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How much CXP do you think you should be getting?


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It kinda does work out about a rank per hour if my 1/2 dozen data-points are correct. ( between levels 50 and 70) - however by rank 70 the stretch to the next level is ticking up slowly, so that can only slow down soon. - That's doing WZ, GSF planetary dailies and Heroics almost exclusively, a few uprisings to check them out. - No CXP boosts and not gaming the system to always cash in stuff on the bonus day. - And disintegrating 98% of the 'reward' which was nothing but trash.


So if you immerse yourself in getting ( but not farming) CXP, the rank levelling is currently around the pace the studio designed. - at least up to around rank 90.


However, 2 CXP per gold mob, or 20 for a champion is tiny when you need several thousands to go up a rank.

The CXP for chapters, ops and FPs and uprisings are not worth the time it takes to complete- even with adding the daily bonus.

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However, 2 CXP per gold mob, or 20 for a champion is tiny when you need several thousands to go up a rank.


But you get 450 (512 or 513 with bonus) just for completing specific number of dailies/heroics on planet. Most of the time you don't even have to do all of them.

Edited by Halinalle
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However, 2 CXP per gold mob, or 20 for a champion is tiny when you need several thousands to go up a rank.

The CXP for chapters, ops and FPs and uprisings are not worth the time it takes to complete- even with adding the daily bonus.


The elite nerf is by far the worst. Yes people would farm it, but also you would be gaining ranks much more doing story and other solo stuff.


They could introduce the instances with 10 cxp per elite mobs and make world elites give 2 cxp, but people would still farm it.

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Everyone seems to be working from a scarce resource mentality. These are pixels. You can make as many as you want and buff players as much as you want, with no real loss to anyone.


Spent a few days in another MMO that shall not be named recently, right around the time of the snowball problems, and the contrast is shocking. You get rewarded every day for logging in, including good grade max level gear for a class of your choice once a week. You participate in the events and make major bank if you sell, for example, Wintersday consumables on the market. You never run out of sources of XP or crafting mats. Mechanisms are designed for maximum comfort and ease of use-- the market has an ebay-esque "buy it now" or "sell it now" function that you can use if you want.


Yet there's still stuff to quest for, things to do, etc. Reasons to play beyond rewards, but the rewards make everything feel so much more pleasant. You want to log in because nothing's a slog. You don't feel like someone's smashing you over the head with a billy club when you turn in a quest. The economy basically seems to be doing fine based on the abundance mentality they've cultivated.


Granted, the story is boring, and you really only can play it once per race before you can't take it anymore. But, if nothing else, that feeling of being "appreciated" is kind of nice. A happy lab rat coughs up more real-world money than a stressed out, burned out, annoyed rat.


Why shouldn't gearing be relatively easy for everyone? Gearing isn't the objective at all, is it? Isn't it playing endgame the way you want to to your capacity? So operating from this scarcity mentality only means that your ability to play is limited. And that includes the pool of players available to you if you're doing either advanced or easier endgame group content.


Eh, never mind.

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Everyone seems to be working from a scarce resource mentality. These are pixels. You can make as many as you want and buff players as much as you want, with no real loss to anyone.


Spent a few days in another MMO that shall not be named recently, right around the time of the snowball problems, and the contrast is shocking. You get rewarded every day for logging in, including good grade max level gear for a class of your choice once a week. You participate in the events and make major bank if you sell, for example, Wintersday consumables on the market. You never run out of sources of XP or crafting mats. Mechanisms are designed for maximum comfort and ease of use-- the market has an ebay-esque "buy it now" or "sell it now" function that you can use if you want.


Yet there's still stuff to quest for, things to do, etc. Reasons to play beyond rewards, but the rewards make everything feel so much more pleasant. You want to log in because nothing's a slog. You don't feel like someone's smashing you over the head with a billy club when you turn in a quest. The economy basically seems to be doing fine based on the abundance mentality they've cultivated.


Granted, the story is boring, and you really only can play it once per race before you can't take it anymore. But, if nothing else, that feeling of being "appreciated" is kind of nice. A happy lab rat coughs up more real-world money than a stressed out, burned out, annoyed rat.


Why shouldn't gearing be relatively easy for everyone? Gearing isn't the objective at all, is it? Isn't it playing endgame the way you want to to your capacity? So operating from this scarcity mentality only means that your ability to play is limited. And that includes the pool of players available to you if you're doing either advanced or easier endgame group content.


Eh, never mind.


Guild Wars 2!!!! right ?

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750 for Taris heroics? 750 for something you can do without a companion? Really?

650 for Coruscant heroics? 650 for something you should be doing without companion? Really?


fuggit, at the rate I am disintegrating, I want a CXP crate per warzone medal

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Yep :D It's still boring, though.


yeah it is . And I know alot of peoples made alot of recommandations for them to change stuff and add things like alignement and such and they wont budge .


