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Combat Medic compared to other healers?


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I pvp a lot with a buddy that's a tank. It's kinda silly cause when we're doing Alderran(sp?) we can hold a point by ourselves with four people attacking. I'm not 50 yet, but if I was we'd easily be unstoppable. I can't heal myself through four 50's on me lol
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If you are good at whack-a-mole, you will make an excellent combat medic.


Oh man, that is exactly how it feels. I have little experience in MMOs and what little experience I have is usually in the different healer classes. Of them all, combat medic does kind of feel like whack-a-mole.

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I love Medic so far, given how I could spam (as people pointed out) MP after AMP while reducing over all damage taken (super charged Kolto) and reactive heal via Trauma Probe. We also have powerful AoE attack that could damage/neutralize a large group of enemy while we do the healing. Adding heavy armor and Reactive Shield, Medic can definitely holds its ground against the other two.
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You can't spam heals like you do with the Sage/Sorc because of our resource


Actually it's the opposite.


AMP -> HS -> MP -> HS -> MP -> HS -> Reapeat

AMP -> MP -> HS -> HS -> MP -> HS -> Reapeat


I'm sure that there are other rotations out there, but these i've figured out myself.


Once you've got 3/3 Field Triage (27lvl), neither of these rotations will make you go out of ammo. You can keep doing these until the world ends, and little after that. You can fit in KB in those, but i only use it if it's needed (ie. i've hard time keep the target/tank alive). Or with SCC so i can do more dmg before healing is needed.


On my Sage however, if i spam i run fast out of force. Or if the fight lasts long, I will eventually run dry because of that.



At 35lvl, with my droid tank that did have mainly 30lvl gear. I did solo Lord Tharsis.


For those who don't know, he's Balmorra Bonus Series, bonus mission's final stage.

100k hp, hits quite hard. And there is hidden timer where the objective resets (i believe it's 10-15mins)


The fight did last about 9mins, but i got it done :)






Edited by Viikuna
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As others have said: CM is a great healing class. As you begin to level, it can feel a little sluggish with the way you have to heal just using MP and AMP. But your healing capabilities double (maybe even tripple) between the levels of 30 and 33. This is where you will get Trauma Probe, Preventative Medicine, and Armor Screen.


Trauma Probe is (IMHO) the best heal in the game. PvE becomes absurdly easy once you have this heal because it allows you to just forget about healing unless you are fighting elites. PvP becomes much more manageable to heal multiple targets with this as well.

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So my total MMO experience involves SWTOR. Lol. i'm a lvl 29 hybrid dps/medic and I built my character with my guild in mind knowing I'm such a n00b it's not even funny. I am not our primary medic, but I am often the primary DPS during raids.


One thing my Commando absolutely demolishes at is the 'oh crap' heal. AMP->MP->HS->HS...etc. Particularly when our tank is doing her job a bit too well. The role also works well for saving our primary healer when he gets major aggro, all the while dealing major damage to boss and/or mob. I liked what someone said about us being an ICBM and that's how I tend to play him. I also find it really easy to blend the roles of heals and damage mid-combat.


I don't know about playing as primary healer, haven't done that job at all. But he really shines as backup and I'm not convinced the hybrid spec is unviable at least while leveling--my points are equally split between gunnery and heal right now and it's been a breeze so far.

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*reposting from other thread about "is combat medic a real healer"*


(Level 50 Valor Rank 41 Commando Combat Medic with ~320 Alacrity and ~330 Expertise)


My comments on PvP:


Our survivability is top notch. Granted I only PvP with the same premade which involves a Vanguard with 10 piece Champion who guards me. But we find ourselves able to hold a node against otherwise insurmountable odds 2v4, 4v6, etc.


Obviously gear plays a role, there are players that can still gib us, and if my CC break is down certain highly-geared Operatives can kill me in essentially a stunlock 1v1.


Other times there are 3 people beating on me as I reactive shield, adrenaline rush, cc break, trauma probe, and heal myself to full while /giggle'ing.


No problems breaking 250k+ healing. My record has been 390k, probably could do better.


