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Is gunnery viable in PVP


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Yes, it is.


i dont agree, relying on cast time or channeled skills as your primary 3 sources of damage with little or no on the move action especially with blatantly bugged skills due to cannon speed (aka animation delay and cast time making it take more than twice the time)


atm gunnery is not realy viable, you can go in and preform normaly but there is no way of managing to overpreform


Im not sure what servers you guys play on but sitting there in calm peace stacking up grav rounds for a demo and/or hib is not realy workable on my server well maybee vs a random pug but i dont realy count them when we talk viable or not anyway cause everything is viable vs a full pug


assault specialist atm is a far better option

Edited by harkain
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i dont agree, relying on cast time or channeled skills as your primary 3 sources of damage with little or no on the move action especially with blatantly bugged skills due to cannon speed (aka animation delay and cast time making it take more than twice the time)


atm gunnery is not realy viable, you can go in and preform normaly but there is no way of managing to overpreform


Im not sure what servers you guys play on but sitting there in calm peace stacking up grav rounds for a demo and/or hib is not realy workable on my server well maybee vs a random pug but i dont realy count them when we talk viable or not anyway cause everything is viable vs a full pug


assault specialist atm is a far better option


Maybe in a 1v1, but in a warzone a Gunnery Commando in the background will demolish the enemy team. I also have very little problems 1v1ing people anyway-- they just get shredded by my 2.5k Grav Round crits.

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i dont agree, relying on cast time or channeled skills as your primary 3 sources of damage with little or no on the move action especially with blatantly bugged skills due to cannon speed (aka animation delay and cast time making it take more than twice the time)


atm gunnery is not realy viable, you can go in and preform normaly but there is no way of managing to overpreform


Im not sure what servers you guys play on but sitting there in calm peace stacking up grav rounds for a demo and/or hib is not realy workable on my server well maybee vs a random pug but i dont realy count them when we talk viable or not anyway cause everything is viable vs a full pug


assault specialist atm is a far better option


I've been facing the same 2-3 premade teams everyday since I hit 50 on my commando. I had been Assault, but switched to gunnery just to give it a whirl. No way in hell will I be going back.


The only time Gunnery really suffers is if you are in a full pug vs a premade, and at that point chances are good that you're getting bent over no matter what spec you are.


You don't need to stack 5 grav rounds on someone. Usually 1-2+Demo round+HIB is enough to either make someone run away to try and heal, or damn near kill them if it all crits. 1v1 I can take down any non tank without breaking a sweat.

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I've been facing the same 2-3 premade teams everyday since I hit 50 on my commando. I had been Assault, but switched to gunnery just to give it a whirl. No way in hell will I be going back.


The only time Gunnery really suffers is if you are in a full pug vs a premade, and at that point chances are good that you're getting bent over no matter what spec you are.


You don't need to stack 5 grav rounds on someone. Usually 1-2+Demo round+HIB is enough to either make someone run away to try and heal, or damn near kill them if it all crits. 1v1 I can take down any non tank without breaking a sweat.


If you played wow at all, think of arcane mages when you think of gunnery. OK now keep that image in your head. Now, put a paladin healer next to that arcane mage with a bubble on him that is up 24 / 7. What do you think is going to happen?


Right now (being the opperative word because they will patch this eventually) Guard plus a healer is unkillable, period. End of story. done. What does that mean for the rest of us? it means that in wz where ur facing premade guard patroles you will always dps the easiest targets 1st. And when your a gunner where does that leave you? it leaves u dead thats where. where as at least assault can dish out marginal dps while kiting not to mention they can slow targets on the move.


You scream gunnery now, but ohhh when this game gets rolling along you will come crawling back like a sad little puppy dog.

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If you played wow at all, think of arcane mages when you think of gunnery. OK now keep that image in your head. Now, put a paladin healer next to that arcane mage with a bubble on him that is up 24 / 7. What do you think is going to happen?


Right now (being the opperative word because they will patch this eventually) Guard plus a healer is unkillable, period. End of story. done. What does that mean for the rest of us? it means that in wz where ur facing premade guard patroles you will always dps the easiest targets 1st. And when your a gunner where does that leave you? it leaves u dead thats where. where as at least assault can dish out marginal dps while kiting not to mention they can slow targets on the move.


You scream gunnery now, but ohhh when this game gets rolling along you will come crawling back like a sad little puppy dog.


I have a very hard time understanding this post. Apparently you're saying that you can't 1v2 a healer+ combo as a gunnery, and somehow assault will let you...run away shooting? Is that what you're saying?


On topic, yes it's very viable obviously depending on the player's skill (of which we apparently have variable represenation in this thread).

