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Attn : New PvPers Hypergates


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Maybe if GC grind wasnt so "fruitful" in PVP the "newbs" wouldnt go into it. Dont sprout do "Uprisings" as a defence because atm the only real viable way to farm this sodding cxp is to either repeatidly run Black Talon vet mode or as you say become a newb in WZ.


I personally detest WZ, cant abide Hutt Ball but still go out to try my best when I know I am hoplessly out classed, it is soul destroying but I can't sit through another Black Talon run atm because I am burnt out.


If the GCXP for Dailies and Heroics made sense I would return happily to my PVE existence but there is no consistency. Some Heroics can take a couple of mins to complete and 20cxp for the finish yet there is one on Corellia were you need to kill 60 mobs and all you get is 20cxp for the that.... were as in WZ the same amount of time and kills would earn you 500-600


Quite literally surprised that the none pvpers aint all started huddling in the far corner singing Kumbaya


Nothing beats Veteran Uprisings in cxp/time. Not even ranked PvP since arenas usually go the full time or GSF, because you have to wait for a queue pop there.

Unranked warzones are a good way to earn cxp, no question... but they are far from the best.


Uprisings have another huge advantage: You get 1/3 of the cxp as token, which you can save until you have all your cargo bays filled with them and then use them all at once with a booster active while your side is victorious.


If you are a PvE player and go into warzones for cxp, then you're doing it wrong. Although I agree, heroics need a higher reward.


About the warzones themselves:

I've noticed an influx of new players there and mostly they are trying. But you also get more numbskulls now who can't even play their class properly, who don't cap or interrupt capture and who basically don't communicate except to complain about stuff later.


Addressed to the new players there:

If you have taunt, use it. Don't complain about not getting enough heals if the healer is busy keeping themselves alive while under focus. Learn to peel. CC exists for a reason, learn how it works and what Resolve is.


The loading screens, the tutorials and the tooltips explain 90% of a warzone to you, read it. Then ask questions. Say that you're new and someone will explain it to you. There are usually more than one way of doing things, watch and learn.


Voidstar's left and right are subjective from the spawn, when in doubt use east/west. (I had someone call "south" once though.) Unless the progress of both teams is identical, kills don't matter there. It's better to die while interrupting someone placing the bomb than staying alive while they succeed. Your death might give your team enough time to stop the enemy. If it does come down to kills, then your team screwed up at some point earlier already.


Alderaan: Don't try to cap/defend three turrets at once. Unless your opponents are seriously bad, this will just split your forces too much to be effective and you'll fail.


Odessen: Before you use a battlemod, read the tooltip of what it does. Don't use a red mod on a node your team controls. Don't use a mod if the round is almost over. Only activate a node with a green if you can then capture and hold it, otherwise you might as well just give it to the enemy. Pulling/pushing someone out of a node and then CC'ing them is faster than killing them (most of the time) if you want to capture anything.


Huttball: Control the middle so your team can pick up the ball each time. Have people stand at the right spots so you can pass it up to them quickly (or pull the carrier up if you can). Huttball is more about area control than about killing the enemy. With everyone in place and using their abilities properly, you can score every ~20sec, usually before the enemy team realizes what's going on.


Overall, don't make healers guard unless you have too many of them. Play to the strength of your class whenever possible (leave orbs in Hypergate to classes with speed, for example) and look what you could have done better yourself before blaming the team. If someone calls for help, go and help.

Focus the healer whenever there's no ball carrier to kill or someone to interrupt.

I could write more, but ... meh. There are tons of guides for PvP already, read them.


It's not like this is rocket science, there's no steep learning curve... once you understand the basics, you're 90% there.

Edited by DaemionMoadrin
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Huttball: Control the middle so your team can pick up the ball each time. Have people stand at the right spots so you can pass it up to them quickly (or pull the carrier up if you can). Huttball is more about area control than about killing the enemy. With everyone in place and using their abilities properly, you can score every ~20sec, usually before the enemy team realizes what's going on.

I agree with controlling the middle as long as it doesn't turn into "death match in the middle". I can't even count how many times I've been chasing the ball carrier alone because people just want to rack up kills in the middle. Or, when I have the ball, I get no support because the other seven members of my team just want to kill people.

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For the record the "new" PvPers are mostly there because of the amount of CXP given out.


Even then the meager CXP is not worth the downsides of having to GRIND with reluctant PvP'ers and the omnipresent chat-batchers (replace 'a' with 'i') who will blame everyone else for losing a match.


Again if you are new:

1. Make sure guard is chosen

2. Safety in numbers

3. Healer will always be targeted.

4. Use Merc/Commando/Assassin whenever possible.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I have the person guarding as my focus target so can see right away if they are fighting or not. Many times I end up being the one to call for help when I see that it is the 1 guard with me rushing to help vs 3 others.


