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how will bioware support KOTET for even 1 year?


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Prior to 5.0 I could still PuG Ops with an alt hoping to get that thing I needed...but now, only the single toon I'm on will benefit.


I was just offering a suggestion, never blamed anyone, or said anything was wrong with playing one thing.


And I'm pretty sure you only main a trooper and have said you never plan to have more than one main. All I'm saying is in times of content droughts like these, I tend to check out some of the stuff I haven't done in awhile.


Like for example I've only ever done the Seeker Droid Quest once, and on the republic, and that was years ago. So recently I started it up again with my Inquisitor.

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I was just offering a suggestion, never blamed anyone, or said anything was wrong with playing one thing.


And I'm pretty sure you only main a trooper and have said you never plan to have more than one main. All I'm saying is in times of content droughts like these, I tend to check out some of the stuff I haven't done in awhile.


Like for example I've only ever done the Seeker Droid Quest once, and on the republic, and that was years ago. So recently I started it up again with my Inquisitor.

I do main a Trooper and it's my preferred class, always has been. I have 3 commandos, 2 vanguards, 1 merc and at least one of every other class, including multiple sorcs and multiple sages.


The problem is, this content drought isn't new...it's been going on for over 2 freaking years now. I've already checked everything else out, and I only play 2-days a week...I'm hardly "hardcore".


I'm glad you're suggesting things for some...I just have a very different view on things...I think most of us long time players have already done almost everything at least once...

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I'm glad you're suggesting things for some...I just have a very different view on things...I think most of us long time players have already done almost everything at least once...


Well it's apparently an MMO, so repetition should be something we are used to :o


I can see how for most people 5.0 didn't add much. Every time they overhaul the game system, increase the levelcap and add/remove a bunch of abilities across all the classes it always feels like a new game to me, but that's because I like diving into all the changes and trying out all the classes and new builds again.


The content is the same, but all my classes are different, so it feels like new you know what I mean? 'Cept most people don't get off on class changes and a new meta.


I'm overwhelmed with content and I play everyday, but for most people nothings changed.

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They control the budget I assume, but they don't control how little they interact or understand their own customers...that's on Bioware. I also don't believe EA tries to tell Bioware what to do...that would be illogical to me. They give them goals they want them to hit, but it's up to Bioware to create content that reaches those numbers...not EA.


I decided to pluck this out of the thread to clarify some things regarding known business practices of EA with it's many subsidiaries.


EA controls the flow of money, everything sold by a subsidiary goes straight to EA. EA is notorious for only letting a small amount trickle to the subsidiaries, essentially forcing them to work on what is just a tad above a shoestring budget. Only those groups known for cranking out quality games get more than this. EA is also known for only caring about quick cash. Bioware is known for great games, but, TOR has been plagued by problems from the beginning and these problems add up to EA as in keeping the game afloat but not investing heavily into it. Sure, the Blur trailer cost them a lot but with the new movies they have built in gamer fans that will pick up the game for a short period and make it all back. EA wants the quick buck, and they are notorious for their heavy use of DLC to accomplish it as well.


What does this all mean for TOR? If it isn't something that can be done for a minimum, you can write it off as the chances of it happening are low. The command thing ate most of their money this time around. The reason for doing it...to let everyone get gear, is a good one. However, inflating that out to 300 levels of grind and then reducing points (rather than increasing other things to match the speed of gold farming) was a slap in the face that spoke very highly of how desperate they are to force the grind to take a LOT of months. They also shot themselves int he foot with a simple expectation across every game int he MMO genre...bosses drop loot. Heck they could have the bosses drop command crates and we'd be ok with it...but they didn't even go that far.

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They promised: You can play the content you want and get rewarded for it.

Well I always loved doing hm flashpoints but this is not working anymore.

Queue pops do barely happen cause too many players just take the easy and fast way which is pvp.

I really hate pvp from the bottom of my heart but this command system makes me doing it on a daily basis now since

it's literally the only reliabe way of effectvely farming these command points.

So instead of doing what I would like to do I am doing pvp.:(


I really miss playing my alts...I always used to play 4 toons equally (sorc/sage heal, commando/merc dps) and I loved gearing them.

But this command system made me stop playing them...now I only play with my merc every day cause playing alts feels like a waste of time if I really want to progress on my gear.


So while I'm playing the content I hate the most (cause this content offers the best cp per time invested) and while I stoped playing the toons I always loved playing in the past years, I get rewarded with a "maybe".

In fact I get rewarded with mostly nothing overall, the last 31 command crates had only garbage in it and it's getting really tedious.


Looking to the future I don't see anyhing motivating. I don't expect any real content anymore, cause the uprisings have shown how "cheap" and "lazy" this game has gotten. I also don't expect the missing companions to return and I definitely don't expect that the devs will support KOTET in a meaningful way.


Well...and even if there would be any new content in the future, it would be rendered meaningless and pointless instantly by the command system.


