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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crafters - Please don't accept default GTN prices!


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Crafters beware!


Default GTN prices are a loss for many if not all crafting professions. A significant loss! Be sure to actually consider your costs when making the item that you are posting. This is especially true when posting blues which require mission drop components.



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Blues are easy to get ... just price them at 1.5% of GTN prices.


Purples price them as 2.0% - 2.5% GTN buyout price.


That's how i do it.

Do you mean 1.5x(times) as in 150%? So if the GTN suggest 5000, then price it at 7500? Edited by ripster
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Blues are easy to get ... just price them at 1.5% of GTN prices.


Purples price them as 2.0% - 2.5% GTN buyout price.


That's how i do it.


That works. As long as you're thinking about it. Too many players don't even think about it though, and just accept the default. I see screens and screens full of items at the default cost on my server.

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The default sell prices are just moronic. On the one hand, it tries to place 13th Blue leg armor which I can easily sell for 1k at around 300-400 credits. Then it tries to place my alt's Hilt 4 items are around 700, though I'm lucky to get 400 credits.


Just ignore all of the defauly Market pricing. If you examine the current selling prices on your server and use common sense, you should know where to place your item's initial selling value.

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I gotta call garbage on this thread. Reads like somebody wants to arrange some price fixing? A good crafter studies their market, knows when they can get more and when the market is saturated, so they have to lower their profit margin.


Play it like the game that it is.

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Crafters beware!


Default GTN prices are a loss for many if not all crafting professions. A significant loss! Be sure to actually consider your costs when making the item that you are posting. This is especially true when posting blues which require mission drop components.




"I can't afford to undercut people who don't care about the money they make."

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I gotta call garbage on this thread. Reads like somebody wants to arrange some price fixing? A good crafter studies their market, knows when they can get more and when the market is saturated, so they have to lower their profit margin.


Might as well call garbage on idiot crafters who undercut the lowest priced items and then proceed to flood the market with his own stock - often at a price that comes off much lower than if he were to sell the raw materials instead.


Quantity does not always beget profit. It's a shame that some players don't even do the most basic work before trying to sell their crafts.


I'd call garbage on the opportunistic vultures who buy from those crafters and sell the items at a higher price, but it's just the natural order of things.

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Might as well call garbage on idiot crafters who undercut the lowest priced items and then proceed to flood the market with his own stock - often at a price that comes off much lower than if he were to sell the raw materials instead.


Quantity does not always beget profit. It's a shame that some players don't even do the most basic work before trying to sell their crafts.


I'd call garbage on the opportunistic vultures who buy from those crafters and sell the items at a higher price, but it's just the natural order of things.


Why the hell do you care? Those people are losing money and will soon leave the market. Hell, buy them out and resell it, they're selling for a loss right?

Edited by Acidictadpole
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No NO! Please continue to sell your rarest items for the lowest price so I can buy them and mark up the price to 10x what I paid you for it!

Wish this wasn't possible, I detest people who leech of others' efforts.

Edited by KerinKor
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What exactly do you mean by this? Are people not allowed to realize virtual success because it is a game?


Game it. Understand that there are rules and that you can work within those rules to find an advantage. I have no idea what "virtual success" might be, but I do understand that concept of winning or getting ahead in a game.


The topic of this thread seems to be aimed at getting the committed crafting population to collude on certain price standards. That kind of artificial standard is a nasty and self-serving approach.

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Wish this wasn't possible, I detest people who leech of others' efforts.


Why? Your comment here strikes me as childish. The only folk who should benefit from a good deal or bad pricing are the folk intend to use the materials? I craft. I often sell surplus materials at a premium, 'cause I know what they are worth. I don't begrudge anybody else that opportunity.

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I gotta call garbage on this thread. Reads like somebody wants to arrange some price fixing? A good crafter studies their market, knows when they can get more and when the market is saturated, so they have to lower their profit margin.


Play it like the game that it is.



This exactly.


I was posting purple 340 Diplomacy missions in trade for 35k last night and people just kept laughing at me and telling me I was ripping people off.


After an hour I had sold 4.

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This exactly.


I was posting purple 340 Diplomacy missions in trade for 35k last night and people just kept laughing at me and telling me I was ripping people off.


After an hour I had sold 4.


Perfect! Supply and demand is an engaging sport!

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Welcome to a free market economy. Buy low, Sell high, that's how the rich get richer. The same rules apply in a virtual economy as in the real world. If you're willing to sell something, I'm happy to pay you for it, what I do with it from there is my business. So yes, I do and will continue to buy things that are horribly underpriced, and put them back up for a significant proffit.


PS: sometimes I get burned because the price I ask for it is, in fact, too high, and it doesn't sell. That's part of playing the market, it's a gamble that someone else is willing to pay a significantly higher price.

Edited by Natarii
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Why the hell do you care? Those people are losing money and will soon leave the market. Hell, buy them out and resell it, they're selling for a loss right?


I will not easily dismiss their effort and attempt to rely on their crafts. It's kinda sad seeing them burning themselves out like that.


Also, I'm willing to bet a good number of them instead blame the lack of profit on the crew skill, rather than the lack knowledge in marketing, which in turn only fan the flame to nerf the next most profitable crew skill because god knows, no one wants to buff someone else's trade.

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