P would be the short form.


at first you have to distinguish between group-play and 1vs1 play. in a group, you are the one,

who kills the mando, because you set permanent damage to them, via dots and fork-effects. if he

uses his dcds, you set him out of combat and if he rejoins it, it is your time to burst him to spawn.

if another dcd is ready, you have the dots and aoe effects, to drop'em and another proc on a high-dps-skill.

so except the dot sniper, this is a good way to hunt them. very good mandos are always hard to kill.

i don't say, that it is easy, but you can with the right movement and knowing the enemy.


in a 1vs1 what can a mando do against you? he has 1 skill to flee, after dcds run out. and in the other

time, you need to kite the mandos. you have +5m range. so use it. you do damage, while they can't.

also you have great selfheals, with an instant heal ignoring the cd, a hot and your shield. this is a

combination, together with the bigger range, to kill every mando. it will take time and you can't hold em

always out of range, but it is not that hard, even against good mandos.


but you are right, if you both stay in 5m range, the mando will win. so a bad sorc against a bad mando,

the mando will win, because of the higher dps.

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L2P would be the short form.


Yes. On your part.


at first you have to distinguish between group-play and 1vs1 play. in a group, you are the one,

who kills the mando, because you set permanent damage to them, via dots and fork-effects. if he

uses his dcds, you set him out of combat and if he rejoins it, it is your time to burst him to spawn.

if another dcd is ready, you have the dots and aoe effects, to drop'em and another proc on a high-dps-skill.

so except the dot sniper, this is a good way to hunt them. very good mandos are always hard to kill.

i don't say, that it is easy, but you can with the right movement and knowing the enemy.

Yes, if you are back by your team and the merc is alone. If the merc has a healer, you have a better chance of killing the healer. If he has a tank too, you can just forget it.


in a 1vs1 what can a mando do against you?

Anything he pleases. Literally.. You can't stop him.

he has 1 skill to flee

He doesn't have to, you do. lol

after dcds run out.

They won't. Not against a sorc dps...

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L2P would be the short form.


at first you have to distinguish between group-play and 1vs1 play. in a group, you are the one,

who kills the mando, because you set permanent damage to them, via dots and fork-effects. if he

uses his dcds, you set him out of combat and if he rejoins it, it is your time to burst him to spawn.

if another dcd is ready, you have the dots and aoe effects, to drop'em and another proc on a high-dps-skill.

so except the dot sniper, this is a good way to hunt them. very good mandos are always hard to kill.

i don't say, that it is easy, but you can with the right movement and knowing the enemy.


in a 1vs1 what can a mando do against you? he has 1 skill to flee, after dcds run out. and in the other

time, you need to kite the mandos. you have +5m range. so use it. you do damage, while they can't.

also you have great selfheals, with an instant heal ignoring the cd, a hot and your shield. this is a

combination, together with the bigger range, to kill every mando. it will take time and you can't hold em

always out of range, but it is not that hard, even against good mandos.


but you are right, if you both stay in 5m range, the mando will win. so a bad sorc against a bad mando,

the mando will win, because of the higher dps.


"How to beat a Merc for Lightning Sorcs" tutorial by fabsus. This should be pinned, it's so hilarious.


(And by hilarious, I mean you're hilariously out of touch with reality.)

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L2P would be the short form.


at first you have to distinguish between group-play and 1vs1 play. in a group, you are the one,

who kills the mando, because you set permanent damage to them, via dots and fork-effects. if he

uses his dcds, you set him out of combat and if he rejoins it, it is your time to burst him to spawn.

if another dcd is ready, you have the dots and aoe effects, to drop'em and another proc on a high-dps-skill.

so except the dot sniper, this is a good way to hunt them. very good mandos are always hard to kill.

i don't say, that it is easy, but you can with the right movement and knowing the enemy.


in a 1vs1 what can a mando do against you? he has 1 skill to flee, after dcds run out. and in the other

time, you need to kite the mandos. you have +5m range. so use it. you do damage, while they can't.

also you have great selfheals, with an instant heal ignoring the cd, a hot and your shield. this is a

combination, together with the bigger range, to kill every mando. it will take time and you can't hold em

always out of range, but it is not that hard, even against good mandos.


but you are right, if you both stay in 5m range, the mando will win. so a bad sorc against a bad mando,

the mando will win, because of the higher dps.


