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10 Good
  1. Meh, cancelled subscription now. Hats off for the unofficial fix but i dont feel like using it, basicly they won. Some gamer fixed the issue for them and people keep playing/paying, and the official fix will come who knows when.
  2. Same problem here... I7-12700k / MSI MPG Z690 / Windows 11
  3. Haha yes i noticed, "Ask and you shall recieve".. That was pretty funny
  4. Hope ur all good! Now to be that guy, It should be possible to atleast announce an ETA on update by now? i dont care if it takes another week but it would be nice knowing. Im guessing a few players are thinking if its worth grinding up that alt in ranked, or try to climb on X character etc.
  5. nellolello

    PvP Balancing.

    Yes of course it needs polishing on certain specs and classes. As long as the game is running it will need balance patches. You should still come up with ideas like "How about giving juggs 30% DR for 6s after they intercede" "Any damage a jugg do during Endure Pain is stolen". (meme examples) I doubt any dev is actually good at pvp so feeding them non-biased ideas is probably the best way.
  6. nellolello

    PvP Balancing.

    Pvp balancing, the most started thread in any mmo since forever...yawn. You have to be more precise about what you want to be done or this just seem like a babyrage thread. If you are a someone with good knowledge about the game and the classes why dont you give some advices on changes then.
  7. Yep, they should definitely be more stricter about the "bracket" matchmaking, on DM it feels like brackets are a thing when alot of players are in queue, you can usually see stacked games with people 1300+ put in the same games. However i think the system isnt waiting long enough for this to happen so if lets say there is 2 more people at 1500 rating that got "skipped", instead of letting these players wait out, they get a pop with people at 1000 rating which shouldnt happen. Atleast not as fast as it seems to be right now. I used to watch alot of LoL streams and even in a game with thousands of players at high elo, it wasnt uncommon with queue times upwards 15-30 minutes. But then you would always have games with people at Challenger down to Master. Maybe this is a bit too strict for swtor but i wouldnt mind waiting longer for pops to be at least a little tighter in terms of individual rating.
  8. Sounds like you want to make swtor into a terrible gw2 copy.. in gw2 you have no gear but you have a more complex build diversity via weapons/skill trees/amulets. Removing sets/tacticals and dumbing down classes to 12 skills? I dont even know what to say to this, if anything i would like to see MORE viable options of sets/tacticals. The only thing i could see is that you should be able to aquire these sets by playing pvp and not hoping for a piece to drop from Ops or from kai. I dont mind the way it is now with the vendor but then every set should be available there. If you take PTs for example the bis set "Emergency power" is either from Kai or ops which is kinda bad. I have no interest of playing regs with people who are level 1 and removing abilities/gear is not gonna stop veterans from farming new players out of the game. Or actually, dumbing down classes to a few skills will certainly make veterans quit. I know i would. The combat in gw2 is sooooo different that you dont need as many skills to make it interesting, its more about timing your skills rather then pressing buttons fast. The traditional style we have here requires more skills to make it interesting or you would fall asleep imo. Im using gw2 as a reference because of changes ur suggesting makes we think about it, but it just wouldnt work here. It would make this game a snoozefest.
  9. He does not play with force bound, and ofcourse you use defel, you're a meme if you dont use it...on any mara spec
  10. I mean is it as good as Fury? probably not but its not as trash as you all seem to think. I play combat in ranked atm and is doing allright most games, and you have carry potential to. There are alot of situations where you can secure kills in a hardstun etc. Perhaps a 6sec cc immunity after blade blitz or something could be cool but. Personally i dont want this spec to become FOTM.. Btw top rated mara on DM atm got there playing carnage.
  11. Not competetive to be able to tweak your build to be as effective as possible? I mean, are you even serious? Take League of Legends as an example, in champion select you see you will be facing "X" champion in top lane. You then have an option to change your runes (kind of like skillpoints) to optimize ur chance of winning the lane. As for solo ranked lets say you play sage against 4 ranged dps. Would you want to keep your stunbubble or wouldnt you rather be able to take something else? Do you think games similar to League of Legends would be as popular if you have to leave ur skillpoints and rely on sheer luck that those will perform okay?
  12. "Thanks for the helpful and insightful answers. I was just curious. And for the record, if you TAB around to your preferred target (as a Ranged), all the hopping and jumping in the world will not stop the game from selecting you as my target. It also won't stop any of my attacks, whether I am on Sorc, Merc, Sniper, or whatever. So, enjoy, I guess? LOL. " Also, it doesn't bother me or make me mad to see people do that. It is much more of a "Why on earth are you doing that?" I cant count how many knockbacks i have dodged from sorcs/sins by moving around them, if you have me targeted enjoy knocking me back when im behind/to the side of you. LUL..
  13. nah he aint trolling, sounds like the typical TRE rep scrub
  14. Unexperienced people are less likely to peel. Its just like driving, when you learn to drive you have a harder time to keep track of signs, mirrors etc etc. As you get experience this happens automatically. People that are uncomfortable with their rotations and what not, will not see things like "oh **** our healer is getting rekt" but will instead, after the round complain about the heals he didnt get. But even if people cant apply this to actaul gameplay its a good thing for people to think about.
  15. Sure just like mercs, snipers have been underperforming pre 5.0. You cannot complain now tho, sounds more like a l2p. Because im sure good snipers are not complaining.
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