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The concept of peeling.


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People of the PvP forum, fellow Regstars and Tryhards..


Today I wish to address a long standing problem that exists, mostly, within the form of 4v4 arenas.


That problem is Peeling. Or rather, the lack thereof.

But let me first start with explaining what peeling even is.



The concept of peeling is to help your teammate, it be a healer/dps or even a tank,

survive things he cannot survive on his or her own.


Too often do I see people in arenas solely focussed, or rather, fixated on killing their target without any regard for what is happening around them.


If you are guilty of this, then your lack of awareness is costing you and your teammates games. Guaranteed.

Sometimes all it takes is 1 stun, 1 mez.. or even just 1 slow. All of theise can literally decide games.


If you're the kind of person that just runs after the healer across the entire map, even whilst your teammates struggling and slowly dying, then you should consider the fact that the loss is probably solely on you to blame.

However typically theise kind of people like to blame the others on the team for not going after the healer enough :rolleyes:



In order to win a game, you must first make sure you don't lose it. Defense ALWAYS comes before offense.


Thank you.

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Well, if u talking about 4vs4 especially. I have only one respond.

Its really hard to play solo, when u a newbie and have this at match:


3 healers enemy


We try to cc, control, slowing and other things. No way to win.


Well I mean, that won't be a ranked queue. The regular warzones 4v4 are an even bigger joke tbh.

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People of the PvP forum, fellow Regstars and Tryhards..


Today I wish to address a long standing problem that exists, mostly, within the form of 4v4 arenas.


That problem is Peeling. Or rather, the lack thereof.

But let me first start with explaining what peeling even is.



The concept of peeling is to help your teammate, it be a healer/dps or even a tank,

survive things he cannot survive on his or her own.


Too often do I see people in arenas solely focussed, or rather, fixated on killing their target without any regard for what is happening around them.


If you are guilty of this, then your lack of awareness is costing you and your teammates games. Guaranteed.

Sometimes all it takes is 1 stun, 1 mez.. or even just 1 slow. All of theise can literally decide games.


If you're the kind of person that just runs after the healer across the entire map, even whilst your teammates struggling and slowly dying, then you should consider the fact that the loss is probably solely on you to blame.

However typically theise kind of people like to blame the others on the team for not going after the healer enough :rolleyes:



In order to win a game, you must first make sure you don't lose it. Defense ALWAYS comes before offense.


Thank you.


I think this type of gameplay is equally prevalent in 8v8s as it is in 4v4s ranked or not.


I have noticed since coming back the last week or so while playing my healers a lot that no one peels. Ever. Seriously, I never get a peel.


I am always left kiting 1-4 dps around the map while trying to heal the team. On top of that, after the match ends I get no votes. That gives me a chuckle every time too.


Yeah, I know. Votes don't mean anything but damn, votes do show some appreciation from your team and makes it easier to accept the fact no one bothers to help you when you heal them in a wz. Basically it's a thankless position.


I also peel with my dps toons. If I see a healer or even a dps getting smoked on my team, I will spend global cooldowns snaring or stunning their attackers to try to help them.


That goes unnoticed too obviously, and even though my dps suffers from offhealing or trying to peel I still do it.


Honestly I end up thinking to myself I should have just went full dps because usually if I am trying to peel and help others our team is getting steamrolled and we lose anyway. Might as well deathmatch and see how much dps I can do. :p

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When I used to main a tank I always played that as "full peel mode". I figured my job was NOT to kill anything, it was to help the other guys on the team stay alive long enough to kill everything for me. :D


When I play my healer now, I have seen first hand how much some peeling can really make a difference, and I try to notice those that helped out... they get the first heals. I've also learned, that guy/girl who runs off into the enemy "backfield" chasing a kill... yeah, you get nothing unless you come back to ME. I'm not running after you to heal you.


When I play DPS I try to remember to help peel... but this seems a bit trickier. You can also run into a situation where you have a couple enemy going after the healer, and our entire team is trying to "peel" and meanwhile the rest of the enemy team is capping.


Or, if I leap at the enemy that is attacking the healer and try to "peel" did I just mess up the healer's mezz that would have kept them safe for 8 seconds? It's hard to tell sometimes in the heat of battle. I mean, it's not hard to tell if the enemy is already mezzed, and so leave them alone, but how easy is it for me to leap in "to the rescue" JUST as someone else (anyone else) hit them with a whirlwind or something like that.