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If you played wow at all, think of arcane mages when you think of gunnery. OK now keep that image in your head. Now, put a paladin healer next to that arcane mage with a bubble on him that is up 24 / 7. What do you think is going to happen?


Right now (being the opperative word because they will patch this eventually) Guard plus a healer is unkillable, period. End of story. done. What does that mean for the rest of us? it means that in wz where ur facing premade guard patroles you will always dps the easiest targets 1st. And when your a gunner where does that leave you? it leaves u dead thats where. where as at least assault can dish out marginal dps while kiting not to mention they can slow targets on the move.


You scream gunnery now, but ohhh when this game gets rolling along you will come crawling back like a sad little puppy dog.


No I won't. The only reason I'm not medic spec is because there aren't enough 50 republic players to even attempt to counter the Imperial groups and it's less painfull to take down 2-3 people than stand around tring to heal a bunch of people below 30.


Don't get me wrong Assualt is FUN as hell to play in the warzones, but right now, gunnery is simply better for warzones.

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I have a very hard time understanding this post. Apparently you're saying that you can't 1v2 a healer+ combo as a gunnery, and somehow assault will let you...run away shooting? Is that what you're saying?


On topic, yes it's very viable obviously depending on the player's skill (of which we apparently have variable represenation in this thread).


The post is saying that as gunnery you will get focussed down first and since you have practically no viablility while moving you're useless. And if you sit there shooting youre dead. to put it in plain english

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The post is saying that as gunnery you will get focussed down first and since you have practically no viablility while moving you're useless. And if you sit there shooting youre dead. to put it in plain english


Against a melee character you're absolutely correct. However you will destroy other ranged characters including snipers in cover if you're playing properly.


It isn't hard to work with the weaknesses of the class (melee) but you DO have to work at it to survive at times.

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I think a lot of the PvP players who like to lone wolf and run around looking for 1v1's enjoy Assault. It might be better for PUGS too generally speaking. As part of a team though I still prefer Gun, granted I'm mostly Pugging atm.


I definitely will try AS for myself though.

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Don't get me wrong Assualt is FUN as hell to play in the warzones, but right now, gunnery is simply better for warzones.


False. If anything your statement may be true later but not now. In theory your gear could scale to a point where gunnery becomes the best choice but I doubt current teirs would give you that.

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Against a melee character you're absolutely correct. However you will destroy other ranged characters including snipers in cover if you're playing properly.


It isn't hard to work with the weaknesses of the class (melee) but you DO have to work at it to survive at times.


I'm assault and when im vs a bounty hunter back shootin mo fo or a gunner in a duel i find the nearest pillar and play pickaboo while you sit there trying to figure out how youre going to get me off that turrain. Anyone who is ranged and not a cast bar humper will do the same. Of course gunnery is better at a stand still but i am not a target dummy i wont stand there and let u shoot at me all day. This is pvp not the old west.

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I'm assault and when im vs a bounty hunter back shootin mo fo or a gunner in a duel i find the nearest pillar and play pickaboo while you sit there trying to figure out how youre going to get me off that turrain. Anyone who is ranged and not a cast bar humper will do the same. Of course gunnery is better at a stand still but i am not a target dummy i wont stand there and let u shoot at me all day. This is pvp not the old west.


I think we've both said all that needs to be said about how we feel the class works.

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I'm assault and when im vs a bounty hunter back shootin mo fo or a gunner in a duel i find the nearest pillar and play pickaboo while you sit there trying to figure out how youre going to get me off that turrain. Anyone who is ranged and not a cast bar humper will do the same. Of course gunnery is better at a stand still but i am not a target dummy i wont stand there and let u shoot at me all day. This is pvp not the old west.


Okay, so you're playing peek-a-boo with people that are retarded. If your target is doing **** like that, switch targets to someone that is easier to hit. Gunnery is far better in PvP. If you want to duel, go AS and then kite and LoS and do all that **** that you can't do in a 8v8 match where there's not much to LoS with near objectives. If they've left the objective to avoid damage, mission accomplished. They're not doing their job, so stop wasting time with them and attack someone who is actually a threat.


Simply put, Gunnery is superior in almost every way. The only thing AS has is if you're forced to move, you can put a ****** DoT on multiple people to make your damage numbers look like you're doing something effective. If you feel like you're doing something because your numbers are so high, it's because you have 2 spammable DoT's and aren't doing anything to actually bring targets down.


I specced healer for a while and patch healing multiple people isn't an issue in the least. It's when someone dumps damage that I have to stop watching everyone else and try to keep that person alive.