(Just my opinion ...I didn't want to make it sound like a matter of fact.)

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I am not sure what server you are online with but Jedi convenant has doubled the amount of people just on the fleet. I would say I think there has been a lot more folks around since 5.0 by far. Now will that stay after this month I am not sure. I think some will depend on the information coming out in jan 24 and I also think it depends on the way the tweak the current command system.


The increase of population on your server is not only caused by 5.0, don't forget that the character transfer sale is on at the same time, and a lot of people leaves the low populated servers and chose server like yours.


I'm not saying there's no new or returning players of course, but I think a lot of people have moved. While you see your server population going up, I see the exact opposite on mine, everyday people asking about another server to go.

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Been playing MMO'S for 15 years. I just don't consider my end game content being only operations. I do raid but if all I did was raid I think I would be switching between mmo's constantly because farming 1-2 operations/1-2 flashpoints a year would be very boring. I don't know of any mmo that would bring out 2 operations every 6 months and that would be the amount of time I think most people get bored with them.


Must not of played dcuo. pretty sure they came out with at least 6 ops,8 four mans,dozen of duos and solos this year lol. and final fantasy always updating the endgame content.

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Oh, we are. My sub is up next month. But until then I'm going to continue to tell BW what I think of what they've done to the game and why I no longer enjoy it.


My sub will run out tomorrow. I don't think I will subscribe to this game again until BWA hires competent people that has basic understanding on how to run an mmorpg. People are tired of nonsense CM updates that get shoved on our faces regularly. Enough is enough.

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I am already bored now that I know there isn't going to be any more story for a whole year.


Worst mistake imo...


I think you will find more people were sticking around for monthly chapters than people realise and simply finding other stuff to fill in time between them..


Now what's the point?

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I am already bored now that I know there isn't going to be any more story for a whole year.


Worst mistake imo...

imo...the worst mistake they ever made was doing nothing but story chapters for a whole damn year. The best story in any MMO is the story YOU create, not scripted crap developers think up. If the story from last year isn't enough to satiate you for at least a freaking year, no MMO will ever give you what you desire...I believe MMO's are best when they include ALL aspects of the game, not one single segment like this game has done.
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imo...the worst mistake they ever made was doing nothing but story chapters for a whole damn year. The best story in any MMO is the story YOU create, not scripted crap developers think up. If the story from last year isn't enough to satiate you for at least a freaking year, no MMO will ever give you what you desire...I believe MMO's are best when they include ALL aspects of the game, not one single segment like this game has done.


I 100% agree.

SWTOR has, easily, twice as much story content as any other game out right now. I'm counting MMO's and Standalone games. The BEST story in any game has always been the one you make for yourself while playing the content between the cinematics. Your personal back story, what you are thinking while playing and the mindset that you have immersed yourself in while exploring and adventuring. When I was young I used to write these stories down, I knew that a game had significant replay ability if it allowed me to use my imagination and create my own stories.


THAT is what used to make BW style story telling great, the fact that the stories inspired you to use your imagination and create your own "in between" chapters.

I don't know if people have changed, if BW has changed or if it's a lot of both, but now it seems as if folks feel there is no story if you aren't being guided through one. I don't want to be hand held through the game and have a few moments of game play between cut scenes. I want a few moments of cutscenes in between game play so that I can imagine and create my own story. Let me be a kid again damn it!!


SWTOR's biggest mistake has been taking so much time to focus ONLY on story content. From Forged Alliances through to the end of KotET you can burn through that story in a few hours. But they have devoted the better part of the past 3 years to developing that story content. They had a much more balanced approach to the release of content between 2.0 and 4.0. Although the OP's content drought between 3.0 and 4.0 was long at least they had a huge expansion that included some good story content 2 ops, 2 flashpoints, a world boss and solo content that was interesting and diverse. 4.0 and 5.0 have been just story, story, story...

It's long past time for new Operations.

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i have never seen, thru official forums, of guildies onTS, or playing with other people, or in genral chats such a horrific view for lack of content - this combined with cxp boxes is just wrong.


the abandon from BWA towards this game, is sadening

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imo...the worst mistake they ever made was doing nothing but story chapters for a whole damn year. The best story in any MMO is the story YOU create, not scripted crap developers think up. If the story from last year isn't enough to satiate you for at least a freaking year, no MMO will ever give you what you desire...I believe MMO's are best when they include ALL aspects of the game, not one single segment like this game has done.


The sad thing is, as someone who really is into story, I have to agree. The original class stories gave us a framework to play in and to imagine. The expansions before 4.0 added at least some things. But 4.0 was just, basically, my player character standing by while someone else did things, or while things happened. I mean, just look at the camera angles in the profit and plunder chapter, it's really obvious there that you, as a player, are just baggage along for the ride. 5.0 is marginally better in that regard, but really...it comes out at every turn that it's cheaply made and baldy written, that for all their claims to be proud of those stories they really didn't give much of a damn. I'd have been just fine without them, and without the way they basically wrote themselves into a corner there.


tldr - Even as a "casual" and someone who likes the stories, I dislike 4.0 and 5.0 and would have preferred to do without them.