So, I guess it's like everything else in PvP... trying to coordinate peeling in a PUG can be tough. And is "over peeling" just as bad as not doing it at all? I wonder if it might be.

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There is no such thing as over-peeling in 4v4. It can only ever be bad in 8v8. And that is very specific.

I already mentioned it musn't collide with team-interests.


8v8 is rather offtopic tbh, situations differ in that mode. And someone running after a healer the whole map there has other complications taht could actually be beneficial to your team.


I understand that this is daily struggle for healers everywhere, but lets concentrate on 4v4.

Where it'll decide games way sooner.

Edited by Evolixe
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When I used to main a tank I always played that as "full peel mode". I figured my job was NOT to kill anything, it was to help the other guys on the team stay alive long enough to kill everything for me. :D


When I play my healer now, I have seen first hand how much some peeling can really make a difference, and I try to notice those that helped out... they get the first heals. I've also learned, that guy/girl who runs off into the enemy "backfield" chasing a kill... yeah, you get nothing unless you come back to ME. I'm not running after you to heal you.


When I play DPS I try to remember to help peel... but this seems a bit trickier. You can also run into a situation where you have a couple enemy going after the healer, and our entire team is trying to "peel" and meanwhile the rest of the enemy team is capping.


Or, if I leap at the enemy that is attacking the healer and try to "peel" did I just mess up the healer's mezz that would have kept them safe for 8 seconds? It's hard to tell sometimes in the heat of battle. I mean, it's not hard to tell if the enemy is already mezzed, and so leave them alone, but how easy is it for me to leap in "to the rescue" JUST as someone else (anyone else) hit them with a whirlwind or something like that.


So, I guess it's like everything else in PvP... trying to coordinate peeling in a PUG can be tough. And is "over peeling" just as bad as not doing it at all? I wonder if it might be.


People don't peel enough for it ever to be an "overpeeling" problem.


I learned a long time ago the great dps seperate themselves from the good not in damage output but in seeing the entire field not just what they attacking.


A great dps not only does nice dps, they also know where their heals are and when to try to pull back and stay in range of heals.


Good dps tend to be the ones who can dps nicely but fail in making it so they actually can get heals without the healer having to chase them around.


I despise the dps that use LOS when you are targeting them to heal, or they run so far away that you have to literally chase them to keep them up. They basically put their healer in harms way by making the healer expose themselves to the enemy without support.


I found this to be really common now, aint seen one great dps in over a week now that not only does great damage but is aware of their healer in regs. Everyone of them has blinders on chasing kills.

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What gets on my nerves is heavy hitting shadows who in the end do 0 protection (solo ranked that is). I mean, my dps is often only half of theirs (still need to learn a lot), but 0 protection, really?


That is also bad. And taunts are a form of peeling. But it's a bit more passive. When it comes to a point when someone really needs help, you shouldn't count on taunts doing the job. You should actively use your stuns/mezzes and other cooldowns to help your teammates BEFORE you use them to kill enemies.

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I find the problem is that nobody tends to focus the other healers. This is more for unranked. Which means I usually am on the enemy healer to keep them tied up. Which means I'm not freed up to peel. If I could rely on my teammates to focus the healer I would have no problem peeling enemies focused on our healer.


Most players in unranked have little to no situtational awareness.

Edited by Damedius
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I find the problem is that nobody tends to focus the other healers. This is more for unranked. Which means I usually am on the enemy healer to keep them tied up. Which means I'm not freed up to peel. If I could rely on my teammates to focus the healer I would have no problem peeling enemies focused on our healer.


Most players in unranked have little to no situtational awarenedd.


Everyone has time to peel. If you don't, you make time.

Most classes can do CC from range in some way, you don't even have to be near the target.

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Everyone has time to peel. If you don't, you make time.

Most classes can do CC from range in some way, you don't even have to be near the target.

Well most players have time to tunnel the healer but they don't.


Most players in PvP just aren't that good.

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That is also bad. And taunts are a form of peeling. But it's a bit more passive. When it comes to a point when someone really needs help, you shouldn't count on taunts doing the job. You should actively use your stuns/mezzes and other cooldowns to help your teammates BEFORE you use them to kill enemies.


Oh yes absolutrly! Low slash and instalift rule :D

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Well most players have time to tunnel the healer but they don't.


