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For people who end the class story dark side... how exactly is this guy still in the Republic's good graces to even continue on in the storyline. Is it just ignored? (i.e. the "canon" ending is light side)


I always felt the Smuggler story simply ends at the conclusion of Corellia if you end it dark side. He just goes and become a crime boss somewhere. Same thing for a light side BH ending (Which is "non-canon" for obvious reasons).


We weren't talking about it from a story perspective we were talking about it from a numbers perspective.


Smugglers are probably the least played class, so if you could only continue 7 of the 8 storylines you would end up choosing whichever class is the least played to be the one that didn’t continue.


The actual plot and where things left off or whatever has no bearing on the situation. It’s a money/numbers thing. If they were only going to continue one of class storylines they’d continue whatever one was the most played regardless if it was the worst story of the class stories.


I actually think trooper would be the one left out myself. Not because I dislike trooper in the least, but because the lovable rogue archetype is already so heavily embedded into Star Wars canon (thank you, Han and Lando). In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, more Star Wars fans seem to find appeal in playing those sorts of characters and those sorts of stories over running around in stormtrooper-y looking pixels.


Again, it’s a numbers thing. If the Trooper was one of the most played classes there’s no way they’d axe the Trooper storyline over anything else no matter how bad the storyline was or no matter how much better another one might be fit. For instance if the Trooper was the most played class and Smuggler was the least and they could only continue 7 of the 8 stories there’s no way they’d ditch the Trooper over the Smuggler even if they had a really good Smuggler story simply due to the fact that the Smuggler is the least played class.


It comes down to money/numbers, not what’s best or makes the most sense.

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I think something focusing back on the Rakata, or expanding on Iokath...which imo got weird as far as lore goes.


Though putting focus back on Rakata gives a new expansion while getting the story line back to basic - which I think could be appreciated by the player base.


Because, as I stated, Iokath (and everything from Zakuul onward) got a little weird. The Rakata were an ancient, technologically advanced, society...correct? Yet the people of Iokath were the same....so where are they in previous lore? How did they not bump into each other? That could use some fun explaining.


I.E. People have talked about an outside faction showing up. --- Again, back to lore, (if we are to stay in it) the sides need to go back to being two solid factions fighting and not having this strange third faction involved. A stage should be set where a few thousand years later the Republic would be the dominating force. This next expansion could set that stage.


Have the Iokath or Rakata show back up, cause holy hell for the Empire...the Republic sees the chance to make their move...and bam! Back to two factions as the Outlander is pulled back into the fray.

Edited by lilithfae
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We weren't talking about it from a story perspective we were talking about it from a numbers perspective.


I am talking about the story. I'm talking about what class will be cut. I'm asking a question toward people who continued with a smuggler after a dark side vanilla game ending.

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Because, as I stated, Iokath (and everything from Zakuul onward) got a little weird. The Rakata were an ancient, technologically advanced, society...correct?


So are the Gree.


Yet the people of Iokath were the same....so where are they in previous lore?


They are a new addition. The Gree weren't always a thing either. They were added at some point. Same for the Rakata.


How did they not bump into each other? That could use some fun explaining.


Who says they didn't? They, along with the Gree, were all around at the same time. The Rakata were not able to enslave every single race they encountered.

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So are the Gree.




They are a new addition. The Gree weren't always a thing either. They were added at some point. Same for the Rakata.




Who says they didn't? They, along with the Gree, were all around at the same time. The Rakata were not able to enslave every single race they encountered.


What was the point of you quoting me?

Did you miss the part where I said it would be interesting if they were to make the next expansion exploring the Iokath since they were newly introduced? Because, that was the point. You answered rhetorical questions that answer themselves...




You didn't really accomplish in contributing to my post with that...or you missed my point and felt a need to point something out that was already stated as being understood.


Again: It would be worth exploring in the next expansion how the Iokath fit into the lore of ancient civilizations before the Sith Empire, alongside the Rakata, Esh-Ka, Sith and Gree.




Here, I will throw in my original quote.


Because, as I stated, Iokath (and everything from Zakuul onward) got a little weird. The Rakata were an ancient, technologically advanced, society...correct? Yet the people of Iokath were the same....so where are they in previous lore? How did they not bump into each other? That could use some fun explaining.

