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Everything posted by neuronfly

  1. My sub will run out tomorrow. I don't think I will subscribe to this game again until BWA hires competent people that has basic understanding on how to run an mmorpg. People are tired of nonsense CM updates that get shoved on our faces regularly. Enough is enough.
  2. Its sad to see that the Star Wars IP is being misused like this. Ya I agree with you... a change in leadership is required. The current dev team has no idea how to operate an mmo.
  3. Not with uprisings I can guarantee that. What is bioware planning to do with this expansion? Other mmorpgs like WoW and FFXIV support their new expansions with new dungeons, raids and daily zones with expanded storyline and daily quests every 3 months. But how can bioware support this expansion with 3-5 year old content. All the flashpoints, operations and daily planets are 3-5 years old. Tell me guys what the hell does bioware does in their office daily?? People that play mmorpgs does not give a crap about cinematic storylines that can be completed in just 2 days. Bioware please learn from Blizzard and Square Enix. Look at Legion... that is the most successful expansion that blizzard has made since WotLK. And FFXIV has 5 million active subscribers. Do something bioware. Stop rehashing old content from 3-5 years ago and produce something new.... not these stupid uprisings that can be completed in less than 10 minutes.
  4. When will bioware release the most anticipated mmorpg of 2017 called World of Dragon Age? I can guarantee all of you that this game will kill WOW. This will be the WOW killer that we have all been waiting for since 2005. Come on bioware make it happen. Remove the king from the throne... its high time. People are getting sick and tired of WOW... Bioware please try to understand. Dragon Age has a rabid fanbase all around the world. Release World of Dragon Age and shake the foundations of the mmorpg genre. Please bioware make it happen. Please I beg you.
  5. The age of mmorpg is truely over. Next year in 2017 the genre will completely die out. There are so many interesting single player games on the market nowadays and comparing those games to the mmorpgs of today feels like comparing a brand new car with a 1960 fiat I played a game called Dark Souls 3 and I had 10 times more fun in that game than I had in todays generic mmorpgs like SWTOR or WoW. No wonder AAA game companies does not invest any more money in building new mmorpgs nowadays. The genre has no innovation anymore therefore its finished.
  6. I cancelled my subscription after completing the story because I have no desire to do content that is 5 years old. What does Bioware think about us?? Are we sheeps to them? I was so sad to see that they have not created new flashpoints, daily zones or ops since 2014. Why did they create an mmorpg if they don't bother with endgame content and just these story nonsense. So according to Bioware customers are sheeps and they will keep repeating and rehashing content that is 4-5 years old. I left Legion to play SWTOR but instead i got rehashed 5 year old content. Disgusting... simply disgusting. GG Bioware. You won't get any support from me or my friends. I am done with this game. Surrender the star wars IP to Blizzard or Square Enix. Those companies will do a far better job than EAware.
  7. I would like SWTOR to finally catch up with the movies. Its the perfect time to do it. Imagine characters like Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Snoke and Luke Skywalker in SWTOR. One can only dream.
  8. Interesting read... thanks for the post.
  9. After completing the story it feels that this expansion is truly the end of SWTOR. Because majority of the lore characters are dead.... Emperor Valkorion, Arcann, Senya, Veylin, Vette, Scorpio... all of these major characters are dead. So what is now left of SWTOR? What is there left to do after taking the eternal throne?
  10. Veteran mode is completely unbalanced right now. I completed majority of the chapters of KOTFE on veteran but some of the chapters are just impossible like the one you mentioned chapter 2 boss monolith. KOTET veteran is completely impossible. Bioware screwed up on this.
  11. There is absolutely nothing to do in SWTOR after we have completed the story. Sad.... really sad.
  12. I agree... Blizzard produces new endgame content every 3-4 months but we can't say the same for Bioware.... sad. This mindless recycling of old content needs to stop. I have played many mmorpgs but this is the only mmo i have seen where Bioware has the audacity to recycle years of old content and repackage it as galactic command.
  13. After thinking about it and discussing with friends I am now 100% sure that the new galactic command is inspired heavily from the command table system in WOW. And the new RNG gear grinding from command crates is inspired by the Legendary gear system from WOW. Bioware is trying to copy WOW at every turn... no doubt about that.
  14. We all know that people still play SWTOR after completing the story is because bioware has rehash all the old content from 5 years ago to lvl 70. But imagine the game without level sync... all the flashpints, operations and daily zones without levl sync... can it survive on the market? The main reason why mmorpgs like WOW and FFXIV are very successful is because developers of those games produce new endgame content every 2-3 months and those games does not even have level sync. The devs of those games does not rehash old content like Bioware. But that is not the case with SWTOR. Bioware has not given us any new endgame content for almost 2 years (since 4.0 no new flashpoints, ops or new daily zones... nothing). So what do you guys think? Will SWTOR survive without level sync on today's cutthroat and competitive online gaming market?
  15. The main reason why FFXIV and WOW are so successful and popular right now is because both Square Enix and Blizzard are independent companies. They are not owned by another parent company and they make their own decisions. Imagine if Bioware were an independent company like them and had money like blizzard or Square SWTOR would have become a masterpiece.
  16. I think the main reason why there has been no ops for almost 2 years is simply because of EA. I think Bioware wants to make new ops, flashpoints and daily zones but EA doesn't let them.
  17. Sad... and here I thought by leaving EA the game would become very improved by Bioware because then no one would be able to boss them around.
  18. What do you guys think will happen to SWTOR if one day Bioware decides "Enough is enough... We won't tolerate anymore EA dictatorship" and then finally separates from EA?
  19. WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.
  20. Artifact weapon grind in WOW is not account wide so why should bioware make GC Legacy wide?? Your post is invalid and meaningless.
  21. I played Legion at launch full time for 3 months and the thing I have hated most about that expansion was the artifact grinding system. After completing the story and getting to lvl 110 it was all about doing artifact grinding. But here in SWTOR we grind for various things like gear, mounts, crafting mats, pets, outfits, etc. But Legion is all artifact weapon grinding and I got very tired of it.
  22. The best thing I like about 5.0 is that I can play the game at my own pace and still get top tier gear and be competitive unlike WOW where I have to join a raiding guild and commit to a specific time schedule.
  23. I played 4.0 barely a week before I quit. The last time I played seriously was back in SOR. But now with the release of 5.0 I have quit Legion for good to play SWTOR full time.
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