Edited by LordKivlov
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It isn't hard to work with the weaknesses of the class (melee) but you DO have to work at it to survive at times.


Maybe I'm just playing against idiots, but even against geared L50 melee, I can simply stand in place and shoot them. I kill them before they kill me. Also, fully talented Concussion Charge is flat-out the best knockback in the game, by a huge margin.


I've said it in multiple places and I'll say it again, Gunnery's only weakness is getting focused by multiple players. If it's 1v1 against ANYONE, you are at an advantage.

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Just going to copy and paste the comment i made to some other thread questioning Gunnery pvp..


If you are seriously planning on spamming grav round and expect that to be your only source of damage, you're not doing it right.


If you are up against a melee, wait until you Cryo Grenade them to actually cast 1-2 Grav Rounds. Usually i do 2 then follow up with a Full Auto - which does 33% more damage (a lot) and slows them down by 50%, then of course follow up with a very high hitting High Impact Bolt.


The melee will then jump and chase after you.. simple. Don't just stand there like an imbecile spamming Grav round and then blame the class for it's lack of mobility when it's really your inability to play.


After using your High Impact Bolt, use Demolition round (heavy hitting instant cast). If the enemy is a warrior and you notice that he has just used his Charge ability on you.. then use your knockback as soon as his Charge lands, and proceed to use Grav round 1-2 times before he catches up to you again.


At this point if he is still alive, chasing you down. Your Cryo Grenade will be on Cooldown, your knocback will be on CD. What to do?


Kite. Kite around using a priority cycle of High impact bolt > Demolition Round > explosive round > hammer shot. By this point they should be dead. If not, wait for Cryo or knockback again so you can get some Grav Rounds in, or a Full Auto.


Don't forget all of the cooldowns we get.. Reactive Shield, Adrenaline Rush, Recharge cells (specced into the bonus healing effect).


Point is, if you know what you are doing, you create your own work-arounds for "lack of mobility".. with things like:


Knockback --> Full Auto


Cryo Grenade --> 1-2 Grav Rounds.


Learn how to play the class and get good at it - you will love it.

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I'v noticed that you can dominate people as gunnery, I play gunnery only and have never tried anything else.


Now at lvl 50, all the talents and abillities flow..


It's real easy to end someones life if you know what your doing.


But if I get jumped I usualy die, Like a Operative, hit me to the ground and end me in 5 seconds... Literally.


But I guess everyone has that problem?

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I'v noticed that you can dominate people as gunnery, I play gunnery only and have never tried anything else.


Now at lvl 50, all the talents and abillities flow..


It's real easy to end someones life if you know what your doing.


But if I get jumped I usualy die, Like a Operative, hit me to the ground and end me in 5 seconds... Literally.


But I guess everyone has that problem?


Yea you typically have to break the stun and G T F O (can't believe that acronym is blocked) asap if you get jumped by one of them. Same with a well played assassin, they both have enough lock downs and interrupts to make your life miserable if you let them stay in their kill range.

Edited by hadoken
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I am not sure what teams you ppl are facing but comments like getting 3 channeled skills of in peace is alien to me, with the current extreme mobility and los issues in the wz added ontop of cc i dont see how you get this off regardless how much you sneak around in corners vs any sort of decent team.


And this is beside the point that commando is a bad version of the mercenary due to the idiotic aimation delay that they have given the cannon vs the pistols (if you havent played a bh go do the first 20 lvls and see what i mean, the fluidity compared to the clunky commando is amazing which for example shows off in skills and hence in pvp)


I dont feel gunnery is viable in pvp, its a bad turret spec style gameplay and you are far far faaar better off with a gunslinger who does equal burst and damage yet has more protection and options.


Combat medic is verry viable, assault is ..odd.

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The problem is that shows alot in this thread from some people is the retarded notion that PvP is some 1v1 fight. It all comes down to how it works in groups and a Gunner wich is shielded by a tank is pretty much a death turret mowing down whatever comes at it. Mobility is *extremely* overrated aswell since this isnt WoW and you cant actully outstrafe attacks here(Character auto-turns to face enemies in combat if they move to the side or even behind them, fun to watch operatives bunny hop around like idiots thinking it does something) and LoS'ing just means that the Gunner got you completly supressed to one point while waiting for a teammate to show up and either gank you or force you to move out into the open.
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Auto-facing is actually disabled in PVP.


Eh?! Auto facing is not disabled in PVP. Ive experienced this from both ends of a blaster. First when I tried bunny hopping a BH while I was on my shadow, and wondered why he was just sitting there and smoking me. Then Ive done it many times on my commando waiting for a cd to reset.

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