My comments on PvE (Hardmode Flashpoints and Ops)


AOE healing is bad compared to a Sage's. Due to unfortunate group makeup (Two Combat Medics) one night we were doing a 8m EV and AOE healing on SOA as we were jumping down the platforms was annoying, as all we could do was throw boogers (Kolto Bomb) on the ground while trying to squeeze in a AMP / Infusion / or whatever as we were racing down the platforms and not falling behind.


Single Target is excellent and efficiency is where we shine. We can put out a rediculous amount of HPS and always stay in the top tier ammo regeneration unless we're spamming MP trying to rapidly heal spread out AOE damage.


I'm approaching the Alacrity number to where I can get my MP down to 1.5s (currently it's at 1.6 with first responder up). Which gives us a literally "free" hammer shot every 3 MPs.


Overall I'm very happy with how CM healing works. I wish for more capable AOE healing but c'est la vie.

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Once I was able to get supercharge cells and kolto bomb with residue, I've notice a surge in my healing abilities and I'm 26 atm. I like the survivability and the strong single target healing of the combat medic. I have yet to dabble very much in pvp so I cannot comment on it. Though I'd say in a pve op or FP you can count on the combat medic's toughness and tank healing output. mobility is a problem along with aoe healing. I love the synergy you have with kolto bomb and supercharge cells.


side note, some one called kolto bomb a "booger bomb" I lol'd :D

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Oh man, that is exactly how it feels. I have little experience in MMOs and what little experience I have is usually in the different healer classes. Of them all, combat medic does kind of feel like whack-a-mole.
It's more like "heal-a-mole", really. And you can also "whack" 3 "moles" at once occasionally.
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I'm also raiding as a CM and loving it. And in PVP I piss people off all the time. Even when I die I make em work for it.


Basically, the CM is a great MT heals or going from 1%-100% health quick. Sages are pretty good for general AoE heals. Not too sure about smugglers because we don't have a smuggler heals in our raids. They seem to do decently in the lower content I've seen em in.


You'll find that all heal classes are balanced and have a purpose. To go beyond that, it's up to the player.


Edit: Wanted to add that I pug pvp all the time.

Edited by RebelCapitalist
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I get annoyed sometimes with PvP because I know we don't have full mobility while healing. Aside from that I feel our class can not be beat with our utility. If I die it's because 4+ people are on me and know how to interrupt or if its a bunch of 50's on me. I'm just 40, but once I hit 50 I know I'll be a beast.
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*reposting from other thread about "is combat medic a real healer"*


(Level 50 Commando Combat Medic)



My comments on PvE (Hardmode Flashpoints and Ops)


AOE healing is bad compared to a Sage's. Due to unfortunate group makeup (Two Combat Medics) one night we were doing a 8m EV and AOE healing on SOA as we were jumping down the platforms was annoying, as all we could do was throw boogers (Kolto Bomb) on the ground while trying to squeeze in a AMP / Infusion / or whatever as we were racing down the platforms and not falling behind.


Single Target is excellent and efficiency is where we shine. We can put out a rediculous amount of HPS and always stay in the top tier ammo regeneration unless we're spamming MP trying to rapidly heal spread out AOE damage.


I'm approaching the Alacrity number to where I can get my MP down to 1.5s (currently it's at 1.6 with first responder up). Which gives us a literally "free" hammer shot every 3 MPs.


Overall I'm very happy with how CM healing works.


I am level 50 as well and a couple nights ago I healed EV hard mode. I can echo these statements. They should buff our AoE to be 4 people i do not believe that would be game breaking and it would help bring our AoE in line with other classes.

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So I've tried a quite a few Heroic 4s as a hybrid. I have 11 points in the Combat medic tree and 12 in the gunnery tree. Everything seemed to be going pretty well until Special Delivery on Alderaan.


Any combat medics out there have tips for this? It was a tough one. 3 out of 4 of us got the mission completed. The 4th guy never got it. I am assuming it was because he died before the time limit. We wiped several times on it, too. Is this normal? I could not really keep up.

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So I've tried a quite a few Heroic 4s as a hybrid. I have 11 points in the Combat medic tree and 12 in the gunnery tree. Everything seemed to be going pretty well until Special Delivery on Alderaan.


