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*EMERGENCY CALL* what will be done in 2-4 weeks when...................


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I have already seen a massive exodus of players that I know in this game. I am watching literally guilds dissolving as we speak and I am not even exaggerating when I say that. My sub ends in 2 days so 24 or 25 whichever. I know a lot more people who have unsubbed and will no longer be playing this game in a week or two.


Are you guys planning on server mergers soon? I hope your not going to wait until all the servers are completely ghost towns before you do this. You have clearly absolutely destroyed what was left of the player base of this game. 5.0 is so toxic that I am stunned by how badly you guys played this one.


If you guys plan on merging these servers I will re subscribe to the game when you do so. I can not with a clear conscience continue to watch you drive this game into the ground like a wild cowboy riding a bull and support it financially. You have most of your remaining servers almost if not completely dead. You have a few servers hanging on by life support that don't have much longer to live. And with this 5.0 disaster on top of it something needs to get done.


Why are you people waiting so long to do this? Why do you allow new people to roll toons on servers like POT5 and the rest of those absolutely dead servers? Why do you allow the constant hemorrhage of players off what last few servers are left on life support to leave with 90CC transfers? Why are you doing this? Why are you torturing this issue like you are. I don't understand.


Mark my words, in 2-4 weeks from now these servers are going to be in horrible shape. The bleeding is going to intensify over the next 30 days to a pretty substantial amount. This game is going to take a serious hit to population over this 5.0 mess and its not going to recover for a long time.


Bioware, head this disaster off and just merge the servers. Make what time is left of this game fun and excited. Everyone who plays this game deservers a queue pop more than just prime time. People deserve to play an MMORPG with the massive word left in it. Lets put the massive back in MMORPG and get things back on the right track. Stop doing the wrong thing that make the players leave and start taking the bull by the horns and get this ship heading in the right direction. It is badly needed!

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Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?


No, because you are an annoying attention seeker. Nothing more. Nothing new in your doomsday rant worth commenting on. But I'm sure you will keep making posts here to keep in on the front page and artificially inflate view numbers.


Which was the only reason why I was wondering when your sub expires.

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Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?


You take credit for other people's posts and reports.


You use abusive thread titles.


You spam.


Let me know when you start this "truth" you talk about.


edit: Some of us are here trying to help our fellow players play the game. It's had enough trying to deal with folks who never learned how to write a paragraph or for some reason forget what google is.

Edited by dr_mike
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He's not wrong when he says low pop servers are in bad shape. Bastion has no pvp pops even during prime time hours


See, this is another issue with MCB threads. I'm reading this post and wondering if it's a legit post, or one of MCBs alt accounts he uses to high-five himself.

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I most certainly agree on the new players being shafted by picking a low pop server. I also agree they need a merge. However, I am not so sure about the whole bleeding effect, although i Have certainly noticed guilds dying (The one my Sorc is in on BC is completely dead for example, we had a 70% or so flagship and were good at conquest too...).


There most certainly is a negative impact on pop, and something does ned to be done about. Sure, OP seems to be going overboard as above posters have stated, however, that does not mean you should ignore all of his points.

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Sure, OP seems to be going overboard as above posters have stated, however, that does not mean you should ignore all of his points.


Yes, we should. If only for the reason that he has made these exact points countless times before in dozens of other threads. There is nothing new here to contemplate or muse over. Do a search for server mergers and you will see MCB or his alter ego everywhere.

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As long we pay transfers, they make money, and there will be no server merge, because that would kill transfers income. Server merges will happen once the "dead servers" no longer make profit, and when keeping servers up costs more than how much that server makes money. Even if that server gets income from just 1 player, if it has profit it will not be joined to larger server. Shortly said, no merging server as long we pay for the game. They do not care if queue take 120min+ , they would have done something about it if they cared, and some ghost servers have this issue since 2014. With currently cheap server transfer, it does pay off to move towards bigger servers but even them have a problematic pops for pve group finder, especially if you are dps role. I sometimes see even 3 channels on fleet yet group finder takes 20+ minutes for tank role, which is just tolerable. Edited by BoySaber
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I server transferred off of Harbinger to Pot5 so I wouldn't have to compete for spawns. I wish people would just use their monthly cartel coin grant and transfer, rather than complaining about it. I do not want to end up on an over populated server again. I do not want to lose my character's names. I do not want server mergers.


I do support permanent low cost or free server transfers. They certainly could add sufficient restrictions to prevent free server transfers from being abused.

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See, this is another issue with MCB threads. I'm reading this post and wondering if it's a legit post, or one of MCBs alt accounts he uses to high-five himself.


I'm no fan of MCB. He's arrogant, he's annoying, he's repetitive. But he's also entirely correct in predicting the demise of servers. He's entirely correct in saying there is an Exodus like hasn't been seen since the failure of the bar-Kochba rebellion. Look past the messenger and see the message, please.


