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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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Biggest complaint: The inordinate amount of WoW-Whiners on the forums......this isn't WoW! Go play it if that's what you want!


Biggest in-game complaint: I guess not having a "show hood" option for Jedi robes? It's minor and I got around it by finding armor with a cool cape and no hood.


You won't see me complaining much about this game, I love it. I was expecting KotOR 3 with multiplayer and I got it, it was well worth the wait!

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Buggy interface. The game itself is great, but the interface is too bug-ridden and clumsy in some places, especially the part that has to do with companions.


The "companion wants to talk to you" icon is unreliable. The whole companion task pane is bugged in at least three different ways. There is no way to examine a companion's gear without summoning him unless you're on the ship.

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1) Lack of chat bubbles

2) Horrible GTN interface

3) No day/night cycles

4) No swimming

5) Mandatory group quests

6) Unbalanced, broken classes/class mechanics

7) Useless companions for certain classes

8) Lack of anti-aliasing

9) Too linear gameplay(at least in WoW you can choose from 3 level 10-20 areas, in TOR...nope.avi)


Not to mention expensive vehicle prices. 40 thousand credits for the speeder training then another 8 for the mount? At level 26 I have had maybe 36k credits to my name. With skills costing 8k a pop, I'm broke quickly. Even with C2N2 and Mako running slicing and treasure hunting.

Edited by Quirnheim
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Sluggish, unresponsive, choppy combat is the #1 problem with this game right now.


This. I think it depends on what class you're playing but for some of them, due to long animations etc, there is just way too much delay between casting the ability and having it go off. It seems like it's adding an extra second to cast time spells. This is very annoying, especially for heal abilities.


Some examples: project, takes an age to go off despite being an insta-cast. This I could forgive I suppose since the delay allows more burst in a single timeframe. But heals, cc abilities, survival cds are a different story.


Sage healing mechanic. Use of rejuvenate hot->conveyance buff->reduced cast time deliverance etc. Very often the next deliverance will not have reduced cast time but the one after will.


I would prefer out of sync animations, annoying as that would be, so long as abilities would go off straight away.


Other things: No combat log. Useless raid frames which do not update. No cc immunity timer or bugged cc immunity timer. No macro system. No double enemy/friendly target (it was in warhammer). Totally impossible to see the cooldown on abilities on your action bar. Print Screen hack. Get rid of animations for warzones and rezoning. Also why keep the flying animation from every other mmo for the taxi? It's annoying and wastes our time. If I wanted versimilitude I would take a hot air balloon or helicopter ride IRL.

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Only a moron spends 5000 on a PC, heck a 700 dollar PC can max out any game today if you get the right parts.


your silly schoolyard name calling means so little to me, I didn't even bother reporting it, you are obviously here with the soul intention of trying to create trouble, as such nothing you say at this point rates as worthy of attention.

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Thread topics that ask open ended questions thus opening the door for pure nonsense...

Lack of heavy armor chainmail bikinis....

No high heeled boots....

see what i'm doin here?

There's a new complaint thread every 5 seconds...

We all want something changed,added or nerfed.

This kind of thread isn't how to get it done.

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End-Game gear progression paths are very convoluted and not obvious enough. I had to look up how to acquire PvP gear. Apparently the only realistic way to obtain it currently is an RNG loot bag... yea, that's a great idea. :rolleyes:


Also, getting around to flashpoints and planets is very time consuming and overly complicated. I could do without the whole:


Enter Ship

Run to Nav Computer

Fly to Planet

Exit Ship

Run to and enter hangar elevator

Run to planet shuttle

Land on planet


It's just unnecessary and annoying in my opinion. I understand there shouldn't be instant travel across the galaxy, but it's just... I don't know. Maybe I'm just a whiner.

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The Stun/CC spam is an absolute joke. Anyone who plays against me knows I use cheesey tactics too. The real PvPers are going to leave the game when Guild Wars 2 comes out because it's a joke to disable a skilled player and chain stun them to death. Let people fight it out with their skills.


This isn't a skilled PvP game....it's a gank squad game. You don't need any individual skill to dominate with a gank squad.


DAoC bled their subscription base dry because of the resentment towards excessive CC-ing.


As someone who played Daoc for a LONG time, till TOA destroyed it, that is actually an exaggeration mate. They did not "bleed subs" the CC issue was fixed because Runemasters+Thane was it ?? were so powerful, those 2 allone could obliterate a group 5 times their size.


Tor is nothing remotely like Daoc, an never will be. Tor has no class diversity, tor has 4 classes, not 47 as Daoc had. Tor doesn't have use the class diversity to create fun an dive playstyles.

They make sure everyone has everything an mirror it 99.9% of time.

I do nothing but world pvp (since bioware don't want us pvpers to earn points) we just have to be satisfied with killing the one or two people we find each day in the barren an empty world as most are away farming BG's..


Personally I think also that the name "pvp server" should be changed to pve since we cant earn anything for killing people, an we have to contend with going up against fully geared BG farmers/botters in our quest gear. It isn't a pvp server when the actual pvpers are told either do Battlegrounds or deal with it because we are not going to give you any points for it.


I have never once seen CC ruin my gameplay. You have counters, learn to use them, I fought an beat a level 41 sith last night as a lvl 31 gunslinger, an it was over in less than 20 seconds.

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1 - The heroengine. Windows only was a big fail imo, most of the graphical problems that we all encounter are related to that clumsy decision. A simple Opengl renderer would solve alot of problems.


2 - Abiliy Lag


And i dont want any wowish things in this game, thats why i left it in the first place.

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Graphics/engine implementation. Why is it highres textures are only to be seen in cinematics?

And i want a viewdistance slider for grass. So basicly just all the issues with that.

This also involves making it playable on people who have small machines.

Then work on making combat more smooth, plus think

about how you could do better open pvp.

Afterall this is what will keep it goin

between content updates.

Else? I dont know.

Fix the green

lines, pls.





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People who complain instead of giving actual constructive feedback is my #1 just saying you give constructive feedback devs will take notice thats how it works other than that its just random forum trash.


You can not give constructive feedback since BW decided to NOT provide a Bug and Feedback forum. Hence people feel that the company does not care and vent. Most negative threads are being closed because people are starting to realize that the game is not meeting their expectations...you can t blame them for it but blame BW for being lazy.


Take this forum...it is 3 year old tech and has not been improved since. Look at the fact that they had to shut off the Search function both in game on the AH and on the forums.


Would you see a company like Blizzard using drupal and vbulletin to manage their online presence? It is difficult to give constructive feedback when the company does not seem to want to hear it.


Hell I still have tickets open in game from day one of early access and they still haven t been answered. Its been more than 10 days now. because of this it is my opinion that this company does not care or does not have the capacity, capabilities, talent or resources to manage their community and customer service

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