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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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The game feels clunky and unresponsive. From the ability lag to the difficulty of clicking on people, something is just off about the entire game. I know that bringing up this game will probably get people frothing at the mouth and demanding that I be burned at the stake, but the game isn't anywhere near as fluid as WoW.


Also, this game simply doesn't feel like an MMO. It's feels more like an online RPG in the same vein of say, diablo or sacred. All of the sharding and instancing makes all of the worlds feel empty and bland. Even though there are hundreds of other players near me, I only see the occasional guy ride past me on a speeder bike and World Pvp is pretty much nonexistent.


Oh! And the lack of a combat log is completely retarded.

Edited by Vgbeee
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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.


This is a troll, isn't it? can't be serious...

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1) Movement speed

2) Not having a Quick Travel to my ship/hanger


I don't get why I don't see more complaint about movement speed. People have to be noticing how horribly slow it is. The point to having slow movement speed is to fake a bigger world. SWTOR is HUGE. I get so bored with travelling.


I enjoy the game, but my enjoyment would go way up if they increased movement speed across the board by ~20%


The quick travel to the ship is partly a problem because movement speed is a problem. Also because they made it so damn far to run to the ship

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Cant decide between :


- Faction imbalance

- Illum (enough said)

- Bugged combat system

- No level 50 Warzone bracket


or people complaining about people who complain. ( I guess that makes me a people who complain about people complaining that people complain :D )

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Hate complaints but I too will give some feedback on what I would love to see in the game at some point.


1. LFG

2. Galactic Trade Network UI please add a search bar.

3. Opening up the UI or opening it up for those of us who create addons to customize it ourselves. You do this you no longer have to worry about it anymore you just let the community do it.


Those would be my top 3 :)

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1) Movement speed

2) Not having a Quick Travel to my ship/hanger


I don't get why I don't see more complaint about movement speed. People have to be noticing how horribly slow it is. The point to having slow movement speed is to fake a bigger world. SWTOR is HUGE. I get so bored with travelling.


I enjoy the game, but my enjoyment would go way up if they increased movement speed across the board by ~20%


The quick travel to the ship is partly a problem because movement speed is a problem. Also because they made it so damn far to run to the ship


Or jsut allow speeders in hangars... It's strange how you can ride a speeder in a vrowded cantina and not in an expansive hangar that is designed for vehicle storage... Very coutnerintuitive.

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I came off the game especially to find this thread and post in it.


Both GTN related:


#1: Companions returning from mission quests and shutting the GTN window down. Super annoying and needs to shove them in pending. Actually, maybe theres an ingame option. Ill check on that.


#2: Two windows only. How on earth can i see the mods i want to upgrade whilst browsing for improvements at the same time. Its just irritating. Im absent minded, so i keep having to check back and mess around with opening windows and closing other ones and then reopening then closing it to confirm that its what i want before reopening it all again. Its not game breaking, its not a bug, its just really irritating.


Ohh good ones!!

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My biggest issue isn't the engine bugs, the delay, the sound bugs or any of that. It's all plenty tolerable in the end.


My biggest issue is the one thing I tried to escape in WoW by coming to SWTOR: outleveling questing zones.


And yet here I am... at level 27 on a level 20-24 planet (Nar Shadda) even though I only did everything once, didn't do any repeatable quests more than the very first time, didn't do any flashpoints more than once, and only did one single Warzone for all those levels, oh, and I specifically logged out outside of rest zones to avoid rested bonus.


I honestly don't know where to go, what MMO to try that would provide me with a properly challenging leveling experience from 1 to max level. A game that would never allow me to outlevel any zones if I follow the predetermined leveling path and do all content along the way just once.


Oh well... at least in SWTOR it's still semi-challenging despite all my quests being green now, and I still can't solo the group quests, so that's something.


Still, that's my biggest gripe. You should NEVER be able to outlevel zones, especially in such a heavily story based MMORPG as this where your progression through the story brings you from planet to planet and you -- especially as a new player who doesn't know the ropes -- feel the urge to finish everything in every zone to see all the content.

Edited by ShadowMasterRP
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I came off the game especially to find this thread and post in it.


Both GTN related:


#1: Companions returning from mission quests and shutting the GTN window down. Super annoying and needs to shove them in pending. Actually, maybe theres an ingame option. Ill check on that.


#2: Two windows only. How on earth can i see the mods i want to upgrade whilst browsing for improvements at the same time. Its just irritating. Im absent minded, so i keep having to check back and mess around with opening windows and closing other ones and then reopening then closing it to confirm that its what i want before reopening it all again. Its not game breaking, its not a bug, its just really irritating.


Checked. No does.


Incidentally, the problem occurs because the workbench is tied to the inventory. Its nice that it is when you obvioulsy want to mod things. Thats great and handy. But when you just want to inspect your mods to compare against other mods, its irritating. Im having the same issue with just buying mods and enhancements from the commendation officer: i open trade, i then close the inventory window, i then open the character panel, i then Ctrl-Right click on the customisable head set, only for it to close the trade window so it can open the inventory window. Its just such an ordeal for something that could and should be relatively straight forward. :)

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The lack of a system that makes teaming with lower level players fun and challenging. Doing so right now just means that the higher level mows down all the mobs while the lower level is left nothing to do, no fun for either player.


My wife and I often play together but as things are now we can't play any of the characters we use to team together to play solo since the level gap would become too big.


Basically, I'd like to see a system like the sidekick/exemplar system in CoH, though only as far lowering the level of one character to match that of the other.

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