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Everything posted by bigcfromrbc

  1. My best advice is if you suck as a Commando Medic go re-roll to a different healer. It's not hard to spot heal while keeping the tank up. Everyone got use to WoW being super easy, and now that something takes skill people are QQing.
  2. You need to use the PvE spec in my link. The 2 points in assault is actually the skills that gives you 4% Alacrity which you'll need once you hit 50. You basically just use Medical Probe, Advance Medical Probe. Certain talents will make them better. You'll want to get Kolto Bomb, Trauma Probe, and Bacta Infusion. Always keep TP on your tank. Use Kolto Bomb on the tank, and any melee around. It hits 3 targets. Unless you need to use it on range. Gives a buff for the healing you do on a target. Bacta Infusion has a big Cooldown but it's nice to spot heal with, or help bring the tank up. Use your cooldowns often. If your having ammo issues just Hammer Shot the enemy in PvP and a friendly target in PvE.
  3. I say you either heal or dps. Don't try to do both. You want fulfill either role to the fullest being a hybrid.
  4. I believe Power and Alacrity should be a good place to start. Once Medical Probe is around 1.5 cast time focus on the two crits. Naturally as you get geared, and play yourself the style might be different for you. There's not a cookie cutter stats yet.
  5. Sages have the bubbles and AoE heals. We can't keep up with that healing wise, but as far as surviving goes we can't be beat. I pvp with a buddy that is a Vanguard and the two of us can hold an area against 4+ people without problems. I don't hammer shot friendlies. It's just a no no. If I'm low for some reason I'll hammer shot the enemy. As the other person said. Use Bacta as much as you can, AMP for free MP, and use your cooldowns often.
  6. You have to reset the skills every time you dismount. Aside from that I'm not to sure. I just went DPS to hurry and finish my last two levels and she seems to be doing fine for me.
  7. He doesn't have Bacta yet. He's just level 36.
  8. This is what I'm running with at 50. Hope it helps. The points in Assault is suppose to be a skill that gives 4% Alacrity. At least in-game it shows it lol http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800rfRMR0cdkqZrcoZb.1
  9. Make the dps group up for your Bomb, and just heal your butt off. Till you get a lot of Alacrity AoE fights are going to be rough. The bad thing about Commando heals is we don't get really good till later in our tree. Yet it teaches you to be a better healer overall.
  10. Just fyi Codex says what the main stat is for the class your playing.
  11. Don't ever use the Green Beam (Hammer Shot on friendly players). Feel free to hammer shot the enemy. Use your cooldowns often and CC as much as you can. Try to find a spot in the back away from the fight but still in reach to heal. If your pvping with friends make sure they are mindful enough that when your getting focused they peel off of you.
  12. I get annoyed sometimes with PvP because I know we don't have full mobility while healing. Aside from that I feel our class can not be beat with our utility. If I die it's because 4+ people are on me and know how to interrupt or if its a bunch of 50's on me. I'm just 40, but once I hit 50 I know I'll be a beast.
  13. Why I feel Power and Alacrity is more important followed by Crit or Surge. To me able to heal at X amount all the time vs's lets hope I crit a lot doesn't seem very valuable. Though till I hit 50 and truly get to try out stats myself I wont know.
  14. I just 40 last night and was doing over 150k each warzone that I entered. I nearly broke 200k once. There are times I don't do as much healing. It depends on where I'm at. If I'm helping defend or push a location.
  15. I just hit 40, and what flashpoints I've done there's not been an issue. Though I mostly pvp aside from questing as I level.
  16. I'm going to roll a sniper, and I'm wondering what are the stats for being a sniper? Thanks in advance!
  17. I'm really enjoying healing as commando for pve and pvp. Granted I'm just level 36 but I'm rarely out healed by anyone in PvP. While I might not have a ton of AoE heals, or Hots no one can keep a single target up like I can. I've had up to five people try to kill me while keeping myself alive. Big single target heals and a lot of utility is what make us great.
  18. I think you'll have to go one way or the other with the Crit and Surge thing. If your going power and crit it should do the same as surge would since power is going to make your heals bigger.
  19. Anything that helps me continue to pump out heals to keep you alive is good
  20. He's probably wanting to AoE targets down while the droid AoE tanks for him. Having him harpoon someone into melee range isn't part of his strategy.
  21. I pvp a lot with a buddy that's a tank. It's kinda silly cause when we're doing Alderran(sp?) we can hold a point by ourselves with four people attacking. I'm not 50 yet, but if I was we'd easily be unstoppable. I can't heal myself through four 50's on me lol
  22. If you don't mind single target healing then this is the class for you. No one can heal a single target like us, and we're built pretty beefy too.
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