Edited by lilithfae
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I am talking about the story. I'm talking about what class will be cut. I'm asking a question toward people who continued with a smuggler after a dark side vanilla game ending.


I know you’re talking about the story, but when I first asked you that question about which class would get the axe, the question was based on the total number of class characters that exist in the game per class. You complained that the new storyline was too force centric, which is a common complaint, however given the total amount of force based characters in the game combined with the fact that the force/lightsaber focused content across all Star Wars media always tends to sell/perform better, it’s not really a surprise that the new storyline was force focused.


I said the Smuggler was the one that would most likely get the axe because I’m pretty sure there are far less Smugglers than there are any other class in the game. The person who responded to me was agreeing with that. You responded to that person based on Smuggler’s storyline however we weren’t talking about it from a story perspective, we were talking about it from a business perspective. If the Smuggler was the most played class it doesn’t matter how awkwardly it’s story ended, it (in this scenario) would continue onward by virtue of the fact that it’s the most played class.


You keep looking at things from purely a story perspective but the business/numbers/money part of SWTOR is always going to be the biggest influence on the game. What makes the most sense storyline wise will probably never line up with what makes the most sense business wise.


Also FYI despite the various ways that the class quests ended, each of the classes had Chapter 4 storylines outlined and ready to go had the game been successful enough to continue onwards with the class quests. Note that when I say “Chapter 4” I mean proper Chapter 4 Class Quest storylines, not Class Quests on Makeb. Makeb was originally planned as a free update that was later repurposed into 2.0/Chapter 4.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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Short and sweet...


Go back to Empire vs Republic. That seems to be the best choice at this juncture, and I think most people really want this!


Have it set up like ROTHC where both factions get a different story..

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Short and sweet...


Go back to Empire vs Republic. That seems to be the best choice at this juncture, and I think most people really want this!


Have it set up like ROTHC where both factions get a different story..


Agree. Separate stories per AC won't happen, but separate pub and imp stories should be In their bailiwick

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Time travel. I mean, it's the only cliche that hasn't been used yet, so let's embrace it. Valkorian comes back yet again, and you realize that the only way to save the universe is to travel back in time to before he gained OMGWTFBBQ powers and stop him. If you are the light side, you try to stop the Sith empire from ever forming. If you are the dark side, you try to take his place and become the founder of the Sith empire.
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Short and sweet...


Go back to Empire vs Republic. That seems to be the best choice at this juncture, and I think most people really want this!


Have it set up like ROTHC where both factions get a different story..


This was where I was attempting to go with the Rakata (and other ancient civilizations) suggestion. Bring back something from ancient lore - force the third faction back into the two.


I think the general consensus is to go back to Empire v Republic. I very much agree.

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something that expands on the gree and the story from terror from beyond, or simply drama within the empire and republic that leads to a war. a really great war story would be awesome actually. start the story with peace (a treaty of coruscant 2.0 of sorts), then have extremists push both sides to a conflict.
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What was the point of you quoting me?

Did you miss the part where I said it would be interesting if they were to make the next expansion exploring the Iokath since they were newly introduced? Because, that was the point. You answered rhetorical questions that answer themselves...




You didn't really accomplish in contributing to my post with that...or you missed my point and felt a need to point something out that was already stated as being understood.


Again: It would be worth exploring in the next expansion how the Iokath fit into the lore of ancient civilizations before the Sith Empire, alongside the Rakata, Esh-Ka, Sith and Gree.




Here, I will throw in my original quote.


Why are you even replying then. If you think my post was pointless just move along.

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I know you’re talking about the story, but when I first asked you that question about which class would get the axe, the question was based on the total number of class characters that exist in the game per class. You complained that the new storyline was too force centric, which is a common complaint, however given the total amount of force based characters in the game combined with the fact that the force/lightsaber focused content across all Star Wars media always tends to sell/perform better, it’s not really a surprise that the new storyline was force focused.


I said the Smuggler was the one that would most likely get the axe because I’m pretty sure there are far less Smugglers than there are any other class in the game. The person who responded to me was agreeing with that. You responded to that person based on Smuggler’s storyline however we weren’t talking about it from a story perspective, we were talking about it from a business perspective. If the Smuggler was the most played class it doesn’t matter how awkwardly it’s story ended, it (in this scenario) would continue onward by virtue of the fact that it’s the most played class.