Any combat medics out there have tips for this? It was a tough one. 3 out of 4 of us got the mission completed. The 4th guy never got it. I am assuming it was because he died before the time limit. We wiped several times on it, too. Is this normal? I could not really keep up.


That was hard but i only lost one person and got them up after the first champion was killed , it is just a matter of keeping on top of all you heals and keep you tank topped up we cleared this pretty easy the first time , how is your gear and what level are you trying it at i did it at lvl 31 i think

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I healed my first EV (normal) last night, with my pvp spec. I did ok, but it was definitely lacking on aoe healing.


Now, my gear is some 136/126 with a few blue pices (implants) in there. I don't stack alacrity, as it is my dps gear.


We had a sage healing as well. The aoe healing difference is pretty big. I did well and never had ammo issue. I used HS as a hot for some of the to help keep them topped off.


we didn't down Soa, as our group had a couple of fresh 50's in it, so our dps was low. We got him to 18% which wasn't bad.


we have no pre damage bubble like sages (reactive shield only on 1 target doesn't count). our aoe can only heal 3 max and doesn't do much healing (IMO). However, single target healing, I think I really did a great job.

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in EV/raid or any ops group, we definatly need a sage/sawbone to deal wit the aoe dmg. we simply just suck at that. in EV, i do not think is it is possible for us to heal at the part where we need to jump down platform to platform. too much ppl are dmged and our heals need time to cast.

if there is 2 commando healer in the EV, if the job is spilt to 4 man per medic, i think that is then doable.


other than that, i have no problem with HM/EV currently as a commando medic.


we are good with single target heals as many have mentioned. our heals also gets better by mixing them up, such as bomb -> advance probe -> probe, bomb give residue = increase healing, adv probe = cheaper next probe, probe = normal heal.

super charge also provide some benefit to us.


i feel commando medic is liek a slightly unconventional healer kind, where u get to dps abit at times. but if u are looking to being a aoe healer, this is definatly not what you are looking for.

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Enlight me how can you cast a single heal vs anyone whos not a noob.


Vs a marauder consider trauma + pvp heal debuff and you start as 50% less heal , you barely break 2k base heal;s that take 2,0 to 1,9 second depends if you have alacrity or not.


At that time a good marauder will be pulling 3-5k damage on you.


Furthemore it gets an interrupt every 8 seconds for 4 seconds , thus half the time you unable to cast


You have no escape mechanics , they have plenty to capture you.


Their class ability lets them fight continuously wheres ours gets depleted in half a min tops by blowing all of our cooldowns.


Armor is useless , cause either focus or annihilation spec ignores most of the armor anyway.


And thats the good news , vs any operative or sniper you dead in 3 globals perma cced.


The state at 50 of any healer is such a joke and i am not talking for a lvl 50 commando in champions gear vs a lvl 20 noob here.


Sure you gonna tell your team should protect you , but thats not how it works cause if you need half a team protecting you from as single dps , that means that 3 of them is killing the rest of your team anyway.


commando healers are teh worst at the end , as sage at least u can pull better numbers and have some escapability ( well they die horribly fst though without their shield up and shield is a joke at 50)

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I'm not quite 50 yet, but been having a lot of fun with my combat medic. I have never had a heroic group with a real tank. It's always me + 3 dps, and it gets crazy with the entire group taking damage all at once, everybody tanking their own elite, and I'm usually tanking a mob or two the whole time I'm healing because nobody pulls aggro off the healer anymore. Insane games of whack-a-mole let me tell you. But I get compliments all the time for "Nice heals" etc. so that's always cool to hear.


Anyway, I am rambling, but it's a fun class at least at my level :D

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Sure you gonna tell your team should protect you , but thats not how it works cause if you need half a team protecting you from as single dps , that means that 3 of them is killing the rest of your team anyway.


your team does not need to protect you, but they do need to do their jobs while also contributing to whatever the warzone objective is.


you are not suppose to be invincible.

no character is invincible if you have good communication on your team.


your post makes it sound like your team is filled with terrible players and the opponents are all pros. sounds like its a problem with your team, not Combat Medic.

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