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Why in the world would I use a security key?


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I've seen this security key advertised as if it's a great thing. However, I'm not seeing ANY reason why I would volunteer to be tortured with a security key.


The ONLY advantage that I can see so far, after reading everything I can find about it, is that you get access to special in game vendors. But, I can't find anything that indicates those vendors have much of anything that anyone would want. Plus, you still have to pay for the items the vendor offers, and sometimes the prices are VERY high. I wouldn't mind that if the vendor actually had stuff that I want. But having only a couple items that really aren't that great is not very compelling.


And back to the main issue, this seems like a huge hassel for no benifit. Why would I want a security key in the first place. Someone's going to hack my account? And do what with it? Play the game with it until I get the password reset?


And then there's the hassel of having to enter a security key every time you access anything related to the game, making it twice as much of a hassel to log in. The password is a necessary evil. Why would I volunteer for something that harasses me every time I log in, and doubles my chances of getting locked out of my own account?


Am I missing something here? Why would anyone buy or use a security key?

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And back to the main issue, this seems like a huge hassel for no benifit. Why would I want a security key in the first place. Someone's going to hack my account? And do what with it? Play the game with it until I get the password reset?



Sell everything on your character and send all the money you have to another account so they could sell the credits to players for real money?


Drop your crafting professions making you lose everything you've worked on?


Delete your characters so you have to wait weeks before CS can properly investigate the claim and restore your character with no guarantee that you will get everything you had back.


When guild banks are implemented, raid the guild bank and do #1

Edited by Basiliscus
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if your account would be hacked, wich has been quite common in other mmos, its not unlikley taht they will sell your stuff and or delete characters. This is done by different groups by different puropuses.


However i kinda agree with you that it makes it more difficult so log in, but its for your saftey and you have the option to not get it.


Personally i want it, but my phone doesnt support the client and im not gonna buy a new phone, nor will i order a security key for 4-5 euros.

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it was a somewhat common theme in World of Warcraft that accounts would get compromised (via keyloggers, users giving out their information, whatever) and all their gear deleted + gold mailed off to a third party.


it's just an extra layer of security.

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Because if people get access to your information, they can't jack your account.


The security code you get from the security key works for 30 seconds, then is randomly generated again. Try hacking an account with a security key. You could get it...maybe, if you're lucky.

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My girlfriend got hacked in WoW, they were selling off all her stuff and using her characters to transfer gold (gold sellers I assume). We changed the password and they got back in anyways. After we added the Authenticator they were SOL.


They do work, and they are worth it.

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Their way of "pretending" to offer more security than other competitors.


Wow. /facepalm.


Op, I would imagine you are pretty new to mmo's, but hacking will become a major problem in the near future, as it does with any game of this type that reaches any level of success.


The security key is an optional and cheap/free way to prevent your account being hacked as long as you don't remove it or physically give it to someone else. The vendor is there to sweeten the deal, absolutely nothing more.

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I've seen this security key advertised as if it's a great thing. However, I'm not seeing ANY reason why I would volunteer to be tortured with a security key.


The ONLY advantage that I can see so far, after reading everything I can find about it, is that you get access to special in game vendors. But, I can't find anything that indicates those vendors have much of anything that anyone would want. Plus, you still have to pay for the items the vendor offers, and sometimes the prices are VERY high. I wouldn't mind that if the vendor actually had stuff that I want. But having only a couple items that really aren't that great is not very compelling.


And back to the main issue, this seems like a huge hassel for no benifit. Why would I want a security key in the first place. Someone's going to hack my account? And do what with it? Play the game with it until I get the password reset?


And then there's the hassel of having to enter a security key every time you access anything related to the game, making it twice as much of a hassel to log in. The password is a necessary evil. Why would I volunteer for something that harasses me every time I log in, and doubles my chances of getting locked out of my own account?


Am I missing something here? Why would anyone buy or use a security key?


Well say you played Rift. Your account info is now compromised if you used the same login information. Hacker goes in, sells your stuff, transfers your creds to his account, and even advertises some gold selling services while on your toon. Now you're naked, broke and banned. Alternatively, say you are surfing the web, click something you shouldn't have and get a keylogger stealth installed on your system. Same situation.


It's an added bit of security for those of us who want it.

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More like someone hacks your account, vendors all your gear, deletes your toons, and so on and so forth.




I've seen people who work in IT and keep "secure" random keygen passwords and think they're safe get hacked, lose all their gear, have stuff stolen from guildbanks, and take weeks to get sorted out and even then not be back to 100% where they were.


Typing in an 8-digit number when you log in takes a few extra seconds. SECONDS - a COUPLE of them. In return your account is absolutely secure, impossible to access from another place.


That's a decent benefit if you ask me.

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At fist it may look like bugging you to have a "special" number to enter while logging in.


But the security setting including an external key provider (keychain or application on phone) make your account almost unbrakeble. The fact is your login information are only valid for a 60 seconds period.


It will only prevent an account hacking from different sources.


I have a friend who got is WOW account hacked and he was also the guild leader.... It's been much more troubles to get back the account and also get back all the stuff we were having in the guild vault.


The security key is just a way to prevent brute force hacking on your account.


Hope it help !!

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I've seen this security key advertised as if it's a great thing. However, I'm not seeing ANY reason why I would volunteer to be tortured with a security key.


The ONLY advantage that I can see so far, after reading everything I can find about it, is that you get access to special in game vendors. But, I can't find anything that indicates those vendors have much of anything that anyone would want. Plus, you still have to pay for the items the vendor offers, and sometimes the prices are VERY high. I wouldn't mind that if the vendor actually had stuff that I want. But having only a couple items that really aren't that great is not very compelling.


And back to the main issue, this seems like a huge hassel for no benifit. Why would I want a security key in the first place. Someone's going to hack my account? And do what with it? Play the game with it until I get the password reset?


And then there's the hassel of having to enter a security key every time you access anything related to the game, making it twice as much of a hassel to log in. The password is a necessary evil. Why would I volunteer for something that harasses me every time I log in, and doubles my chances of getting locked out of my own account?


Am I missing something here? Why would anyone buy or use a security key?


Yup, until they hack your account, and strip your characters down to nothing or delete them. Then you'll be whining on the forums about that and we can all direct you back to this post.


Pushing a button and putting in a few extra digits to much of a hassle? Welp, don't complain when your stuff is gone.

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I use it, and the reason I do it is because I did get my WoW-account hacked. I consider myself very careful, and I'm very careful with my passwords (and never leave these flied security questions like 'what is your mothers name'), yet I got hacked.


It is a slight annoyance, but I feel much safer this way. Come back when your account has been hacked and all your stuff sold and vendored and tell me you don't want this extra layer of security.


Another bonus is that I don't have to put up with these awful questions that Bioware seems to believe makes security stronger.

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hmmm.. because some people in this thread seem to be generally unaware...


the security key is to protect your account from hackers... you may think "so what, they'll just play my guy for me?"


no. they will sell all of your stuff. delete your characters. create new characters to generally do stuff that results in getting your account temporarily banned from the game.


will you get your stuff back? mostly.. after hours and days of support calls and waiting. all the while you will likely be sitting there cursing Bioware for not doing it fast enough. Or getting mad at BW for screwing up something, or missing something. Finally after maybe 2-3 weeks your account will be back to being playable again.


oh, btw... sometime between when your account first gets hacked and the three weeks it takes to get everything restored, there will inevitably be a post from you on these forums about how you can't believe you didn't activate the free security key on your account sooner which would have prevented all of it.


activate the **** key.

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