You keep looking at things from purely a story perspective but the business/numbers/money part of SWTOR is always going to be the biggest influence on the game. What makes the most sense storyline wise will probably never line up with what makes the most sense business wise.


Also FYI despite the various ways that the class quests ended, each of the classes had Chapter 4 storylines outlined and ready to go had the game been successful enough to continue onwards with the class quests. Note that when I say “Chapter 4” I mean proper Chapter 4 Class Quest storylines, not Class Quests on Makeb. Makeb was originally planned as a free update that was later repurposed into 2.0/Chapter 4.


It's not about you or what you said. I'm asking a completely different question. I'm trying to not to be offensive, but you never seem to comprehend anything I post. I really don't know how to be any clearer.


This has nothing to do with that conversation. This has nothing to do with you statements. This is a completely separate line of inquiry.

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It's not about you or what you said. I'm asking a completely different question. I'm trying to not to be offensive, but you never seem to comprehend anything I post. I really don't know how to be any clearer.


This has nothing to do with that conversation. This has nothing to do with you statements. This is a completely separate line of inquiry.


You quoted a statement that was responding to me that had a statement of mine quoted in it, and then agreed with the poster as if what they were talking about was based on the story when in reality we were both talking about the numbers, not the story.


What you posted with or replied with made no sense to do, and yes, it does have to do with my statements because what you posted wouldn't even have been posted in the first place if it weren't for what I said originally. I was being quoted and responded to in the post.


Speculating that the Smuggler storyline would be cut just because it had the hardest place to continue from is pointless because not only did they already have a story line ready to go for it to continue from but also because class stories aren't continuing onwards anyways. The answer to the baffling question about the Smuggler storyline that keeps you awake at night is that they probably wouldn't have really even acknowledged it had things gone forward, much in the same way that most other plot elements get ignored once the story moves forward.


Once again, this all stemmed from you not understanding why they did a force focused storyline, but it was never that hard to understand why given the number of force based (player) characters in the game combined with the fact that force related stuff always markets/sells better with the SW brand. I don't know why any of that was so hard for you to understand.

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You quoted a statement that was responding to me that had a statement of mine quoted in it, and then agreed with the poster as if what they were talking about was based on the story when in reality we were both talking about the numbers, not the story...


Let's just stop there. I cannot believe you posted all that to tell me that I am indeed talking to you about your subject. (scratches head) I don't know if you're trolling or really as thick as you seem... In any case I'll be ignoring your replies from here on out.



Moving on.



To anyone who has ended the Smuggler storyline with the dark side option to become a crime boss, how does the Republic approach you when you start up False Emperor, RotHC, etc. Do they even acknowledge that you betrayed them? Or why they would trust you now? Or is it just glossed over?

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I guess they first should see the elephant in the room, what will be the transition of command ranks with a new cap level and new gear tiers.


it will be reseted to 0 ?

there will be a rollback to comms/crystals ?

there will be a new gear token system from certain game activities (ops/rank pvp)?


I find the lack of a roadmap .. disturbing

Edited by Alexandrozingsw
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There still seems to be a bit of confusion as to whether the republic and empire are preparing for war with each other or with you (the alliance). I've read arguments for either and both seem plausible.


I get the sense that with the upcoming focus on group content it's the Republic Vs Empire.


I feel like that despite the Eternal Alliance being a new third faction (purely in story only) that they're not really going to matter much going forward.


Given the bad reaction to the Eternal storyline and that it doesn't offer a ton of freedom going forward combined with the fact that it's been strongly implied/hinted that group content will become the next big focus of the game now that they've focused on story for the last two expansions I could easily see 6.0 being all about the Republic vs Empire and very few story bits that simply act as framing devices sort of like the cutscenes at that start and end Ops.


I believe that story wise things with return to the status quo of Empire vs Republic and the Eternal Alliance will no longer be anything. Either it's disbanded, you give control over to someone else, or it's folded into some other organization. Regardless, I think that the story will end up at the same place it was at the end of the vanilla game or 2.0 where it's just about the two factions and it'll basically be like 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 never happened.

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