Ah I still have it installed..but while its pretty...your story is sooooooooo boooring . You are the sidekick for the heroes lol


which is too bad . cose everything else is still good . The npc move around , there is a huge world to travel . and many species to play and class .

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I don't care. I can't plan my objectives in the game as with the old commendations / crystals system. In 4.0 I could plan to play a weekly, or heroic or whatever to stack crystals for gear. It could take me 2, 3, 4 or more weeks for a piece of gear, but i could make plans. Actually is pointless to set objectives for gearing, to me. Actual rewards aren't appealing rewards to be motivated myself to play the game in the way Bioware wants me to play.
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yeah it is . And I know alot of peoples made alot of recommandations for them to change stuff and add things like alignement and such and they wont budge .


Ah I still have it installed..but while its pretty...your story is sooooooooo boooring . You are the sidekick for the heroes lol


which is too bad . cose everything else is still good . The npc move around , there is a huge world to travel . and many species to play and class .


Yeah, and the expansion is worse. I kept dying every 30 seconds, and not because the monsters were hard. Everything has blind ledges, and I'd fall to my death the second I'd make it to the second cliff area-- walking. Then I'd have to start over. The story's not even a story, just your toon yelling at other toons as new respawns launch on top of you. The monsters don't barf up any XP, and to unlock the next area, you need a minimum of 1 million XP for your next mastery point. It has the same logarithmic curve as command ranks.


Sound familiar? Gah, just like GC, the Mastery system drove me insane. Its only redeeming quality was that the unlocks were account-wide.

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Yeah, and the expansion is worse. I kept dying every 30 seconds, and not because the monsters were hard. Everything has blind ledges, and I'd fall to my death the second I'd make it to the second cliff area-- walking. Then I'd have to start over. The story's not even a story, just your toon yelling at other toons as new respawns launch on top of you. The monsters don't barf up any XP, and to unlock the next area, you need a minimum of 1 million XP for your next mastery point. It has the same logarithmic curve as command ranks.


Sound familiar? Gah, just like GC, the Mastery system drove me insane. Its only redeeming quality was that the unlocks were account-wide.


Rule number 1 of GW2 : Always be ready to jump back and around lol


I haven't brough the expansion since the game bored me to tears and never finished any of the toon I made . They are all stuck at the beginning I think .


Ok...so we go grind on a flat map then ? like Tattoine...cose holding on my skirt is a no no.......if you are falling! :p

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Rule number 1 of GW2 : Always be ready to jump back and around lol


I haven't brough the expansion since the game bored me to tears and never finished any of the toon I made . They are all stuck at the beginning I think .


Ok...so we go grind on a flat map then ? like Tattoine...cose holding on my skirt is a no no.......if you are falling! :p


But if you hold your skirt just right, it can be a parachute! You just have to look at the problem from a different angle ;)


I bought the expansion because I started when it went F2P. I wanted to unlock the full trading post after a few days because it was *sigh* fun. I miss that feeling.

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Anyways, back to they original topic...


You can talk all day long about group content being worth more , and higher challenge content being worth more, but here is the one metric, the only metric that matters...




Look at the original post:

300 for a Veteran Uprising that takes 10 mins is 30CXP/min

1600 for a Master Op that takes 2 hours is 13.3CXP/min.


In the 2 hours it would take to run the Op and earn 1600, I could run the Uprising 12 times and earn 3600.


It does not matter what "IT" is, what ever grants the most CXP/min is what the majority of the player base is going to do.


CXP/minute. All the matters.

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I don't care. I can't plan my objectives in the game as with the old commendations / crystals system. In 4.0 I could plan to play a weekly, or heroic or whatever to stack crystals for gear. It could take me 2, 3, 4 or more weeks for a piece of gear, but i could make plans. Actually is pointless to set objectives for gearing, to me. Actual rewards aren't appealing rewards to be motivated myself to play the game in the way Bioware wants me to play.


What they said... and a lot more concisely than I have. Why bother even trying when it's a crap shoot? Of course I'm reasonably convinced that their solution to the problem is to so annoy the player base that players are in effect solo'ing through the old content because most of their guildies abandoned the game. My Imp guild is down to 3 active accounts since 4.0 went live. My Pub guild has me and 1 rotating active anymore when it had 10 - 15 normally. The bulk of the membership hasn't played since half way through December. Can't blame the holidays anymore. Exciting? Only in a "Which under 70 alt am I going to play today?" way.


Say whatever you want about me, but I've gotten to where I actively avoid trying to get CXP. If I get some it's because I'm trying to finish missions and bonuses for the creds. Frankly if I could edit my HUD to force that infernal Command Rank pop up somewhere like behind the minimap I would.

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Anyways, back to they original topic...


You can talk all day long about group content being worth more , and higher challenge content being worth more, but here is the one metric, the only metric that matters...