Most players in PvP just aren't that good.


Your point? If I can make even 1 player aware of the fact they are going about PvP wrong with this post, it has achieved it's purpose. Although the more the merrier.

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Your point? If I can make even 1 player aware of the fact they are going about PvP wrong with this post, it has achieved it's purpose. Although the more the merrier.


Agreed. If you can just get through to a few people who then learn and pass it on, then the better people become. Gone are the days when we had heaps of good player or good pvp guilds who would pass on this info while in the game.

So everytime someone with experience posts some good advice on how to get better, those less experienced should take note.

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I peel. I also (usually) get a load of aggro for it. Sun, mezz, force-lift, pushback, knockback, slow, root, stun. - Just so the healer can run off and heal to full, leave their team to get focussed one-by one and then rant that we're a bunch of scrubs.

I've played all three roles. Peeling is nice when it ( rarely) happens, but I can fluff my numbers healing myself or my team - it's their choice.


And that's why arenas are so imbalanced - Even if you get a full trinity team, the others get 3 people, or someone bails or you get an AFK-er, or the other team sticks a big target over someone's head and bursts them down while the healer is continually CC'd.


IMHO worse thing they did in arenas was put names and roles in a box for you to read. - Would have been much better going at it blind like 8v8s.

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or the other team sticks a big target over someone's head and bursts them down while the healer is continually cc'd.


Thats hardly imbalance. Naturally if you don't help the "target" person, he will die. That is the whole idea of this thread -_-


Anyways, removing names and the likes wouldnt change much of anything. It would take a knowledgable player about 5 seconds to figure what's what.

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The best peel that is almost never seen nowadays (well, even in previous seasons, it was basically only 2k+ players or in general good team ranked players doing that) - cleansing. A sorc/operative/merc, I don't care if DPS or heal spec, should basically use his cleanse on cooldown. Best usage would be to cleanse stun/mezz, but cleansing even a debuff is massively beneficial. There is no excuse to not do it.

Take the time to learn what your class can cleanse (force, tech, whatever), it is going to help you become a much better player.

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Tanks are basically designed to be peelers, but next to no rolls as a tank with the proper mindset. Ask yourselves this: when was the last time a juggernaut tank guard-swapped to you and interceded as well? It basically never happens. I guess playing tanks the proper way e.g. not trying to be a DPS, is just too un-sexy for most. Even at solo ranked I see more healers than tanks.
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Unexperienced people are less likely to peel.

Its just like driving, when you learn to drive you have a harder time to keep track of signs, mirrors etc etc. As you get experience this happens automatically.

People that are uncomfortable with their rotations and what not, will not see things like "oh **** our healer is getting rekt" but will instead, after the round complain about the heals he didnt get.


But even if people cant apply this to actaul gameplay its a good thing for people to think about.

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Unexperienced people are less likely to peel.

Its just like driving, when you learn to drive you have a harder time to keep track of signs, mirrors etc etc. As you get experience this happens automatically.

People that are uncomfortable with their rotations and what not, will not see things like "oh **** our healer is getting rekt" but will instead, after the round complain about the heals he didnt get.


But even if people cant apply this to actaul gameplay its a good thing for people to think about.


People like to blame others, while they never really go in search for what actually went wrong. And when you tell them how it is, pretty every individual goes straight into denial.


Like.. I don't really care that you did something wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. The point is that you learn from it.

If someone tells you that you're doing something wrong, the very least you can do is consider the fact that person might be right. And then you can use that information to your own betterment.


Always going in denial really doesn't help you at all.

Edited by Evolixe
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What are these peels you're talking about? naturally the only way to go about this is to send all three at their healer while they send all three at ours, and whoever dies first loses, 'cause they were obviously garbage.


I'm laughing at this.. but at the same time.. that is pretty much how most people go about arena. :rolleyes:

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I loved peeling with my Gunslinger.

But, as I remained a bad player, at one point I didn't see any point in doing so anymore and completely gave up playing my Gunslinger.

And, of course, people didn't even realize I was peeling. I saw my jop of peling to hinder the other team as much as possible to reach their goals - or to reach members of my team.

This involved leg shot or how it was called from a distance, for example, so that they couldn't attack the ball carrier, or the one who got through the voidstar door.

And of course no-one saw me. No-one noticed what I did. So I remained a BAD player, because I never reached high damage numbers.

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