That's actually a great idea, I think youre the first person I've ever heard who does that. I'm going to try it out myself :)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I usually guard nodes with my assassin in stealth. I can stun the attacker or two and call for help. That is where it gets frustrating when everyone ignores the call out and get mad when you can't kill 2 or 3 attackers by yourself. I don't care so much about the medals. Objective is to win the match.
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And, it should be added, if I'm running an orb to our node, that doesn't mean I'm coming to relieve you of guard duty. Many times I've seen our guarder go running towards the middle once they see someone bringing an orb.


Why wouldn't you relieve the guard for efficiency's sake if you're playing a dps class that can node guard (i.e., not Mara/Sent)? Your team's offensive back at mid is missing your dps the whole time it takes you to make that round-trip, but the current guard could start running and replace you at mid in half the time if you take over guarding for a spell.

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Ugh, this has been an issue since the beginning of mmo's. I've been getting small aneurysms in every game I've played because people ignore the base/flag/ball/. At some point, you become Zen - no amount of forum posts or typing in all caps will solve it. It is more elusive than world peace or your first million.


Why can't developers just give the people what they want? Large scale death matches with no objectives. I'd play that game all day long. Do we have that in this game? I keep getting thrown into huttball. -_-

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Not so fond of this "you cap it, you guard it". That's not a rule. That's something someone invented to get off the hook and not guard. The node is everybody's responsability. If you are not there to cap it and guard it yourself, you don't have the moral authority to complain about the node not being guarded. And please, don't volunteer anyone but yourself either.


If you see node is unguarded and you do nothing, you are responsible just as everyone else.


Guarding it's most of the time a thankless job, boring and yet with quite a lot of responsability, with a lot of potential to be raged at . So understandably, few are willing to do it. If you're not willing to do it yourself and you don't do it, you're part of the problem.


I don't know Trixxi and what s/he does or doesn't, but the people I see complaining in WZs about this, playing the "you cap it, you guard it" card are the ones who don't help and just keep farming medals and having their fun on mid.

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Maybe I'm weird as the fight in mid bores me but fights at the pylons are super fun for me.


For some classes - especially those with speed boosts - I will usually run to mid to start getting orbs. Especially sent/mara, as you boost everyone's speed on the way there and/or back.


If everyone else runs off, I'll stay instead, regardless of class - and then ask in chat if there's better choices for a guard.


If I am playing my 'Sin or Op, I will preferentially stay, even if others do, because that's just fun. You can often delay the cap against 3+ enemy with just stalls and little fighting at all - that delay is awesome for getting reinforcements too. But I am usually at their pylon, not ours, if I am a stealther. One situation I find myself in somewhat commonly as if playing a stealther is that I've run to their pylon to stall and then pulled off a cap. In that case, guarding is probably the most fun PvP in the whole game, due to the enemy reaction, especially if your team throws in and helps.

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Maybe I'm weird as the fight in mid bores me but fights at the pylons are super fun for me.


For some classes - especially those with speed boosts - I will usually run to mid to start getting orbs. Especially sent/mara, as you boost everyone's speed on the way there and/or back.


If everyone else runs off, I'll stay instead, regardless of class - and then ask in chat if there's better choices for a guard.


If I am playing my 'Sin or Op, I will preferentially stay, even if others do, because that's just fun. You can often delay the cap against 3+ enemy with just stalls and little fighting at all - that delay is awesome for getting reinforcements too. But I am usually at their pylon, not ours, if I am a stealther. One situation I find myself in somewhat commonly as if playing a stealther is that I've run to their pylon to stall and then pulled off a cap. In that case, guarding is probably the most fun PvP in the whole game, due to the enemy reaction, especially if your team throws in and helps.


Was in one game earlier today where after a while in round 2 no one capped the other side. As I was bringing an orb to our side, I checked the map and saw no one from our team there. So I ran from our pylon (which still had 2 guards because we had a stealth messing with us) all the way under the spawn point to get the speed boost and was able to cap the other side with a bit over 1 min left that round. They left it uncapped and unguarded that whole time.


I do find more and more games though where both sides are fighting at both pylons and have had several matches end due to time limits because both sides get stalled and no one caps.

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Not so fond of this "you cap it, you guard it". That's not a rule. That's something someone invented to get off the hook and not guard. The node is everybody's responsability. If you are not there to cap it and guard it yourself, you don't have the moral authority to complain about the node not being guarded. And please, don't volunteer anyone but yourself either.


If you see node is unguarded and you do nothing, you are responsible just as everyone else.


Guarding it's most of the time a thankless job, boring and yet with quite a lot of responsability, with a lot of potential to be raged at . So understandably, few are willing to do it. If you're not willing to do it yourself and you don't do it, you're part of the problem.


I don't know Trixxi and what s/he does or doesn't, but the people I see complaining in WZs about this, playing the "you cap it, you guard it" card are the ones who don't help and just keep farming medals and having their fun on mid.


It's the simplest way to stop people from running off. If one person goes to cap it, then they should guard it. Capping and running just allows the other side to cap.