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The sad thing is, as someone who really is into story, I have to agree. The original class stories gave us a framework to play in and to imagine. The expansions before 4.0 added at least some things. But 4.0 was just, basically, my player character standing by while someone else did things, or while things happened. I mean, just look at the camera angles in the profit and plunder chapter, it's really obvious there that you, as a player, are just baggage along for the ride. 5.0 is marginally better in that regard, but really...it comes out at every turn that it's cheaply made and baldy written, that for all their claims to be proud of those stories they really didn't give much of a damn. I'd have been just fine without them, and without the way they basically wrote themselves into a corner there.


tldr - Even as a "casual" and someone who likes the stories, I dislike 4.0 and 5.0 and would have preferred to do without them.


You guys bring up an interesting and I think viable point. In spite of the fact that I Liked the "story" told, I felt far too often like i was reading a story with an occasional "kill 10 droids" intercession. The original class stories and planets never felt that way to me. I would get on a planet, see all the quests available, And I new that there were stories out there for me to discover! Along with a planet to explore.


Last 2 expansions were not like that. A story was forced on me...often in irritating ways. I'd get a cut scene, then Id get an open area with a quest. I'd finish the quest, but before I can even explore the area, I get pushed into another cut scene...and then teleported off planet for the next cut scene. There was not real involvement in it at all. And on top of that...they removed allot of the side stories on the older planets. They even killed the main storyline on Taris for Republic...they subbed in side quests for the main storyline instead. Those side stories gave each planet color and feel.


It was really strange, As I've played other Bioware products (KotOR, Bioshock, Mass Effect), and none of them did that. they all felt far more like the original planet stories did. I'm not a fan of forced, cut scene driven stories like we've gotten. If I want to read a Star Wars Book...I'll read a BOOK. the last 2 expansions felt more like a book then an MMO.

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I can guarantee that BW's White Knights will not be enough to keep this game running.


If devs continue listening to fanboys in these forums who would love everything they do, and who want 'whiners and doomsayers' to go away, so they can fan away, the game will most certainly die.

If devs start listening to actual player who complain about the flaws in the game, and who want them to make the game better, it may survive.


So, devs need to stop listening to their loyalist fans, they cannot possibly lose them even if you want to anyway. They should try keeping real players around.

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I would get on a planet, see all the quests available, And I new that there were stories out there for me to discover! Along with a planet to explore.


Yeah, basically, all the exploration is during the KotFE CHP 9 intermission when you get to explore your Odessen base, meet your Alliance specialists and can start the companion recruitment missions. There I felt like I did in the original stories, I spent my time exploring and picking up the quests that I wanted.


The rest of the story takes you from one cutscene to the next.

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You guys bring up an interesting and I think viable point. In spite of the fact that I Liked the "story" told, I felt far too often like i was reading a story with an occasional "kill 10 droids" intercession. The original class stories and planets never felt that way to me.

That's because it was possible to actually customize the experience one way or the other between the characters. Class story had less freedom, but it is unique - 8 totally different stories to see. Each one helping to make the character feel personal to the player. And during the planetary missions one had full freedom to do things or skip them alltogether. Fly space or GSF, level in WZs, do the FPs and OPs as you level up.


KotFE does not give you that. It shoehorns all the 8 classes into the chosen-one-in-command-of-the-gallactic-war position. Am I allowed NOT to recruit Kaliyo? How about skipping Aric or not helping the mandalorians? Nope. All the same quests, all the same missions, with all the same companions being forced upon us (as much as I like Theron - there's WAY too much of him& Lana for my tastes). Missions are poorly designed for anything other than 'tank-n-spank'. May be a chapter or two had rare places where stealthy approach had not been f-ed up that bad, but still.


I love stories, and I love BW stories, but that's not what I've been expecting 5 years ago when buying this game.

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The sad thing is, as someone who really is into story, I have to agree. The original class stories gave us a framework to play in and to imagine. The expansions before 4.0 added at least some things. But 4.0 was just, basically, my player character standing by while someone else did things, or while things happened. I mean, just look at the camera angles in the profit and plunder chapter, it's really obvious there that you, as a player, are just baggage along for the ride. 5.0 is marginally better in that regard, but really...it comes out at every turn that it's cheaply made and baldy written, that for all their claims to be proud of those stories they really didn't give much of a damn. I'd have been just fine without them, and without the way they basically wrote themselves into a corner there.


tldr - Even as a "casual" and someone who likes the stories, I dislike 4.0 and 5.0 and would have preferred to do without them.


This post is one of about a million examples why these forums need like buttons.

Your response and TUX's comment are spot on.

I enjoy all aspects of SWTOR and have been a continuous subscriber since launch, but their approach lately leaves me seriously thinking of leaving when my sub runs out.

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