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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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  • Sith Corruption switchin on every time I switch screen
  • Missing lightsaber/lips not moving during cutscenes
  • The lack of proper robes for Sith Inquisitor (Jedi Consular has a decent model they could use)
  • The price of training skills when you level higher


Now for some things I love:


  • The SI storyline
  • My ship
  • My fantastic one-liners (not mine obv but you know what I mean)
  • Combat (minus the odd delay)
  • The landscapes
  • The fact I can shoot freakin' lightening from the tips of my fingers (I mean IRL, not in game ;))

Edited by DarthSeer
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The marketplace / auction house. I hate it. With a passion.


1) Let me search for items using a text search.... WITHOUT having to select categories first. What if I don't know what category to use?


2) Let me post more than 50 items.


3) When posting, show me all the same items on the market currently, so that I know what price to post it at. The "default price" is useless garbage.

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The fact that this is not an MMO. It's mainly a single player game.


For god's sake, you can't even TALK in the game world, there's no speech bubbles. Every connection with the avatar and the other players is lost.


There is no incentive to join in a group. Most people are doing their class quests and YOU CAN'T DO THEM WITH A FRIEND. Each one has to do it on his or her own, so why group, except when it's about flashpoints?


There's just no proper incentive to communicate with others (and the tools are not there as well).


No one is going to pay a fee for a single player game. BioWare and EA have dropped the ball and it will be evident down the line.


You know those things that say "Heroic 2+", "Heroic 4+" and so on?


They're group quests. I'm not sure what you thought those tags meant, but I'm glad to be able to help.


I've done more grouping in this game by level 20 than I did in WoW to level 70. That's saying something.


Here's how you use LFG:


Type "/1".


Then type "Hey, I need some help with ", then type a quest name, then ". Who wants to join me?"


You can also use "LFM {{quest name here}}".


Because this isn't magic pixie fairy land where your wishes are instantly granted by magic pixie fairies, you may need to ask more than once. You may even have to wait a few minutes to get a response, and then be patient as people find their way to you. I'm aware that, if you're 25 or under, you've been told all your life that you're a special snowflake and the most important person on the planet, and that things like "waiting" and "delayed gratification" and "patience" were life skills you never had to learn, but now is as good a time as any to start. (If you're over 25 and still think like that... well, Rippy the Razor says it's down the block, not across the street.)

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You know those things that say "Heroic 2+", "Heroic 4+" and so on?


They're group quests. I'm not sure what you thought those tags meant, but I'm glad to be able to help.


JujI've done more grouping in this game by level 20 than I did in WoW to level 70. That's saying something.


Here's how you use LFG:


Type "/1".


Then type "Hey, I need some help with ", then type a quest name, then ". Who wants to join me?"


You can also use "LFM {{quest name here}}".


Because this isn't magic pixie fairy land where your wishes are instantly granted by magic pixie fairies, you may need to ask more than once. You may even have to wait a few minutes to get a response, and then be patient as people find their way to you. I'm aware that, if you're 25 or under, you've been told all your life that you're a special snowflake and the most important person on the planet, and that things like "waiting" and "delayed gratification" and "patience" were life skills you never had to learn, but now is as good a time as any to start. (If you're over 25 and still think like that... well, Rippy the Razor says it's down the block, not across the street.)




Go away snowflakes ezmode is in that other place.

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What is yours?


Well, I have several minor complaints - a bug here, a bug there, a couple of lol wuts over there - but none of the lol wuts are gamebreakers and I figure the bugs will get squashed in due time. So my number one complaint about the game right at this moment is...


...drum roll...




Boo, Bio, Boo! Rrrrrraaaaaaaage~!!!1!1!!!


I might also mention my dreams of playing an angst-ridden rebelliously anti-social teenage Jawa cruising around Tatooine in a hot-rodded sandcrawler remain woefully unfulfilled.


Plus we have no ponies.

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My biggest gripe is that it doesn't feel like anyone else is present in the world. I remember Star Wars Galaxies and people were all over, there was flagged PVP going on, it was vibrant and alive in the beginning say what you will about the gameplay (I thought it was fun in the beginning) but this game feels very solo and alone.
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#1 complaint: too many shared quests and not enough unique story quests. Really hurts the replayability of this game. Even if you want to replay every class to see every story, that means you'll be running the same shared quests several times, and by the 3rd time you'll probably be kind of sick of them. The only thing left is to see the unique answers your particular class gives for flavoring.
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I can deal with the game, even though it's bugged. It will be fixed, and at least it's usable

What I CAN'T deal with is this pathetically dated website. Every feature has been dumbed down or disabled, leading to so many duplicate threads it's not even funny.


As far as the game? My only annoyance is the lack of background sound. So, if I switch to my other monitor to do something (say, while I'm on a 5 minute hop from location to location), the game sound just dies.

Edited by TomWhiting
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