If you want to say "L2P" might actually need to study your different classes a little.


What can a mando or merc do 1vs1 with a sorc?


Outdps, outselfheal and wipe the floor with him.


Along the way pop energy shield for the constant damage reduction and the big self-heal at the end, chaff flare when you are casting a turbulence, keep cure activated on myself to reduce your dot damage by 30%, I can also sacrifice a little dps to use my tracer lock on rapid scan along with emergency scan for self-heals, but mostly I'll get your health around 60%, line up my burst then electronet you, and you'll get HSM, railshot, blazing bolt TM blazing bolt to survive, without your force speed, phase walk or bubble. Normally won't even need my reflect and kolto to deal with you.



I totally believe you can kill some merc 1vs1 if you are a good player with a sorc, that kites and self-heal. Some just sit there, spam tracer HSM and blazing bolt, dont kite and seem to forget they have heals. And when they pop their reflect and that you DoT/aoe them, they are often very surprised at dying.


But I've fought some VERY good sorc dps with my merc, and while they are effectively annoying in a group when protected, they aren't more annoying than a good sniper or another merc freecasting that knows its rotation. And they all avoid 1vs1 like the plague, standard operating procedure they use when cornered is get the hell out of there.

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ok Fabsus..i give you the benefit of doubt..your sorc and my merc is fighting 1 vs 1..i used my reflect,,energy shield,,kolto surge,,chaff flair and electronet..you still alive and i got like 20% hp left..also wz med pack are used up..all my dcd's are on cooldown..


this scenario seem like you got the match won..wait i pop tech overide then hit you with concussion blast..that's a 8 second mezz..which in that time i spam heals and get back to full hp.hit my load cells to regen cells..then kill you cause i'm back to full HP and at least my energy shield is back up..cause of energy rebound utility..


yes you will be mezzed cause you will use your cc breaker before the concussion blast mezz..if you didnt cc break the net or the stuns you be dead alrdy..as you see even when you think a merc or commando is down for the count..they still have a ace up there sleeve to play..


saying a sorc will beat a commando or merc head up..don't see it happening unless the merc suck really bad..commandos / mercs have the skills to win a battle and the tools to win a war..

Edited by Xertasian
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The Plasma/ Pyrotech parse cracks me up.


Im sorry, before they touch sorcs, they need to do something about plasmatech / pyro. They are under HALF of the damage of other classes / specs.


I wish we had some real pyrotech parses. I tried it for a while in 4.x HM operations. For some reason I was able to parse almost 7k on Nefra. I wonder if Nefra has less resistance to elemental damage...? Pyro has great AoE and it should be at least as good as IO (used to be the shared spec), but it's not.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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The Plasma/ Pyrotech parse cracks me up.




I wish we had some real pyrotech parses. I tried it for a while in 4.x HM operations. For some reason I was able to parse almost 7k on Nefra. I wonder if Nefra has less resistance to elemental damage...? Pyro has great AoE and it should be at least as good as IO (used to be the shared spec), but it's not.


Yeah, the fact that both of plasmatechs dots do not spread when spreading their dots is one thing, and the other fact is that their dots are INCREDIBLY weak. I tried for the longest time for that spec to work, but its just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.

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Yeah, the fact that both of plasmatechs dots do not spread when spreading their dots is one thing, and the other fact is that their dots are INCREDIBLY weak. I tried for the longest time for that spec to work, but its just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.


Not saying plasmatech isn't weak but this is a sorc thread make one for plasmatech.

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