Look at the original post:

300 for a Veteran Uprising that takes 10 mins is 30CXP/min

1600 for a Master Op that takes 2 hours is 13.3CXP/min.


In the 2 hours it would take to run the Op and earn 1600, I could run the Uprising 12 times and earn 3600.


It does not matter what "IT" is, what ever grants the most CXP/min is what the majority of the player base is going to do.


CXP/minute. All the matters.


Well in the last stream they admitted there is no point of doing operations right now, no gear drops and the cxp is minimal for the effort. To be honest it is a bit tricky to introduce cxp for the ops as some take more, some less, some are done in 40 min, some in 2 hours.


There is also the lockout issue, you can basically do the operation ONLY ONCE PER WEEK!! This needs to be considered greatly, I personally would give like 20 000 cxp for an ops as you can spam that Fractured Uprising a zillion times, with one run taking 7 minutes but can do the ops once every 7 days!


Not sure they can think any fair amount for cxp atm that type of content is just not made for the GC system, its made for the token drop system.

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I think CXP should be adjusted so that earning a full set of BiS gear takes:

  • 150 hours of game play for solo players
  • 75 hours of game play for Ops and PvP players


Players want to choose the content they play, according to their own personal preferences. The developers emphasized the Galactic Command system as what we should be focusing on, rather than the content itself.


Both solo and group players were told that the galactic command system is for them. A solo player with a main and two alts will not have sufficient time to earn and use the new gear before it is made obsolete by the next gear rating increase that will likely come within a year. My assumption is based on 300 hours x 3 characters = 900 hours. Playing 2 hours a day, 4 days a week would be 416 hours in a year's time.

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I think CXP should be adjusted so that earning a full set of BiS gear takes:

  • 150 hours of game play for solo players
  • 75 hours of game play for Ops and PvP players


Players want to choose the content they play, according to their own personal preferences. The developers emphasized the Galactic Command system as what we should be focusing on, rather than the content itself.


Both solo and group players were told that the galactic command system is for them. A solo player with a main and two alts will not have sufficient time to earn and use the new gear before it is made obsolete by the next gear rating increase that will likely come within a year. My assumption is based on 300 hours x 3 characters = 900 hours. Playing 2 hours a day, 4 days a week would be 416 hours in a year's time.


Do you know how long it took to get almost full BiS in 4.0 ? 2 hours!! A few more if you had to pug the operations and were given all the gear drops! But also in 3.0 you could do pug ops giving you "tier 2" rating gear in a few operations. The system now is simply to give bioware time.


I don't know how stupid they must be to think that this eternal gear grind will keep people subbed for a year or so!

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Enough to command rank level up every hour or less doing the content that I want (as advertised) and not the content Bioware wants me to, or use boring borderline exploits of farming.

Really that simple.

Edited by Galahard
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Do you know how long it took to get almost full BiS in 4.0 ? 2 hours!! A few more if you had to pug the operations and were given all the gear drops! But also in 3.0 you could do pug ops giving you "tier 2" rating gear in a few operations. The system now is simply to give bioware time.

That was possible only if you had a team or the social connections capable of running content that drops the target gear tier. This little fact is conveniently ignored by those pushing the "too easy" narrative.


Even in healthy games catch-up mechanisms are essential to manage roster issues. Until set bonuses are decoupled from crate or content drops crafting is not a valid catch-up mechanic.


I don't know how stupid they must be to think that this eternal gear grind will keep people subbed for a year or so!

Their fundamental design error is that they think gear is the most important motivator. That may be the case for those that don't tackle higher difficulty modes but once you move up in progression gear is mostly just a tool instead of a goal.

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Disagree completely. There should definitely be higher rewards for things that require more effort.


That brings up the question, do you play more difficult content for the rewards or for the challenge? is challenge its own reward? Different things are more challenging for different people. some people find twitch gaming more challenging, others puzzle gaming. The devs set time gaming as the metric for boxes dropping, not difficulty. people will disagree what is more difficult. If the devs want 1 box an hour they need to set rewards to that level, not use them to induce people to gsf, pvp, do uprisings etc. let any content be an actual viable way to level

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CXP should be a vanity meter...not a gearing one. CXP should measure how many 'things' you've done, not how many points you've been able to grind. They said one crate an hour, they quite obviously lied as that being a goal because it's literally impossible past level 50 for a 'normal' player.
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Exactly. "Someone did more and is getting more in reward than I am" is not punishing you, it's rewarding them. Which is how it should be.


so they could get rid of the harder modes and just let you do the story mode 2 times for your cxp? Or is challenge its own rewards. Should sm df have 1/3rd the chance to drop wings of the architect or are you already being rewarded for doing that nim?

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you do pvp without a companion...should it reward as much as it does?

PvP is a group oriented activity that only happens when enough people who enjoy that activity all queue at the same time...Heroics can be done solo. PvP should reward far more imo.

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