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Is SWTOR Dying?


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I finally agree that it must be dying, 2 metrics to support this:


1.) MMO's with too many dead currencies is the truest sign of a dying MMO - swtor has WAY too many currencies, seems like I am finding a new one every couple days for some old worthless/useless reputation or something. All currencies should be limited to 1: credits.


2.) Last couple of weeks there are almost no players in the newbie areas. This is the end after all.


Your first point makes no sense. If you think there are too many currencies you should've seen this game a couple of years ago. Just credits is boring and uninspiring. The problem is that BW have a tendency to drop something new into the game and then just let it sit there. The reputation vendors have been here for a while. But the problem is that nothing new is added to them. They still have the same items as 2 years ago or however old they are. And they discontinued the currency (cartel certificates) from cartel packs even, which makes those vendors less interesting as well. BW just abandons most stuff in the game and with upping operations to the max level and introducing level sync the whole game is one big regurgitation fest.


As far as your second point...well, I'm a bit torn on that. Yes, I agree there are fewer players overall on the servers, but I go through the starter planet in just over an hour now on a new character. I think the second issue is that people go through them much quicker than ever before. That also pushes down the population numbers on the starter planet. There definitely are a lot more people in DK than on Korriban for example.


But is the game dying? It's not looking great, that much is clear. I do wonder if a next expansion will at least be announced with the next roadmap.

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I finally agree that it must be dying, 2 metrics to support this:


1.) MMO's with too many dead currencies is the truest sign of a dying MMO - swtor has WAY too many currencies, seems like I am finding a new one every couple days for some old worthless/useless reputation or something. All currencies should be limited to 1: credits.


2.) Last couple of weeks there are almost no players in the newbie areas. This is the end after all.


The only metric you need is the server status page on the website. It often shows no servers above low population during peak times. When the most populated servers still in the game show low status at prime times during both the week and weekend, you don't need any other metric to tell you the game is dying.

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Kind of why I am going with my online single player game. Regular updates with casual play and with it being single player I can get the social aspect in the forums, it just is a lot more appealing to me right now. I do hope though that a amazing SciFi MMO does come out perhaps there will be a Blade Runner MMO that would be extremely interesting! :)
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UGH!!! Why can't someone do a scifi MMO? Don't we have enough sword and wizard ones already??? Anything remotely scifi, I'd be tempted to try...just not another sword and elf game...:(




Still immense fun gameplay wise (ESO is the only game with better gameplay IMO), and the setting is cool as well.

Still being supported, but it is sparsely populated these days.


All The Best

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is this new "shared world" experience where MMOs are going to now? I actually had to look it up last week when someone mentioned Anthem. Destiny appears to be in a similar boat as that, as well. I guess, on some planets, its like a shared world experience in SWtOR.... i kid.


i still have much to do here, though. i scrambled yesterday to complete a personal conquest for the second time since they were introduced. was the first time I accidentally completed a bunch of the requirements and decided to finish it up. i did the train FP last night for the first time. the folks i was with were moving so fast that i wasnt able to turn my graphics down so i could get more than 1fps so i didnt really enjoy the train part at all. in fact, i was about to drop group, but they seemed pretty OK so I didnt.


on topic, I would simply rather they put more into this game and get back to being Star Wars. I have made it a goal, though, to finish up (begins whispering) chapter 16 so that i can get to ET...(stops whispering) and I plan on doing that after i learn more about conquests.


however, i still dont believe the game is dying. its not in a good place right now, but that can be fixed. they just need to the time, talent, and money to do just that. i think they should get the folks from the CM market team. they seem to be able to come up with stuff pretty quickly (rolls eyes).

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Still immense fun gameplay wise (ESO is the only game with better gameplay IMO), and the setting is cool as well.

Still being supported, but it is sparsely populated these days.


All The Best


loved the look of wildstar but the combat ruined everything about it.. everything is just all about the ground telegraphs and it makes for some boring class design. sure dodging stuff can be fun but not when everything is centered around it.

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is this new "shared world" experience where MMOs are going to now? I actually had to look it up last week when someone mentioned Anthem. Destiny appears to be in a similar boat as that, as well.
I believe you're correct. I think this is where "MMOs" are heading.
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I believe you're correct. I think this is where "MMOs" are heading.


yeah seems it is easier to make it "look" like a game is thriving when all servers are shared. if I have the right idea.


their is one SciFi MMO no one has mentioned. but for me I just cant delve to deep into it and for immersion its great for back story but it rates a Meh for me for a few reasons. 1. being the multiverse, I think it got lost in its story there.


here's the link...




also for a modern day MMO with a twist however it has ties to EA but it is interesting would be this one




anyhow one might consider these. :)

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SWL is TSW re-released, they are literally advertising old content as "new", for example the New York Raid is many years old.


All they did was redo the combat to work like a console. You cannot move with a mouse, your mouse is tied to the reticule which cannot be turned off. Basically they took a really complex MMO and made it a shooter. :eek:

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Short answer is yes, but then again that's no different to any other game after its been out for some time. How long does this game still have? well ask a hundred players, you get a hundred different answers.


The very first thread I ever read on this forum was the games dying. That was 3+ years ago. Well may be longer time has very little meaning to me. It was a few weeks after this game started its F2P, whenever that was? Games still here.

Yes one day it will end, until then I intend to continue until it eithers ends or BW force a server merge. In which case I'd leave anyway.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Short answer is yes, but then again that's no different to any other game after its been out for some time. How long does this game still have? well ask a hundred players, you get a hundred different answers.


The very first thread I ever read on this forum was the games dying. That was 3+ years ago. Well may be longer time has very little meaning to me. It was a few weeks after this game started its F2P, whenever that was? Games still here.

Yes one day it will end, until then I intend to continue until it eithers ends or BW force a server merge. In which case I'd leave anyway.


Here is the real Jist on a dead game: one that is no longer supported by either your current operating system. or cannot run on your current PC. mostly I am referring to old games that cannot currently run on new Tech unless ported to it.


but here is the sad part. SWTOR isn't compatible with Windows 10 and at its current state on some machines unplayable due to specific bugs that have been around since launch...


So where exactly does this put us?

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Thinking about it...for PC that is :) Got a good friend playing it on XBOX who loves it...and he's hard to argue with...he's been here since launch.


Well it's not entirely an MMO but it might do the trick. What keeps me from playing Destiny is the fact that the game is first person view. I prefer 3rd person where I can actually see my character and have a better overview.


If that doesn't bother you though, then you might as well give it a spin I'd say.

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The more I think about this question, the more I need to correct my assessment...it's not dying, it's purposefully being killed.


That's become my current perspective - I rarely contact support and all they seem to do is close tickets with automated responses instead of addressing the issue. The main I grinded into full 248s is getting nerfed hard yet my merc has basically become a mage tank and is far stronger than it ever was in previous versions.

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