If more than two run to cap, then that is a waste of resources and it's a good way for the other team to get a foot hold in mid.

Lots of people run to the pylon to get the cap medal and run off, which is pretty self. The person who goes there with the intention of capping and guarding should get the medal because they may sit there all round doing nothing.

If you don't have any intention in guarding and there are no enemy incomings, then you shouldn't run to the pylon.

Sure if you see it unguarded or see no one running to cap then you should see if you can do something about that, ie going to guard or pointing out there is no guard.

But at the end of the day, if you cap it, it is your responsibility as the capper to guard it unless you are relieved. Running off to farm dps is about as selfish as it comes.

So the answer is communication before the match. Seeing as most people don't communicate and don't even respond if you do, I say at the beginning, " if you cap it, you guard it ", so that there is no misunderstanding. I've tried to communicate more, but usually there is no answer. If people could actually be bothered to communicate their intentions before the match started, we wouldn't need a simplistic rule about capping.

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Maybe I'm weird as the fight in mid bores me but fights at the pylons are super fun for me.


For some classes - especially those with speed boosts - I will usually run to mid to start getting orbs. Especially sent/mara, as you boost everyone's speed on the way there and/or back.


If everyone else runs off, I'll stay instead, regardless of class - and then ask in chat if there's better choices for a guard.


If I am playing my 'Sin or Op, I will preferentially stay, even if others do, because that's just fun. You can often delay the cap against 3+ enemy with just stalls and little fighting at all - that delay is awesome for getting reinforcements too. But I am usually at their pylon, not ours, if I am a stealther. One situation I find myself in somewhat commonly as if playing a stealther is that I've run to their pylon to stall and then pulled off a cap. In that case, guarding is probably the most fun PvP in the whole game, due to the enemy reaction, especially if your team throws in and helps.


Mid can become a quagmire of attrition. With scenarios like "who ever has the most healers wins"

But it is a good way to bog down an enemy or take a foot hold so your team can run orbs.

Stalling a cap is a viable tactics and one that lots of people have trouble getting their heads around. They would rather run orbs than stop them capping. Even though stopping them capping will give a massive boost to your team.

But every game is different and people need to be flexible with their tactics. What is beneficial in one match maybe detrimental in another. People need to not be not so ridged in their approaches and have an open mind to more advanced tactics. But this also comes down to communication. Lots of people just don't listen or are too busy farming dps to care.

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Ugh, this has been an issue since the beginning of mmo's. I've been getting small aneurysms in every game I've played because people ignore the base/flag/ball/. At some point, you become Zen - no amount of forum posts or typing in all caps will solve it. It is more elusive than world peace or your first million.


Why can't developers just give the people what they want? Large scale death matches with no objectives. I'd play that game all day long. Do we have that in this game? I keep getting thrown into huttball. -_-


Not sure if you ever played WoW, some of those large scale map battles were awesome, but there were still objectives. The good thing was those objectives were fun and because there were so many people and it only took one person or two to do the objectives, the rest of the team could fully support them and at the same time have a pure combat experience.

Blizzard added fun devices to make maps interesting like ridding tanks, hot air balloons and running flags. Sure some maps had similar mechanics as swtor maps, but we could also queue for individual WZs.

Hutt Ball is actually my favourite type of map. While I know it's hated by some, others love it. Bio could have originally setup the queues to allow people to chose WZ "types", ie HB, capture and guard, race to the end, and death matches. People then could have chosen a category to queue for.


Now there isn't enough population to set it up like that without some major incentives to do certain maps because queue pops would be worse than they are now.

But they could do it "if" they were willing to look at how Blizzard addressed the issue of people favouring one sort of WZ over another and still keep the queue pops short.

First is to add more dailies for pvp and more weeklies or make the weekly a bit more complex.


1. Setup queues in certain categories for regs.

a. Hutt Ball (original and Quesh together)

b. Capture and guard for domination (Nova and Alderran)

c. Hypergates and Voidstar

d. Odessen

e. Arena

f. Random queue


2. Add a daily for completing one match of each. This can also count towards your current daily and weekly.


3. The random queue gives better rewards for a win.


4. Add two new weeklies.

a. One for completing all the dailies for the week. This would be a more complex weekly and would require effort to get some sort of special rewards. But not one that gives players with more time to play a combat advantage over people who can't complete this weekly. Maybe it could be some sort after weapon, armor shell, strong hold item, etc. but the reward would change weekly and rotate through the rewards every 3-6-12 months. If people missed a week, they would have to wait till it came around next time.

b. Have a "War Zone category of the Week" and run it each weekend. They can run this over 4 days to take into account different time zones. ie, Friday-Monday. This would give boosted rewards over normal. Each WZ catageory would get a turn before the rotation started again. This would require playing 3-5 matches to complete the weekly and it would contribute to completing the other normal dailies and weeklies.


I'm sure there are other ideas and ways of incentivising people to play each WZ, but it also leaves it open for people to chose if they want to play that category.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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