And if you think I'm another of his sockpuppets, look at my profile page.

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I've seen in game chatter about some of the larger guilds on a couple servers having their leaders admit to having no current reason to renew subs when they expire...whether in 2 weeks or 5 months.


Mostly it's because of the RNG gearing system. Even with the changes they've promised with 5.1, many people don't feel that's enough of a change and want RNG out of the equation.


I can't say I blame them.


However, while I don't like the system, I still enjoy logging in and doing what I normally do in game.

Since I don't like the new system much, I'm going to keep ignoring the uprisings, not going to grind CXP, and whenever I happen to ding a level, I'll open a box and say "great"


But I won't grind for that.

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I have already seen a massive exodus of players that I know in this game. I am watching literally guilds dissolving as we speak and I am not even exaggerating when I say that. My sub ends in 2 days so 24 or 25 whichever.


Then, at last, we shall have peace.


Remember to delete your browser's cache and the cookies immediately after your sub runs out.

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You take credit for other people's posts and reports.


You use abusive thread titles.


You spam.


Let me know when you start this "truth" you talk about.


edit: Some of us are here trying to help our fellow players play the game. It's had enough trying to deal with folks who never learned how to write a paragraph or for some reason forget what google is.


Oh get off your high horse. I would have no written this thread if I didn't care about this game and like it. And abusive thread title? Really? It called an attention getter and unfortunately we have a development team that seems to need to pay attention so my title fits the current situation. And spam? What spam? My thread is 100% sincere from exactly what I feel and believe. Now your entitled to disagree with how I feel, but spam? That going overboard. And like you, I to feel that this will help other players and help the future of this game. The only people NOT helping this game right now are the people responsible for leaving all these dead servers online for new player to mistakenly roll toons on.


Look I am not asking you to like me. I really don't care. I am not asking you to proof read my spelling. I am not asking you to come into my thread and attack me because what I say makes you feel angry. If you don't like what I say either add/ignore me or skip my posts. I am hear trying to get the attention of the development team about a very serious issue this game has and has had for some time now that they seem to be completely ignoring for some reason.


Trust me, I went years without posting on these forums. I don't want to have to sound the alarm about this issue. I would rather just log into the game and play it without wasting time responding or writing threads. But if something isn't done about this, there will be no game to log into. I want to continue to support this game but they are making it very difficult to do so. And this is coming from someone who enjoys this game and wants it to be around for a while. And that in and of itself is a black eye on this development team. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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I've seen in game chatter about some of the larger guilds on a couple servers having their leaders admit to having no current reason to renew subs when they expire...whether in 2 weeks or 5 months.


Mostly it's because of the RNG gearing system. Even with the changes they've promised with 5.1, many people don't feel that's enough of a change and want RNG out of the equation.


I can't say I blame them.


However, while I don't like the system, I still enjoy logging in and doing what I normally do in game.

Since I don't like the new system much, I'm going to keep ignoring the uprisings, not going to grind CXP, and whenever I happen to ding a level, I'll open a box and say "great"


But I won't grind for that.


I am honestly having trouble finding a reason to log in. I have a few weeks till renweal, but I will make a decision before then. If my decision is to cancel, I will just go, like a lot of my friends. There wont be a parade, fanfare or other display. Currently I am holding on for a couple of people that I play with, but they are becoming disgusted with the current system. We will see what Jan brings.

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I am honestly having trouble finding a reason to log in. I have a few weeks till renweal, but I will make a decision before then. If my decision is to cancel, I will just go, like a lot of my friends. There wont be a parade, fanfare or other display. Currently I am holding on for a couple of people that I play with, but they are becoming disgusted with the current system. We will see what Jan brings.


This sounds like a bunch of my raid team. (Myself included, my sub runs out in Feb.) 2 or 3 nights in the last week I haven't logged on and done anything at all. That's a record for me. I've played 6 or 7 nights a week since launch, up to 5.0.

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I am honestly having trouble finding a reason to log in. I have a few weeks till renweal, but I will make a decision before then. If my decision is to cancel, I will just go, like a lot of my friends. There wont be a parade, fanfare or other display. Currently I am holding on for a couple of people that I play with, but they are becoming disgusted with the current system. We will see what Jan brings.

That's not good...you've been here for a long time...but you're right...many long term players have become disgusted and many of them have quit already, or are planning to. 5.0 has been a complete disaster and I hope someone in Austin pays with his job...there's NO excuse for being this out of touch and ignorant of your freaking market.

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That's not good...you've been here for a long time...but you're right...many long term players have become disgusted and many of them have quit already, or are planning to. 5.0 has been a complete disaster and I hope someone in Austin pays with his job...there's NO excuse for being this out of touch and ignorant of your freaking market.


Amen brother!

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